Maintaining Tax Maps in ArcGIS Pro and the Parcel Fabric An Exploration of Parcel Mapping in ArcGIS Pro

Frank Conkling - Panda Consulting Panda Consulting Introduction

Beta Testers since ArcView 1.0 • ESRI Business Partners since 1998 • Professional Surveyor in Florida and South Carolina • Taught Surveying and Mapping 1985 - 1995 • Past President of Florida Association of Cadastral Mappers • Member of Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers ArcGIS Pro and the Parcel Fabric • Flexible Data structures • Advanced Editing Tools • Built in Spiral Curves Tool • Annotation Advances • Map Series Enhancements • Advanced Labeling • Attribute Rules • Data Reviewer Parcel Fabric Data Structure

• Flexibility in Schema • Integrate organization attribution • Integrate organization feature class naming convention Advanced Editing tools

• Smarter advanced tools for: • Inputting data • Adjusting data • Ensuring completeness • Ensuring accuracy For Example: Spiral Curves

• Built into ArcGIS Pro • Stores all spiral parameters • Geometry is stored as curve Annotation • ArcGIS Pro provides a rich annotation solution: • Standard Annotation • Feature Linked Annotation • Accessible in traditional data structures and feature services. • Upgrade Dataset to convert ArcMap Annotation to ArcGIS Pro • (Make a backup frst*) Map Series

• Spatial Type - the pages are derived from a single feature class • Bookmark Type - the pages are derived from a list of bookmarks • Dynamic Legends- only list elements within map extent or index feature • Dynamic Tables - only list elements within map extent or index feature • Anchor Points for Map Elements to ensure positioning Tax Map Book Solution

COGO Line Attributes Bearing and Distance Labeling Bearing / Distance Label Expression Advanced Symbology

• Attribute driven symbology • Scale - based symbol classes Ensure Completeness with Attribute Rules

• Calculation Rule - Automatic Calculations to populate attribute felds • Constraint Rule - Prevention of an error being introduced into the data • Validation Rule - Ensure the features comply with rules G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count

G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count ® Data Reviewer28 ArcGIS Data Reviewer C for ArcGIS Pro Checks

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query

EVENT CHECKS ATTRIBUTE CHECKS GEODATABASE CHECKS Feature on feature G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number MonotonicityG Number G Number G Number G Number Cutback G Number Execute Query Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product

Evaluate Vertex Count Date Date CompositeDate Date Date Date SamplingDate Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Domain LANDUSE DESCRIPTION Relationships Event on Event EVENT 1 0 100 Finds attribute values that do not comply with coded value or Searches for records that are orphans or have improper Finds linear referenced events that overlay other 000 UNCLASSIFIED EVENT 2 AGR AGRICULTURE 0 100 range domains that are associated with an attribute ! eld cardinality in a relationship class events based on a user-de! ned relationship. PLAN CROP G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number SDP G Number GAGR Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G NumberUnnecessaryROUTE Nodes G NumberRequestor Unnecessary Nodes Requestor RequestorInvalid Geometry Requestor Invalid GeometryRequestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor IND INDUSTRIAL 0 Product100 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product 1 CORN Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date EVENT 3 2 RICE Data Reviewer Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes 0 Notes Notes Notes100 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes NRN NotesIND 15 75 Feature on feature 3 WHEAT ERROR

Feature Gon Number feature G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry Feature on feature Domain icon Query Attributes (Execute SQL) Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes TopologyNotes RulesNotes Invalid Events Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Finds records based on a WHERE clause run against Returns the geometry of features that violate the Finds linear referenced events that do not have an associated R1 route (orphaned events) or contain invalid measure values. row attributes topology rules that have been de! ned for a feature 0 30 G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number dataset in theRequestor geodatabase Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor The check also identi! es gaps or overlaps between events E1 E2 E3 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date -2 0 0 6 16 E4 31 within the same route or across multiple routes. Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

Evaluate Polyline Length 23 30 Evaluate Polyline Length Multipart Polygon Multipart Polygon TYPE =4 MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecute QueryExecute Query Query Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query

MonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutback ExecuteExecute Query Query

