Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo

presentano Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo V Edizione 2 Con il patrocinio

Comune di Gardone Riviera Comune di Salò

ProLoco di Salò

Consorzio Alberghi Riviera LABA Brescia del Garda Gardone e Salò

V edizione

A cura di Rosanna Padrini Dolcini Fondazione Cominelli

Maria Rosa Franzin, Rossella Tornquist AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo

Palazzo Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice del Benaco Brescia, Italia

30 agosto – 5 ottobre 2014 Il 2014 è l’anno della consacrazione per il premio 2014 is the year of legitimation for the international internazionale "Fondazione Cominelli", che giunge alla "Cominelli Foundation" prize, which reaches its fifth sua quinta edizione con un sempre maggiore respiro edition with an increasingly international allure and well- internazionale e consolidate tradizioni. established traditions.

Palazzo Cominelli, e il lago di Garda più in generale si Palazzo Cominelli, and Lake Garda in general, are indeed propongono come prestigiosa vetrina per gli oltre quaranta a prestigious showcase for the selected artists from all autori, provenienti da tutto il mondo, selezionati tra un over the world, chosen from an array of candidates of an parterre di candidati sempre di altissimo livello. L’area extremely high level. dedicata alla formazione e alle scuole torna ad accogliere, The section dedicated to education and schools, after dopo le partnership internazionali il Politecnico di Milano, having hosted the Milan Polytechnic, the Edinburgh College il College of Art di Edimburgo e l’Università della Musica of Arts and the University of Music and Performing Arts e delle Arti di Tokyo, una prestigiosa scuola italiana, of Tokyo, will welcome the prestigious Pietro Selvatico l’Istituto Liceo Artistico Pietro Selvatico di Padova. Agli Art School of Padua. studenti va un benvenuto sul lago di Garda, con la certezza che i lavori presentati riscontreranno lo stesso successo A warm welcome to Lake Garda goes to the students, with di quello raccolto dai colleghi nelle precedenti edizioni. the certainty that their works will meet the same success as their colleagues in the previous editions. Alla luce del grande apprezzamento e del sostegno che il premio internazionale e tutte le iniziative collaterali stanno In light of the great appreciation and support that the ricevendo da importanti istituzioni gardesane e bresciane, international award and all related initiatives are receiving possiamo affermare che questo evento contribuisce alla from major institutions of the Lake Garda and Brescia promozione del nostro splendido territorio in giro per il areas, we can say that this event contributes to the mondo. promotion of our beautiful territory around the world.

In un momento così complesso per l'economia, crediamo At such a complex time for the economy, we believe it is sia fondamentale che anche la cultura e l'arte facciano essential that culture and art do their part in support of la loro parte, a sostegno del nostro sistema economico. our economic system. We trust that all guests will enjoy A tutti i gentili ospiti, auguriamo una buona visione e una the events and that they may have a pleasant stay on serena permanenza sul nostro splendido lago. our beautiful lake.

Michele Cassarino, Presidente Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli / Chairman Cominelli Foundation

4 San Felice del Benaco, luogo unico ed incantevole, luogo di cultura, di tradizioni e di splendidi panorami che si tuffano nel blu del nostro lago, accoglie la V Edizione del Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo.

Un pregevole evento che stupisce per la sua unicità come unico è il meraviglioso Palazzo Cominelli che ospita le più varie forme d’arte passando dalla musica al teatro, dalla fotografia alla pittura, dalla scultura e da tutto ciò che può contribuire ad esaltare la bellezza di tale luogo.

Un contributo importante che attraverso l’arte promuove l’immagine del nostro territorio in tutte le sue particolarità.

San Felice del Benaco, an unique and enchanting place, a centre of culture traditions and splendid landscapes that plunges into the blue of our lake, this is where the V Edition of the Contemporary Jewellery Prize is held.

An important event that is amazing not only because it is unique, but also for the wonderful Cominelli Palace that offers the most varied forms of art passing from music to theatre, from photography to painting, from sculpture to all that can contribute to enhancing the beauty of the place.

This is an important contribution which through art promotes the image of our territory and its characteristics.

Paolo Rosa, Sindaco/Mayor of San Felice del Benaco Marzia Manovali, Consigliere alla Cultura/Councillor for Culture

5 6 Il Premio Cominelli per il Gioiello Contemporaneo giunge The Cominelli Award for Contemporary Jewellery reaches quest’anno alla sua quinta edizione e si presenta ancora its fifth edition this year and presents itself once again una volta come un unicum, sia per la ricerca dei materiali as a unit, both for material research and techniques, e delle tecniche, sia per la scelta e le indicazioni impresse and for the choice and indications of the curator making dal curatore chiamato alla selezione dei lavori. the selection of the works. In questa esposizione si crea un dialogo tra i metalli, la This exhibition creates a dialogue between metals, plastica, l’acciaio, il legno e, non meno importante, il plastics, steel, wood and, not least, the colour that colore che domina fortemente alcuni pezzi. strongly dominates some pieces. Alla mostra dedicata al Premio si affianca l’esposizione The Award exhibition is combined with the presentation degli studenti dell’Istituto Pietro Selvatico di Padova, of students of the Pietro Selvatico Institute of Padua, denominato dopo la riforma scolastica del 2010, Liceo named – after the educational reform of 2010 – Pietro Artistico. Selvatico Art School. La profonda differenza rispetto alle istituzioni scolastiche There is a profound difference with respect to educational presentate negli anni scorsi è determinata dalla giovane institutions presented in previous years: this is determined età degli allievi, essendo il Liceo Artistico una scuola by the young age of the students, being the Art School secondaria, ma vi è anche un forte legame con la a secondary school, but there is also a strong link with tradizione, ravvisabile nel segno riconoscibile degli tradition, which comes out in the recognizable signs of insegnamenti e negli oggetti del Prof. Mario Pinton, the teachings and objects of Prof. Mario Pinton, founder fondatore della sezione Arte dei metalli e dell’oreficeria of the Art section of metals and jewellery in the '60s. negli anni ’60. The collaboration of Professor Dario Bellini of the Continua la collaborazione multimediale del Corso del multimedia course at the Department of Graphic Design, Professore Dario Bellini del Dipartimento Graphic Design Academy of Brescia still continues, with the presentation dell’Accademia di Brescia, con la presentazione di nuovi of new videoportraits, and the corpus of the Permanent videoritratti d’autore e con nuove opere si arricchisce il Collection curated by gallery owner Rita Marcangelo is corpus degli autori della Collezione Permanente curata enriched with new works and pieces. dalla gallerista Rita Marcangelo. I would like to thank President Michele Cassarino and Ringrazio il Presidente Michele Cassarino ed il Consiglio the Board of Directors of the Cominelli Foundation, the di Amministrazione della Fondazione Cominelli, il Sindaco Mayor of Cisano di San Felice del Benaco, Mr. Paolo di Cisano di S.Felice del Benaco Sig. Paolo Rosa, la Rosa, the curator and cultural consultant Rosanna Padrini curatrice e consulente culturale Rosanna Padrini Dolcini, Dolcini; Prof. Ramon Puig Cuyàs for his curatorship in il Prof. Ramon Puig Cuyàs per la cura nella selezione the selection of works, the members of the jury, the delle opere, i membri della giuria, l’artista orafo Fausto goldsmith artist Fausto Maria Franchi, our Headteacher Maria Franchi, la nostra Preside Luisa Molino ed il Prof. Louisa Molino and Prof. Graziano Visintin who have Graziano Visintin che mi hanno affiancato nella scelta accompanied me in selecting the Institute's work, as dei lavori dell’Istituto, nonché la collega e socia Rossella well as my friend and collegue Rossella Tornquist for Tornquist per la collaborazione. her cooperation.

Maria Rosa Franzin, Presidente AGC / Chairman AGC


Chi di noi non ha mai collezionato qualcosa? Francobolli, piccoli oggetti, preziosi o meno, che però hanno sempre molta importanza per chi li colleziona. Helen Williams Drutt, nota collezionista e gallerista, prima di iniziare ad interessarsi al gioiello contemporaneo, collezionava snow globes, le classiche sfere di vetro con all’interno la neve.

La necessità di accumulare oggetti di vario genere è insita nell’uomo. Il collezionismo privato è spinto da molteplici fattori quali bisogni sociali, bisogni dell’Io o semplicemente una necessità di speculazione.

La collezione pubblica, invece, ha obiettivi ben diversi. Nasce come modalità di conservazione, con lo scopo di salvaguardare e successivamente divulgare ciò che si è acquisito.

