Hearth Tax Assessments South East Division Lady Day 1665-66

Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Wilkison George 4 x gent 1666 Byers Green Walker Jonathan 4 x 1666 Byers Green Trotter William 6 x 1666 Byers Green Wright Thomas 2 x 1666 Byers Green Vincent Robert 1 x 1666 Byers Green White William 2 x 1666 Byers Green White Thomas 1 x 1666 Byers Green Smith Thomas 1 x 1666 Byers Green Wright William 1 x 1666 Byers Green Parking Thomas 1 x 1666 Byers Green Walker Dorothy 1 x 1666 Byers Green Todd Charles 2 x 1666 Byers Green Hall Robert 1 x 1666 Byers Green Emmerson Thomas 1 x 1666 Byers Green Lagler Jonathan 2 x 1666 Byers Green Hopper William 1 x 1666 Byers Green Sidgewick Jonathan 1 x 1666 Byers Green Ward Thomas 1 x 1666 Byers Green Fawdon George 1 x 1666 Byers Green Emerson William 1 x 1666 Byers Green Emerson George 1 x 1666 Byers Green Wright Margaret 1 x 1666 Byers Green Wright Stephen 1 x 1666 Byers Green Wright Gracy 1 x 1666 Byers Green Eltringham Margaret 1 x 1666 Byers Green White Elizabeth 1 x 1666 Byers Green Todd Ann 1 x 1666 Byers Green Cairsley Widow 1 x 1666 Byers Green Robert 1 x 1666 Byers Green Corner Richard 2 x 1666 Eldon Appleby Robert 1 x 1666 Eldon Hopper Richard 2 x 1666 Eldon Harrison William 2 x 1666 Eldon Foster Thomas 1 x 1666 Eldon Smith Henry 1 x 1666 Eldon Harrison William 2 x 1666 Eldon Hopper Joseph 2 x 1666 Eldon Harrison Richard 1 x 1666 Eldon Watson Thomas 1 x 1666 Eldon Slater George 1 x 1666 Eldon Harrison Anthony 1 x 1666 Eldon Adamson Elizabeth 1 x 1666 Eldon Parkin Robert 1 x 1666 Eldon Watson Thomas 1 x 1666 Eldon Burrell Thomas 1 x 1666 Eldon Hornsby Fram 1 x 1666 Eldon

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Cowper Robert 1 x 1666 Eldon Soulby William 1 x 1666 Eldon Hackwoth John 1 x 1666 Eldon Michell Fram 1 x 1666 Eldon Thompson William 1 x 1666 Eldon Bowman Christopher 1 x 1666 Eldon Harryson William 1 x 1666 Eldon Knaggs Robert 1 x 1666 Eldon Richardson Isabell 1 x 1666 Eldon Rickerby Robert 1 x 1666 Eldon Simpson Fillis 1 x 1666 Eldon Foster Raphe 1 x 1666 Eldon Watkin John 1 x 1666 Eldon Davison George 1 x 1666 Eldon Londsdale William 1 x 1666 Eldon Blenkinshopp Margaret 1 x 1666 Eldon Downes Christopher 5 x gent 1666 Middlestone Carre Mr 5 x 1666 Middlestone Stelling Jonathan 3 x 1666 Middlestone Liddell Richard 1 x 1666 Middlestone Thompson Thomas 1 x 1666 Middlestone Hickson William 2 x 1666 Middlestone Elstobb Jonathan 1 x 1666 Middlestone Richardson Jonathan 1 x 1666 Middlestone Harrison Widdow 1 x 1666 Middlestone Downes Christopher 1 x 1666 Middlestone Hickson William 1 x 1666 Middlestone Stelling John 1 x 1666 Middlestone Bainbridge Jonathan 2 x 1666 Hunter Jonathan 2 x 1666 Middridge Dobbin Richard 2 x 1666 Middridge Lowson Richard 1 x 1666 Middridge Clayton Robert 1 x 1666 Middridge Craigs Jonathan 2 x 1666 Middridge Tower James 1 x 1666 Middridge Palliser Richard 1 x 1666 Middridge Craiges Richard 1 x 1666 Middridge Hunter Humphrey 1 x 1666 Middridge Watson Jonathan 1 x 1666 Middridge Stabler Jonathan 1 x 1666 Middridge Jackson Snr Jonathan 2 x 1666 Middridge Croft Richard 1 x 1666 Middridge Jackson Jnr Jonathan 2 x 1666 Middridge Jackson Jnr George 2 x 1666 Middridge Harden Edward 1 x 1666 Middridge Goundry Cuthbert 1 x 1666 Middridge