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Regular Expression Relationships Subtype Topology Rules G NumberYEAR G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Evaluate Polyline Length Multipart Polygon Finds features with attribute values that violate the Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product POLYGON CHECKSDuplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self FIELD REGULAR Date 1805 Date Date Date Date Date Date Date G Number G Number G Number SPATIALG Number RELATIONSHIPG Number G Number CHECKSG Number G Number regular expression Requestor EXPRESSIONRequestorNotes RequestorNotes RequestorNotes RequestorNotes RequestorNotes RequestorNotes RequestorNotes Notes Product Product 1972 Product Product Product Product Product Product Evaluate Polyline Length InvalidEvaluate Events Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan YEAR (19/20)\D\D 2005 AREA: 4 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Evaluate Polygon Perimeter and Area AREA: 5 Adjacent Vertex Elevation 200A Z<400’ Searches for polygon, part, ring, or segment features FeatureFeature onFeature feature on feature on feature Feature on feature FeatureFeature on feature on feature Geometry on Geometry Finds vertices for polyline or polygon featuresInvalid Geometry with elevation Evaluate Part Count MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecute QueryExecute Query Query Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query whose area orMonotonicity perimeter is within a speci! edCutback range Execute Query 630’ Monotonicity Cutback AREA: 1 Execute Query AREA: 9 (z-value) changes greater than the speci! ed tolerance 450’

Feature on feature Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Subtype SUBTYPES Z Nonlinear Segment Nonlinear Segment Feature on feature Polyline or Path Closes on Self Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area 160’ Finds features with improper or null subtype values 1 HIGHWAYS Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent360’ Evaluate Intersection Count 180’ >3 AND >8 2 MAJOR ROAD Adjacent Vertex Elevation Evaluate Polyline Length 3 LOCALEvaluate Polyline STREETS Length Orphan Different Z or Intersection 4 ALLEY Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Nonlinear Segment Invalid Hole Feature Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Composite RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships SubtypeSubtypeSubtype TopologyTopology TopologyRules Rules Rules Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor FeatureFeatureRequestor onFeature feature on feature on feature Feature on feature FindsRelationships Relationshipsfeatures that intersect polygonSubtypeSubtype feature holes TopologyTopology Rules Rules ProductFeatureFeature on feature on feature Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Searches for features that satisfy combined Geometry on Monotonicity Cutback Execute QuerySUBTYPE=0 G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Geometry and/or Table to Table Attribute checks by feeding Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date the results of one check into the next check Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Table to TableNotes Attribute FEATURE CLASS SCALE GEOMETRY ON GEOMETRY ON Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling Returns rows whose attributes match those of a feature OID SCALEEvaluate Polyline20,000 Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection CountGEOMETRY 1 GEOMETRY 2 Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query 1 10,000 30,000 class or table and/or comply with a user-de! ned Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query WHERE clause comparing the attributes between 2 20,000 Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry Relationships feature classes and/or tables Subtype 3Topology Rules 10,000 Invalid Hole Feature Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Set of Quality Control (QC) Tools Multipart Polygon Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling 4 30,000 Different Z or Intersection G Number G Number G Number G Number RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships G Number G Number SubtypeSubtypeSubtype G Number G NumberTopologyTopology TopologyRules Rules Rules Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Feature on feature 5’> Z<50’ Finds polygonRelationships features with more than oneSubtype part and Requestor Topology Rules Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor • Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Finds two intersecting line features whose z-value difference MonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutback ExecuteExecute Query Query Date Date Date Date EvaluateEvaluate PolylineEvaluate Polyline Length Polyline Length LengthDate Date EvaluateEvaluate PolylineEvaluate Polyline Length Polyline Length Length Date OrphanDateOrphanOrphan Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan polygon features with holes Evaluate Z Values EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length OrphanOrphan 1 is within the minimum/maximum speci! ed tolerance values G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Notes G Number Notes G Number Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes 120’ Requestor RequestorInvalid Hole Feature Note:RequestorSee Evaluate PartRequestor Count check forRequestor equivalentPolygon SilvercapabilityRequestor in Requestor Unnecessary Polygon BoundariesRequestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product at the point where they intersect Date Date ArcGISDate Pro and EnterpriseDate work! ows Date Date Date Date Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Z Unique ID FEATURE CLASS 1 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes 2 Notes Feature on feature Feature on feature Checks the values of a set of ! elds across a set of tables and 7 25 Feature on feature 95’ 80’ Monotonicity Cutback ExecuteGeometry Query on Geometry feature classes for uniquenessInvalid Geometry within a given workspace Evaluate Part Count FEATURE CLASS 2 Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query 8 18 Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling Adjacent Vertex Elevation G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number 1 36 Different Z or Intersection Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor 9 18 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Unnecessary Nodes Evaluate Polyline Length Invalid Geometry Multipart Polygon Polygon Overlap/Gap Is Sliver Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date 2 21 G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling Requestor Requestor DuplicateRequestor FeatuRequestorre Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Relationships Subtype Topology Rules 3 18 Returns overlap/gap geometriesEvaluate Polyline Length between polygon features Multipart Polygon FeatureFeature on feature on feature Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Finds features of the same geometry type that are collocated Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query from two feature classes that have a thinness ratio beneath a EvaluateEvaluate PolylineEvaluate Polyline Length Polyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate PolylineEvaluate Polyline Length Polyline Length Length OrphanOrphanOrphan Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Notes Notes Notes Evaluate Polyline Length Notes Notes Evaluate Polyline Length Notes NotesOrphan Notes EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length OrphanOrphan and optionally share attributes user-speci! ed threshold; optionally requires that the overlap/ Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Regular Expression Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature Invalid Hole Feature G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Z gap polygons be beneath a maximum area threshold G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Relationships FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes GeometryNotes on Geometry Notes Relationships Notes Invalid GeometrySubtype Topology Rules Evaluate Part Count Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature Feature on feature Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query FEATURE INTEGRITY CHECKS Automated Data Review Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query

