AC Summer Ill Starts in J Me 2Nd A**, M Is. I Tare Honored J TJCTA Meet
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take the shamrock from i "Then t—And cast it on the sod; yot i OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SAN ANGELO COLLEGE It will take root and flourish Though under foot ifs trod." 17 ^an^angelo; texas7wednesday; NO. 13 ;AC Summer SAC TAX PAYMENTS Phi Thetia Kappas Initiate ill Starts NOW 96 PER CENT 27 New Members Monday Night Taxpayers who meet their obli ing to $67,449.14. gations to the San Angela College The formal initiation of the Phi The initiation was conducted by '•"•won In J me 2nd county-wide district provide a rosy These included $4,981.20 for gro Theta Kappa was held Monday president, Frank Strickland, vice- ceries and salaries at the cafe Son [Summf school registration will glow for the trustees. And they re evening, March 10, in the Ram president, Ivadell Vinson, and cor ' freshman teria. Dr. Bryan Wildenthal, presi > 2 and classes will start sponded with appreciation as they Room. The membership of the Phi responding secretary, Donn Rice. dent, confirmed today that opera- Jam surveyed tax returns this week, in Theta Kappa consists of the upper The Phi Theta Kappa song was a**,* «S0J j 3, Oie nine-weeks term will '®n.™ the cafeteria approximates J Aggie; 1 dicating tax payments aggregating ten percent of the entire student sung by Helane Taylor, Myrna Lcy $50,000 a year. The administration ge James offeree instead of the regular 96 per cent for the year. body. The new members listed ac Ray, Shirley Snider, and Joan hopes to break even on this opera ently. ' liro six-w ;ks terms This embraces $60,589 from ad cording to scholastic ratings are Park. Dr. Wildenthal gave the ad tion and to provide the best fcod valorem levies for the general fund as follows: dress of the evening. The first (A two f ay holiday will be given available for the student bodv he 10me Henderson, Douglas; Baker, honorary membership ever bestow economicjJ Illy 4 d 5. Final exams are and $38,101.16 toward bond retire said. a state office ment. Wayne; Beck, Ray Hall; Dierschke, ed by Beta Chapter was given to J fcheduledAug. 1. Balance in all funds as of Feb. r,ler this year] Delores; Bufkin, Phyllis; Stre- Dr. Ida Vernon, former sponsor Student may complete a maxi That's a right good record for a Was af «oo $^'^98.28 as compared to and faculty member of San Angelo f»e follow] ) hours in the nine-week dry year, they agreed. beck, George; Weaver, Lee; Grif of 1 $82,684.91 a month earlier. College. Mrs. Rosa Bludworth is tam Band, J |his one-half semester Bills Approved fin, Lynn; Ray Myrna Loy; Baker, lu ssicn. Trustees earlier in the school the faculty sponsor. h, and the E trial and the results will Trustees approved bills amount- Douglas; Booth, Patty; Mills, Jo J ) an is a year had estimated income of sephine; Palmer, Martha; White, Refreshments were served to t ' She was] carefu ly checked to see if the avorite. $292,304. The unrealized balance at Eleanor; Cox, Jimmy; Franek, members and a large group of will be used the follow this time is $111,742.49. The entire sweetheart ft>| ne plan Elizabeth; Kirkpatrick, Tommy; parents and friends. Approximate er. amount of $10,000 estimated from sie McClure. One Act Play Leaves Szalwinski, Mary Frances; Taylor, ly one hundred were present. [The dAn's office will make the Veterans Administration is in Billy; Curry, Don; Grisham, Rob iirvey of the courses desired by that unrealized balance. Trustees ert; Hurn, William; Matthews, prese it students within the For San Antonio indicated the delay in payment Joyce; Baker, Donald; Williams, Jesse Bogue Praises ext two weeks. After the survey creates a pinch that hurts. Elaine; Taylor, Helane; Ray, Bob been checked, the summer Drama instructor, Bill Ardis, and bie (late initiate from last semes SAC During Visit fcheduledwill be printed the cast of "Mooncalf Mugford" SHAMROCK DANCE HELD ter). Any st« dent in any class will be will travel to San Antonio Thurs ew books hsv(J FRIDAY IN RAM ROOM This list represents a group high "The nation's two-year colleges 1 shelved in (J sured a full offering of required day to take part in the Texas scholastically. They are of good are fast abandoning the familiar anuary and fj d electi re subjects. junior college one-act play_ . con . The Science Club had a Sham- moral character and are rated as prefix JUNIOR, because that title r. test San Antonio College is the rock Dance in the Ram Room good citizens. This number, includ doesn't do justice to the role such host school at this year's contest Friday evening. The dance was ing the number