PRESS & DAKOTAN ■ THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2012 PAGE 9 Refreshing To Hear King Felix Admit To Knowing Of Perfect Game Press&Dakotan BY JEREMY HOECK The 26-year-old Venezuelan admitted later that yes, he realized what was going on. “It was in my mind, the
[email protected] whole game, it was in my mind,” he said. DAILY DOSE Think of all those times you hear pitchers say they had no idea how many outs there were or that they had no If you will allow me to branch away from local topics (which we usually discuss in this space), I feel it neces- clue they had a no-hitter. It’s hard to believe that sometimes (given all the superstitions about people ignoring them sary to comment on a significant sports story from Wednesday. in the dugout), but on the other hand, if they’re so focused on the game, maybe they truly were clueless. By pure definition, a perfect game in baseball should be rare, right? Instead, such performances are becom- In Hernandez’s case, though, he knew. Doesn’t that put more pressure on him, knowing that literally every pitch Daily opinions from the P&D could break up the no-hitter? I would have to say it did. Sports Staff on local and na- ing commonplace this summer. Seattle ace Felix Hernandez shut down the Tampa Bay Rays in order Wednesday, 1-0, for the 23rd perfect Too many times in professional sports we hear the canned answers; those tired old cliches made famous by tional high school, college game in MLB history — the third occurrence this season.