G Number G Number G Number G NumberEvaluate Polyline Length G Number G Number G Number Evaluate ExtentG Number Evaluate Intersection Count Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count • Polygon/Ring Closed Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Cutbacks Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Evaluate Intersection Count Searches for unclosed rings in polygons based on the RelationshipsFeatureRelationships on feature SubtypeSubtype TopologyTopology Rules Rules Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver FindsFeature on featuresegments where the angle between segments in a Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Evaluate Polyline Length Multipart Polygon Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Finds vertices for polyline features in one feature class x-value, y-value, and z-value 4 1 Evaluate Z Values polygon or Evaluatepolyline Polyline Length is below a speci! edEvaluate Polylineminimum Length value Orphan Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query that intersect polyline or polygon features in a second 3 Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area feature class a speci! ed number of times 2

Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver

Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Topology Rules

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Feature on feature ANGLE <25º Duplicate Vertex INTERSECTION>3Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecute QueryExecute Query Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Polygon Sliver DuplicateG Number Vertex G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Finds polygons below a speci! ed thinness ratio (T) and Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor FeatureRequestor on Feature (Geometry on Geometry) RelationshipsProduct FeatureRelationships on feature Product Subtype ProductSubtype Product Topology Rules TopologyProduct Rules Product Product Product Finds verticesDate from theDate same feature thatDate are Date Date Date Date Date optionally whose area is within a speci! ed threshold Finds features that have a speci! c relationship, either Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count collocatedNotes Evaluate orEvaluate Polyline Polylinewithin Length Length a speciNotes ! ed toleranceEvaluateEvaluateNotes Polyline Polyline Lengthof Length one Notes OrphanOrphan Notes Notes Notes Notes from two feature layers or within the same feature layer G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number T Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor another Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Monotonicity Evaluate Vertex Count Cutback Execute Query Composite Sampling Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Date PolylineDate or Path Closes on Self Date Date Date Date Date Date Feature on feature Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Topology Rules Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Relationships Subtype Topology Rules FeatureFeature onFeature feature on featureon feature MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecute QueryExecute Query Query Semiautomated Data Review Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

• Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver EvaluateUnnecessary Polygon ExtentBoundaries G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Feature on feature Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Returns border geometries for polygons that share a Product Product Product ProductIntersectionProduct on GeometryProduct Product Product Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Returns features where the extent properties (x and y) Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date common boundary and identical attribution Notes Notes Notes Notes Returns geometriesNotes for featNotes ures in FeatureNotes Class 1 Notes areEvaluate within Polyline Length speciEvaluate Polyline !Length ed parametersEvaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling that intersect with the intersections from features from G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Feature Class 2 Productand 3 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