Così, la Collezione di gioielli della Fondazione Cominelli, nasce proprio con lo scopo di documentare, valorizzare e diffondere la conoscenza di questa particolare forma d’arte, tramite l’esposizione delle opere al pubblico mediante la mostra permanente presso la sua sede, o in forma di mostre temporanee in spazi istituzionali fuori sede.

Il percorso espositivo si articola attualmente in quattro macro aree tematiche (gioiello concettuale, gioiello di design, gioiello di ricerca storica e gioiello di ricerca estetica), che a loro volta si suddividono al loro interno, documentando le diverse sfumature della sperimentazione nel gioiello contemporaneo.

Di fatto ci sono pochissime occasioni in Italia, e se vogliamo anche nel mondo, per poter osservare ed ammirare opere di questo tipo. Questo gioiello, nato nel dopoguerra e rimasto lontano dai riflettori, è tuttora un oggetto da scoprire e investigare, in quanto punto d'incontro tra arte, artigianato e mondi della moda e del design.

Ciò che affascina del gioiello contemporaneo è la sua natura multidisciplinare e la sua ecletticità. In questa Collezione troverete gioielli realizzati in argento, oro e gemme, ma anche, e non per questo meno preziosi, opere in carta, plastica, legno o tessuto.

Alla fine ciò che apprezzerete sarà l'estro e la fantasia dei gioielli esposti.

Rita Marcangelo Curatrice della Collezione Permanente Fondazione Cominelli / Curator Cominelli Foundation


Most of us have collected something at some stage in our lives: stamps, small precious or non-precious objects, etc., all of which have great importance for those who collect them. Helen Williams Drutt, notable collector and gallery owner, started collecting snow globes long before becoming interested in contemporary jewellery.

The necessity to accumulate objects of various types, is typical of man. Private collection can be driven by multiple factors such as social needs, need for self-satisfaction, or simply for speculative purposes.

Public collection on the other hand, has always had very different aims: a means of conservation, with the purpose of safeguarding what has been acquired and, at a later stage, a divulgative scope.

Thus, the Cominelli Foundation's jewellery collection was initiated with the scope of documenting, evaluating and disseminating knowledge of this particular art form, by means of display of the works to the public through the permanent exhibition at its headquarters, or in the form of temporary exhibitions in institutional spaces elsewhere.

The exhibition is currently divided into four broad thematic areas (conceptual jewellery, designer jewellery, historic research jewellery and aesthetic research jewellery), which in turn are subdivided again, documenting the different shades of experimentation in contemporary jewellery.

There are few occasions in Italy, or indeed elsewhere, to observe and admire works of this sort. In fact, this type of jewellery, whose existence dates back to after the second world war, has never been in the limelight and is still an object to discover and investigate; a meeting point between art, craft and the world of fashion and design.

What is fascinating about contemporary jewellery, is its multidisciplinary nature and its versatility. In this collection, you will find jewellery made of silver, gold and gems, but also, and no less precious because of this, works in paper, plastic, wood or fabric.

Ultimately, what you will appreciate is the creativity and imagination of the jewellery on display.

9 10 Collezione permanente


11 12 GIURIA Michele Cassarino Presidente Fondazione Cominelli Ramon Puig Cuyàs Professore Escola Massana di Barcellona Fausto Maria Franchi Artista orafo Matteo Galbiati Curatore e storico dell'arte Paola Bonfadini Storica delle Arti applicate Rita Marcangelo Gallerista


Affascinato dalla materia e dalle sue molteplici possibilità, con un mero movimento che da inventivo si trasforma in creativo, Franchi tende a trasmettere, tramite il fare delle mani, nuove forme e delicate texture alle superfici dei metalli apportando infinite sfaccettature per speculazioni luminose. Sono forme libere nell'espressione, manifesti di una propria relatività del fare, che esplicano il bagaglio visivo dell'autore formando un personale lessico espressivo che si ritrova integro sia nelle piccole sia nelle grandi dimensioni. Controllore severo delle proprie regole, libero pensatore di forme e processi, sviluppa, grazie ad una ricerca assunta a condizione prima, un iter creativo, che dai monili agli argenti alle sculture, si lascia trascinare in una discontinuità oggettiva in cui “piccolo” e “grande” perdono la loro essenza; la logica di un monile assume valenze altre mentre la scultura si arricchisce di preziosi stilemi. Composizioni aniconiche che esaltano i due aspetti complementari della personalità di Franchi: la formazione culturale e l’esperienza artigianale. L’una lauta di emozioni di stimoli, l’altra carica della serietà nel lavoro fatto di disciplina, di manualità.

Fascinated by raw materials and their many possibilities, with a mere movement that turns inventive into creativity, Franchi tends to transmit, through his hands, new shapes and delicate textures to the surfaces of metal, generating endless specks of light through facets. His works are the expression of his own making process, carrying the author's own view, forming a personal expressive vocabulary that is found intact both in small and in large works. Strict in making his own rules, freethinker of forms and processes, he develops a creative process thanks to continous research carried out, from which the silver object, jewelry or sculpture, is swept into an objective discontinuity in which "small" and "large" lose their essence; the inner logic of a jewel assumes other meanings, while the sculpture is enriched with precious styles. Aniconic compositions that enhance the two complementary aspects of the artist's personality, are the cultural and artisan experiences. The first is rich in emotions and stimulations, whilst the latter, shows his total dedication, discipline and know-how.

14 Sostenuto Pettorale, argento, oro bianco, smalti a fuoco – Necklace, silver, white gold, enamel


Penso che l'arte sia un riflesso della vita, una manifestazione A volte, ho organizzato delle esposizioni o mi hanno chiesto della vita dell'artista, per questo non si può sottoporre a di fare la selezione delle opere di una mostra, come ora, giudizio, non si può giudicare la vita degli altri. Possiamo e quindi mi sono trovato con la necessità di decidere, certamente capire il suo lavoro, oppure no, ci può toccare, scegliere, giudicare quali lavori debbano o non debbano emozionare, oppure no, possiamo identificarci, stabilire essere presenti in un’esposizione. Altre volte io stesso una intima complicità con l'artista attraverso la sua opera, sono stato oggetto di selezione. Ma mi rimane sempre la oppure no, possiamo reinterpretarla, proiettare nella sua sensazione che in ogni atto di selezione c'è una parte di opera le nostre idee, o può lasciarci indifferenti, però non aleatorietà, di soggettività e di caso che bisogna accettare. possiamo giudicare la sua vita, la sua opera, il suo lavoro. Qualcuno ha detto che anche selezionare è una forma di Possiamo spiegare, se le parole ce lo permettono, quello creazione, e la creazione è una attività che non appartiene che sentiamo o che interpretiamo di un'opera, possiamo necessariamente al mondo dell'assoluto. Una selezione è cercare di spiegare la nostra visione di ciò che un'opera una possibilità tra infinite possibilità. Tutti oggi, con un produce in noi, però questo sarà, più che un giudizio, una solo click, hanno la possibilità di compiere questa azione reinterpretazione, una partecipazione attiva nei confronti attraverso internet: “Mi piace - Non mi piace”, in un click, della sua opera. Quando devo valutare o selezionare una con un atto emotivo, veloce, immediato e pubblico. Questo creazione, la cosa più importante è che mi emozioni, che mi a volte va bene, però altre volte succede che non meditiamo faccia sentire realmente che l'artista sia coinvolto onestamente sulla nostra decisione, e quindi l'atto di decidere appare e sinceramente nel suo lavoro, e che io non sia davanti ad come una cosa banale e senza sentimento, che finisce un'opera finita, ma in evoluzione, viva. Non mi interessa per screditare il nostro giudizio estetico. Credo che non un'opera auto compiaciuta, ma che dialoghi e si interroghi dobbiamo perdere il rigore dei nostri criteri estetici, e sui limiti della propria creazione. Mi interessano le opere che neanche di quelli etici, non tanto nel giudicare gli altri, mi fanno sentire di non essere improvvisate, di essere frutto ma specialmente nell’applicarli alle nostre proprie opere. di uno sforzo continuativo e di maturità del tempo. Che si esprimono attraverso un linguaggio personale e unico, che I think that art is a reflection of life, a manifestation of hanno il valore di non seguire le mode o le correnti stilistiche, the artist's life and that is why it cannot be judged, info far che sono originali (originale come parola in relazione con as you cannot judge the lives of others. We can certainly origine, inizio, e non con unico o nuovo). Non mi interessano le understand his work, or maybe not, we can be touched or parole o i concetti con cui molti artisti cercano di giustificare moved by it, or maybe not, we can identify, establish an le proprie opere, ma quello che l'artista ci comunica con il intimate complicity with the artist through his work, or maybe linguaggio delle forme, dei colori, del linguaggio dei simboli not, we can reinterpret it, projecting our ideas in his work, or e delle metafore visuali, cioè mi interessa tutto quel lavoro it can leave us indifferent, but we cannot judge his life, his nato dall'abbandono delle parole, della letteratura o delle ouvre, his work. We can explain, if we can find the words idee semplici o scontate, per addentrarsi nel territorio dello to do so, what we feel or what we interpret, we can try to sconosciuto e dell'inesplicabile. Mi interessano le opere che explain our vision of what a piece evokes within us, but this hanno una tensione interna o del mistero. will be more than a judgment, a reinterpretation, an active

