Congressional Record—Senate S10424
S10424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 2, 2008 Whereas, in 2007, before the conclusion of The legislative clerk read as follows: won 14 gold medals over the course of the working group, authorities of the Gov- A resolution (S. Res. 704) Congratulating his Olympic career, also an Olympic ernment of Lithuania approved additional the members of the United States Olympic record, and a total of 16 medals. To put construction on the disputed ground; and Paralympic Teams on their success in this astonishing feat into perspective, Whereas, in May 2007, the working group, the 2008 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Michael won more gold medals in Bei- consisting of historians, scientists, and rab- Games and supporting the selection of Chi- bis from Lithuania and around the world, jing than all but eight countries! And cago, Illinois, as the site of the 2016 Summer he won more medals in total than all called for a halt in construction activity Olympic and Paralympic Games. until completion of a site study to be under- but 24 countries! taken using ground-penetrating radar; There being no objection, the Senate Who will ever forget the incredible Whereas, on September 3, 2008, a group proceeded to consider the resolution. come-from-behind victory Michael and commissioned by the Government of Lith- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise his teammates Garrett Weber-Gale, uania to study the area using the ground- today to recognize the outstanding Cullen Jones, and Jason Lezak penetrating radar concluded that the bound- Olympic and Paralympic athletes from achieved in Men’s 400-Meter Freestyle aries of the cemetery included the disputed Maryland who proudly represented our Relay event as they edged the favored apartment buildings; country in the 2008 Summer Olympic Whereas the Ministry of Culture of Lith- French team by 8/100ths of a second? uania released a statement dismissing the and Paralympic Games in Beijing, That was one of the most exciting and study as inconclusive; China.
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