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560 INDEX a Ababda People 438 Aboukir 393 Abu © Lonely Planet 560 Index A eastern suburbs 380-2 nautical archaeology 376 Ababda people 438 entertainment 390 recent finds 204, 261, 297, 376, Aboukir 393 food 386-8 399 Abu 304-5 history 369-70 architecture 76 Abu Ghorab 197-200 internet access 371 books 129 Abu Simbel 323-5, 12 itineraries 23, 29, 371, 388, 23, 29 Ottoman architecture 134-5, Abu Sir 194-8, 197 markets 382-3 341-2, 394-5, 434 Abydos 233-5, 233 medical services 372 tombs 54-5, 259 accommodation 21, 504-6, see shopping 390-1 art, see also art galleries, arts also individual destinations tourist information 373-4 Coptic Christianity 420 language 543 tours 383 festivals 512, 513 activities 506-7, see also individual travel to/from 391-2 hieroglyphs 60-1 activities travel within 392-3 Pharaonic Egypt 56-9, 200, 208 Ad-Dahar 426-8, 430, 427 Alexandria National Museum 375-6 rock carvings 340, 438, 464 Aghurmi 358 Al-Faraun 203 art galleries, see also museums Agilkia Island 315-16, 316 Al-Fayoum Oasis 205-11 Cairo Atelier 155 ahwas 81 Al-Gedida 342 Contemporary Image Collective Alexandria 388-9 al-Ghitani, Gamal 72 155 Cairo 170 al-Ghouri, Sultan 39 Coptic Museum 126 Ain al-Furtega 487 Al-Kab 292-3 Gezira Art Centre 142 Ain Della 346 al-Khamissi, Khalid 73 Hanager Arts Centre 143 Ain Musa 462-3 Al-Kharga 329-34, 332 Karim Francis Art Gallery 155 INDEX Ain Safi 359 Al-Kharga Oasis 329-35, 330 Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum 143 Ain Umm el-Dabadib 335 Al-Qasr 341-2 Mahmoud Said Museum 381 air travel Al-Quseir 433-5, 452, 456, 434 Mashrabia Gallery of Contempo- to/from Egypt 524-5 Al-Qusiya 227-8 rary Art 155 within Egypt 528-9, 529 al-Saadawi, Nawal 71 Mr & Mrs Mahmoud Khalil Akhenaten 48-9, 227 Alternatives, the (dive site) Museum 144 Akhmim 232 449-50 Museum of Modern Egyptian Art Al-Araba al-Madfuna 233 Al-Tor 463-4 142-3 Al-Arish 500-3, 501 Amada 322 Palace of Arts 143 al-As, Amir ibn 37 Amenhotep I 48, 188 Townhouse Gallery of Contempo- al-Aswany, Alaa 72 Amenhotep II 263-4 rary Art 155-6 Al-Azhar Mosque 129-30, 10 Amenhotep III 48, 60 Wissa Wassef Art Centre 153 Al-Azhar Park 141-2 Amenhotep IV, see Akhenaten Zamalek Art Gallery 156 Al-Balyana 233-5 Amphoras 449 arts 71-8, see also art, art galleries, Alexander the Great 33, 49, 369 Amun 53, 53 individual arts Alexandria 369-93, 372-3, 374-5 Amun Temple Enclosure 246-50, as-Salih, Sultan 38 accommodation 383-6 248-9 Aswan 299-314, 300, 9, 96, 100 ahwas 388-9 amusement parks 158 accommodation 309-12 ancient Alexandria 374-8 animals 89, 443-6 see also activities 308-9 attractions 374-83 birdwatching, camel rides attractions 302-8 bookshops 370-1 mummies 192 boat travel 99, 101-2, 106-8, Central Alexandria 378-9, 374-5 Anubis 53, 53 308-9 cultural centres 371 Apophis 53 emergency services 301 drinking 388-90 aquariums 158, 425 entertainment 313 Arabic 541-8, see also language food 312-13 000 Map pages archaeology, see also Pharaonic Egypt internet access 301 000 Photograph pages books 37, 46, 261 itineraries 24, 25, 29, 24, 25, 29 internet resources 115, 186 markets 302, 313 30-index-egy10.indd 560 11/02/2010 3:19:02 PM INDEX (A-C) 561 medical services 301 Ben Ezra Synagogue 