Blum Center for Developing Economies University of California, Berkeley 100 Blum Hall #5570, Berkeley, CA 94720 Educating Changemakers and Fostering Innovative | 510.643.5316 Solutions to Global Problems | 2020

© 2020 Blum Center for Developing Economies MISSION

The Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Berkeley leverages the talent, enthusiasm, and energy of the campus community to address urgent societal challenges globally and locally. We empower students, faculty, and researchers to build a more sustainable, just, and equitable world.


1 Mission

3 From the Founder

4 From the Faculty Director

6 From the Education Director

8 From the Research Director

10 Global Poverty and Practice

12 Development Engineering/InFEWS

14 Big Ideas Contest

16 Blum Center Faculty

18 Board of Trustees

20 Blum Center Funders and Network

The Berkeley-Darfur Stove requires less than half the fuel of traditional cooking methods, reducing the need to trade food rations for fuel and decreasing women’s This issue is dedicated to the memory of Blum Center exposure to violence while collecting fi rewood. Senior Fellow Dr. Bertram Lubin (1939-2020). 1 FROM THE FOUNDER Overcoming Poverty Reduction Setbacks

wenty twenty was a terrible year in so many ways, but especially for low-income developing countries. Much has been written about the need for the international commu- nity to enable LIDCs to tackle the pandemic and recover strongly — about the need to guarantee essential health Tsupplies, protect critical supply chains, en- sure that developing economies can fi nance critical spending, restructure debt to restore sustainability, and keep sight of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

But what can the university do — and more specifi cally, what can UC Berkeley and the Blum Center do? I believe: Plenty. The year 2020 has made clear that the Richard Blum COVID-19 pandemic will be defeated only when it and its socioeconomic consequences are overcome everywhere. The pandemic is a universal wake-up call for environmental, social, economic, racial, and health justice. It is energizing a generation of young people to launch a new kind of human rights movement, one that is focused on poverty reduc- tion and wealth redistribution at home and everywhere.

In my years of contact with Blum Center students and faculty from the Global Poverty and Practice and Development Engineering programs and from the Big Ideas Contest, I am certain we are educating changemakers and fostering innovative solutions to the world’s most complex problems. The following pages are a testament to our efforts and to our hope and passion for a just and equitable future.


Richard C. Blum When the pandemic hit, Uganda-based Takataka Chairman, Blum Capital Partners Plastics, a Big Ideas social enterprise that Member and former chair, University of California Board of Regents transforms plastic waste to building tiles, turned Honorary Trustee, Brookings Institution to producing face shields for local medics. Founding member, Council of Advisors, National Geographic Society PHOTO COURTESY TAKATAKA PLASTICS TAKATAKA PHOTO COURTESY 2 FROM THE FACULTY DIRECTOR COVID-19 and Unprecedented Innovation at the Blum Center

At the Blum Center, 2020 was a year of unprece- dented adaptation and innovation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like all centers and schools, we shifted to online teaching, advising, and working — as well as to racing to come up with solutions for mitigating the spread of the virus at home and abroad.