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Sunkbanke ? Jonathan 1 x 1666 Middridge Wallis William 1 x 1666 Middridge Chilton Edward 1 x 1666 Middridge White Thomas 1 x 1666 Middridge Hunter William 1 x 1666 Middridge Hunter Widdow 1 x 1666 Middridge Allen William 1 x 1666 Middridge White Widdow 1 x 1666 Middridge Bell Thomas 1 x 1666 Middridge Palliser William 1 x 1666 Middridge Walker Robert 1 x 1666 Middridge James William 1 x 1666 Middridge Byarley George 1 x 1666 Middridge Jeckell John 1 x 1666 Middridge Bell William 1 x 1666 Middridge Thompson William 1 x 1666 Middridge Simpson Thomas 1 x 1666 Middridge Haueside James 1 x 1666 Middridge Clayton George 1 x 1666 Middridge Craggs John 1 x 1666 Middridge Watson George 1 x 1666 Middridge Palleser Richard 1 x 1666 Middridge Craggs Robert 1 x 1666 Middridge Sharp Robert 3 x 1666 Westerton Lax George 3 x 1666 Westerton Lax Jonathan 3 x 1666 Westerton Weddal Ralph 3 x 1666 Westerton Lax Widdow 2 x 1666 Westerton Parkin William 1 x 1666 Westerton Lax Henry 3 x 1666 Westerton Wright Thomas 9 x gent 1665 Windlestone Langhorn John 4 x 1665 Windlestone Forsell Christopher 1 x 1665 Windlestone Iley John 2 x 1665 Windlestone Naisby Henry 1 x 1665 Windlestone Surelies Christopher 2 x 1665 Windlestone Walker William 1 x 1665 Windlestone Dawson John 1 x 1665 Windlestone Wright Hilda widow 2 x 1665 Windlestone Claxon John 1 x 1665 Windlestone Laton Richard 1 x 1665 Windlestone Iley Robert 1 x 1665 Windlestone Harrison Radius 1 x 1665 Windlestone Lawson Cicly 1 x 1665 Windlestone Nicholson Ellinor 1 x 1665 Windlestone Watson Robert 1 x 1665 Windlestone

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Parkin Richard 1 x 1665 Windlestone Fawell Robert 2 x 1665 Windlestone Langhorne Thomas 1 x 1665 Windlestone Newton Robert 1 x 1665 Windlestone Walker Martin 1 x 1665 Windlestone Appleby William 1 x 1665 Windlestone Wright ? Cicly 1 x 1665 Windlestone Wright John 1 x 1665 Windlestone Hodshon William 1 x 1665 Windlestone Pearson Thomas 1 x 1665 Windlestone Robson Robert 1 x 1665 Windlestone ????? Thomas 1 x 1665 Windlestone Walker Cuthbert 1 x 1665 Windlestone Surelies Christopher 2 x 1665 Windlestone Todd Humfrey 1 x 1665 Windlestone Thomson ? Francis 1 x 1665 Windlestone Naitby George 1 x 1665 Windlestone Simpson Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Windlestone Brasse Elizabeth 7 x 1665 Brafferton Carre Barbara 7 x 1665 Brafferton Coale Richard 1 x 1665 Brafferton Walker William 1 x 1665 Brafferton Heighington George 2 x 1665 Brafferton Wilson Thomas 2 x 1665 Brafferton Newton Thomas 1 x 1665 Brafferton Newton Henry 1 x 1665 Brafferton Atkin Jonathan 1 x 1665 Brafferton Thursby Richard 4 x 1665 Brafferton Earle Edward 2 x 1665 Brafferton Russell Henry 3 x 1665 Brafferton Gibson Robert 1 x 1665 Brafferton Read Thomas 2 x 1665 Brafferton Addy William 1 x 1665 Brafferton Sowrby Ralph 1 x 1665 Brafferton Wilson Jnr Thomas 3 x 1665 Brafferton Lawson Jnr Jonathan 1 x 1665 Brafferton Richardson John 1 x 1665 Brafferton Walker Robert 1 x 1665 Brafferton Simpson Edward 1 x 1665 Brafferton Hall Francis 1 x 1665 Brafferton Jones Denny 1 x 1665 Brafferton Gray Robert 1 x 1665 Brafferton Thompson Dorothy 1 x 1665 Brafferton Humble John 1 x 1665 Brafferton Peirson George 1 x 1665 Brafferton Wilson Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Brafferton

