Source Water Delineation & Assessment Report
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SOURCE WATER DELINEATION & ASSESSMENT REPORT Franklin Hills Subdivision PWS DEQ PWS ID# MT0004734 Contact Persons: August Uhl 406/ 600-1320 Operator: Eric Campbell 406/ 581-8662 Owner: Franklin Hills Subdivision c/o Brian Lee 406/ 582-8775 Franklin Hills Subdivision c/o August Uhl 82 Franklin Hills Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 PREPARED BY: Jeffrey Frank Herrick Montana Department of Environmental Quality Source Water Protection Program Dated: March 2012 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Public Water Supply .......................................................................................................................... 4 Table 1. Franklin Hills Subdivision PWS .......................................................................................... 5 Table 2. Well Log Information ........................................................................................................... 5 Delineation ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Geology & Groundwater .................................................................................................................... 6 Inventory ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Fuel Storage Tanks ........................................................................................................................... 7 Septic Systems .................................................................................................................................. 7 Cultivated Cropland ........................................................................................................................... 8 Susceptibility Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3. Susceptibility Assessment ................................................................................................... 9 References .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Attachments ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Photographs .................................................................................................................................... 13 Note: The above photographs were taken during DEQ’s 2010 Sanitary Survey. ........................... 15 Figures ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 1: Location Map .......................................................................................................... 17 Figure 2: Subdivision / Site Map ............................................................................................ 17 Figure 3: Geologic Map ......................................................................................................... 17 Figure 4: Area Wells .............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 5: Inventory Region, Potential Point Contaminant Sources Map ................................ 17 Figure 6: Inventory Region, Potential Non-Point Contaminant Point Sources Map ............... 17 Figure 7: Inventory Region, Potential Non-Point Contaminant Point Sources Map ............... 17 Supplemental Documentation ......................................................................................................... 19 INTRODUCTION This delineation and assessment report (SWDAR) is intended to meet the technical requirements of the Montana Source Water Protection Program (DEQ, 1999) and the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996 (P.L. 104-182). Jeffrey Frank Herrick with Montana DEQ’s Source Water Protection Program assembled the needed information and wrote the Source Water Delineation and Assessment Report (SWDAR) for this public water supply. Information on land use and potential contaminant sources comes from a variety of sources including a preliminary land cover data layer produced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), DEQ Public Water Supply files, other public sources of information, and field observations. A web-based GIS application was also used to query and generate maps to support the writing of this report. Purpose The purpose of this SWDAR (Source Water Delineation and Assessment Report) is to assess threats to the Franklin Hills Subdivision public water supply using information obtained from site visits, local residents familiar with the area and published reports. Delineation is a process whereby areas that contribute water to aquifers or surface waters used for drinking water are identified on a map. These areas are referred to as source water protection areas. Assessment involves identifying locations or regions in source water protection areas where contaminants may be generated, stored, or transported and then determining the potential for contamination of drinking water by these sources. Public Water Supply The Franklin Hills Subdivision is located off of Bozeman Trail Road, approximately 1 mile east of the City of Bozeman, just south of Highway I-90. The subdivision is located as depicted on Figure 1 and Figure 2 (in the Attachments). Note the subdivision boundaries depicted on Figure 2. The public water system that serves the subdivision consists of 2 wells, a large pressure tank, no common header, and the distribution system. Well #1 / WL002 and Well #2 are found in the central portion of the subdivision on the north and south of the tank house. No common header is present and each of the wells supplies water and pressure independently to the distribution system. The water system is classified by Montana DEQ as a Community Non-Transient as there are 17 residential service connections providing water to approximately ~43 residents. A tabular summary of the PWS facilities in found on Table 1 and a summary of the PWS wells is on Table 2 (below). Table 1. Franklin Hills Subdivision PWS DEQ PWS ID # MT0004734 Community Non-Transient Total Population: 43 residents Service Connections: 17 RS connections DEQ Facilities List Location Facility Name DEQ ID Latitude Longitude Well #1 WL002 45.6652 -110.9986 Well #1 Sample Pt EP502 Well #2 WL003 45.6645 -110.9982 Well #2 Sample Pt EP503 Pressure Tank PC001 45.6647 -110.9982 211 Gallons, in tank house Common Header CH001 Does not exist Distribution DS001 Throughout subdivision Distr. Sample Pt SP001 Table 2. Well Log Information Well 1 ( WL002 ) Site Name on Log Franklin Hills Subdivision Well #1 GWIC ID 155309 DNRC Water Right 96720 Owner Name c/o Shroyer, Kevin Location See Table 1, above Completion Date 13 September 1995 Driller Haggerty Drilling Lic. WWC-353 Boreholes 0-25 feet: 9 inch 25-157 feet: 6 inch Casings -2-157 feet: 6 inch steel, welded 147-157 feet: 6 inch, 0.04 slotted screen Well Seal 0-25 feet bgs Neat Cement Total Depth 160 feet bgs Static Water Level 51 feet bgs Pumped at 60 gpm w/ drawdown to 146 feet bgs Well 2 ( WL003 ) Site Name on Log Franklin Hills Subdivision Well #2 GWIC ID 155374 DNRC Water Right Owner Name c/o Shroyer, Kevin Location See Table 1, above Completion Date 18 September 1995 Driller Haggerty Drilling Lic. WWC-353 Boreholes 0-25 feet: 9 inch 25-159 feet: 6 inch Casings -2-159 fee: 6 inch steel, welded 149-159 feet: 6 inch, 0.04 slotted screen Well Seal 0-25 feet bgs Neat Cement Total Depth 160 feet bgs Static Water Level 62 feet bgs Pumped at 30 gpm w/ drawdown to 141 feet bgs Note: The above information was drawn from the MBMG GWIC well logs. The public water supply wells for Franklin Hills Subdivision are identified as Well #1 and Well #2. These well locations are depicted on Figure 1 and Figure 2. These wells are detailed in the table above and the well logs are found in the Attachments at the end of this report. Note that well logs for select area wells are also found in the Attachments at the end of this report. The locations of the area wells with well logs in the Attachments are depicted on Figure 4. The Franklin Hills Subdivision PWS wells are located in the central park/open space in the center of the subdivision, with the tank house located between the 2 wells. The tank house contains 2 (two) H2O PRO model H2PL82 captive air tanks and 1 (one) Signature SR-85-25-01 captive air tank. The well logs for the PWS wells indicate that the lithology of the aquifer consists of clay, gravel, and cemented gravel with clay layers. The lithologic logs for other area wells indicate that the entire neighborhood is underlain by similar extensive clay beds, claybound gravel and sand, silty sandstone, cemented sand and gravel, and complex bedded clay/sand & gravel/cemented claybound gravel. For the purpose of this assessment, the aquifer tapped by the Franklin Hills Subdivision and all of the surrounding wells is interpreted to be unconfined to semi- confined. The presence of scattered clay or silt bed rich deposits may or may not act to protect