

APPLICATION SITE : 1 Sunnyside, Whitchurch Canonicorum, DT6 6RQ

PROPOSAL: Garage Extension

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Barrance

CASE OFFICER: Emma Telford

WARD MEMBER(S): Cllr S Christopher



1.1 No. 1 Sunnyside is a grade II listed, semi-detached cottage. On the north-west edge is a single storey, flat roofed, detached garage which faces the road, the war memorial and the grade II listed building opposite. An application for listed building consent has also been submitted for the works under the reference WD/D/18/001257.

1.2 The application site is located outside of a defined development boundary. It is within an area of outstanding natural beauty and the Whitchurch Canonicorum Conservation Area.


2.1 The proposal involves a first floor extension to the garage with a pitched roof. The ground floor would continue to be used as a garage with additional living accommodation on the first floor including a bedroom and bathroom.


Application No. Proposal Decision Decision Date

WD/D/17/000521 Change double garage door from Approved 19/04/2017 metal up and over to a single pair of wooden doors and infill remaining opening and render


4.1 National Planning policy Framework (NPPF) 2018

As far as this application is concerned the following sections of the NPPF are considered to be relevant:

12. Achieving well-designed places 15. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment 16. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment


38. Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision-makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.

4.2 Adopted West and Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (2015)

As far as this application is concerned the following policies are considered to be relevant:

• Int1. Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development • Env1. Landscape, Seascape and Sites of Geological Interest • Env4. Heritage Assets • Env10. The Landscape and Townscape Setting • Env11. The Pattern of Streets and Spaces • Env12. The Design and Positioning of Buildings • Env16. Amenity • Sus2. Distribution of Development • Com7. Creating a Safe and Efficient transport Network • Com9. Parking Standards in New Development


5.1 Supplementary Planning Document

• Design and Sustainable Development Planning Guidelines (adopted 2009) • Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty: A Framework for the Future AONB Management Plan 2014 – 2019 • Landscape Character Assessment 2009 • DCC Parking standards guidance • Whitchurch Canonicorum Conservation Area Appraisal (2010) – ‘The parish church, Church House, Church Cottage, 1 Sunnyside, 2 Sadlers Cottage, the Well House and the War Memorial form a particularly distinct group.’


Article 6 - Right to a fair trial. Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life and home. The first protocol of Article 1 Protection of property

This Recommendation is based on adopted Development Plan policies, the application of which does not prejudice the Human Rights of the applicant or any third party.


As set out in the Equalities Act 2010, all public bodies, in discharging their functions must have “due regard” to this duty. There are 3 main aims:- • Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics • Taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people • Encouraging people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where participation is disproportionately low.

Whilst there is no absolute requirement to fully remove any disadvantage the Duty is to have “regard to” and remove OR minimise disadvantage and in considering the merits of this planning application the planning authority has taken into consideration the requirements of the PSED.


8.1 Historic - No comments received at the time of report preparation.

8.2 Char Valley Group Parish Council - We recommend refusal of this application for these reasons-

1. This is a private, residential development, unattached and in the grounds of the main residence which lies within the Whitchurch Conservation Area. It does not fulfil any of the exception criteria to the presumption of ‘no build' in a conservation area. 2. All the surrounding buildings are Grade II listed. 3. The style and height of the building would significantly change the overall visual appearance of the heart of conservation area. 4. At is apex, the building would be approximately one and a half times the height of the existing garage. The character of this side of Church Path is of low height, chert and thatched buildings set in gardens 30 metres or so back from the road. The garage rises vertically from Church Path.

A mistake has been made in that the application document states that the proposed development is not near any water course. The main village stream is in an underground culvert approximately 2 metres away and the village well is some 5 metres away. A drain also extends along the front of the garage. No details of proposed sewerage arrangements are given. This would seem important given the position of the septic tank to the right of the proposed development.

We understand that nearby neighbours are in support of this plan and recommend that the application goes for full committee decision.

8.3 DCC Highways - No highway comment.

8.4 DCP Technical Services - With regards to the above application, I have no objections. The development is not increasing the footprint of the building and therefore is unlikely to exacerbate any existing surface water flooding risk.