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Addy Thomas 1 x 1665 Brafferton Norton William 1 x 1665 Brafferton Rickarby Richard 1 x 1665 Brafferton Richardson Margaret 1 x 1665 Brafferton Close Thomas 1 x 1665 Brafferton Vicarage 5 x 1665 Aycliffe Richardson Anthony 4 x Gent 1665 Aycliffe Larkin ? Robert 4 x 1665 Aycliffe Long ? William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Smithson Jonathan 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Eggleson Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Adamson Robert 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Whitfield Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Stokeld Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Simpson William 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Hickson Thomas 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Walker Jonathan 3 x 1665 Aycliffe Forrest Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Thursby Thomas 3 x 1665 Aycliffe Haswell Robert 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Coatsworth George 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Simpson William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Atkinson Jonathan 3 x 1665 Aycliffe Richardson Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe W ? Simone 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Pryarman Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Shawlere Snr George 3 x 1665 Aycliffe Skafe Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Norton Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Welfoot Jonathan 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Watson Margaret 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Brass Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Wysy George 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Thompson William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Crozier Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Kirkholm ? Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Applegarth Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Nicholson Henry 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Richmond Richard 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Megson Roger 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Coltman Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Russell Peter 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Gibson Jonathan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Whitfield Ralph 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Nicholson William 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Wind Snr William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Wind Jnr William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Cully Jonathan 2 x Gent 1665 Aycliffe Spedlin Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Wilkison Faith 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Pallaster Jonathan 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Bennett William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Fewler William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Shawler Jnr George 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Welfoot William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Wilson William 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Brasse Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Grainger Alice 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Carr Cuthbert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Sadler Adam 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Collman Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Robinson Bryan 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Clarkson Jane 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Sisson Mary 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Megson George 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Dowfoot Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Prowd Mathew 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Blaicke Mary 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Megson Mary 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Haswell John 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Girsby George 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Bell John 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Carr Ann 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Burrell Mathew 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Fairebecke Margaret 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Stockeld Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Richardson William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Dobson Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Bownesse Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Alexander William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Brasse Dorothy 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Cathericke John 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Pyburne Margaret 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Burn William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Davyson Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Corsey Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Coward Thomas 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Walkin Jane 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Peirson Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Bryarman James 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Hall Christopher 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Whitfield Raphe 1 x 1665 Aycliffe

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Brasse Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Slator George Snr 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Stockald Richard 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Grainger Widdow 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Laykin Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Grysdale Robert 1 x 1665 Aycliffe White Simon 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Pallaster John 2 x 1665 Aycliffe Nicholson William 1 x 1665 Aycliffe Byars Richard 2 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Thompson George 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Emmerson Margaret 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Hickson Christopher 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Pearson Robert 2 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Parkin Richard 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Wyklife Mr 3 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Collin Richard 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Stephenson Richard 5 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Adamson Richard 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Longstaffe Mathew 2 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Clement James 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Bownas Snr Jonathan 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Pallister Robert 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Steadman Nichol 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Kirkhouse Richard 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Middleton Jane 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Young Margaret 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Moody George 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Gyles Richard 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Bownas Jonathan 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Newton Robert 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Coatworth John 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Hutchinson Denny 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Atkin Mary 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Granston John 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Sweetings John 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Hasswell Henry 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Wilkinson Ann 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Eadon Henry 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Younge Henry 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Garth Martin 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Timbridg Mirrell 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Wood Mirrell 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Barker John 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Anson Edward 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne Smith Ann 1 x 1665 Preston upon Skerne