16 participation in respect of his work. When I am called to judge have found myself with the necessity to decide, to choose, or select someone’s work, the most important thing to me is to judge which works should or should not be present. In that it gives me emotions, it makes me feel that the artist is other circumstances, I myself have been subject to selection. truly involved in his work honestly and sincerely and that I am However, I am always left with the feeling that each time not in front of a finished work, but one that is still evolving and there is a selection, there is an aleatory, subjective element, alive. I am not interested in works that are complacent, but as well as sheer luck, that must be accepted. It has been those that are able to dialogue and are interrogative of their own said that even the act of selecting is creative, and creation limitations. I am interested in works that are not improvised and is an activity that does not necessarily belong to the world that are the result of a continuous effort and maturity gained of the absolute. A selection is a possibility among infinite in time. Works that are the expression of a personal, unique possibilities. Anyone today, with just one click, can make this language, that have the value of not following trends or stylistic selection through the internet: “I like-I don’t like”, through currents, that are original (original as in origin, beginning, and an emotional act that is quick, immediate and public. This not in reference to unique or new). I am not interested in the is sometimes acceptable, but other times it happens that words or concepts with which many artists try to justify their we do not meditate on our decision, and therefore the act work, but rather what the artist communicates with shapes, of deciding appears to be trivial and without feeling, and colours, the language of symbols and visual metaphors. Thus I ends up by discrediting our aesthetic judgment. I think we am interested in those works that stem from the abandonment should not lose the rigor of our aesthetic criteria, as well of words, literature or simple and obvious ideas, to go into as ethics, not so much in judging others, but especially in the territory of the unknown and inexplicable. I'm interested applying them to our own works. in works that have an internal tension or mystery. At times, I have organized exhibitions or I have been asked to make the Maggio, 2014 selection of works for an exhibition, as in this case, and so I Ramon Puig Cuyàs Series Net-Work Spilla, argento, ossidato, nickel – Brooch, oxidized nickel silver 2011

17 18 GIGI MARIANI PRIMO PREMIO 2013 – Vases Anello, argento, oro 18kt, niello, patina – Ring, silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina – 2013

19 MAKOTO HIEDA SECONDO PREMIO 2013 – Cocoon Spilla, rete di acciaio – Brooch, stainless mesh – 2012

20 MAKOTO HIEDA ELISABETTA DUPRÈ SECONDO PREMIO 2013 – Cocoon TERZO PREMIO 2013 – Mesh Spilla, rete di acciaio – Brooch, stainless mesh – 2012 Spille, argento, oro – Brooch, silver, gold – 2013



Spilla, lacca giapponese, nichel, argento – Japanese lacquered, nickel, silver 2013

24 FABIANA GADANO TRINIDAD CONTRERAS Ai Apaec Bottle Spilla, lacca giapponese, nichel, argento – Japanese lacquered, nickel, silver 2013 Collana, porcellana, pelle, rame – Necklace, porcelain, leather, copper 2013

25 KARIN ROY ANDERSSON Catching Big Fish Bracciale, plastica riciclata da bottiglie di mostarda e shampoo , recycled plastics from mustard and shampoo bottle 2014 26 KARIN ROY ANDERSSON NICOLE TAUBINGER Catching Big Fish Bracciale, plastica riciclata da bottiglie di mostarda e shampoo Collana, Bottles “R” Us, tappi di bottiglie di plastica, plastica Bracelet, recycled plastics from mustard and shampoo bottle 2014 Necklace, Bottles “R” Us plastic bottle caps, plastic 2013 27 CLAIRE LAVENDHOMME Movment Pendente, foto, plexiglass, alluminio, acciaio Pendant, photo, plexiglass, aluminium, steel 2013 28 CLAIRE LAVENDHOMME MELISSA CAMERON Movment To My Bruces / Tears of an Oyster Pendente, foto, plexiglass, alluminio, acciaio Collana e pendente, scatola di sigarette riciclata, acciaio, argento 925, perla australiana Broome. Pendant, photo, plexiglass, aluminium, steel 2013 Chain and pendent, recycled chrome plated cigarette case, stainless steel, 925 silver, australian Broome pearl 2013 29 MARCO MINELLI Untitled Anello, vetro, pallina da ping pong, teflon, plastica, oro Ring, glass, ball, teflon, plastic, gold 2001 30 MARCO MINELLI KAREN VANMOL Untitled Cultivate Anello, vetro, pallina da ping pong, teflon, plastica, oro Spilla, legno, fibra plastica rinforzata, ottone, pittura, acrilico, acciaio Ring, glass, ball, teflon, plastic, gold 2001 Brooch, wood, fiber reinforced plastics, brass, paint, acrylate, steel 2014 31 HEIDEMARIE HERB Collection minipictures Spilla, argento, rame, ottone, pigmento, colore fuso, acciaio Brooch, silver, copper, brass, pigment, melted color, steel 2013 32 HEIDEMARIE HERB JUDY MCCAIG Collection minipictures The Night A Forest Grew Spilla, argento, rame, ottone, pigmento, colore fuso, acciaio Spilla, dibond, alluminio, perspex, tombac, argento, urarovite, giada nera, citrino, diamante Herkimer, ferro, pirite Brooch, silver, copper, brass, pigment, melted color, steel 2013 Brooch, dibond, aluminium, perspex, paint, tombac, silver, uvarovite, black , citrine, herkimer diamond crystals, pyrite 2013 33 FRANCINE SCHLOETH Black L Spilla, schiuma, gesso, alpacca, acciaio, lacca giapponese Brooch, foam, plaster, alpaca, steel, japanese lacquer 2013/14 34 FRANCINE SCHLOETH DIANA DUDEK Black L Broken Heart Series Spilla, schiuma, gesso, alpacca, acciaio, lacca giapponese Orecchini, alabastro, micromosaico di vetro, argento, fimo, marcassite Brooch, foam, plaster, alpaca, steel, japanese lacquer 2013/14 , alabaster, micromosaic (glass), silver, fimo, markasites 2013/14 35 BARBARA UDERZO Blob ring “aperitivo esplosivo” Anello, argento 925, rodiato, plastic, vetro, tappo Campari, freccia magnetica, fiche Ring, silver 925, rhodium plated, plastic, glass, Campari cap, magnetic arrow, fiche 2012 36 BARBARA UDERZO SUNGHO CHO Blob ring “aperitivo esplosivo” Anello, argento 925, rodiato, plastic, vetro, tappo Campari, freccia magnetica, fiche Spilla, argento, carta di credito riciclata, plastica Ring, silver 925, rhodium plated, plastic, glass, Campari cap, magnetic arrow, fiche 2012 Brooch, silver, recycled plastic Card Forest 2014 37 ULRIKE KLEINE-BEHNKE

Spilla, argento, legno – Brooch, silver, wood 2013

38 ULRIKE KLEINE-BEHNKE SILKE TREKEL Collier Spilla, argento, legno – Brooch, silver, wood 2013 Collana, porcellana, argento – Necklace, porcelain, silver 2014

39 ALEJANDRA SOLAR Blue deer Spilla, pietra di fiume, quarzo, argento Brooch, river stone, quartz, silver 2013 40 ALEJANDRA SOLAR MICHAEL BERGER Blue deer Kinetic ring Spilla, pietra di fiume, quarzo, argento Anello cinetico, acciaio nero, citrino, micro cuscinetti a sfere Brooch, river stone, quartz, silver 2013 Ring, stainless steel, black coated, citrine, micro ball bearings 2014 41 HANA CHOI