127-8 C shopping 313 Beni Hasan 223-4 Cairo 109, 112-3 tourist information 302 Beni Suef 219 accommodation 159-64 tours 309 Bent Pyramid 205 activities 155-6 travel to/from 313-14 Berbers 66 Agouza 144, 146-7 travel within 314 Berenice 439-40 ahwas 170 West Bank 305-8 Bes 53, 53 bookshops 111-14 Aswan Botanical Gardens 305 Besharin people 438 central Cairo 119-25, 120-1 Aswan Dam 314 Bibliotheca Alexandrina 380-1 Coptic Cairo 125-8, 126 Aswany, Alaa al- 72 Big Brother (dive site) 453 cultural centres 114 Asyut 228-30, 229 Bilad ar-Rum 359 dangers 117-18, 156, 159 Aten 53, 53 bilharzia 538 Doqqi 144, 168, 150 ATMs 516 birdwatching 89, 506 Downtown 119-23, 157, 159-61, Atum 53 Aswan 308 164-5, 169, 170, 171, 120-1 Ay 266-7 books 506 drinking 169-72 Az-Zeitun 359 internet resources 89 emergency services 114-15 Lake Nasser 321 entertainment 172-4 B Lake Qarun 209 festivals 158-9 Bab Zuweila 136 Wadi Rayyan Protected Area 210 food 164-9 Bahariya Oasis 347-55, 348 Zerenike Protectorate 502 Garden City 124, 157, 161-2, 166 Bakr, Salwa 71, 72 Birqash camel market 211-12 Gezira 142-3, 171, 150 baksheesh 65 Black Desert 346-7 Giza 163-4, 168-9, 150 Balat 340-1 Black Pyramid 205 Giza Plateau 145-53, 152 ballooning 275, 506 Black Saturday 42 Harraniyya 153, 163-4, 168-9 Banana Island 230 Blue Hole (dive site) 447 Heliopolis 153-5, 169, 155 INDEX bargaining 518 boat travel 529-30, see also cruisers, history 110 Baris 334-5 dahabiyyas, feluccas, individual internet access 115 Bashendi 341 destinations internet resources 115 Bastet 53 Nile River 94-108, 97 Islamic Cairo 128-42, 157, 162, bathhouses, see springs to/from Egypt 527 166, 170, 131, 132, 135, 137, bathrooms 519 books, see also literature 139, 141 Bawiti 348-52, 351 archaeology 37, 46, 261 itineraries 25, 28, 111, 25, 28 beaches, see also swimming architecture 129 libraries 114 Alexandria 383 art 77 markets 119, 130, 133, 135-6, Hurghada 425 birdwatching 506 167-8, 176-7 Ismalia 412 children, travel with 508 medical services 115 Mediterranean coast 399-400, 401 Coptic Christianity 33 metro 181 Ras Mohammed National Park diving 442 Mohandiseen 144, 168, 171-2, 465 Egyptian Museum 185, 188 146-7 Sinai 463, 502 food 79, 83 nightclubs 172 Bedouin people 66 history 30, 31, 32, 65 Old Cairo 125-8, 126 handicrafts 175, 176, 286, 502 language 541 Ramses Station 123-4, 179 Mediterranean coast 399, 405 Nile River 96 shopping 174-7 Sinai 459, 483, 486, 502 Pharaonic Egypt 30, 31, 50, 59 theatres 172-3 villages 337-8, 354, 471 pyramids 31 tourist information 116 beer 81 Valley of the Kings 33 tours 158 Beit al-Harrawi 135 wildlife 89 travel to/from 177-9 Beit el-Suhaymi 133 border crossings 405, 525-7 travel within 179-82 Beit Zeinab al-Khatoun 134-5 botanical gardens (Aswan) 305 walking tours 157 Bells (dive site) 447 British Protectorate 41-2 Zamalek 142, 162-3, 166-8, belly dancing 77-8 Bubastis 214-15 169-70, 171-2, 146-7 Cairo 173 business hours 507 Cairo International Film Festival 513 courses 156 bus travel Cairo Opera House 173 festivals 158, 512 to/from Egypt 525-7 Cairo Puppet Theatre 157-8 Luxor 286 within Egypt 530-1, 532-3 Cairo Tower 143 330-index-egy10.indd0-index-egy10.indd 556161 111/02/20101/02/2010 33:19:07:19:07 PPMM 562 INDEX (C-D) Cairo Zoo 158 