DR.'Kikblill, 68 BOWERY, Cornfr CANAL ST

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DR.'Kikblill, 68 BOWERY, Cornfr CANAL ST overseer of of FOR HAIiK. AMUKEMKNTS. AMriHK«KNTH. AMDHKMKNTH. AJIUMKMENW. jity s, Wiluam Whitley, poor Jursey ; _ litar, aged N yearn. englishman run TilEATRE. HOAHtt AV THBATRB. rpHEATRE OOM1QUB. GARDEN Ttie relatives und friends of tlie lamtlv, the meal¬ hah balk a new and to I WHITE A SPKNCEK I.'Mat amiI JABBETT A I'ALkKS Anusei ul invention, which una lately been in this BROUGHAM'STwenty fourth street, net! door to Kifth Aveeu« Hotel. B ADMISSION CBNTI. M ...Proprietors N'IKIiOK M;.n»:?w» O. 1'. of of patente1 « .(*!... Mr. W If. lilMu iKI) I.in *1 d I'. M ier* of ttic (. ruiKi Lod^e I. U. the State which there la anet on the manufactureof Uiwi! nod *...Mr. JOHN It Is with eitrriiw n-atlftuatioa that tlirwigh the courtesy of Uuiutv II open 7 'a begin* the veterans of the war of 1813 are fOanUjNOO profit ilaiibxcr Me».in. HaiteU A M. of Km KrauCMc'j, ami the TUI{ GREAT HIT OK THE SEASON. ENORMOUS HOUSES. COMPLETE HOCOBAfc Kew York and lM) to 2W per cent. The article bus met with gieut furor HUj;« Man iter lame* Brhnubarg. Gtlllough, OK THK MA'HC LYI.E uf tUa invited to attend the funeral, from Trin¬ amongst (he and of md ou the IPRONOIINCKD SUCCK8S. klrj inns* of Mile. Sm, Ui delaying their own «agli(«tne<il oue PLUTO, iMoiul i»aak of tiift tirunpbant ancagKUlMil respectfully aristocracy gentiy England week, tUe loaniuuineat m ambled to pluto 1-L.UTO njrvu. LYDIa THOMPSON ity M K. church, York street, Jersey City, this (Sun¬ Continent, and without do11 bt only requires to be well can NKW COMEDY, prsneul plutO. PLUTO plijio. hurlehuuk troi/pr alt><rnoon, nt one o'clock. vassttd Hiid advertlied to make the demand for It here, and lu being a local dramatization from Ibe Kre.ftc.h, sutittwt M> ."OHN K. OWKN8 Plil TO. AMD day! half-pusi thr United States extensive. A* the owner ij AN IRISH STEW ; iu New York for six farewell !n'rfurai»nc^'* nor*. I'L.ITO PLUTO. HONDA*. FEBRUARY «, l«». KVERY EVENING > wai.kku..On Krld:».», February 6, PMMVin> generally, very MOJfDAV. Tl PLi TO. PLUTO PLUTO. SATURDAY AT ll O'CLOCK, will be |*e- v/tslilng to make only u abort atav here he will sell either the Or, The LSDAV, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MjI'TO. ¦MMsUd the AFTERNOON, %ia, youngest daughter of the late William Walker, whole or State at a low if of at MYSTERIOUS WIDOW OK LONG BRANCH. FRIDAY and hVfURDAY MATINEE. PLUTO PLUTO. gorgeous Ori.mt&l Fairy Spectacular Uurlmn. rights very pries, disposed E. I.unit), tl#o. TUB LAhT SIX COM EOT Nlt'.Iirx. Til 15 LIVELIEST. MOST ELEGANT AMD BEST DRKHriKD written lit Henry B. Farnie, entitled thu IB the 7t U year of lierage. once. Addreaa Plympton A Height, Solicitor* of 1'ateuU, Clmraou-rH by Messrs. J. brougham,C. Hale, EVEK ON AN AMERICAN STAUK. fciiru.ajjaiii*,FohTV FORTY t The friends and relatives are Invited to attend the Mo. 1HJ Broadway, corner ot street. Mtoddsil, C. Entnouda, Memiames Winter, Malion, Klrmta and TICK LAST SIX OWENS MIOHTD. BURLESQUE PUT THIEVES, THIEVES. Dey