Spilla, nylon, alluminio, pittura acrilica, argento Brooch, nylon, aluminum, acrylic paint, silver 2013 42 HANA CHOI JESSICA TURRELL

Spilla, nylon, alluminio, pittura acrilica, argento Spilla, smalto, rame, argento, forma cava Brooch, nylon, aluminum, acrylic paint, silver 2013 Brooch, vitreous enamel, copper, silver, hollowform 2012 43 YU HIRAISHI Buzz Spilla, ottone, acciaio, vernice di uretano – Brooch, brass, stainless steel, urethane paint 2013

44 YU HIRAISHI CLAUDE SCHMITZ Buzz Tree dream Spilla, ottone, acciaio, vernice di uretano – Brooch, brass, stainless steel, urethane paint 2013 Spilla, oro – Brooch, gold 2013


Spilla, gomma, filo di seta, bronzo, pigmento, argento, acciaio Brooch, rubber, silk thread, bronze, pigments, silver, stainless steel 2013 46 NIKI STYLIANOU ISABELL SCHAUPP Feather Wing Spilla, gomma, filo di seta, bronzo, pigmento, argento, acciaio Spilla, argento, rame, smalto, foto, corallo di bamboo, tessuto Brooch, rubber, silk thread, bronze, pigments, silver, stainless steel 2013 Brooch, silver, copper, enamel, photo, bamboo coral, textile 2013 47 ALJA NEUNER Cubic matters Collana, argento 925, oro 585, legno di balsa, inchiostro – Necklace, silver 925, gold 585, balsa wood, ink 2014

48 ALJA NEUNER VIVI TOULOUMIDI Cubic matters Collana, argento 925, oro 585, legno di balsa, inchiostro – Necklace, silver 925, gold 585, balsa wood, ink 2014 Spilla, pietra di pomice vulcanica, acciaio – Brooch, volcanic pumice stones, steel 2013 /2014

49 MARIANNE SCHLIWINSKI Maria Callas II Spilla, argento 925, legno, lacca, vetro,perla near, frammento di gioiello, foto Brooch, silver925, wood, laquer, glass, black pearl, fragment jewelry piece, foto 2012 50 EIKO NAKAHARA Softness Spilla, argento Brooch, silver 2013 51 FARRAH-AL DUJAILI Plants above ground Orecchini, ottone, metallo, inchiostro – Earrings, brass, metal, ink 2013

52 FARRAH-AL DUJAILI GABI VEIT Plants above ground Rosengarten Orecchini, ottone, metallo, inchiostro – Earrings, brass, metal, ink 2013 Anello, argento 925 ossidato, granato del Sud Tirolo – Ring, silver 925 oxidized, garnet from South Tyrol 2012-2013

53 YONG JOO KIM Requisite Variety S2-EV8 Spilla, velcro, filo, ottone, acciaio, argento Brooch, velcro hook and loop fastener, thread, brass, steel, sterling silver 2013 54 YONG JOO KIM FLORA VAGI Requisite Variety S2-EV8 Deep blue flower Spilla, velcro, filo, ottone, acciaio, argento Spilla, legno, pigmento, pittura acrilica, argento, acciaio, vetro Brooch, velcro hook and loop fastener, thread, brass, steel, sterling silver 2013 Brooch, wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel, glass 2013 55 BABETTE VON DOHNANYI Pensiero Spilla, argento 925, bagno di rutenio, agata, acciaio – Brooch, silver 925, black plated, agatha, steel 2014

56 BABETTE VON DOHNANYI FUMIKI TAGUCHI Pensiero Spilla, argento 925, bagno di rutenio, agata, acciaio – Brooch, silver 925, black plated, agatha, steel 2014 Spilla, argento – Brooch, silver 2014

57 58 FAUSTO MARIA FRANCHI nasce a Roma il 9 maggio FAUSTO MARIA FRANCHI was born in Rome May 9, 1939. 1939. La sua formazione, sotto la guida dei Prof. Orlandini His training under the guidance of Professors Orlandini and e Gerardi, ha luogo presso il M.A.I. Il riconoscimento Gerardi, takes place at the M.A.I. The critical recognition della critica avviene nel 1964 con la prima personale takes place in 1964 with his first solo show in New York, a New York, la realizzazione della legatura per il "Libro the realization of the binding for the "Golden Book of the d'oro della città di Roma" e il 1° Premio del Concorso City of Rome" and the 1st Prize of the National Competition Nazionale di Oreficeria. Franchi svolge l’attività artistica of Goldsmiths. Franchi carries out his artistic activity in nel suo studio in Roma, via del Clementino, e in Todi, his studio in Rome, and in Chioano, near Todi. località Chioano.

Pubblicazioni: 2014 Roma-Vittoriano. 2013 Hanau, Idar Oberstein, Concorso Internazionale-1987 Città del Messico, Museo Mayer-2012 Budapest-2011 Roma Galleria 28; 1987, Roma, Personale Modena, Galleria MIES-2011 Città del Vaticano-2011- Tuttilibri-1986 Naguatàd Simposio di scultura, Padova, San Rocco-2010 Personale Firenze Artefatti Accademia di Budapest-1985 Pforzheim Concorso preziosi Palazzo Pitti 2009 Roma, Galleria IPSAR, Internazionale-1984 Roma, 1° Premio concorso 2009-Munchën Schmuck Extreme-2008 Vicenza, Provincia di Roma; 1984, Todi "...E se scoppiasse Milano, Berlino, Torino,“Gioiello Italiano-2007/08 Roma la pace, quale bandiera?"; 1984 Legnano, Mostra Studiolo Crispolti-2007 Stoccolma, Mediterraneità del Internazionale "Sissa Pagani; 1984 Roma, "Bernini segno-2007 Hanau, 3° premio “15° Silver Triennale '84", 2° Premio Provincia di Roma-1983 Tivoli, 1° International Competition 2006”-2006 Roma/Lisboa Premio concorso di scultura, Accademia Tiburtina; “4 punti di contatto-2004 Roma Técne, le forme 1983 Todi, Personale di scultura-1982 Roma, "Le dell’arte Palazzo Massimo-2004, Lisboa Fundaçaõ ali nel vuoto", Galleria Il Canavaccio-1980 Antibes, Calouste Gulbenkian-2002 “Un ponte parallelo al Salon d'Art 1° Premio Galleria d'Art Azuréene-1979 Fiume” Roma Galleria d’Arte Moderna-2001 Tavira Savona, Galleria San Michele, 1978, Tivoli 1° workshop di metalli e ceramica-2000 Den Haag Premio Trespolo d'oro-1978 Spoleto, Festival dei Microsculture-2000, Napoli Libero Pensiero, Scuderie, due Mondi-1976 Pietrasanta, "Scultori in un centro Palazzo Reale-1998 Perugia, Argenti Bianchi-1997 storico"-1975 Assisi,1° Personale di scultura, Palazzo Todi, Oltre la memoria-1996 Assisi, 1996, Den dei Priori-1967 San Remo Medaglia d'oro della Città- Haag Microsculture, 1996, Lisboa workshoop-1995 1966 Roma "Libro d'oro della città", 1965, Firenze 1° Ripa Gallery-1995, New York Center-1994 Berlino Premio, Medaglia d'oro, Mostra Internazionale-1964 "2° Conferenza Europea per l'Artigianato-1990 New York "Creazioni d'argenti bianchi", personale Londra e S.Paolo "Rasna '88, etruschi oggi”-1988 Palazzetto Rizzoli.

