BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes


Graham Hunn spoke to the delegates and Council about the proposed Regional Hub concept.


BRT COUNCIL BRT LIFE MEMBERS & PATRON Ivan Aplin John McDonnell Steve Canny Bruce Goldsworthy Garry Bell Steve Hurring Brian Roulston Mike Sim Graeme Bunn Mark Ireland

AUCKLAND TASMAN Kelvin McAnulty Lance Spencer Martin Thompson Jason Craig Darian Rush

WAIKATO/BOP CANTERBURY Graeme Bell Hamish Ferguson Bev May (Life Member) Bruce Dawe (Life Member) Derrick Nelson

SOUTHLAND WELLINGTON Bob Pratt Lindsay Jordan Peter James Erin Criglington

WEST COAST NORTH ISLAND Ron Cheatley (Life Member)


1 BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

VOTING STRENGTH: Declared at 29

2. APOLOGIES Graham Sycamore Alan Rice Gordon Sharrock (Patron) Bill Maine

Visitors Amy Dawe Mike Doyle

Motion that visitors have speaking rights Steve Canny/Steve Hurring Carried

The meeting commenced at 9:00am.

Ivan Aplin, President, chaired the meeting.

3. MARK OF RESPECT Mr Aplin asked all present to stand and observe a moment of silence for those members and associates who passed.

2014 – Brett Stuart, Steve Redden, Graeme Dunne

4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the 81st Annual General Meeting held in Cambridge on the 25th May 2014 have been previously circulated and affirmed by Council on 5th June 2014. The minutes were circulated along with the agenda. Mark Ireland / Bruce Goldsworthy Carried


Traffic Management:

Rider awards did not get presented at the Elite Road and Track Champs however were acknowledged at the Annual Awards Dinner last night.

6. PRESIDENTS REPORT The President’s report has been circulated to Centres, Clubs and Life Members and is set out in the Annual Report.

Motion that the President’s Report be accepted as circulated Ivan Aplin/Garry Bell Carried

2 BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

7. ANNUAL REPORT The Cycling New Zealand Road and Track Annual Report is now part of the combined BikeNZ group Annual Report and therefore not presented at this meeting.


Each nominating Centre spoke to their nominations, after which the following candidates were successfully elected.

PRESIDENT Steve Canny (Southland)

VICE PRESIDENT Steve Hurring (Otago)


North Island Mike Sim (Wellington) South Island Erin Criglington (Southland)

Motion that the voting papers (election of officers and Life membership) be destroyed

Brian Roulston/Steve Hurring Carried

Mr Aplin thanked the Council for their support.

Garry Bell thanked Ivan for his tenuous work over the last three years in his role as President and congratulated the new President.

Steve Canny also thanked Ivan for his work as the President and addressed the delegates about exciting times and challenges moving forward.


No nominations received


Garry Bell spoke about Gordon Sharrock and endorsed his role as Patron on behalf of the Council.

Motion Council recommend that Gordon Sharrock continue as Patron.

Ivan Aplin/Garry Bell Carried


Ivan Aplin noted that BRT have awarded the following athlete awards for 2014:

2014 Female Road Cyclist of the Year (Auckland) 2014 Male Road Cyclist of the Year (Tasman) 2014 Female Track Cyclist of the Year 2014 Male Track Cyclist of the Year NZ Sprint Team (, , ) 3 BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

2014 Emerging Talent 2014 Junior Road Cyclist of the Year Regan Gough 2014 Junior Track Cyclist of the Year Regan Gough

Garry Bell mentioned these are the most prestigious awards for our athletes and it was great to have them acknowledged at the dinner.

11. Constitution Changes

Steve Canny spoke about the proposed changes to the Constitution.

It was moved that the drafted Constitution be adopted Ray Brown/Hamish Ferguson Carried

It was moved that the President and Vice President be given authority to register the agreed Constitution with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies Mark Ireland/Graeme Bell Carried


12.1 “That Masters age group categories for Age Group Track Championships be amended in line with UCI Age Group Categories for timed Events i.e. Individual Time Trial and Individual Pursuit”

Submitted by Auckland

R & T Comments .With masters events we had a review after last year’s AGM with a view that we look at it again after the second time the Age Group Track Champs are held in Cambridge. Quite a few events were looked at and distances were changed to suit the level of competitors that were attending the champs. The 5 year age groups were mentioned but we also would like to see existing fields filled first before looking at the split to 5 years age groups. We have had discussions with World Masters Organisation and having 10 years age groups has no effect.

Outcome: We will trial 5 year age groups in Invercargill 2016 and at Cambridge 2017 for timed events TT & IP events . Events and Tech Panel to review after both 2016 & 2017 Championships

Response: All in favour

12.2 “To include a Masters Woman’s WM3 Category (55 years +) at future Age Group Track Nationals for the 500 TT and 2000 IP as there is currently for WM1 & WM2.”

