May 2020 minnesota Supporting families with children who are deaf & hard of hearing COVID Response: MNH&V Service Adaptations & H&V HQ Resource Links Minnesota Hands & Voices (MNH&V) is Adaptations to MNH&V’s services have ready to support families with a child been made due to the pandemic. Hands & Voices Head Quarters who is deaf or hard of hearing (dhh), ready • In-Person visits have been replaced with to support you! MNH&V metro staff are video conferences We are Community. currently working remotely, just like our • MNH&V Events through June have been greater Minnesota staff who have always postponed We are Family. worked from home. MNH&V has a long • MNH&V will continue to follow state We are Strong. history of working remotely so it was no recommendations for safety during Hands & Voices Headquarters (H&V HQ) problem to make the switch and continue the COVID pandemic, please check has dedicated a web page in response to to serve families without too much our website and emails for updates to the COVID pandemic with helpful links interruption. Except for the occasional annual and scheduled events for families who are doing their best to barking and family noises heard in the MNH&V staff are uniquely qualified to facilitate their child’s online learning and background, calls to offer support to understand what it’s like to parent a follow local safety guidelines. Families are families have continued as scheduled. child who is dhh and find ourselves in encouraged to share their ideas, resources, Especially now with added challenges the same challenging situations with and links they have found helpful during placed on families, feel free to reach out distant learning, comforting when you this turbulent time, please send email to by phone, email, or even send a text yourself are unsure, and finding enough
[email protected] message, to your area Parent Guide or any meaningful activities to fill our days.