Geometry on Geometry Invalid GeometryNotes Notes NotesEvaluate Part Count Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Topology Rules Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling Feature on feature FeatureFeature onFeature feature on featureon feature

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships SubtypeSubtypeSubtype TopologyTopologyTopology Rules Rules Rules Feature on feature Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Relationships Subtype Topology Rules MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecute QueryExecute Query Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver

G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Evaluate Part Count Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Valency POINT VALENCY POLYLINE CHECKS Finds features with a part count that is within a speci! ed value Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature 4 Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan 3 Searches for points or nodes of linear features that 1

G Number G Number G Number G Number G RelationshipsNumber G Number G NumberSubtype G Number Topology Rules Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor 2 Requestor intersect with a speci! ed number of linear features Regular Expression Table to ProductTable Attribute Product ProductInvalid Hole Feature Product Product Product Product Product Evaluate Polyline Length Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Notes50 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

Finds polylineFeatureRelationships onsegments, feature parts, or featuresSubtype that have a line Topology Rules 1 RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships SubtypeSubtypeSubtype TopologyTopologyTopology Rules Rules Rules Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Feature on feature Feature on feature Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query Relationships Subtype Topology Rules length within a speci! ed tolerance FeatureFeature on feature on feature 3 Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Feature on feature Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan 60 10 PARTS>3 Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query VALENCY 30 EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline LengthPolyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline LengthPolyline Length Length OrphanOrphanOrphan

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Evaluate Vertex Count 2 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product LENGTHProduct <20 3 Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date 1 Finds polyline or polygon features that have a vertex Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes EvaluateNotes Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self 2 6 count within a speci! ed tolerance 1 4 Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Evaluate Vertex Count Composite 2 5 LEGENDSampling Regular Expression Find Dangles Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature 3 Adjacent Vertex Elevation Different Z or Intersection 1 Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling FindsFeature onpolyline feature FeatureRelationships onfeat feature ures with nodes that areSubtype within a user- Topology Rules Relationships Relationships Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules Feature on feature G Number G NumberNUMBER OF G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number de! ned tolerance but not connected to other polyline or RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships SubtypeSubtypeSubtype TopologyTopologyTopology Rules Rules Rules Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Requestor Execute Query RequestorExecute Query Requestor Requestor FeatureRequestor on feature Requestor Requestor Requestor EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline LengthPolyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline Polyline LengthPolyline LengthLength Length Product OrphanOrphanOrphan EvaluateVERTICES>3 PolylineProduct Length AND <5 Product OrphanProduct Product Product Product Product polygon features Date Date Date Date DateMonotonicity Date DateCutback Date Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Evaluate Vertex Count CompositeREVIEWER BATCH JOBSSampling Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes

Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Z Values Z<1000’ Reviewer batch jobs contain con! gured Data Reviewer checks

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Searches for features whose z-values are Evaluatewithin Extent a Evaluate Intersection Count that validate features stored in geodatabase feature classes, speci! ed range Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometrystand-alone tables, and shape! les. Batch jobs are createdDuplicate Vertex using Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan tools in ArcMap and are persisted as an .rbj ! le that can be Monotonicity G Number G Number G Number3 G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor 1000’Requestor Feature on feature Product 4 Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product shared usingEvaluate Vertex project Count templates and packages in ArcGISComposite Pro. Sampling SearchesRelationships z-enabledRelationships or m-enabledSubtype polylinesSubtype for vertices Topology Rules Topology Rules Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Date Evaluate IntersectionDate Count Date Date Date Date Date Date Z Relationships Subtype Topology Rules 900’ 1 Feature on feature Feature on feature that are not strictly increasing or decreasing in value or are Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Relationships Subtype Topology Rules 2 Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query800’ Feature on feature Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan trending based on speci! ed conditions Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline LengthPolyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate EvaluatePolyline Polyline LengthPolyline Length Length OrphanOrphanOrphan

Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver 1 2 1 4 5 Evaluate Z Values Invalid Geometry REVIEWER RULES IN A GEODATABASE Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Feature on feature Feature on feature Geometry on Geometry Invalid Geometry Evaluate Part Count