Supporting Information: The interest in Masters Women’s Track Cycling is growing but there is no WM3 Category 55+ years at the Age Group Track Nationals yet there is for Men.

Serious consideration needs to be given to get this added to the programme. Reasoning – this category needs to be there to attract women in this age group to compete. The interest from Masters Women in this age group is growing.

Through a number of forums 55_ age groupers are suggesting it is better to go back to Tri and Multi Sport rather than support Track Cycling. It is felt Tri and multi-sport offer 4 BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

races/events that are fairly categorised in five year slots. Athletes are indicating a huge disincentive having to compete against cyclists 5, 10 and 15 years younger which will result in them not competing and reduced membership and a falloff in numbers competing at Nationals; there will also be fewer volunteers and helpers available to assist with ace organisation and delivery.

In the interests of fairness and equity, and the promotion of women in sport – particularly cycling – Cycling New Zealand Road and Track must capture the interest that is being generated within this growing sector and implement the new category that will not only attract more people to the sport but also generate increased membership leading up to the 2017 World Masters Games. The women pay the same fees as juniors and Elites so provided the same opportunities for both males and females in competition seems reasonable.

With the 2017 World Masters events in Cambridge at the Avantidrome Cambridge it is important this category is formally recognised by the National Federation as the event will be run under the rules/regulations of the UCI and Cycling New Zealand.

Submitted by Cycling Southland

Outcome: Agree that Women should be treated equally, numbers may require races to be combined initially, but results and medals will reflect the separate categories, using the protocols provided for in the Technical Regulations

Response: All in Favour

12.3 “That in order to allow more recovery time for Masters 6, 7 and 8 age groups at the National Club Road Championships a day between the ITT and Road Race be allowed”.

This was done at the 2014 Champs in Cambridge and seemed to work well. With no rest day there is a distinct advantage in the Road Race to those who do not participate in the ITT.

Submitted by Auckland

NB riders raced. Master 6- 11 riders, Masters 7- 5 riders, Masters 8 – 3 riders

R & T comments: The point being made in the remit is noted, but someone has to have their race the day after the TT. Reviewed after each champs, but sometimes to make the programme work overall (taking into consideration fields and available resources on the Fridays), there have to be compromises. Preference is to have the Juniors after the TT (to help reduce accommodation costs for parents).

The AGM is not the appropriate forum for feedback on race programmes – encourage riders to complete the surveys done after the champs, or to speak to or to email the Chief Commissaire to note when preparing his report to Council.

Response: All in favour

12.4 Forum Discussion

Track Nationals Entry Allocation 5 BikeNZ Road & Track - 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Present Allocation:

Mass Start Events – at present we allocate so many entries to each centre regardless of how many riders they have racing and whether or not they actually have a track or track racing in each centre. Centres that have too many quality riders simply swap centres to compete. Messy and unnecessary.

Timed Events – These are more fairly allocated. They have a time to beat to get an entry plus non-qualifiers. As each centre gets more time qualifiers, the non-qualifiers drop off. So if a centre gets 3 qualifiers they are allowed a further 2 non-qualifiers, when 5 qualifiers are achieved they get no non-qualifiers. Nice and easy to administer.

Sprint Event – unlimited entry

Proposal on Allocation:

• Mass Start Events- The key issue to address is to ensure that riders of top level ability are not excluded from competition due to their Centre having large numbers of riders. • Proposal - where a Centre had riders who are in a CNZ Squad of any type, they will be eligible to nominate Additional as candidates for Pool Entries. The Panel would then assess all those nominations and would allocate up to a maximum of 2 additional entries per Centre. As this can be done early in the entry process, Centres/riders can made their arrangements for team travel and accommodation well in advance of the event. NB • The Panel would likely consist of the Chief Commissaire, Technical Delegate, CNZ Selector and a Road & Track Events Panel Member. • Those additional places (2 maximum per Centre) will NOT be eligible for points for the Points shield – so only athletes from the Centres normal entries will pick up points for their Centre in those events. • Every Centre will still get their normal entry limits to work with. The Centre is still responsible for conducting an appropriate Selection Process to ensure that athletes who are competitive at this level are given priority. • Timed Events- Will remain as is, with all Time Qualifiers allowed entry, plus the non TQ limits (which reduce with each TQ rider entered). Sprint Event- As currently used.

Timed Events – As currently used

Sprint Event – As currently used

All in Favour to the general concept and Events and Technical teams develop and make recommendation back to council in due course to implement.

13.0 2016 AGM Venue

Date and Venue will be formally advised by BikeNZ in the near future.


Meeting closed at 10:02am .