NOVACON 44, 14th – 16th November, Nottingham. Guest of Honour: l Kari Sperring and Science Guest: John Gribbin. Cost £45 (subject to review after Easter). Details at Brum Group News DYSPROSIUM (EASTERCON), 3rd – 6th April, London. Guests of The Monthly Newsletter of the Honour are Jim Butcher, Seanan McGuire, Herr Doktor and Caroline Mullan. To be held at the Park Inn, Heathrow, London. Attending £60, BIRMINGHAM SCIENCE FICTION GROUP Supporting £25. Details at (online registration not JULY 2014 Issue 514 yet available). Honorary President: BRIAN W ALDISS, O.B.E. Committee: Vernon Brown (Chairman); Pat Brown (Treasurer); FUTURE MEETINGS OF THE BSFG Vicky Stock (Secretary); Carol Goodwin (Newsletter Editor); August 8th – Summer Meal at the Bull Dave Corby (publicity Officer); William McCabe (Website); September 12th – Chris Morgan Vicky Stock (Membership Secretary); Theresa Derwin (ordinary October 10th – Dr Who fan and lookalike Richard Ashton member); Novacon 44 Chair: Steve Green November 7th – SF and fantasy author Storm Constantine website: Email:
[email protected] December 5th – Christmas Social Facebook: Twitter: @BirminghamSF BRUM GROUP NEWS #514 (July 2014) copyright 2014 for Birmingham SF Group. Articles, artwork and photographs must not be reproduced in DAVID whole or part without the consent of the editor and/or the respective authors. This issue produced by Carol Goodwin (
[email protected]). HOWE & Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the committee or the general membership or, for that matter, the person giving SAM the ‘opinion’. Thanks to all the named contributors in this issue.