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Finds features whose geometry is empty, nothing, or not M OBJECTID SHAPE FCSUBTYPE Reviewer geodatabase rules are con! gured Data Reviewer G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number simple, as well as features with emptyRequestor envelopesRequestor Requestor 1Requestor POLYLINERequestor AQ040-Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date BRIDGEDate LINE Date Date checks that validate geodatabase feature classes and stand- Notes Notes Notes 2Notes POLYLINENotes AQ040-Notes Notes Notes Multipart Line BRIDGE LINE alone tables. Rules are created using tools in ArcGIS Pro and 2 Searches for polyline features with more than one part 3 Evaluate PolylineNULL Length AQ040- Multipart Polygon BRIDGE LINE are stored in a geodatabase that can be shared by exporting Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Evaluate Vertex Count FeatureRelationships on feature Feature on feature Subtype Composite Topology Rules Sampling Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan Note: See Evaluate Part Count check for equivalent capability in Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Relationships to comma-separatedSubtype values ! les (.csv) or XMLTopology Rules workspace Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan ArcGIS ProRelationships and Enterprise work! ows Subtype Topology Rules Evaluate Vertex Count Composite Sampling1 Evaluate Polyline Lengthdocument ! les (.xml).Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Nonlinear Segment Relationships Relationships Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules Feature on feature NUMBER OF PARTS<1 Finds polyline or polygon features that contain nonlinear MonotonicityMonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutbackCutback ExecuteExecuteExecute Query Query Query Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self

Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polyline Length segments such Multipartas Polygonarcs and curves Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring ClosedREVIEWER RULES IN PolylineA or PathMAP Closes on Self Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Extent Evaluate Intersection Count Orphan Reviewer map rules are con! gured Data Reviewer checks that Finds single polyline features that are not connected in Evaluate Polyline Length Multipart Polygon validate feature layers referenced in a map. Rules are created the database topology Relationships FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules MonotonicityMonotonicity CutbackCutback ExecuteExecute Query Query using tools in ArcGIS Pro and are stored in a map that can be Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Lengthshared using projectEvaluate Polyline Lengthtemplates and packages,Orphan map ! les and packages, and layer ! les and packages in ArcGIS Pro. Sampling Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Relationships Subtype Topology Rules FeatureFeatureFeature on feature on on feature feature Generates a statistical sampling of features or records Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan from one or more layers or tables Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Polyline or Path Closes on Self p2 Finds paths or lines in polyline features that close themselves Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area FeatureFeatureRelationships on featureon feature Subtype Topology Rules Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan p1 p3 Evaluate Vertex Count Evaluate Polyline Length EvaluateComposite Polyline Length Orphan Sampling

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query p4

RelationshipsRelationshipsRelationships SubtypeSubtypeSubtype TopologyTopologyTopology Rules Rules Rules Feature on feature

Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self

Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Unnecessary Nodes Duplicate Vertex Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self

Finds features that share a node and have identical Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries Feature on feature RelationshipsFeatureRelationships on feature SubtypeSubtype TopologyTopology Rules Rules

attributes in editable ! elds Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number G Number Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Requestor Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Product Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Feature on feature

Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Feature on feature EvaluateEvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Polyline Length Length Length EvaluateEvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Polyline Length Length Length OrphanOrphanOrphan Monotonicity Cutback Execute Query

Copyright © 2020 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, and are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners. g1289040 Unnecessary Nodes Invalid Geometry

Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature

Relationships FeatureRelationships on feature Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules

EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length EvaluateEvaluate Polyline Polyline Length Length OrphanOrphan Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules Feature on feature Feature on feature

Monotonicity Monotonicity Cutback Cutback Execute Query Execute Query Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Feature on feature Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature

Evaluate Polyline Length Duplicate Vertex Multipart Polygon Polygon/Ring Closed Polyline or Path Closes on Self Relationships Subtype Topology Rules

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan

Relationships Relationships Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules Feature on feature Feature on feature

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Feature on feature

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Relationships Subtype Topology Rules

Nonlinear Segment Polyline or Path Closes on Self Evaluate Polygo Perimeter and Area

Relationships Relationships Subtype Subtype Topology Rules Topology Rules

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Orphan

Invalid Hole Feature Polygon Silver Unnecessary Polygon Boundaries

Relationships Subtype Topology Rules

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Regular Expression Table to Table Attribute Invalid Hole Feature

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan

Evaluate Polyline Length Evaluate Polyline Length Orphan Questions?

Frank Conkling [email protected]