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Suddicke William 1 x 1665 Woodholme Hickson George 3 x 1665 Woodholme Nateby Henry 1 x 1665 Woodholme Heightley Thomas 2 x 1665 Woodholme Greiveson Robert 3 x 1665 Woodholme Haswell Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Woodholme Jobling Jonathan 1 x 1665 Woodholme Clement George 2 x 1665 Woodholme Clement William 2 x 1665 Woodholme Parkin William 1 x 1665 Woodholme Jackson George 1 x 1665 Woodholme Jackson William 1 x 1665 Woodholme Stoddart Jonathan 1 x 1665 Woodholme Hutton Mr 4 x 1665 Woodholme Croft James 1 x 1665 Woodholme Blackett Jonathan 1 x 1665 Woodholme Robinson Hugh 1 x 1665 Woodholme Emmerson Ralph 1 x 1665 Woodholme Wilson Anthony 1 x 1665 Woodholme Aikrigg Richard 1 x 1665 Woodholme Jackson John 1 x 1665 Woodholme Morgan John 1 x 1665 Woodholme Readhead William 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Bracke Jonathan 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Heighley Francis 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Trewitt Henry ? 3 x 1665 Tudhoe Turping ? 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Richardson 2 x 1665 Tudhoe Briggs Sarah 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Atkinson Jonathan 2 x 1665 Tudhoe Byerley William 3 x 1665 Tudhoe Byerley William 2 x 1665 Tudhoe Jackson Ellinor 2 x 1665 Tudhoe Sparke Jonathan 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Pickering Thomas 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Nichol 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Isle George 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Walker Thomas 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Jackson Henry 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Wheatley Jonathan 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Richardson George 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Dunn Ralph 2 x 1665 Tudhoe Salvin Ralph 2 x Gent 1665 Tudhoe Cord Dorothy 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Walker Ann 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Browne Richard 1 x 1665 Tudhoe

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Poole Alice 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Ellery Henry 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Cooper Mr 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Rickison Christopher 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Turping Roger 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Richardson Henry 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Allen Mary 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Briggs John 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Coser Henry 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Coser John 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Readhead Jane 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Bell Ambrose 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Sparke Robert 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Wilson Jane 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Horner Margaret 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Kirkely George 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Thirkely Thomas 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Elinger James 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Sidgsworth John 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Harper Martin 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Smith Richard 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Ellery Michael 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Browne Thomas 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Focher John 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Gill John 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Row William 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Wheatly Henry 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Wheatley Michael 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Wheatly William 1 x 1665 Tudhoe Douthwaitt Ralph 1 x 1665 Willington Foster Henry 1 x 1665 Willington Dinall ? Widdow 2 x 1665 Willington Brackes Widdow 1 x 1665 Willington Wall Humfrey 2 x 1665 Willington Hall Jane 1 x 1665 Willington Bracke Nichol 1 x 1665 Willington Cuming Anthony 1 x 1665 Willington Thornton Robert 1 x 1665 Willington Dunn 1 x 1665 Willington Trotter ? 1 x 1665 Willington Pickering 1 x 1665 Willington Smith ? 1 x 1665 Willington Nicholson ? 1 x 1665 Willington Smith ? 2 x 1665 Willington Smith Richard 1 x 1665 Willington Pickering Charles 3 x 1665 Willington