The United Nations Development Programme The team of SOMO, an entrepreneurship accelerator estimated the socioeconomic and Big Ideas “Scaling Up” winner based in Nairobi, fallout from COVID-19 for poor countries could take pivoted during the pandemic to provide locally Shankar Sastry years to recover from, with sourced care packages for vulnerable families. income losses expected to exceed $220 billion and nearly half of all jobs in Africa lost. The March 2020 report states: “With an estimated 55 percent of the global population having no access to social protection, these losses will reverberate across societies, impacting countries alike. The fi rst target of a new AI research detection method. Their goal is to provide test results As we ready to launch the UC Berkeley Master in education, human rights, and, in the most severe consortium, the Digital Transformation in less than 15 minutes. Development Engineering (see details about this cases, basic food security and nutrition. Under- Institute (of which I am co-director), addressed from Alice Agogino in the following pages), we will resourced hospitals and fragile health systems the application of machine learning to mitigate the Meanwhile, a coalition of UC Berkeley engineers continue the Blum Center commitment to educate are likely to be overwhelmed. This may be further spread of COVID-19. led by Mechanical Engineering Professor Grace changemakers and foster innovative solutions to exacerbated by a spike in cases, as up to 75 O’Connell, a member of our Graduate Group in global problems. The year 2020 has given us percent of people in the least developed countries Blum Center Research Director Dan Fletcher has Development Engineering, has been working to unprecedented challenges. We aim to meet as many lack access to soap and water.” worked around the clock to adapt the fl uorescence turn sleep apnea machines into ventilators for of them as possible. Fiat Lux! microscopy function of his lab’s mobile phone use in under-resourced hospitals and clinics. And This means we must double our efforts in terms microscope, the CellScope, to assist in rapid Development and Mechanical Engineering student S. Shankar Sastry Faculty Director, Blum Center for Developing Economies of funding, collaboration, and new life-saving testing. Dan and his colleagues are collaborating Paige Balcom prolonged her stay in Uganda, where Siebel Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer technologies and programs. At the Blum Center with expert Melanie Ott of the Gladstone there are 55 ICU beds with oxygen for a population Sciences, Bioengineering, and Mechanical Engineering, and around the UC Berkeley campus, there has Institutes and CRISPR pioneer , of nearly 43 million people, using Big Ideas funding UC Berkeley been a plethora of COVID-19 responses to meet among others, to provide the rapid remote detection for her social enterprise Takataka Plastics to this challenge and help developing and developed portion of the team’s CRISPR-based COVID-19 RNA manufacture face shields for local medics. 4 5 FROM THE EDUCATION DIRECTOR Introducing the Master of Development Engineering Program

Two years ago, UC Berkeley’s Graduate Group in We have established an Advisory Board Development Engineering made a commitment to for the MDevEng program, to bring sea- extend its interdisciplinary technology and innovation soned practitioners into our classrooms program for doctoral candidates to master’s level to lecture and advise students and give students. The motivation for the professional degree them access to a robust employment program: We heard from network. Many of the Advisory Board employers of the growing members are Cal grads, including Ryan demand for professionals to Shelby, Diplomatic Attaché and Supervi- apply technologies to benefi t sory Foreign Service Engineering Offi cer communities in need, and at the United States Agency for Interna- we observed expanding tional Development in Southern Africa; roles for tech in the aid Elizabeth Hausler, founder and CEO of One in four households globally lack access to safe water. Amy Pick- sector. Build Change; and Stephen Isaacs, for- ering’s novel in-line chlorine doser project in Bangladesh and Kenya mer president and CEO of Aduro Biotech automates chlorine dosing at the tap — a low-cost, electricity indepen- Thus the 32-member Gradu- and founder of UC Berkeley’s Alliance for dent solution that reduced diarrhea by 23 percent in early fi eld trials. ate Group in Development Global Health and Science. Alice Merner Agogino Engineering — faculty from Engineering, Information, Although engineers have long worked Business, Science, Public Health, Natural Resources, in collaboration with others to improve AMY PICKERING COURTESY Social Science fi elds and more — set out to create a livelihoods in low-income or low-resource self-supporting professional master, administered by areas, Development Engineering is a relatively Welcoming new DevEng Faculty the Blum Center. new fi eld of research. Development Engineering integrates engineering, economics, business, natural UC Berkeley alum AMY PICKERING (M.S.’04 CEE) returns to campus The program, to be launched in fall 2021, will foster resource development, and social sciences to as Assistant Professor in Development Engineering and Civil and “T-shaped” professionals who have a broad base of develop, implement, and evaluate new technological Environmental Engineering, with a Ph.D. from Stanford and 15 years general skills along with deep knowledge in one area. interventions that address the needs of low- of fi eld experience in Bangladesh, Benin, India, Kenya, Mali, Malaysia, The broad skills include the design and management income communities around the world. Our aim is Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. of technology, knowledge of emerging technologies, ambitious: to train a new generation of leaders who evidence-based assessment techniques, economic can address the challenges posed by the United development, and community engagement. Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We believe A native of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, REDIET ABEBE is Assistant UC Berkeley, with its world-class education and Professor of Development Engineering and Computer Science. The program’s depth curriculum will enable students commitment to social and economic justice, is the With a Ph.D. in computer science from Cornell University and to further their expertise in one of these fi ve areas: perfect place to train these professionals. graduate degrees in mathematics from Harvard University and • AI/Data Analytics for Social Impact the University of Cambridge, Abebe is a co-founder of Mechanism • Energy, Water, and the Environment Alice Agogino is the Roscoe and Elizabeth Hughes Design for Social Good (MD4SG) and Black in AI. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Education Director • Sustainable Design Innovations of the Blum Center for Developing Economies, and Chair • Healthcare Transformations of the Graduate Group in Development Engineering. • Self-Designed Concentration For more information on the new MDevEng program, see 6 7 FROM THE RESEARCH DIRECTOR