of active Phi Theta colleges play in their communities were several The San Angelo contingent will a climax to the recruiting drive Kappa members now in school, will today." ilar request arrive in San Antonio in time to is. I tare Honored put on the Science group. be slightly less than ten per cent That was the statement of Dr. est to thenin rehearse at the college auditorium Since the girls had more new of the student body last semester. Jesse P. Bogue from Washington, Hedicine1 at two o'clock Thursday afternoon. members accounted for on their D. C., executive secretary of the ts appreciate J TJCTA Meet The contest proper will begin Fri side, the boys had charge of all Senior Counseling Program American Association of Junior it Van Gofli day morning and last thru Satur arrangements for the dance. Continues For West Texas Colleges, who was at San Angelo nproving ones'i The fift annual convention of day with the winning plays giv James Scott, C. C. Clark, and Bill College Wednesday, March 5, on i. Two of t e Texas Junior College Teachers ing a second performance Satur Plummer had charge of arrange Eight SAC teachers are taking an advisory visit. 'won and 1 day night. ments. part in a counseling program for sociatln was held in the Gun- "The biggest problem we face ok especial The cast of "Mooncalf Mugford" Green and white was the decor West Texas high school seniors. Hotel, San Antonio, March 6, today," said Dr. Bogue, "is to get iby Sitters includes Bobbye Perry, Willie scheme, punch and cookies, the They are George, Barnes, Able, and 8. a public understanding cf what a h "attention, Reader, Mary Byrd, Katherine bill of refreshment. Those sci Robinson, D o o 1 e y, Bludworth, Mr. Lei lie T. Bare, SAC science community college is." He added he cover, Hays, and Jack Castello. entists really go but made when Peck, Carter, and Westerman. cher,I as honored as one of the that small colleges are so entwin dedicated to they sponsor a party. Mr. Barnes gives the Kuder pastl presidents; Mr. Ralph ed in community life, they do a the business preference tests to the seniors, and asterI iras chairman for the SAC Girl Becomes First broader and more democratic com exaa A t! the other instructors follow up the ting Lommitee, vice-chairman Member Of Women's Reserve POOR ATTENDANCE AT munity job in education than even ire of inte test with additional counseling. busin< education, and past SAC ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS the four-year universities. id Purple "Little Sonja went and done it." The counseling program has prov easur® of the association; Mr. Concerning San Angelo College, is. Sonja Brashears was sworn into Student attendance at the assem ed to be very valuable publicity ill" ArJ is was moderator for the Bogue said that it "has an excep the Organized Naval Reserve bly programs is constantly getting for SAC during the 5 years of its ^^^Mpartment; Mr. Paul V. tionally attractive plant . one of I in the I Tuesday night, March 11. She is smaller with each program. We existence, as well as profitable to 'eck ga« a panel discussion on the nicest in Texas." Dr. Bcguc re lots the first weman to become a mem must all attend these programs. seniors. lunior Col lege Theory; Dr. Wilden- said he had been told "by all means I'd probably s ber of the ROC in the San Angelo After all, they are for our benefit Two schools already covered this all anm Mr. Fraser were also in see the plant at San Angelo," dur district. Lt. Cmdr. H. D. Howard, and enjoyment. year that had not been covered ttcndarfl;. ing his current tour. commander of the local reserve Many colleges make their stu- before are McCamey and Midland. ht, February? The as Junior College Teach- post, was in charge of the cere- dents attend assembly. If volun Other schools visited already in He left here by plane late Wed ir Asso® tion delegates were offi- Hass spc mony. tary attendance cannot be main clude Christoval, Eldorado, Sonora, nesday for San Antonio and con n Room ally supj t ing three educational tained, we will be required to at- Ozona, Iraan, McCamey, Rankin, sultation at San Antonio College isues. A six weeks training course to game, Apr Bainbridge, Md., will be taken by tend. Barnhart, Big Lake, Mertzon, Thursday morning. Friday morn lples attendecj At a bu siness meeting on March Sonja this summer. Upon comple Water Valley, Sterling City, Gar ing, March 7, he addressed the an ere of " the numbers voted for enact- tion of her college work, she will DR. WILDENTHAL SPEAKS den City, Bronte, Robert Lee, nual convention of Texas Junior sr. One ent oH eacher retirement laws, beccme a commissioned ensign in Dr.