Rence's Wood, Cowley Hill, Hayend, Nethertovvn, Hungerhij], Netherton and Sandborough, Nether
6952 rence's Wood, Cowley Hill, Hayend, Nethertovvn, said plans and sections as relates to each parish, in or HungerhiJ], Netherton and Sandborough, Nether- through which the said railways and works are in- town and Sandborough, Netherton Sandborough, tended to be made, together with a book of reference Yoxall, Stoney Ford, Forest Side, Yoxall Lodge, thereto, will be deposited with the parish clerk of Whitemere Farm, Thatchmore, Longcroft, Longcroft each such parish at his place of abode.; Hall, Wood Mill, Wood Mill Gate, Hadley End, And notice is hereby further given, that it is in- Hadley End Cottage, Hadley End Gate, Rough Hay tended by the said Bill, to incorporate a company for Wood, Gallows Green, Mprrey, Woodhouses, Long- the purpose of carrying into effect the proposed croft, Darley Oak Farm, Linbrook Farm, Wood-lane, works, and to apply for powers for the compulsory Wood-lane Bridge, Cross Hays, Forest Side, part of purchase of lands and houses, and to vary or extin- the disafforested forest of the Forest of Need wood, guish all rights and privileges in any manner con- Snale's End, Rough Hay Wood, Weaver, Leek, nected with lands and houses proposed to be taken for Lodge Hill, Coal Pit Slade, Coppice Bank, Hawk's the purposes aforesaid ; and also to levy tolls, rates, Hill, New Coppice, Hoarcross Park, Coppice Bank, or duties upon or in respect of the said railways and Gullett's Farm, Hoarcross Gate, Mount Farm and works, and to alter existing tolls, rates, and duties, Hoarcross, all in the said county of Stafford ; Scropton, and to confer, vary, or extinguish, exemptions from Scropton and Foston in the county of Derby, Barton- the payment of tolls, rates, and duties, and other under-Needwood, Tatenhill,Dunstall, Branstone, Dun- rights and privileges.
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