COVID-Scope: Mobile phone- Accelerating Healthcare Technologies based virus detection A collaboration between Dr. Melanie Ott No year has focused the world’s attention on global Prof. Jennifer Doudna of UC Berkeley’s Innovative of the Gladstones Institutes, Blum Center health and health care as much as 2020. Genomics Institute, we are adapting the basic Research Director and bioengineering CellScope concept my students and I fi rst introduced professor Dan Fletcher, and Professor The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the needs in 2007 into a mobile phone-based diagnostic tool Jennifer Doudna of UC Berkeley’s for new diagnostics and therapeutics, made people for rapid COVID-19 testing — powered by Jennifer’s Innovative Genomics Institute is developing rethink how health care is delivered, and highlighted Nobel Prize-winning discovery of CRISPR enzymes. a CRISPR-Cas13a-based diagnostic to many inequities and rapidly detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA. This systemic problems. This potent intersection of medicine, molecular and mobile phone-based diagnostic technology cell biology, and engineering is exactly the kind of aims to provide results in under 15 minutes This spring at the Blum interdisciplinary collaboration we had in mind for and could rapidly increase diagnostic Center, these concerns the new CoLab — to identify critical problems that capacity worldwide. turned rapidly into action, need solutions now, and to provide the space and as faculty researchers and resources for teams to be able to solve them. student teams brainstormed ways to address the Daniel Fletcher challenges of COVID-19, pivoted their research to VentilatorSOS: A low- address the pandemic, or took up health-related resource treatment for technology projects for the fi rst time. COVID-19

Even before this crisis, the Blum Center had begun A coalition of students and plans to create a space specifi cally dedicated to alumni led by mechanical researchers working on health technologies. The engineering professor Grace pandemic only increased the need. Before the close O’Connell aims to convert of the year, renovation will begin on the new Health CPAP and BIPAP machines PHOTO: REGINALD MADISON, JR. Technology Collaborative Laboratory (“Health Tech designed for sleep apnea to CoLab”) on the fi rst fl oor of Blum Hall. Accelerating development of treat COVID-19 patients. next-gen health tech “This way, higher-grade The goal is to create a space on campus that’s a ventilators can be reserved for center of gravity for the development of new health The new Health Technology Collaborative patients with more advanced technologies. We aim to harness this health crisis Laboratory (“CoLab”) due to open in Blum stages of respiratory disease,” to inspire a generation of students and faculty to Hall in spring 2021 will provide 2,115 says O’Connell. To register create technology solutions that will increase access square feet of collaborative workspace, a CPAP/BIPAP device for to high-quality healthcare in the US as well as including rapid-prototyping equipment, donation, see developing regions around the world. fabrication tools and supplies, and other resources. Located on the fi rst fl oor of the

A few projects are already slated to take advantage Blum Center at UC Berkeley, the CoLab is VENTILATORSOS PHOTO COURTESY of CoLab space and resources as soon as envisioned as “a center of gravity for the renovations are complete. In a collaboration with development of new health technologies.” Dr. Melanie Ott of the Gladstones Institutes and With thanks to USAID for funding diverse research projects at the Blum Center.

8 9 GLOBAL POVERTY & PRACTICE The Beating Heart of Blum

Launched in 2007, the Global Poverty and Practice (GPP) program remains the central beating heart of academic programs at the Blum Center. Around 80 students a year graduate with a GPP minor from completing the program. Over the years, nearly 1,000 alumni have brought the program’s trans- formative experiences — particularly its signature Practice Experience — out into the world.

