Popular Computing Weekly (1984-03-01)
POPULAR ^o /-d^^. BRITAIN'S BEST-SELLING MICRO WEEKLY News Desk Sinclair Timex pulls out interest builds up of US market rmm C M hnelJiJcnbi. c ng nge o ompu e umpu ma k *iM oaiu dc fcned by S n h p c o on nu ofalldum TS J(K ZX8 he Tb 511 a Ivl m k ng difficull I 6K on of h ZX8 and m k n be protil." 2 6S he 48K Spe um Tm h v "^''"""^"''m'"' h h ndo Apn Sn h h d n 1) nd £ Bn o u ome m n n Read rs Tni Acco n mnpan sam ^ IXK n e e? ound 16 pt U for ihL OL 5itll planned : cilhct hdCTi tancelleri O! conllnuMl on pags S ^ nnonnonaohdWmVHJiauOQQQaQQQQ • Street Life Gz-Btan, Ta,l„nM> ornvarToylDF. producer orn\=C]i\piin<f. -.Kc/J^ProRrBrnming gtiler.1 in Ihe 650! milZSOpmcessars. Srepa •r 20. m Dragon ALTe.»,„e machine codf from Biaic by Chra Wom/,. Pflgf -y. •New Releases aiiiIu to« ,ofl<^.r.Mud,n,H.d..u. ^%^ SO-SOFT WAR E CAN YOU HANDLE THE ULTIMATE? FEATURE PACKED, 100% MACHINE CODE. THE MOST AMAZING PROGRAMMES, THE SMOOTHEST AND PURE ADDICTION. ACTION, THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION GRAPHICS? SO WHICH WILL BLOW FIRST - muR COMPUTER OS ALL ULTIMATE GAMES ARE ARCADE STANDARD, YOUR MIND? 2yi;I?5'^5.~t!„.i p;:,s,.T DL^nurJ-rmun D P«.1 QlranzAm |HSt GWof-E^por^lsdVICJO DAHcAMc 1 r„.. 1 1 Send to: UltimotePla The Greer, Aihbydela Lelcestafili ,rhi Gmn, Aihby da Id ZducH, LilE«liiihlr«,1W(U3g| 41I4U, Otdu anquinM wi Timex's hasty relreal from the US Edllor Mug By home micro market comas as no B'enflon Gore consistent- Letters 7 surprise.
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