- UNIGE explore (for e- and articles) - http://resolver.rero.ch/unige/az - http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch - books - - ("Look Inside" for samples) - http://archive.org (for material that is out of copyright) - individual publisher's websites: for samples from books; also, some academic publishers are making their books Open Access for the duration of the crisis.

The following digital archives are legal to use in Switzerland (to download but not to upload material) though they are not legal in some other countries: - http://b-ok.org - https://librarygenesis.net/ - https://sci-hub.tw/

Create a free account to access material from the following sites: - www.researchgate.net - www.academia.edu - http://archive.org/nel (National Emergency )

A couple of further resources: - HathiTrust , https://www.hathitrust.org/ - doab: directory of open access books: https://www.doabooks.org/


The library has published on its website a reminder of the range of electronic resources accessible from home for students and staff: https://www.unige.ch/biblio/fr/actus/pensez-au-numerique-acces-a-des-milliers-de-ressources-247- depuis-chez-vous/.

Our librarian, Hélène Vincent, has also updated the library web dedicated to seminar shelves for English Literature and added links to individual titles we have as in addition to, or instead of, printed books: https://www.unige.ch/biblio/anglais

The selection is often (but not always) quite slim. However, Hélène is preparing to order further ebooks; she has worked from the list of titles some teachers selected for their library shelves. Not all titles are available as ebooks for institutional purchase (and some are simply too expensive), but the selection of ebooks listed on that page should increase over the following days and weeks.

Please also note that 30.000 ebooks are available through Cambridge Core, where you can for instance browse titles on Literature: https://www.cambridge.org/core/browse-subjects/literature