One of the largest and most popular minors on the Berkeley campus, GPP draws students from across academic disciplines to think critically about issues of poverty and inequality and the ways in which the minor can supplement their major fi eld of study, while the Practice Experience provides an opportunity for students to connect the theory and practice of poverty and its alleviation. Maji Safi Group – Shirati, Tanzania

In 2020, however, the international engagement and “A“A youungng girirl brbrinngsg herer 1L bob ttttlee to bebe fi lleed with clean water by Com- fi eld work that is a fundamental part of the Practice mum nniitty Health Edducattorors.s Toddaay, thhe wwaater is free and she proudly carries Experience was not possible during a pandemic, it homme to help hher family stotorree as mmuuchc as posss ibi lee. But distributiing free and the program needed to pivot to an online waateter iss unsusstainable, and cocommmunitity resiidedents wiw lll soooon be foro ceed ttoo environment in spring. GPP educators feared a drop chc oosee betweeen paying for waater oro usisingng heaeavilyy polluted surfacce wateer.r ” in enrollment come fall, but students came roaring PHOTO: MCCALISTERPHOTO: RUSSELL - Maggie Chen, Civil and Envvirronnmem ntall Engineee riringng, ClClasa s ofof 200221

back — spurred, not deterred, by the unprecedented PHOTO: MAGGIE CHEN year of national and global crises. Fundación En Vía, Teotitán del Valle – Oaxaca, Mexico This year we welcomed Joeva Rock to the program “Mrs. Martinez Mendoza spins carded wool as a GPP lecturer. With a Ph.D. in anthropology into yarn. The yarn will be used on a loom and development from American University, Rock Health in Harmony – Sukadana, to make the tapestries traditional to her taught at AU’s Health Inequity and Care Program Indonesia village of Teotitlán del Valle. She has been before coming to UC Berkeley. We also rolled out weaving since her childhood and, alongside “These farmers have created a complex curriculum changes that have been in development her husband, has taught her three daughters system of organic farming that includes for years, to refresh the program. and two sons how to weave. Fundación goats, manure, and catfi sh, all contributing En Vía provides interest-free loans to her to fertilizer. Fire is used to keep the mosqui- daughters, which enable them to continue toes away, as smoke is a natural pesticide. this tradition and grow their business.” Produce is given to employees, and the - McCalister Russell, Peace and Confl ict farming methods are passed on to locals.” Studies, Class of 2020 - Mia Plude, Anthropology, Class of 2020 PHOTO: MIA PLUDE PHOTO:


Christopher Hyun: Improving Sanitation Scaling Up to Meet Growing Needs Christopher Hyun spent more than a decade in South Asia working on water, sanitation, pollution, culture, religion, and development Six years ago, Development Engineering took root business model development and continuous impact before coming to Berkeley, where he became as an academic discipline at the Blum Center at UC analysis,” says Alice Agogino, Blum Center Education an InFEWS Fellow and completed his Ph.D. Berkeley as a new interdisciplinary fi eld integrating Director and UC Berkeley mechanical engineering with a Designated Emphasis in Development engineering with economics and business, energy professor, who chairs the group. Engineering. “Practitioners and researchers often and natural resource development, and social sci- base interventions on the ‘sanitation service ences. The goal is Since that time, the Dev Eng Graduate Group has chain,’ which defi nes the sanitation system as to create, imple- supported a Designated Emphasis for Ph.D. students an engineering one as opposed to one with both ment and evaluate at UC Berkeley. Its students have produced a wide social and technological dimensions,” writes Hyun. new technologies to range of scholarship, and graduates have gone on