59 BIOGRAFIE Pag. 24. FABIANA GADANO 1963. Education: 1986 Pag. 25. TRINIDAD CONTRERAS 1977, Spain. Education: Industrial Designer, Nat. University La Plata, Argentina. 2010 Program Artistic Jewellery, Escola Massana, Barcelona, Workshops: 2001/07 J. Castañón; 1995/00 A. Sarquis; Spain, Part of the collective Bórax08001. Awards: 2011: 1989 School Visual Arts, USA. Seminars: 2011 MA, J. Honorable mention, Cominelli Foundation, Padova, Italy; Kamata S. Yokouchi; 2010 Hacking Ideas, S. Marchetti; Honorable mention, Cheongju, Craft Biennale, Republic 2007 Japanese Lacquer, F. Schloeth; 2006 From Inspiration of Korea; Prize "Mediterraneo" 2011, Livorno, Italy. 2010: to Expiration, R. Puig Cuyás. Work/teaching experience: Marzee Prize, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Since 2007, at her own workshop. Exhibitions: 2014 Resident artist in the "Besiendershuis" Gallery Marzee in Galerie Help U Zelven, Netherlands/Galerie Cebra, Germany; Nijmegen. The Netherlands Exhibitions: 2014, Legnica 2013 Tema Pendiente, CCEBA and Japanese Lacquer, Jewellery Festival, Poland; Fondazione Cominelli, Italy; Argentina; 2012 Sex, Drugs and Rock’n Roll, Italy/Germany; "Canta i Plora" La Basílica Galería, Barcelona; Bórax08001, 2010 A. Faber Gallery, USA; 2007 Jewellery Journey Air, Les Circuits Bijoux, Ateliers d’Art de Franc, París, France; Germany, Argentina, USA; 2004 Velvet da Vinci Gallery, "Contemporany Jewels in Ceramics" Alliage, Lille, France; USA. Publications: I Love You, Designersbooks, China; 2012 "Contemporary art jewels" Officine Saffi, Milano, Rings, Promopress, Spain; 500 Silver Jewelry Designs, 500 Italy; New Harvest, Galerie Marzee; 2011 "Bórax08001" Pendants and Lockets, 500 , The Art of Paper B-side, Amsterdam; Joung Jewellery Art from Barcelona", Jewelry, Lark Books, USA. Prize: 2012 1st Acquisition Galerie Pilartz, Cologne, DE; Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Prize, (H2O Collection), Salón Diario La Capital, Museo Francisco, USA; "Schmuck2011" Cagnes-sur-Mer, France; Castagnino, Argentina. Collect 2011 Saatchi Gallery, London, UK; "Mediterraneo", Contact: [email protected] Livorno, Italy; "Schmuck2011", Münich, DE; Bórax08001, Website: World Craf Council, Mons, Belgium; 2010 International Graduation Show; 2010, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen. Pag. 26. KARIN ROY ANDERSSON 1983, Umeå, Sweden. Contact: [email protected] Education: 2009 Master of Applied Art, University Arts Website: Crafts and Design, Gothenburg. Work: Since 2010 Founder and co-owner of Gallery Four Gothenburg. Recent Pag. 27. NICOLE TAUBINGER 1972. Education: 2001 exhibitions: 2013 Contemporary Metal Art Exhibition, B.A. Fine Arts, Metals, University oOregon, USA. Work Century Hall, Beijing; Shadows, Lerverk, Göteborg; Catching experience: 2004 Ivan Chevillotte GmbH, Munich, Germany; Big Fish, solo exhibition, Beyond Fashion, Antwerp; Art & 2005 Serapis Kunst und Schmuck der Antike, Munich, Science, Göteborg; Suspended in Pink, Birmingham School Germany. Exhibitions: 2006/2013 Exhibitions in other of Jewellery, Birmingham, Studio Gabi Green, Munich and media, 2013/2014 Photofestival Moravská Třebová; Heidi Lowe, Rehoboth Beach; Preziosa Young, Munich, Galerie Isabella Muschalik, Munich, Germany; The 2013 Legnica and Florence; (ig)noble, Schwedische kirche, Munich; Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial, China; MANO 2012 Alla, Röhsska Museet, Göteborg; Jag har tappat min Contemporary Jewellery & Object, Taiwan; Galerie ZÁŘÍ, vante, Röhsska Museet, Göteborg; A Matter of Act, Cultural Prague, Czech Republic; Leo Jenkins Fine Arts Centre, Embassy, Amsterdam; Suspended, Studio Gabi Green, (ECU Metals Symposium), NC, USA; FOX Gallery, Prague, Munich; In the Forest, Schwedische kirche, Munich; 2011 Czech Republic; Heidi Lowe Gallery, DE, USA; FOX Gallery, Sensibelt, Konsthandeln, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm; A Prague, Czech Republic; Galerie ZÁŘÍ, Prague, Czech Pieceful Swedish Smörgåsbord, Schwedische kirche, Munich; Republic. Collections: Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, 2010 Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano S. Felice/Benaco; 4 Czech Republic. Jewellery Artists, Hop Gallery, Tallinn. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] - Website:

60 Pag. 28. CLAIRE LAVENDHOMME Graduate Inst. Applied Pag. 30. MARCO MINELLI Designer, Roma Italy. In December Arts&Crafts, Brussels. Bachelor Academy Fine Arts Arlon 2002 Marco Minelli founded the INREALISMO movement Contem. jewellery. Formation synthetic materials. Contem. and wrote his manifesto on the "unreal". Exhibitions: 2013 jewellery teacher & creator Academy Fine Arts. Before Ring party, Italy; 2011 Barcellona, Madrid year book; 2008 2003: teacher of fine arts. Master jewellery, pluridisciplinary EXIT NEW YORK; 2006 STARK BERLINO; 2004 wearing aknowledgement of 5 years relevant experience, notoriety glass, Londra UK; Francesco Antonelli Gallery, Matelica, in jewellery & pluidicipinarity. Workshop: symbol and Italy; ‘The Unreal’, Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy; 2003 metaphor in the jewel R. Puig Cuyàs; point of no return Orneata, Zurich, Basel, Switzerland; 2001 Odissea nel C. Zellweger; Cartographie R. Puig Cuyàs. Chasing and gioiello Tempio di Adriano, Piazza di Pietra, Rome, Italy; repoussé F Acquafresca. Self-educated in jewellery 1982/96; 2000 Work in the world, Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy; Exhibited since 1994; Amongst others 2014 MAD New York 1999 La Follia dentro il mio Cervello, New York, USA. Private Multiple Exposures Jewelry&Photography Loan(s); Collect collections: South Korea, France, Italy, , Norway, Saatchi Gallery UK; Auction sale at Drouot, Paris F; 2013 USA, Germany, Japan; Permanent Cominelli Foundation. Passage Sabine Herman Gallery B; La Frontera Franz Mayer Contact: [email protected] Museum Mexico; Velvet Da Vinci San Francisco; Vander A Website: Gallery Bxl. B; Bijou d’auteur Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles Website: Paris; 2012/10 Selected for the European Prize for Applied Arts B. 2011/08/05 Selected European Triennal contempory Pag. 31. KAREN VANMOL 1983 Belgium. Education: Jewelery-B. 2009/10 MFA Jewellery design, Royal Academy of Fine Contact: [email protected] Arts Antwerp, Belgium 2006/09 BFA Jewellery design, Website: Royal Academy Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium. Including workshops: Jivan Astfalck-Ma students Birmingham City Pag. 29. MELISSA CAMERON Education: 2009 MFA University, Gisbert Stach, Ulrich Reithofer, Philip Sajet, Jewellery and Metals, Monash University, Melbourne Christophe Zellweger. Selected Exhibitions: Home, Heidi VIC Australia; 2006 Postgrad Dip Jewellery Production, Lowe Gallery, Delaware, USA; 2014 European Triënnale Curtin University, Perth WA Australia; 2001 BA Interior for Contemporary Jewellery, Anciens Abattoirs, Mons, B; Architecture (hons), Curtin University, Perth WA Australia. Mineral Art14, Between Layers, Museum, Idar- Awards: 2014 Artist Trust Fellowship Seattle USA; 2013 Oberstein, DE; Hout, het nieuwe goud (Wood, the new gold), Seattle Metals Guild Emerging Artist Award Seattle USA; Design Vlaanderen Galerie, Brussels, B; Schmuck 2014, 2011 Gold Prize, Cheongju International Craft Competition 66th Intee. Handwerkmesse, Munich, DE; Sieraad Art Fair, Cheongju, South Korea; 2011 Melbourne Arts Centre Prize Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam; Jewelry Identity, Beijing Inter. Contemporary Australian Silver Exhibition; 2011 Finalist, BKV Art Biennale, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, China; Prize Bavarian Crafts Council Munich DE; 2011 and 2009 Cominelli Foundation 2013 Award, Fondazione Cominelli, Australia Council for the Arts grants. Solo Exhibitions: 2014 Cisano S. Felice/Benaco, I.; Evolving Habitat, Solo exhibition, One Design, Studio 20/17 Sydney Australia; 2012 Melissa Beyond Fashion, Antwerp, B; Chain, A Casa, Museum Cameron Gallery CAJ Kyoto, Japan; 2012 In Geometry I Brazilian Object, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Mediterrean, Museum Trust Studio 20/17; 2009 Iteration Metalab Gallery, Sydney Natural History Mediterranean, Livorno, I. Australia. Exhibition: 2014 Radical Jewelry Makeover, Contact: [email protected] curator Susie Ganch, Visual Art Center Richmond VA USA; Website: 2013 Bodywork: Australia Jewellery 1970-12, curator Dr Robert Bell AM, touring Australia; 2012 Bridge 12: Melissa Cameron, Society for Contemporary Craft Pittsburgh PA USA. Contact: [email protected] Website: 61 Pag. 32. HEIDEMARIE HERB Germany, lives & works in Pag. 35. DIANA DUDEK 1972 Munich. 1995/98 goldsmith Italy. Studies: 1991 professional qualification as goldsmith apprenticeship, Munich; 1999/00 Escola Massana Prof. in Germany. Further education at DDI German Diamond R. Puig Cuyàs, Barcelona; 2001/04 Haute Ecole d`Arts Institute. 1994/00 work experience Italy /Germany. 2008 Appliqués Prof. E. Brinkmann, Geneva; 2004 diplome-studio colours/pigments by DuPont Italy. 2011 3thd inter. Amber in Munich. Grants: 2000 Sequa-Stiftung, Handwerkskammer Workshop, Gdansk, Pl. 2011 symposium METALOfonas, Munich; 2007 Collection Gallery Legnica, Pl; 2008 Palanga, Lithuania. 2012 symposium Mizgiris’ Artists’ Prinzregent-Luitpold-Stiftung, Kulturreferat Munich; 2010 House-Thomas Mann festival Nida, Lithuania. 2013 Inter. Atelierförderung, Kulturreferat; 2011 Danner Ehrenpreis, Amber Symp., Gdansk, Poland. 2013 WE jewellery, B. Lignel, Munich. Selected exhibitions: 2014 Broken Heart Rieti, I. Selected exhibitions: 2009/14 Austria, Australia, Series Atelier München; 2013 Weihnachtsausstellung France, DE, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, PL, Russia, Slovenia, Bayer. Kunstgew.; Galerie V&V Wien; Kunstpreis D. Swiss, USA. Awards: Amberif Design Award, Gdansk PL Bernsteinmuseum, Ribnitz; 2012 Sommerfestival Galerie additional award prize; 2° Prize 150, OnOff, Padova; Amberif Slavik, Vienna; Graz by Gallery Kasu, Munich; 2011 Danner Design Award, Njoy. Honorary Mention. Public collection: Preis Villa Stuck, Munich; WEISS über den Tod hinaus Contemp. Collection Amber Museum, Gdansk, PL; Marlbork Bayerischer Kunstgew. Verein, Munich; Look Galerie castle Museum PL; Cominelli Permanent collection I; Mizgiris Caroline van Hoek by Ruudt Peters, Munich; IHM Bayerischer collection, Lituania. Publications: 500 Silver Jewellery Kunstgew. Verein, Munich; 2010 Premio Fondazione Designs, Lark Books, USA; New Rings, 500+Designs, E; Cominelli; Minimum Legnica Festival; Collect Saatchi Gallery, Humor in craft, USA; Jewelbook, int. annual contemp. jewel London; Sonderschau Schmuck Intern. Munich; 2009 Galerie art 12/13 Belgium; Lark Jewelry 500 Art Necklaces, USA. Wittenbrink, Munich; the naer and the far Museum Cultures, Contact: [email protected] Helsinki; 2008 Galerie Jungblut, Luxembourg. Website: Contact:

Pag. 36. BARBARA UDERZO 1965. Education: 1989 Pag. 38. ULRIKE KLEINE-BEHNKE Germany, 1967. Academy of Fine Arts, Venice; 1990 Master classes of Education: 1989/95 Burg Giebichenstein, University Production Assistance and Gold Design-Scuola d’Arti Arts Design, Halle DE, Jewelry Department, Diploma. e Mestieri, Vicenza; 1999 Pearls Grading Course-I.G.I, Selected Exhibitions: 2014 "Schmuck" Sonderschau der Antwerpen. Selected exhibition: 2006 Barbara Uderzo- IHM München DE; 2013 "Schmuckmusik" Wien, V&V&V; blob rings et autres bijoux, La Galerie Italienne, Paris; 2008 2013 "Grassimesse", Grassimuseum Leipzig DE; 2012 Bijoux-chocolat di Barbara Uderzo, Museo del Territorio, "Grassimesse", Grassimuseum Leipzig DE. Awards: Monsummano Terme (I); 2009 RINGS ETC. Barbara Uderzo’s 1997 Midora fair Design Award Leipzig, 2nd Price; 1998 jewels, Casa del Palladio, Vicenza; 2010 THE BLOB HOUSE, Acknowledgment, Landesausstellung Arts and Crafts Baden- opening of Barbara Uderzo‘s studio, Milan; Fondazione Würtemberg DE; 1997 Acknowledgment int. Award F.W. Cominelli, Cisano S.Felice d/B; 2011 Padova Carrarese, Müller, Schwäbisch-Gmünd DE. Collection: Grassimuseum Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua; Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano Leipzig; Collection of the Universty Arts/Design, Burg di S.Felice d/B; Pensieri Preziosi 7, Oratorio di San Rocco, Giebichenstein. Publications: "Schmuck 2014" HWK Padua; 2012 European Prize for Applied Arts, WCC-BF, München; 03/2013 Kunsthandwerk und Design; 2013, Mons; 2013 Progetto cibo, Museo Mart, Rovereto (I); The 2012 Art Aurea Grassimesse; 2009 The Compendium New Italian Design 2.0, Alhóndiga Bilbao; Academy of Art Finale of Contemporary Jewellers, Darling Publications; University, San Francisco; Fantastici!, Gallery Putti, Riga 500 Brooches-, 500 Rings-Lark Books USA. Member of the (LV); International Jewelry Art Biennial, Beijing (RPC). Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein, München DE. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website:

62 Pag. 33. JUDY MCCAIG 1980/83 MA, RCA, London. Pag. 37. SUNGHO CHO 1975, living and working in Seoul, 1975/80 Diploma/Post-Diploma, Duncan Jordanstone Korea-Studies: 1996/00 B.F.A. Seoul National University, College Art, Dundee, Scotland; Solo Exhibitions: 2014 Korea, 2000/05 M.F.A. Seoul National University, Korea Shifting Sands, Sala Perill, Barcelona; 2013 Wilderness of 2006/08 Alchimia School of Contemporary Jewellery, I, The Unknown, Villa Bengel, Idar Oberstein; 2012 Desierto 2008/13 The Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany. de lo Desconocido, Dterra Gallery, Barcelona; 2010/05/88 Solo-Exhibitions: 2013 Forest of Life. Gallery Ahwon, Seoul, Wandering Earth; Through Night and Day, The Scottish Korea; Abstract Portraits, Gallery Rob Koudjis, Amsterdam, Gallery, Edinburgh; 2009 A Través de las Nubes Blancas, Netherlands; 2010 Samsara, Gallery Hidden Space, Seoul, Amaranto, Barcelona; Selected Exhibitions: 2014 Duplicata Korea. Selected Exhibitions: 2014 Schmuck 2014, IHM, Exhibition, Galerie Noel Guyomarch, Velvet Da Vinci Munich, Germany; Mass, Micheko Gallery, Munich, Germany; Gallery; Classic, Legnica Inter. Jewellery Competition, The 2013 Ornament and Illusion, National Museum Modern Gallery of Art, Legnica, P; 2013 Ferrous, Velvet Da Vinci and Contemporary Art Korea, Gwacheon, Korea; Collect Gallery; Crafthaus. La Frontera Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico 2013, Gallery Rob Koudjis at Saatchi Gallery, London, City; VelvetDaVinci, New Nomads, NTJ, Sieraad Fair; The UK; Schmuck 2013, IHM, Munich, Germany; The Lunatic Museum Modern Art Arnhem, NL; Beijing International Swing, Kunstarkaden, Munich, DE, 2012 Der Baum, Galerie Jewellery Art Exhibition; 2012 Barcelona, Villa Bengal, Handwerk, Munich; Collections Museum of Cntemporary Idar-Oberstein; Premio Fondazione Cominelli; 2011 Castles, Craft, USA; Amis des Musees de Riom, France; The Miniatures, Astrology,Alchemy, Padua; Genial! Jewellery Chiwoo Craft Museum, Korea; The Cominelli Foundation’s From Spain, VelvetdaVinci; 2008 Collect V&A Museum; 2007 Permanent Collection, I; The Alice and Louis Koch Collection, Schmuck, Munich; 2005 Maker, Wearer, Viewer, Glasgow Switzerland; Helen Williams Drutt Collection, USA; The School, The Scottish Gallery, Galerie Marzee. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected]