8.5 DCP Conservation Officer - I would agree with the submitted DAS that the existing garage, despite being in an intrinsically sensitive location:

"...presents a poor elevation with the garage being fairly wide with a low flat roof over its length. The proposed extension of the building vertically presents a much better proportion with a good height to width ratio when viewed in the context of the three storey Church House...The existing garage frontage presents a poor visual contribution in the (Conservation Area) context and would be vastly improved by the proposed roof extension removing the bland flat roof and replacing it with a pitched roof and appropriate subtle materials."

I would add that the garage, being so low in height and enshrouded in hedgerows/shrubs/trees does have a rather neutral impact to this historic setting, which is very much a gateway to the Grade I listed church. An additional storey will create far more of an impact, however if detailed appropriately could over time, blend more harmoniously with its context than the current garage.

In terms of detailing, I feel that both windows on the North West elevation are of inappropriate scale. Most notably, the first floor unit appears to emulate a hayloft or hoist opening however is too small. It would look more in keeping with the design approach if the cill were dropped further making a longer opening. This window should be designed as a casement or sash (no glazing bars), with or without a shutter. This must be addressed before the application is determined.

The overall appearance of the garage (and its setting) would be greatly enhanced by having the North West elevation faced in natural local stone. It is this elevation that is most prominent and has most impact to the character of the area and setting of surrounding listed structures. It is therefore important that superior materials be used on this frontage. The plans lack detail/annotation on proposed materials. It must be clear that no man-made/UPVC fixtures form any part of the proposals and the below conditions must be applied to any consent granted.

Recommendation: Whilst I am supportive in principle to this application, the above items need to be overcome before the application is determined. Furthermore, the below conditions would certainly need to be applied to any consent granted.

Conditions: • Flush fitting, black metal Conservation roof lights. • Joinery details and material specifications for all windows and doors to be provided included 1:5 sections and 1:10 elevations. • Finish details to be provided for all joinery including the barge boards, garage doors to be provided. • Type of timber cladding and finish to be specified. • Cast metal rainwater goods painted black. • Use of natural clay ridge tiles. Samples of the proposed (natural) slate to be submitted and approved. • Material specification and better elevations/sections of the proposed balcony, handrail and stairs. • Any new boiler flue/extract/vents etc must not be located on the North West elevation. Details to be provided.

8.6 The Parish Council raised concerns in relation to the sewerage arrangement of the proposal however the agent has since confirmed that the existing septic tank would serve the additional accommodation.

8.7 All full consultee responses and representations can be viewed on www.dorsetforyou.com


9.1 Five third party responses have been received in support of the application, the reasons are summarised below:

• Enhance the corner of the church path • Addition of an upper floor under a pitched roof in traditional materials would enhance its appearance in the conservation area without disrupting the existing attractive features of the church path or the view from the church gates • Improvement on the existing garage


• Principle of development • Visual Amenity • Residential Amenity • Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty • Conservation Area • Listed Building • Highway Safety


11.1 Principle of Development

The ground floor of the proposal would remain as a garage and the proposed first floor would be ancillary accommodation to the existing dwelling providing an additional bedroom and bathroom. The proposed accommodation would be ancillary to the main dwelling however due to its location separated from the main dwelling adjacent to the road a condition would be placed on any permission for the accommodation to form an integral part of the existing planning unit.

11.2 Visual Amenity and the Conservation Area

The proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the visual amenities of the site or locality. The application site is located within the Whitchurch Canonicorum conservation area and within the setting of both the host listed building, 1 Sunnyside and the listed buildings and structures opposite. The existing garage is a modern, flat roofed and could be considered to create a poor elevation in a location surrounded by listed buildings and structures within the heart of Whitchurch Canonicorum. The Conservation Officer was consulted on the application and considered that the low height of the existing garage and screening provided by the existing hedging and trees means it has a rather neutral impact to its historic setting. It was considered that an additional storey would create far more of an impact, however if detailed appropriately could over time, blend more harmoniously with its context than the current garage. The Conservation Officer was supportive in principle to this application however some amendments were required in terms of the design of the proposal. In response to the comments made, an amended plan was submitted with the upper window elongated and the lower half of north-west elevation faced in natural stone. Therefore given the above the proposal is considered to preserve the character of the conservation area. This conclusion has been reached having regard to: (1) section 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 that requires special regard to be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area; and (2) Local Plan policy.