The InFEWS framework for benefi t people living to positions in academia, industry, and the nonprofi t COURTESYPHOTO CHRIS HYAN approaching research: in poverty in devel- sector, or started their own enterprises. • Recognize the novelty of oping regions and integrating social and economic low-income areas in In 2016, Development Engineering introduced Alana Siegner: Climate Literacy aspects into addressing techni- the U.S. InFEWS — Innovations at the Nexus of Food, InFEWS Fellow Alana Siegner completed a cal research questions Energy, and Water Systems — a program aiming to PhD from the Energy & Resources Group To build the aca- train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers • Seek out the engagement of at UC Berkeley in 2020, with research on demic framework and practitioners to develop novel and lasting invested communities into the sustainable, agroecological food systems and for this new fi eld, approaches and technologies for poverty alleviation design of the research farm-to-school programs as mechanisms for Berkeley faculty and for positive global impact within the nexus of developing student environmental and climate • Articulate the place, per- members formed a food, energy, and water systems (FEWS). literacy. She develops, implements, and spective, and impact of the Development En- evaluates food and climate change curriculum, “researcher” on the research gineering Graduate This year, Dev Eng announced its new Master’s in and cites Washington’s San Juan Islands as process Group. The group Development Engineering program, Berkeley’s fi rst a case study of high-functioning school food established a re- professional degree committed to solving complex programs and environmental education.

search agenda that includes human-centered design global challenges across the corporate, nonprofi t, COURTESYPHOTO ALANA SIEGNER and requires innovators to develop “multiple skills in and government sectors. The program is accepting ethnographic studies, qualitative research, hardware, applications now for a fall 2021 launch of the three- analytical tools, hypothesis testing, prototyping, semester professional program. Co-InFEWS Tribal Partnership Insuffi cient access to energy, water, and food are critical to effective and long-lasting impact infrastructure plagues the majority of Indigenous on community conditions. From this foundation, Julia Kramer: Founder of Visualize peoples worldwide, and climate change is in 2020 a collaboration was launched between Julia Kramer has earned multiple advanced degrees exacerbating these challenges. While STEM InFEWS, Diné College, the University of Arizona, at UC Berkeley: a Master of Public Health, a PhD in (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the University of South Florida — called Mechanical Engineering, and a Designated Emphasis interventions can yield important contributions Co-InFEWS — designed to articulate guidelines in Development Engineering. She co-founded Visual- towards the sustainability of Indigenous groups, for researchers, students, community members ize, a nonprofi t organization dedicated to empower- the development of these technologies too and other stakeholders in participatory co-design ing and supporting midwives to screen for cervical often does not consider Indigenous concerns, and system thinking with Native American cancer (pictured here with a prototype of the device knowledge, and values. Research has shown that communities in the U.S. and Indigenous designed for this effort). participatory and culturally sensitive approaches communities world-wide. PHOTO: ADRIEL OLMOS/CITRIS 12 13 BIG IDEAS CONTEST

Big Ideas: Biggest Year Ever

Last year, the 14th year of Big Ideas at Berkeley, (from $5,000 to the Grand Prize of $20,000), but Acarí was the biggest year ever for the contest. More also the boost and validation that the competition applications were received than ever before — for a provides. With that support, winning teams have TeT amam: MiM kek Mittchele l,l Samm total of 2,800 since the program’s launch in 2006. gone on to collectively secure more than $650M in BoB rdrdiaa That’s 2,800 ideas, all vying to be Big Ideas and to additional investments over the years — a real credit Acararí taakees tht e aarmoorered make an impact on health, work, or a to the students, their ideas, and the caatfifish — oro “ded vivil fi shsh,”” number of different social causes. teams they’ve put together. It’s also a as thihis innvasiivev trar shh fish credit to Phillip Denny, who has been isis colollooquq iaally knnowown ini More students were involved in the the leader of the Big Ideas Contest at MeMexiico — and traansn fof rmms program than ever before — a total Berkeley from its beginnings in 2006. itt intto taasts y,y nutrir ttiouo s foodo of 438 teams applied, represent- prprododucu ttss to ofo feer a heheala thhy,y ing more than 1,200 students. And “It started off as a smaller competi- suusstaia nanablble,e andn ecocolologig ccaal despite the unexpected events of this tion, an annual event just on the ala teernr atativive tot beeef jej rkky spring, students turned in their proposals, judges Berkeley campus,” explains Denny. “Since then, it’s ass wele l ass to inncrcreaease awarded 27 teams, and, with prizes averaging evolved into a year-round social innovation program, ememployymentn in rurural fi shhinng around $7,000, teams are in the fi eld right now with a robust support structure open to students cocommuunnittiei s.s doing their work. across the UC system.”

