annual report 2019 annual report 2019 Annual Report 2019 First edition January - September 2019 Contact IGLYO, Chausée de Boondael 6, Brussels 1050 IGLYO aisbl is a registered charity in Belgium (No d’entreprise: 808808665)
[email protected] Stay in touch @iglyo on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Disclaimer: This document is produced with the financial support of the Rights Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme 2014-2020 of the European Union and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science. The contents are the sole responsibility of IGLYO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission or the Dutch Ministry. table of contents INTRODUCTION 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 A/ Capacity building 7 B/ Training 8 C/ Advocacy 8 D/ Campaigns 10 E/ Resources & research 10 F/ Membership 11 G/ Funders 12 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2018 – 2020 13 PEOPLE 14 ACTIVITIES 2019 16 A/ Management activities 17 B/ Operational activities 22 C/ Dissemination activities 32 FINANCIAL REPORT 2018 41 COMMUNICATIONS REPORT 2019 44 Dear Members and Friends, table of IGLYO- The International LGBTQI Youth & Student Organisation contents is delighted to present the first edition of its Annual Report 2019, which covers our work from January to September and introduction highlights ongoing and upcoming activities for the remainder of the year. 2019 is the fifth consecutive year of growth and development for IGLYO, with a steady increase in funding, including small, but significant steps into corporate partnership and community fundraising, considerable improvements around membership engagement and expansion, further growth of our online capacity building work, and a marked increase in our advocacy efforts with regard to education.