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The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 22) Scholars Crossing 1989 -- 1990 Liberty University School Newspaper 4-18-1990 04-18-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 22) Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "04-18-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 22)" (1990). 1989 -- 1990. 20. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1989 -- 1990 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact How sweet! Beautifying biologists k Freshmen Phenoms Aspartame vs. sugar: scientists argue over The LU biology club will dedicate nature trails| Tennis players Eddie Bongart and Andre the safety of artificial sweeteners. Page 2. April 22 at Camp Hydeaway. See Page 5. Patton prove to be a deadly duo. Page 7. The Liberty Champion Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday, April 18,1990 Vol. 7, No. 22 Senate vetoes nomination- Executive Committee appoints Carroll treasurer By DOUGLAS R.DEMPSEY Champion Reporter The senate refused, however, to consider die vote until they met die against die United States" and "an oppressive and immoral symbol of slav- appointee. ery. The student senate refused to confirm the choice of the Executive Commit­ "It seems silly to say we can't wait one week to decide," Sen. Michael Hall Several senators expressed concern about limiting freedom of speech on tee for treasurer of the Student Government Association during the April 12 said. "If we have to vote today we'll just have to vote him down. If we didn't campus. The bUl was eventually defeated by an overwhelming majority. session because senators did not meet the candidate prior to die vote. need to see him, we could just pass around flyers on all die candidates and A second bill, sponsored by Morris called for the university to consider According to Bev Buffington, director of student activities, the senate vote forego speeches," he added. academic qualifications before admitting incoming students. will not matter. "Chris Carroll is the new treasurer," Buffington said. 'The 'There is no reason for him to appear before me senate," SGA President "This (Liberty) will never be a Christian Harvard if we keep going die way senate gave up their right to a say so in the meeting (when they rejected the Dave Coy said. we're going (open admissions)," Sen. Andiony Perrone said. nomination)." Coy added tiiat because the SGA constitution does not specifically address The bill was passed by die senate. The Executive Committee submitted its nomination for the office to the this particular situation die Executive Committee could have bypassed the Perrone sponsored a bill which would allow campus media to report all student senate during the meeting but did not require tile nominee to appear senate and simply appointed a treasurer. senate business without fear of censorship. before the senate. "As a formality it was brought before the senate to seek their acceptance of "We need free speech on campus," Perrone said. This bill passed die senate Buffington, a non-voting member of the Executive Committee, said she die Executive Committee's nomination," Newby said. Buffington added tiiat and will be sent to die administration for approval. didn't realize the senate would want to meet the nominee. "If I had known the die nomination was brought before die senate simply to get its stamp of A bill which would provide a one week break after mid-terms during the senate wanted to see him we could have arranged it," she said. approval. fall semester, in place of Thanksgiving break, failed to pass die senate. Several senators were upset at having to vote without having the While a majority of die senate voiced disgust with die entire process, a Sponsored by senators Felton and Morris, this bill was written in response opportunity to meet Carroll. Requests to postpone tiie vote were denied, few gave support to die Executive Committee's handling of die situation. to the administration's decision to shorten Thanksgiving break to less man a however, because a decision had to be made before the senate adjourned. "We need to have a litde good faitii in our executive officers," Sen. week. Executive Vice-President Melondec Newby continually stated, "A deci­ Douglas Felton said in explaining why die senate should confirm die nomi­ A bdl which would allow RA's to sell certain snack items from their dorm sion has to be made today." Buffington explained that new officers were nee. rooms, introduced to die senate several weeks ago, was officially withdrawn required to take die position one montii before me end of the year. "We're "You're rejecting the most qualified candidate because you're being stub­ from die senatefioor for consideration. already one week behind," she