The 2019-2020 Big Ideas innovators come from 12 To keep the momentum going, they’re adding PHOTO COURTESY ACARÍ universities and 85 academic disciplines. More than courses and skill-building workshops to the Big Ideas 70 percent are undergraduates. Women-led teams portfolio. Starting in 2021, they’re launching a Big made up more than half of the winning teams. Ideas lecture series, which will feature outstanding Bay Area innovators, some of whom are Big Ideas More than $2.6M in seed funding went to 500 winners themselves. winning teams — winning not just fi nancial support LiquidGoldConcept Team: Anna Sadovnikova, Jeff Plott

HelioVap If 90 percent of mothers breastfed for the recommended six months, the U.S. A 3D interfacial solar vapor generation method using could save $13 billion per year. The sunlight to desalinate seawater most common breastfeeding problems can be prevented or alleviated with Team: Kelly Conway, Casey Finnerty, Druva Chandrasekhar breast massage, which can also prolong Across the 2,700 islands of Indonesia, one in eight breastfeeding duration. LiquidGoldConcept households lacks clean water access. Traditional is the only research-driven, for-profi t desalination technologies are expensive, energy depleting, company with a sustainable, non- and they discharge brine. HelioVap is a fl oating, stand- advertising-based revenue model creating alone desalination device that can provide reliable purifi ed evidence-based, tailored breast massage water access to coastal communities through an off-grid, videos focused on educating parents and solar-powered, zero-liquid discharge process. health providers. PHOTO COURTESYPHOTO CASEY FINNERTY/HELIOVAP JOSE VILLEGAS/UCPHOTO: LUIS INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION DAVIS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 14 15 Maria Paz Gutierrez Kameshwar Poolla Faculty Associate Professor of Architecture Professor of Electrical Engineering

Ricardo G. Huerta Niño Alison Post Leadership Interdisciplinary Faculty Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Associate Professor of Political Science

S. Shankar Sastry Rediet Abebe Fatmir Haskaj Michael Ranney Faculty Director, Blum Center for Developing Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Professor of Education Economies Co-director, Digital Transformation Institute Charisma Acey Amy Herr Isha Ray Thomas M. Siebel Professor in Computer Science Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning Professor of Bioengineering Professor, Energy and Resources Group Professor of EECS, Bioengineering, and Mechanical Engineering Ruzena Bajcsy Khalid Kadir Raka Ray Professor Emerita of Electrical Engineering and Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Professor and Dean, Social Sciences Alice Merner Agogino Computer Sciences Education Director, Blum Center for Developing Daniel Kammen Ben Recht Economies Sara Beckman Professor of Energy Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Roscoe and Elizabeth Hughes Professor of Teaching Professor, Haas School of Business Computer Sciences Mechanical Engineering David Levine Product Design Concentration Founder and Head Joshua Blumenstock Professor, Haas School of Business Robert Reich Advisor, MEng Program Associate Professor, School of Information Professor of Public Policy, Goldman School Chair, Development Engineering Graduate Group Cecilia Cissell Lucas Clair Brown Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Arthur Reingold, MD Daniel Fletcher Professor of Economics Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health Research Director, Blum Center for Developing Jeremy Magruder Economies Jenna Burrell Associate Professor of Agricultural and Resource Joeva Rock Purnendu Chatterjee Chair in Engineering Associate Professor, School of Information Economics Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Biological Systems, Department of Bioengineering Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National John Canny Robin Marsh Elisabeth Sadoulet Laboratory Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Researcher, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics Deputy Division Director, Physical Biosciences Sciences and Chair, CS Division Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Baoxia Mi S. Leonard Syme Faculty Director, Big Ideas Jack Colford, Jr., MD Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Professor Emeritus, School of Public Health Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Engineering J. Bradford DeLong Health Clare Talwalker Chief Economist, Blum Center for Developing Edward Miguel Lecturer, Global Poverty and Practice Economies Lia Fernald Professor of Economics Professor of Economics Professor of Community Health Sciences, School Laura Tyson Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic of Public Health Kara Nelson Professor of Business and Public Policy Research Blum Chancellor’s Chair in Development Engineering Ashok Gadgil Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Catherine Wolfram Matthew Potts Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion Professor of Business Administration, Vice Chair, Development Engineering Graduate Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Group, Blum Center Paul Gertler Aihwa Ong S.J. Hall Chair in Forest Economics, College of Professor of Economics and Public Health Professor of Anthropology David Zilberman Natural Resources Professor and Robinson Chair, Department of Vice Chair for Instruction, Department of Ken Goldberg Amy Pickering Agricultural and Resource Economics Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Assistant Professor of Development Engineering Research