Elh« Ourinoa. THE LAST SIX SOLON 8HINGLB NIUHTH THK TRANSFORMATION SCENE FOltTY THIEVES, FORTY TH1KVEH, funeral, Iroin the residence or her mother, No. JJ61>, MR. .10UK K. OWKNS IX YOl/K OHARAOTKKM. acknowledged to be Uie most beautiful and artistic of any FORTY THIKVEH, toRTY THIEVES, at o'clock. BARK CHANCE. A MONOJ'OLY IN A HI RE, SAFE To be followed nljihtif br the Uowory, this (Sunday) afternoon, two business. lor TilK. DRAMATIC REV1K.W, THE UYB INDIAN. Mmllu biiitlurUoi iu the city.* 1'rwftltM biirleaque OH, A Mle for $4,fi00, secured by letters patent, OWENH. Mr. dtU. C. BONIFACE . "STRIKING OIL" IN -'FAMILY JARS." Wkidkman..on Saturday afternoon, February fl, which will a in WITH NEW KKATURI'.S, CORPORAL TIM Mr. JOHN K. _ yield profit of over IHKl per cent yearly: close MISS Mr. JOHN E. OWKNS. w:ll Imve the honor ul appearing iu the pleasing CmuoJoitta THK SCENERY, COSTi M Utile. MM; HANI AM, iP- At one o'clock, Anou-n Wkioeman, aged 40 years vestigution Invited. Call ou CHARLES T. PHKLAN. NKW SONUS AND NKW SIN" KIM. CK1MOLINB MKS, WEEK. t'Hb UVH INDIAN Mr. JOHN K. OWENS. eattiled .'OINTMENTS, ARMORS, Ac , «o., and 6 months. French's Motel, New York. NOVKLTIKK KOft THE TWO CAM PLAY AT THAT UAMK. ENTltttLiMASKS, The relatives and friends of the family are invited UAVTNd MADRIGALS. KOLON 8HINQLK. of NEW, V ELOC1PKDIMEVTI A. KOL0N PHINatE JOHN K. OWENS. After which the itmoui and renowned universal favorite, and oa a *c*ie to attend the funeral, from his lute residence, No. BILLIARD SALOON, handsomely FURNISHED UP1NABALLOONATIC8. SATURDAY FAREWELL OWEN« MATINEE, WILLIAM HORACE L1NOARD, NIBLO NIAN SPLENDOR 76 Greene street, on aitenioon, at one A and doing a profitable business, ten years' leaae, whole When he wiU .i>i>ear In two characters will a|jiear to till renowned and world-wide popular re|>er> "UV^ Monday bulldlug, cheap rent, term* easy. Particular* with HOII'I U CANCANIBALISTltiS. toire or THE BRKT o'clock, without further notice. *»A YD HUM PTY DU M ITY DIOTICS Ou MONDAY, FhBBUARY IS, UUHI.ESyUK CSSf on 4 CO., 194 Broadway. Manion, Flntt m lUu Theatre ol the talented, graceful. COMIC SKETCHES AMD STATUE IMl'ERSONATIONS. fewer presented in America, aa foUuwi: Wuittinuham At Millbum, N. J. Friday, Transformation Seme by appearance 4 P. Seats can he aa son of Kd- lu active a ami beautiful artiste, Hoi otl.ee open daily from 9 A. M. till M. LYDIa THOMPSON OANIK "February ft. Simeon Harrison, youngest LARGE SIZE LILLIE flllK AND HOKOLAK particularly preparation,RKAN REVIVAL. MLLE. .ecured nix days In advance. LISA WEBER. aa MOKOIAJfA T. U. lumouthi Proof Safe for sale i.RANU SHA KHPEA '/.OK, M aa :>rard and Martha Whittinghain, aged A cheap. Also two amall Safes, of which *111 l* lu tb« moat stupendously elaborate |rbo will appear In her new attraction, ATINl.il EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at IM. KM MA (1KATTAN OCCHOBBAMO and 13 days. Herring's and Lillle's make. produced and and WOMAN'S CONSTANCY, PAULINE MARKHAM aa ABDALLAH 8. 