MAGAZINE ISSUE 1, VOLUME 2 • JANUARY 2010 PUBLISHER Andee Bell The debut of POWER was outstanding and I want thank everyone involved 530-661-7585 from the writers to the readers. We had some excellent feedback from our sub-
[email protected] scribers. Our goal is to absorb what is said, both positive and negative, and allow EDITOR-AT-XTRA-LARGE that information to help guide us. Mark Bell
[email protected] In this issue, we’ve added “Coaches’ Corner” and a Strongman article by Pro Strongman Karl Gillingham. Karl is one-third of the strongest trio of brothers to MANAGING EDITOR Heather Peavey walk the face of the earth: the Gillinghams. ASSOCIATE EDITOR April Donald Karl and his family have been around the ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION Paul Graff strength circles for years
[email protected] and they know their trade well. Look for more SUBSCRIPTION RATES: US Addresses . .$29/1 year Strongman articles in US Addresses . .$49/2 years upcoming issues of International Addresses . .$65/1 year International Addresses . .$115/2 years POWER. Coaches’ Corner has Address changes send to
[email protected] Chris Carlisle, the head SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE AT strength coach at the University of Southern California, and New Jersey’s own Internet icon Zach Even-Esh. Their coaching tips may help you become a better coach, trainer or crazy parent that forces their kid to kick everyone’s ass at their POWER Magazine (ISSN 2150-5411) is given sport. published bi-monthly by Power Media. POSTMASTER: please send address changes to POWER Magazine, “Hoss” Cartwright writes about his top-secret spreadsheet training and the 609 Crystal Springs Dr.