Daniel Carroll Andrew and Virginia Rudd Board of Trustees Founding Partner, Brooklands Trustees, The Rudd Family Capital Strategies Foundation Honorary Trustees Leadership

Jimmy Carter FOUNDER 39th U.S. President Richard C. Blum Founder, The Carter Center Chairman, Blum Capital Partners Steven Chu Arun Sarin Professor of Physics and of Former CEO, Vodafone Group Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Former U.S. Secretary of Energy His Holiness the CHAIR Dalai Lama Laura D. Tyson Spiritual Leader Professor, Haas School of John B. Hardman George Shultz Business, UC Berkeley President Emeritus, The Carter Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Former Chair, President’s Council Center Distinguished Fellow, Hoover of Economic Advisors Institution, Stanford University Former U.S. Secretary of State FACULTY DIRECTOR S. Shankar Sastry Professor of Electrical Engineering, Jerry Ng Erica Stone Computer Science and Former President and CEO, Bank President, American Himalayan Bioengineering, UC Berkeley Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Foundation (BTPN)

Welcome New Trustees Afsanheh Mashayekhi Beschloss Mark R. Laret Robert B. Reich Mark G. Yudof Founder and CEO, RockCreek President and CEO, UCSF Health Professor, Goldman School of UC President Emeritus A member of the World Economic A national leader in health care Public Policy, UC Berkeley Professor, Berkeley Law Forum and Council of Foreign Rela- reform, Mark Laret heads one of the tions, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss most distinguished and top-ranked Former U.S. Secretary of Labor founded RockCreek, a global invest- medical institutions in the world, ment fi rm applying technology and including UCSF Medical Center and innovation to sustainable investments. Benioff Children’s Hospitals.

Stephen T. Isaacs Michelle Nunn Chairman, President, and CEO, Aduro President & CEO, CARE USA UC Berkeley alumnus Stephen Isaacs At CARE USA, Michelle Nunn heads (BA ’73 Biochemistry) leads the up a humanitarian organization to biotechnology company Aduro and fi ght global poverty that reaches 63 founded the Alliance for Global Health million people in 93 countries. and Science with Berkeley’s School of Public Health. 18 19 Thanks to Our Funders The Blum Center is grateful for the generous support of the following funders:

The National Science Foundation is a U.S. government agency that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fi elds of science and engineering.

USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

Andrew & Virginia Rudd Family Established in 1998, the Rudd Family Foundation focuses on giving for higher education Foundation and human services. Blum Center Network JOIN US The Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC UC BERKELEY BLUM CENTER TEAM Our students have remarkable abilities and aspirations. With your generosity, their potential is Berkeley belongs to a network of Blum Centers across Maryanne McCormick, Executive Director limitless. the University of California system. See more about the Blum Center network at Ways to Give Chetan Chowdhry, Director of Student Programs locations. For information on how to support education and innovation initiatives at the Blum Center, please Phillip Denny, Director of Big Ideas Contest contact Maryanne McCormick, Executive Director, 510.847.6851 or [email protected]. • UC Berkeley: Blum Center for Developing Economies Yovana Gomez, Administrative Offi cer • UC Davis: Blum Center for Developing Economies To give online: Gladys Khoury, Director of Finance • UC Irvine: Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation Yael Perez, Research Fellow • UCLA: Blum Center on Poverty and Health in Latin Syreen Ponferrada, Program Support Manager America Kap Stann, Communications Manager • UC Merced: Blum Center • UC Riverside: Blum Initiative on Global and Regional Poverty • UC Santa Barbara: Blum Center on Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy CREDITS • UC San Diego: Center on Global Justice Design: Allyson Appen, StudioA2 • UC Santa Cruz: Blum Center on Poverty, Social Editor: Kap Stann Enterprise, and Participatory Governance Cover photography: Gensler