Celebrate Catholic Schools Week

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Celebrate Catholic Schools Week ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 78 | No. 7 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY JANUARY 25, 2013 Celebrate Inside Catholic Schools Week Life Celebrated, Defended at Annual Parish Banquet pg. 3 Jan. 27-Feb. 2 Say a prayer A for Catholic school students and teachers. It’s Time to Help Visit your Catholic Children in Peru Again schools when The Junior Observer, pg. 6 B they schedule open Quick News houses. Diocesan Video Nominate your Contest Cancelled favorite Catholic The youth video contest C announced in the Young school teacher for Observer section of the, Jan. 18 paper, has been cancelled. the Rockford Diocese Outstanding Catholic Coming Soon in The Observer Educator Award (Photo provided) Laura Kane, fi fth-grade homeroom and fi fth- through eighth-grade math teacher at St. Mary School in by Jan. 27 at www. Elgin, poses with her students, who wanted to point out one of their favorite teachers. The fi rst Rockford Diocese Outstanding Catholic School Educator Award will be presented during Catholic Schools Week, rockforddiocese.org/ Jan. 27-Feb. 2. Voting is open through Jan. 27 at www.rockforddiocese.org/education. education. See Catholic Schools Week coverage, pgs. 7-16 (CNS fi le photo/Bob Roller) March for Life Today Citing Conscience Laws, Illinois The annual March for Life marking the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion is today Judge Halts Contraceptive Mandate in Washington D.C. Look for special coverage Feb. 1 in BY DENNIS SADOWSKI precedence over the state man- who are Catholic. Right of Conscience Act. The Observer. Catholic News Service date that the health insurance In a parallel case, the Yeps “This is an area of law where they provide to their employees and Triune won a preliminary there is not a lot of precedent,” This Issue WASHINGTON—The Cath- must cover abortion, steriliza- injunction Jan. 4 in U.S. Dis- said Breen, who argued the Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 olic owners of an Illinois health tions and contraceptives. trict Court for the Northern case before Sheen. “We are services consulting company Headliners ..................................... 3 “The unique thing about this District of Illinois against the glad to be able to get a fi rst vic- have won a temporary restrain- Nation/World .......................... 4-5 order is that it’s the fi rst recog- Department of Health and Hu- tory and be able to hopefully ing order against the state’s nition by an Illinois court that man Services’ contraceptive The Junior Observer .................. 6 blaze a path for other employ- contraceptive mandate. the state’s contraception man- mandate. Catholic Schools Week ....... 7-16 Judge Terence M. Sheen of date may be pre-empted by Breen told Catholic News ers in the state of Illinois to be Around the Diocese ...........17-19 the DuPage County Circuit our religious freedom and con- Service Jan. 17 that the Yeps able to offer conscience-com- Faith Forum................................ 20 Court granted the order Jan. 15 science laws,” said attorney Pe- were pleased with Sheen’s de- pliant health care.” Viewpoints ................................. 21 to Christopher and Mary Anne ter Breen, executive director of cision, which cited conscience There was no immediate For the Record ......................... 22 Yep and their company, Triune the Thomas More Society, the protections outlined in the word whether the Illinois at- Media/Arts ................................. 22 Health Group Inc., saying Il- Chicago-based public interest state’s Religious Freedom Res- torney general would appeal Diocesan ..................................... 23 linois’ conscience laws take law fi rm representing the Yeps, toration Act and Health Care Sheen’s ruling. 2 FRIDAY JANUARY 25, 2013 | The Observer Concern for Nature of Marriage, The Observer (ISSN 0029- Children is International 7739), is published weekly, except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 n recent weeks, Illinois has have lost sight of marriage as a poses the natural right of a child the freedom or rights of the Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax become a sort of “ground reality that flows from our na- to have a mother and a father. adults both for marriage and for 815/399-6225. zero” with regard to the ture as man and woman able to here are several lessons adoption. But there is a further Periodical postage paid at question of marriage, and come together and give life to a question here about the rights of Rockford, Ill., and additional for us coming from mail offices. Itherefore also of the family. child, another human being. these stories. the children who might be ad- As you probably know, I But in France, something First, proponents try opted by such couples. POSTMASTER: send address recently asked that a letter that else has been happening. This Tto tell us that same-sex mar- In several recent talks, Pope changes to The Observer, 555 I prepared on this topic be month large demonstrations, in- Benedict XVI has reminded us Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box riage is inevitable because it is 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 read at all the Masses within cluding hundreds of thousands part of the evolution of society that children are not objects to the Diocese of Rockford. (If of participants, have taken place toward a more enlightened un- be possessed. Rather, they are a For ADVERTISING information: you have not seen or read that in Paris to express opposition to derstanding of the world. Oppo- gift that is entrusted to families Contact The Observer at the letter, you can find it at http:// the proposal being made to the sition, we are told, is futile. as well as to society. By its very address above or call 815/399- www.rockforddiocese.org/pdfs/ French Parliament to legalize But hundreds of thousands nature, marriage is the physical 4300; fax 815/399-6225, InterfaithStatement.pdf.) same-sex marriage and adop- source for children as well as E-mail: rbergman@ of people marching in France rockforddiocese.org. It outlined the very serious tions by same-sex couples. certainly challenge that under- the proper environment for rais- concerns, both for us as a soci- Significantly, according to standing. For that reason, we ing them in the complementary Send NEWS information to The ety and for us as Catholics and press reports, those marches should not feel alone nor should presence of the father and the Observer at the address or fax followers of Jesus, which flow have been populated not just by we feel embarrassed to speak mother. number above, or send e-mail from a proposal to allow same- religious believers but French In the First Letter of St. John to Observer@rockforddiocese. the truth. org. sex marriage in our state. I urge citizens of various political per- Second, a principal argument we are reminded “… the one you once more to be in contact suasions and religious beliefs, being put forward by the march- who loves God should love his Subscription rate $28.00 per with your representatives to and those with no religious be- ers is not one that is Catholic or brother also … .” (1 Jn. 4:21). year (48 issues); Canadian express your opposition to this lief at all. even religious. Rather, it relates We are commanded to love all and Pan American $29; other proposal. While such mass demonstra- of our brothers and sisters. And foreign: surface mail $37, air to human nature and specifical- mail $97; single copies $1. With that background, it has tions are often difficult to char- ly the rights of children to have we do. been of great interest to learn acterize as to their specific mo- and know their mother and fa- But that includes love for chil- The Observer Online digital that this same issue is confront- tivation, one particular theme ther. This is a fundamental hu- dren and respect for their right subscriptions are also available. ing countries in Europe. Gener- seems to emerge. It is that man right. to know and be raised by their ally, the news has been less than same-sex marriage is not only a Often the discussion of same- mother and father as a part of Staff — encouraging as so many people danger to the family; it also op- marriage in our society. Publisher: sex marriage has centered on Most Reverend David J. Malloy After Angelus, St. Peter’s Square, The Pope on ... Take every opportunity to Associate Publisher: Msgr. Eric Barr Jan. 13 encounter Him and to see His face in the acts of kind- Today we are celebrating the Editor: Penny Wiegert ness you receive during your World Day of Migrants and pilgrimage of migration. News Editor: Amanda Hudson Refugees. In the message for this year I compared migration Rejoice, for the Lord is near, Features Editor: Sharon to a “pilgrimage of faith and and with Him you will be able Boehlefeld hope.” to overcome obstacles and Circulation/Proofreading: difficulties, treasuring the Whoever leaves his land does (CNS photo/Alessia Pierdomenico, Reuters) Susan Sabrowski, so hoping for a better future, experiences of openness and Keith Ludolph, Ronald Bergman but also does so because he Immigrants and Refugees acceptance that many people offer you. Accounting: Jill Bonk trusts in God who guides the such, possesses fundamental, their uprooting and separation footsteps of man, like Abra- inalienable rights that must be more tolerable and even gives For “life is like a voyage on the Client Services: ham. And in this way, migrants sea of history, often dark and Ronald Bergman respected by everyone and in them the hope of eventually are bearers of faith and hope stormy, a voyage in which we every circumstance” (ibid.).
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