said. born," Sen. Christy Hoyt said. According to Don Leslie, Vice-president for financial affairs, contractual Anomer reason to select die new treasurer was the Gaither concert Satur­ In other business, die senate considered five bills during die session. A bill obligations to outside vending companies prevent LU from allowing such day night "It's so important for die treasurer to know how to work con­ banning die confederate flag from campus was sponsored by Sen. Rick sales. certs," Buffington said. Morris. According to die bill die confederate flag is a "symbol of rebellion The next senate meeting is Thursday, April 19 at 3 p.m. Gaithers display versatility of classic, contemporary tunes By KERI BURNS The Vocal Band also performed routine which followed. Champion Reporter new songs such as "Lord We Exalt "When Bill Gaither found Lamelle Thee," "New Wine," "Going Home" Harris, he was white, and when he The Gaidier Vocal Band and die and 'These Are They." found Sandi Patti, she sang bass," Bill Gaidier Trio performed an Easter- The Gaidier Trio, consisting of Bill Lowry said in reference to Gaither's eve concert in the Liberty University and Gloria Gaidier and English also ability to discover talented singers. Multi-Purpose Center on Saturday, performed songs such as "Just Feel­ "It's really excited traveling with April 14. ing At Home," "Sacrifice of Praise" someone who's in the hymnal," Lowry The two-and-one-half hour concert and older gospel songs, including said about Gaidier. began witii Doree Light and Reid "There's Something About That In addition to regular band mem­ Horton, winners of the female and Name" and "Then Came The bers, Gaidier invited a group of 15 LU male vocalist competition at Search Morning." students to accompany die Vocal Band '90. The Gaithers included familiar as they performed one of their newest Light sang "The Day He Wore My praise choruses and hymns in their songs, "A Few Good Men." Crown," and Horton sang "This repertoire such as "I Love You, "This was a great preparation for Blood" as a prelude. Lord" and "The Old Rugged Cross." Easter morning," Scott Monroe who The Vocal Band, whose members Babbie Mason accompanied die participated with die group, said. include Bill Gaidier, newcomer Mi­ Gaithers. Mason performed songs The concert concluded witii Mi­ chael English, former Imperial Jim including "All In Favor Say Aye," chael English singing an old Gaidier Murray and LU graduate Mark Lowry, and die more familiar "All Rise." favorite, "It Is Finished" and die audi­ opened with songs from tiieir new "Most people need to be intro­ ence singing "Get All Excited" and The Bill Gaither Trio and the Gaither Vocal Band performed for a large audience in the Liberty University album including 'That's When die duced," Bill Gaidier said, "but Mark "Because He Lives." The GaitherTrio Multi-Purpose Center April 14. Jim Murray, former member of the Imperials and current member of the Angels Rejoiced" and "There Is A Lowry needs to be explained." He and Vocal Band also participated in Vocal Band, joined Gloria and Bill Gaither for several numbers during the concert, photo by Tim Albartson Mountain." was referring to Lowry's comedy die Easter morning sunrise service. Published articles provide plus for LU By BEN LAFROMBOIS increase die reputation and die pres­ to scientific knowledge. Ghitea and Satder were able to Champion Reporter tige of a school." The knowledge of die two breeds of narrow down to a couple of streams Dr. Paul Satder, associate biology salamanders in Virginia was very where die hybridization took place, LU biology graduates from 1989 professor, added: 'The prestige of a limited before Ghitea's research. His Ghitea explained. Oliver G hi tea and Merillene Morgan, department is measured by die pub­ study was done to see where die two Merillene Morgan conducted re­ have had research articles on sala­ lished articles mat come out of it." species meet in Virginia and cross search "comparing a close relative of manders and a comparison between In addition, Litdejohn pointed out breed. Ultimately die project was to corn to actual corn," Litdejohn stated. corn and maize, published in national that published articles by faculty, "find die number of species of sala­ "Much is known about corn, but notii- journals. Dr. RobertLitdejohn, chair­ graduates ot students also add pres­ manders in Virginia," he stated. ing is known about other species." man of die biology department, re- tige to me student's applications for The project began in September of Maize, die species compared to cendy announced die publication of graduate school. These published his senior year (1988-89) and ran corn, is perrenial while corn is not. die articles. works will also provide "a strong through April.
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