11.3 Residential Amenity

The proposed development would not have a significant adverse impact on the living conditions of occupiers of residential properties. The proposal involves the erection of a first floor extension to the existing garage. The existing properties opposite are separated by the road. Patio doors and a balcony are proposed on the south-east elevation which would face the garden of the application property. The proposal may result in views of the garden of Church Cottage however they would be at an angle and the topography of the site means the proposed balcony would not be high above the existing ground level of the garden, which is set higher than the floor level of the garage.

11.4 Listed Building

The application property No. 1 Sunnyside is a grade II listed property, the proposal involves a first floor extension to the existing detached garage. The application site is also located within the setting of the listed buildings and structures opposite. The existing garage is modern, flat roofed and could be considered to create a poor elevation in a location surrounded by listed buildings and structures within the heart of Whitchurch Canonicorum. The Conservation Officer was consulted on the application and considered that the low height of the existing garage and screening provided by the existing hedging and trees means it has a rather neutral impact to its historic setting. It was considered that an additional storey would create far more of an impact, however if detailed appropriately could over time, blend more harmoniously with its context than the current garage. The Conservation Officer was supportive in principle to this application however some amendments were required in terms of the design of the proposal. In response to the comments made, an amended plan was submitted with the upper window elongated and the lower half of north-west elevation faced in natural stone. Therefore given the above the impact on the listed buildings and its setting is considered acceptable.

11.5 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

It is considered that the proposal will not harm the character, special qualities or natural beauty of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The proposal is within the curtilage of the existing dwelling and the built environment of Whitchurch Canonicorum.

11.6 Highway Safety

The proposal involves a first floor extension to the existing garage and the ground floor would remain as a garage. DCC Highways were consulted on the application and had no highway comment.


12.1 The proposal involves the erection of a first floor extension to the existing garage, the additional accommodation would be used ancillary to the existing dwelling. It is considered that the proposal has an acceptable impact on visual amenity, residential amenity, the area of outstanding natural beauty, highway safety, the conservation area and listed building.


1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Block/Roof & Location Plan - Drawing Number 18/031/01 received on 12/06/2018 Floor plans and Elevations - Drawing Number 18/031/02 received on 12/06/2018 Proposed Floor plans and Elevations - Drawing Number 18/031/03 Rev B received on 01/08/2018

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

2. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

REASON: This condition is required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

3. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any other time than for purposes which form an integral part of the planning unit known as 1 Sunnyside, Whitchurch Canonicorum DT6 6RQ as indicated within the red line on the approved plan drawing number 18/031/01 received by the Local Planning Authority on 12/06/2018 as a single planning unit.

REASON: The accommodation is not considered suitable for separate use, because of the relationship between it and adjacent dwellings.

4. The rooflights hereby approved shall be black in colour and of a 'conservation area type' such that they shall not protrude above the plane of the roof.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance in the interest of visual amenity.

5. No windows or doors shall be installed until a schedule and detailed sections (scale 1:10) of all new windows and doors in the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All windows shall be constructed of timber, but the schedule shall include additional information relating to (i) the method of opening, (ii) the depth of the reveal from the face of the wall and (iii) the product number where the window is supplied from a manufacturers standard range (copy of catalogue to be included). Thereafter, the development shall proceed in strict accordance with such details as have been agreed.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development.

6. No development shall be commenced until details and samples of the proposed external facing materials shall have been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall proceed in strict accordance with such materials as have been agreed.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development.

7. Any new rainwater goods shall be metal and finished in black.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development.

8. No new openings including for flues, vents and extracts shall be constructed on the north-west elevation, other than those shown on the drawing number 18/031/03 B, unless the written permission of the Local Planning Authority shall have been obtained.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development within the conservation area.