churches D Cambyses, King 345 Church of al-Azraq 227 Daedalus (dive site) 453 camel markets Church of St Barbara 127 Dahab 476-83, 477, 10 Birqash 211-12 Church of St George 127, 228 accommodation 480-2 Daraw 299 Church of St Michael 227 activities 478-80 Shalatein 440 Church of St Sergius 127 dangers 478 camel rides Church of St Simeon the diving 447-8, 455 Dakhla Oasis 339-40 Tanner 143 drinking 483 Giza Plateau 145-9 Church of the Transfiguration food 482-3 Luxor 275-6 496 travel to/from 483 Sharm el-Sheikh 470 Hanging Church 126-7 travel within 483 Siwa Oasis 360 cinema 21-2, 73-5 dahabiyyas 95, 103-5, 95, 103, camel safaris Cairo International Film Festival 104, 105 Dahab 479 513 Dahshur 204-5 Nuweiba 487 circuses 158 Dakhla Oasis 335-43, 336 Camp David Agreement 44 Citadel, the (Cairo) 137-8, 137 dance 77-8, see also belly dancing Canyon (dive site) 447 City of the Dead, see Northern dangers 509-10, see also individual car travel 531-2 Cemetery destinations Carter, Howard 258 Cleopatra VII 49, 269, 399 hitching 532 cartouches 60-1, 60 climate 18, 508-9 mines 435 Catacombs of Kom ash-Shuqqafa climate change 525 scams 159 377-8, 377 coffeehouses, see ahwas security 206, 220, 287 Cavafy 379 Coffin Texts 58 terrorism 45, 117, 469, 478, Cecil Hotel 378 Colossi of Memnon 256-8 491, 510 cell phones 519 conservation, see environmental theft 510 cemeteries issues Daraw 299 Commonwealth War cemetery Constantine, Emperor 37 Darb al-Arba’een, see Forty INDEX (El Alamein) 397 consulates 511 Days Rd Fatimid Cemetery 303 Convent of St George 127 decompression chambers Giza Plateau 152 Convent of the Holy Virgin 230 424, 443 Greek Orthodox cemetery 127 convoys 287, 314, 530 Deir Abu Makar 212-13 Necropolis of Al-Bagawat 331-2 Coptic Christianity 68-9 Deir al-Adhra 219-20 Northern Cemetery 140, 141 art 420 Deir al-Bahri 267-8, 5 WWII Commonwealth War books 33 Deir al-Haggar 342-3 Cemetery (Sallum) 405 history 33, 36-8 Deir al-Medina 272 Zawiyyet al-Mayyiteen 222 Red Sea monasteries 418-21 Deir al-Muharraq 227-8, 9 Chahine, Yousef 74 costs 18-19 Deir Anba Bishoi 212 Cheops, see Khufu courses 509 Deir el-Baramouse 213 Chephren, see Khafre belly dancing 156 Deir el-Sourian 212 children, travel with 507-8 diving 456 Dendara 236-8, 237 amusement parks 158 language 383, 509 Diab, Amr 76 aquariums 158, 425 credit cards 516 diarrhoea 539 books 508 cruisers 105-8 Diocletian, Emperor 33 Cairo 156-8 cruises, see boat travel, cruisers Dionysus 209 circuses 158 dahabiyyas, feluccas disabilities, travellers with 519-20 food 84-5 Crystal Mountain 346 diving 441-57, 506-7, 444-5, 7 health 508, 540 culture 64-78 Alexandria 376 language 548 Ababda people 438 books 442 planetariums 381 Bedouin people 486 courses 456 Christianity, see Coptic Christianity Besharin people 438 Dahab 447-8, 455 Christie, Agatha 73 internet resources 66, 76 El-Gouna 450-1 Nubian people 320-1 Hurghada 425-6, 450-1, 455-6 000 Map pages Pharaonic Egypt 49-52 internet resources 22, 90, 442-3 000 Photograph pages customs regulations 509 itineraries 28, 28 cycling 506, 529 live-aboards 456-7 330-index-egy10.indd0-index-egy10.indd 556262 111/02/20101/02/2010 33:19:08:19:08 PPMM INDEX (D-H) 563 medical services
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