96 Maiden lane. uinnnftr a* regards Scenery, Costume* Appoint meats, N1TA; or, THE. HARRY HECK KIT aa H AhSAftACJ Funeral at HI. Stephen's church, Millburn, on Mon- O. QUIRK, with an Unrivalled Cant I a sensational play in four aula, of strong melodramatic and rnHKATKK PRANCAIS KLEL'B DE one o'clock. commence* at 8 P. M. tfomeaUd interest, written for Ber by I Sole Lessee end Director J- ORAU J. W. HILL aa ALI BAMk flay afternoon, at hair-past DRUG STORK.ONE OK BKST FAMILY DRUG Doors open at 'lit. Performance (gpronsly CbinjW BRILLIANT SI.CCESS AND ENTHUSIASTIC RECEP¬ U. K KETCHlM aa CAJtfUM ' Wrbh..On morning, February 6, after a THE Box oflice opou from HA. M. to 5 I*. M. FnHoBfbq. ProdopM with new flrgnnr>,Onrtniy>, Music, Saturday A Stores In the city, for sule; price $.'>,(100. Apply to GKR- Songi, Dauces and an admirable east of cliHraetert. TION OK A CORPS UK UALLKT OK SIXTY LAUlEti lingering illness, Sakaii m., eldest daughter of James RIT norton, 11 Ann atitct. Lecorq's new and Immensely attraotlve French Opera Bonffe, And and the late Catharine Webb. OPKRA HOL'HE, ItRUOKLYN. T) ROADWAY THEATRE. A CARD. FLEI It DM THE. FLHUR l>K TilE. ONE HUNDRED AUXILIARIES. The relatives and friends of the also those FOR SALE OR FOR HKRB HO' LTON, JOB FMMETT. Presented l.VERY EVENING and SA'i'U KDAY MATIN EE The principal sewnes are aa follow*: { family, GOODS BZOHAJIOK SEAL HOOLEY'S LINGARD. I) M'LLK. /.OK A SILVER FOREST AT DAWN. nr her brothers, Augustus and Edward, and of her DRYEstate. The Lease, Stock, Flutines and Good Will of a LABORS OK HERCULES. HUTCH ha* the honor of aonouuclnu that she will commence an THIS WORK 18 T1IE IIEIGNINU SENSATION drr 15 esiafi!i*lied and a line business; AKTliR LIGHT vh. AFTER DARK. tin IN ALL THE CAPITALS OK EUROPE. ALPS HOUSE BY MOONLIGHT. ;i>rother-ln law, H. 8. Palmer, arc Invited to attend good* store, years doing TWO GENTLEMEN Ol' GINOH-AH. Affair of Honor, Ac. engagement at tui- abofe istah.isbniuiit THE COSTUMES, SCENERY. APPOINTMENTS AND THE THIEVES" CAVE. the on afternoon, at two o'clock, owner going in the jobbing business. Address A. O. A., box o'clock. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, COURT. ftineral, Monday ISO Herald office. tit mill Matinee every Saturday at a her Chan- M1HE ENBCKNE AKK OP A NOVEL THE CADIZ tho residence of ner father, »2 Morton street. appearing lu new play, written expressly for by AMD OKKilNAL A RAVINE AT BAGDAD from dus Fulton, Esq., entitled CllARAt.TEK, KN STORE FOR K\LIS-IN A (iOOH LOCALITY IN /. WASHINGTON'S LAST MOMUNTo. NIT OR WOMAN'S CONSTANCY. RICH IN MATERIAL AND ARTISTIC IN DESIGN. PARIS "MABILLE," PETE, AC., AO. tt BROADWAY. A, Act 1.Franco-Cbiuexe canteen In Pekin, with viewe of tbe MUSICAL CONDUCTOR MICHAEL CONNELLY HIST AND KOIINIJ. DRUGlirook 1vn, well stocked and lian<l*»inely lifted up; rent 0 Box book now open. and French FORTY THIEVES MATINEE $300; plica iji2,U00 cash, or hall' interest for $1,100. Address tJ'K OPEN KROM hay man-of-war at aurbor. Calyo. box 190 Herald office. AN1 ATOM V. I 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. MUSEUM. Act S.Grand Illuminated Chinese Interior.
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