AAA hhhaaarrrddd aaacccttt tttooo ssswwwaaalllllooowww ••• AAA cccuuuttt aaabbbooovvveee ttthhheee rrreeesssttt ••• PPPiiieeerrrccceeesss tttooo ttthhheee hhheeeaaarrrttt ••• IIImmmpppooossssssiiibbbllleee tttooo fffooorrrgggeeettt!!! RRReeevvviiieeewwwsss aaannnddd QQQuuuooottteeesss "Amazing! … A Hard Act to Swallow!” --Christian Activities "Absolutely unbelievable! Wowie, wow wow wow! I've never seen anything like this in my life! Those were real knives... My Lord, that was almost disturbing!" --Paul Konrad, WGN-TV, Chicago "Wow! ...That's dangerous stuff!" --Dan Miller, WSMV TV4, Nashville "I've seen a lot of incredible things in my life, but I've never seen anything like THIS before!" --Pat, Cameraman, Oprah Winfrey Show “I was shocked and excited when I finally witnessed it... Hearing about it is one thing, but actually seeing it is quite another!” --James Davis, Producer, The Learning Channel "This is by far the coolest story I have ever worked on!" --Chris Rattican, Food Network Unwrapped "That was the most fantastic show I've ever seen! It was awesome!" --Suzanne Holmes, VP Documentary Channel "In my position with Ripley's, I’m always on the lookout for unbelievable acts. Dan delivers just that! His poise and humor, along with his boyish smile and amazing talent really holds the audience’s attention... along with putting swords down his throat and pounding nails up his nose! Believe It or Not!" --Tim O'Brien, VP Ripley's Believe It or Not! "…While the swords were in Meyer's throat, the spectator's hearts were in theirs!" --Nashville OnePaper Cutting Edge Inner tainment (615) 969.2568 • (256) 341.8969 •
[email protected] "Oh, my God! This is unbelievable!..