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Clayton 1 x 1665 Willington Pickering 1 x 1665 Willington Watson Thomas 1 x 1665 Willington Hollyman ? Thomas 1 x 1665 Willington Jackson Anthony 1 x 1665 Willington Parkin John 1 x 1665 Willington Friend William 2 x 1665 Willington Cooke Robert 1 x 1665 Willington Clayton John 1 x 1665 Willington Pearson Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Willington Atkinson John 1 x 1665 Willington Stockdale George 1 x 1665 Willington Wall Denny 1 x 1665 Willington Gowland William 2 x 1665 Willington Fawwell John 1 x 1665 Willington Smart Widdow 1 x 1665 Willington Moss Widdow 1 x 1665 Willington Browne Isabell 1 x 1665 Willington Wall Richard 1 x 1665 Willington Madey William 1 x 1665 Willington Thornton John 2 x 1665 Willington Claxton Mr James 1 x 1665 Willington Pickergin ? Charles 1 x 1665 Willington Pattinson Cuthbert 1 x 1665 Willington Hadsman Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Willington Cuminge Nicholas 1 x 1665 Willington Pickering Charles 1 x 1665 Willington Carter Phillip 1 x 1665 Willington Sr Francis 12 x 1665 Salkeld Nichol 7 x Gent 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Tidman Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Scot Jonathan 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Potter Cuthbert 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Greathead Jonathan 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Henry 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Dockley ? Widdow 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Vazy Christopher 5 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Wilson ? Peter 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Swainston Oswald 3 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Cuthberton Andrew 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Salkeld Joseph 3 x Gent 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Gibson William 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Atkinson Jonathan 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Hudson Mathew 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Bell Jonathan 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Bell Richard 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Greathead Widow 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Jackson Ann 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Vazie William 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Haddocke Rowland 3 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Alison Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Dent Mathew 7 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Jonathan 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Ralph 4 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Cleaton George 3 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Dickinson Phillip 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Dowing Thomas 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Stott Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Thompson Edward 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Allinson Margaret 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Rennison Widdow 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Armstrong Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Wray Toby 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Wabrington Nicholas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Hill John 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Vasye John 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Greathead Widdow 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Allinson Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Richard 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Dawing Thomas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Robinson Cicillie 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Todd Nicholas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Wood Christopher 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Waicke John 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Carter Henry 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Todd Nicholas 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Newton Lawrence 2 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Downings Phillip 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Sockburne John 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Hill William 1 x 1665 HIgh Coniscliffe Richardson Jonathan 4 x 1665 Cooke Jonathan 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Counden Jonathan 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Robinson Peter 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Robinson George 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Simpson Jonathan 3 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Robson Jonathan 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Oswald Francis 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Oswald Richard 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Robinson Thomas 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Short Anthony 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Barnes William 3 x Gent 1665 Low Coniscliffe Oswald Rowland 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Houldson William 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Brackenbury Christopher 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Armstrong Robert 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe North Margaret 2 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe North John 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Wittly George 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Hory Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Hill Thomas 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Cowper Thomas 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Swinbanke Margaret 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Stones Robert 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Robson Cuthbert 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Harryson John 1 x 1665 Low Coniscliffe Blaixton Sr William 12 x 1665 Harrison Anthony 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Kipling Samuel 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Robinson Thomas 2 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Bilton Jonathan 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Chapman Thomas 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Harrison Thomas 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Coopland Jonathan 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Chapman George 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Hellcatt ? Jonathan ? 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Memphas George ? 1 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Parkin Jonathan 2 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Chapman George 2 x 1665 Archdeacon Newton Garsell George 3 x 1665 Blackwell Ewbanks Peter 2 x 1665 Blackwell Stricklin Lawrence 1 x 1665 Blackwell Cornforth William 6 x 1665 Blackwell Cornforth Jonathan 4 x 1665 Blackwell Boultin Jonathan 1 x 1665 Blackwell Cornforth Cuthbert 2 x 1665 Blackwell Allin William 1 x 1665 Blackwell Stobbs Thomas 2 x 1665 Blackwell Granger Francis 1 x 1665 Blackwell Talbott Christopher 2 x 1665 Blackwell Maltby Ann 2 x 1665 Blackwell Claxton Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Middleton Ann 2 x 1665 Blackwell Dobson Thomas 2 x 1665 Blackwell Clerke Bryan 2 x 1665 Blackwell Bould James 2 x 1665 Blackwell Ward Stephen 1 x 1665 Blackwell

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Surname First name Hearths Solvent Nonsolvent Status Year Place

Middleton William 2 x 1665 Blackwell Newton Thomas 3 x 1665 Blackwell Corker Jonathan 4 x 1665 Blackwell Harrison George 3 x 1665 Blackwell Collyer Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Harrison George 2 x 1665 Blackwell Goldsbrough Thomas 2 x 1665 Blackwell Cornforth Jonathan 2 x 1665 Blackwell Gibson Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Chambers Thomas 2 x 1665 Blackwell King William 1 x 1665 Blackwell Ralfe John 1 x 1665 Blackwell Williamson Jane 1 x 1665 Blackwell Goldsbrough Margaret 1 x 1665 Blackwell Grainger Francis 2 x 1665 Blackwell Robinson Thomas 2 x 1665 Blackwell Goldsbrough Peter 2 x 1665 Blackwell Blaymire Thomas 1 X 1665 Blackwell Bergote Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Aukelan Ann 1 x 1665 Blackwell Robinson Leonard 1 x 1665 Blackwell Ranson Ursley 1 x 1665 Blackwell Low Ann 1 x 1665 Blackwell Cornforth Cuthbert 1 x 1665 Blackwell Scott Robert 1 x 1665 Blackwell North Nicholas 2 x 1665 Blackwell Middleton John 1 x 1665 Blackwell Langstaffe Francis 2 x 1665 Blackwell Mone Edward 1 x 1665 Blackwell Dent Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Kirton Henry 1 x 1665 Blackwell Langstaffe Margaret 1 x 1665 Blackwell Hunter Thomas 1 x 1665 Blackwell Arklay Richard 2 x 1665 Blackwell Robinson William 2 x 1665 Blackwell Harryson George 2 x 1665 Blackwell Garthron John 2 x 1665 Blackwell Gray Christopher 1 x 1665 Blackwell Goldbrouth John 1 x 1665 Blackwell Goldbrouth Ann 1 x 1665 Blackwell Dobson Elizabeth 1 x 1665 Blackwell Jollymill Francis 1 x 1665 Blackwell

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