Pag. 34. FRANCINE SCHLOETH 1961 Switzerland. Pag. 39. SILKE TREKEL 1969. Living and working in Halle Education: 1982/68 The Basel School of Design. Teacher (Saale); Studies: 1991/98 Study of Jewellery with Prof. of Fine Arts. 1989 Escola Massana, Spain; Exhibitions D. Prühl, Burg Giebichenstein University Art&Design Halle; Switzerland 1990/02 paper/metal objects Basel, Zürich, 1994/95 LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore; Work Schaffhausen, Küblis; Argentina: Group Exhibitions in Buenos Experience: 2004 Visiting artist Royal College of Art, Aires since 2005 to present; 2006 Participate in ArteBa, London, UK Masterclass; Selected Exhibitions: 2014 Farbe Gallery Caja de Arte; 2010 Solo Exhibition Gaby Horvath im Spiel, Galerie Eva Maisch, Würzburg; Schmuck 2013, Gallery; 2011 selected by Cominelli Awards; 2012 Selected IHM Munich; Play of Form&Color New directions in enamel by Gioiellodentro, “hommage to Café Pedrocchi” Padova. jewelry Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau; Awards: 2010 2013: Emociones, Jewellery with japanese Lacquer, Museo International working scholarship for artists, International de la Mujer, Cultural Center of Japanese Embacy; Buenos Studio&Curatorial Program (ISCP) NY USA; 2010 Special Aires, Centro Cultural las Condes, Santiago de Chile; Tiempo, mention Premio Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano S. Felice/ Joyeros Argentinos, Gallery arteXparte, Buenos Aires; feca, Benaco, I; 2013 Grassi Award Gallery Slavik Vienna/GRASSI sope, telo Brooklyn Metal Works NY-group Exhibition. 2014 Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig; Works in public participate "tan lejos tan cerca" (off-Schmuck) Munich. collection: The Olnick Spanu Collection, NYC USA; Marzee Contact: [email protected] Collection, Nijmegen; MAD Museum NewYork; Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Contact: [email protected] - Website:

63 Pag. 40. ALEJANDRA SOLAR 1975. Education: 2014 MFA Pag. 41. MICHAEL BERGER 1966. Education/work University Applied Sciences Trier/Idar-Oberstein DE; 2008 experience: 1987/90 apprenticeship Muenster DE, 1998 Graduate degree Jewellery Art at Escola Massana Barcelona examination as master craftsman, 1992/99 staff member ES; 2003 JewelleryMetals prof. Marcia Macdonald University and workshop supervisor-Professor F Becker, Duesseldorf, Oregon USA; 2000 BFA Graphic Design UIC MX; 2009 since July 1999 own studio in Duesseldorf; Exhibition: 2008 Workshop Reading Jewellery KORU 3 prof. C. Schreiber FI. New play in art, Gardone Riviera I; 2008 Effervescence Exhibitions: 2014 MAD Museum NY USA; “La Frontera” III, West Dean College GB; 2008/10 Origin, London GB; Houston Center Contemporary Art TX USA; Velvet Da Vinci 2011/12 Collect, Lesley Craze Gallery, London GB; 2009/14 USA; Franz Mayer Museum MX; 2013 Think Twice Estonian Eunique, Karlsruhe; 2009/12 JOYA, Barcelona E; 2013 Museum Applied Art Design Tallin EE; 2012 New Nomads Ferrous, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco; 18Karat New Traditional Jewellery Sieraad, Amsterdam; Arnhem Gallery, Toronto; 2013 LOOT Museum of Arts and Design, Museum Modern Art NL; Schmuck 2011 IHK Handwerkmesse NYC; Nominations/Awards: 2004 Jewellery Prize North Munich DE; True Colors New Traditional Jewellery Arnhem Rhine, Westphalia; 2005 Bochum Design Prize; 2007 Tahitian Museum Modern Arts Sieraad, Amsterdam NL; Think Twice Pearl Trophy, Jewellery for men International Winner; 2009 Bellevue Museum Arts Seattle WA USA; Secret Garden State Prize North Rhine, Westphalia arts and crafts; 2013 New Values Berlin DE; 2010 New Latin American Jewellery German Design Award Nominee; 2014 Eunique Award for Museum Arts and Design, New York, USA; 2009 Galerie applied arts and design Nominee. Marzee Nijmegen NL. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website:

Pag. 45. CLAUDE SCHMITZ 1972, since 200: living and Pag. 43. JESSICA TURRELL 1964 Living and working in working as independant artist and designer in Luxembourg. Bristol, UK. Education: 1988 Jewellery Degree, Central St Studies: 1995/99 Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Martins, London; 2007 MA Multidisciplinary Printmaking, Antwerpen; Metalwork and Jewellery, BA Hons; 1999/01 UWE, Bristol; Work Experience: Since 1988, Jewellery Royal College of Art, London; Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Tutor, Bristol School of Art; Since 2009, Visiting Enamel Metalwork&Jewellery, MA; Solo Exhibitions: 2001Musée Tutor, Edinburgh College of Art. 2007/10, AHRC Research National d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxembourg; 2002Galerie Fellow in Enamel, UWE, Bristol; Selected Exhibitions: 2014 Marzee, Nijmegen; 2002/04/07/11/14 Galerie Orfèo, COLLECT, Saatchi Gallery, London; Farbe im Spiel, Eva Luxembourg; 2003/06/08/12/14Galeria Reverso, Lisbon; Maisch Schmuck, Würzburg DE; 2013 Premio Fondazione 2006Galerie Slavik, Vienna; 2008Klimt02 Gallery, Barcelona; Cominelli, I; Play of Form and Colour, New Directions 2008Gallery Deux Poissons, Tokyo; 2009Galerie Isabella in Enamelled Jewellery, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hund, Munich. Selection group exhibitions: Amsterdam, Hanau; Jessica Turrell&Chrisja Tritschler, Schmuckgalerie Antwerp, Barcelona, Brussels, Budapest, Chicago, Dubai, tal20, Munich; Beneath the Skin, Galerie Marzee, NL; Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Lisbon, London, Luxembourg, Montreal, Drawing, Permanence&Place, touring exhibition; Enamel A Munich, Nijmegen, Norwich, New York, Palo Alto, San Renaissance, Galerie Handwerk, Munich; 2011/12 Surface Francisco, Sofia The Hague, Vienna. Lectures: Lisbon, and Substance, Part 1, Electrum, London, Part 2, CAA, Luxembourg, Porto, Tokyo. Collections: British Museum, London, Ruthin Craft Centre, Wales; 2011 Beneath the Skin, London Ministry of Culture; Luxembourg Musée National Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery; 2010 New Traditional d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxembourg; Royal College of Art, London; Jewellery, True Colours, SIERAAD; 2010 Premio Fondazione Royal Mint UK. Cominelli, Italy. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website: Website:

64 Pag. 44. YU HIRAISHI Education: 2014 Musashino Arts Pag. 49. VIVI TOULOUMIDI 1977. Education: 2013 MFA University/Tokyo Japan; 2014 Des bijoux contemporains Jewellery&Corpus ÄDELLAB, Konstfack University, (SE); hors du commun/Remarkable Contemporary Jewelry/Lab 2010 BFA Jewellery&Everyday Object, Pforzheim University; Design, Musee des beaux arts de Montreal/Montreal Canada; 2009 Exchange studies, Jewellery Design&Metalsmithing 2013 ENJOIA’NT/Barcelona Spain; Three persons exhibition NSCAD University, CA. Scholarships&Grants: 2013 Galerie Orfeo/Luxembourg; The General Regulation of 2013 Jubel-Fond Rosenqvists SE; 2012 Ulla Fröberg-Cramérs Beijin International Jewelry Art Biennial/Beijin China; Premio Scholarship, SE; 2008 Baden Württemberg Scholarship, DE. Cominelli Foundation 2013/Cominelli Italy; Legnica Festival/ Work in public collections: Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim. Legnica Pl; Schmuck2013 International Trade Fair/ Munich Selection exhibitions: 2014 COLLECT UK & IHM-Frame DE; 2012/13 Beauty in All Things: Japanese Art and Design DE MARZEE Gallery; AD21/21 & Art Palm Beach (USA) MAD/N.Y USA; 2008 Elegant Armor: the art of jewelry C.Kransen Arts; KOSMOS KINO during SCHMUCK DE; 2013 MAD/N.Y USA; SOFA New York & Chicago Show N.Y: Chicago FROM THE COOLESTCORNER (NO), International Graduate USA; Art & Design of The 20th Centuries/Boston US; 2007 Show 2013 MARZEE Gallery NL; SOFA Chicago & Art Palm SOFA New York & Chicago: USA; 2006 SOFA New York & Beach C.Kransen Arts; Connecting Identities DE & BE; 2012 Chicago Show/NY: Chicago USA; 2005/06 SOFA New York In Form Gegossen Gallery Handwerk (DE); SOFA Chicago Show Museum Arts & Design Auction/N.Y USA; Award: 2013 & NY, Art Palm Beach C.Kransen Arts; 2011 Serpentina ENJOIA’T Primer Finalist Professional prize/Barcelona Spain; Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim; Itami Show Japan; TALENTE 1983/85: Japan Modern Jewelry Craft Exhibition Prize/Tokyo 2011 Munchen; Friedrich Becker Preis show DE; Ueno Royal Japan. Permanent Collection: 2013 Cominelli Foundation Museum J; NTJ Museum of Modern Art Arnhem NL. Italy; 2005 Museum Of Arts and Design/N.Y USA. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website:

Pag. 51. EIKO NAKAHARA 1947 Tokyo Japan. Education: Pag. 42. HANA CHOI 1984. Education: 2012/13 Jewellery 2002 Present Training by Minato Nakamura; 1965/69 specialization course with Ruudt Peters, Alchimia Cont. Atomi Gakuen Women’s University, Aesthetics history. Jewellery School, Florence, I/2011/12 Advanced Jewellery Selected Exhibitions: 2014/12/10/08/04 Japan Jewelry course Peter Bauhuis, Alchimia School, Florence, Italy; Art Competition; 2014/13/12/11/10/09 Japan Crafts 2010/11 Basic Jewellery course, Alchimia School, Florence, Exhibition; 2010/13 Premio Fondazione Cominelli Italy; Italy; 2007/08 Jewellery design course, JDMI, Seoul, South 2007 Asahi Modem Crafts Exhibition; 2003 Takaoka Crafts Korea; 2003/07 B.A. in Life Science, Ajou University, Suwon, Exhibition. Group Exhibition: 2014 Forest gallery of Noritake; South Korea; Group Exhibition: 2013 Sieraad Art Fair, 2013/10/05 AC Gallery; 2013/11/10 NOBONA Art Work; Amsterdam, Nl; Joya Barcelona, Alchimia Gallery, Barcelona, 2011YAYA Gallery; 2010 Hishida Yasuhiko and Successor Spain; Alchimia graduation exhibition, Florence, Italy; Exhibition; 2009 Japan Jewelry Designers Association 2012 Alchimia end of year exhibition, Florence, Italy; Joya 45th Anniversary Exhibition at Mikimoto. Award: 2014 Barcelona, Alchimia Gallery, Spain; Hazardous Experiments, Japan Jewelry Exhibition Encouragement Prize; 2013 Valencia Melting Point, Valencia, E; 2011 Alchimia end of year Japan Crafts Invitation judge Prize; 2012 Japan Jewelry exhibition, Florence, Italy; Exhibition about rings, Mangold Exhibition Encouragement Prize; 1976 International Jewelry Gallery, Leipzig, Germany. Art Exhibition Jewelry Prize; Permanent collection Cominelli Contact: [email protected] Foundation. Contact: [email protected]

65 Pag. 46. NIKI STYLIANOU 1968. Education: 1995/98. Mphil, Pag. 48. ALJA NEUNER 1976, Graz Austria. Education: Communication Design/Humanities, Royal College of Art, 1997/99 goldsmith Collage El-Drobny, Linz Austria 2000/03 London,1992/94.MAArchitecture/Interior Design, Royal College journey level, goldsmith Skrein, Vienna; 2003/04 Art and of Art, London 1985/93.MSc Architecture/Engineering, National Design, Escola Massana, Barcelona; 2005 Master craftsman Technical UniversityAthens. Workshops: 2012/13 Courses, with s diploma; 2009/11 University Applied Arts Vienna, Ceramics; L. Massei, D. Boieri, Y. Simizu, Alchimia. 2010/11 Courses with Competitions/Awards: 2009 1st price Brand New Award, T. Kant, Y. Izawa, Craftit; 2009. Jewellery design plastic&metal, Copenhagen; 2011 diploma Happy End, Litauen; 2013 1st price Central St Martins, London, Ceramic Jewelry. Exhibitions: 2011 Diva Diamond Award, Vienna; nominated Pearl Comprix DE. SIERAAD, Amsterdam; 2012 DIPOLA M-Art Manolioudakis Group-Exhibition: 2005 Pretiose with Sven Boltenstern, Galerie gallery, Athens; JOYA Barcelona 2012; Without Art No Freedom, Neuner, Vienna; 2007 X-Mas Bang Bang with Zurek & Tomak, Popeye Loves Olive Art Space, Athens; 2013, Gib Gummi!, Galerie Kurtze, Vienna; 2008 Gin Palace, Gallery Subal, Vienna; Galerie CEBRA, Dusseldorf; Dialoghi incantati, Ass. Nurò, 2009 Brand New GoldSilverWatches, Copenhagen; Uitnodiging, Verona; JOYA Barcelona 2014; MATTER+VESSELS, Amaranto Gallery Lamber, NL; 2010 festival Fashion&Photography, Vienna; joies, Barcelona; INHORGENTA Munich. Solo exhibition: 2014 Holland Design Week, Gallery Luxx, NL; 2011 Mediterranean, Beeld&Aambeeld, Enchede; Colour your life, Galerie CEBRA, Museum Natural History Mediterranean, Italy; 2013 La Frontera, Dusseldorf; AD20/21 Art Fair Cyclorama Boston, MA Charon Franz Meyer Museum, Mexico&Galerie Velvet Da Vinci, San Kransen Arts; Awards: 2013 IV International Arte y Joya Award, Francisco; 2014 La Frontera, Art Gallery, Indiana University&The by Grupoduplex. Professional Experience 1994/01 freelance Center Contemporary Craft, Houston; Plum-Plum Galerie Architect/Designer, London. 2001/04 freelance Architect, Tragbar, München 2014; Association Alliages, Lille/France. Athens. Since 2004 artist/jewelry designer/maker Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website: Pag. 50. MARIANNE SCHLIWINSKI 1944 Germany 1964/67 apprenticeship as goldsmith at Hadfried Rinke, Worpswede; Pag. 47. ISABELL SCHAUPP 1969 Germany 2003/07 studies 1972/74 Schule für Bau und Gestaltung, Munich; 1974 University Applied Science&Art (HAWK) Hildesheim. Awards: Master examen as best of Bavaria. Awards: 1976 Award 2013 Revolt, 22nd Intern. Jewellery Competition, Legnica, Danner-Foundation; 1982 Honorable mention Preis deutschen Pl honourable mention; 2008 Grassi Award, Vienna/Leipzig; Kunsthandwerker; 1988 Förderpreis der Landeshauptstadt Innovation Award, Inhorgenta Munich; 2007 3fg award, HAWK München, Munich; 1991 Bayerischer Staatspreis; 2006 Hildesheim. Public collections: Fondazione Cominelli; Grassi Oberbayerischer Kulturpreis; 2006 Schwabinger Kunstpreis; Museum, Leipzig; Museum August Kestner, Hanover. Exhibitions 2006/10 Honorable mention Schöne Stadt bitte lächeln 2013 Pushing boundaries chasing challenges, Intern. Metal contest for photography from Bundesministerium für, Bau und Art Exhibition, World Art Museum, Peking; Kontrastreiche Stadtentwicklung. Public collections: Stadtmuseum München; Begegnungen, Gallery Slavik, Vienna; Form&Farbenspiel, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin; Museum für Kunsthandwerk Goldschmiedehaus Hanau. 2012 European Prize Applied Arts; Frankfurt; Württembergisches Landesmuseum Stuttgart; 2012/09, Mons; Collect, Saatchi, London; 2012/11/10; 2011 Museum für Natur und Stadtkultur Schwäbisch-Gmünd; ‘European Triennale Contemp. Jewellery', Belgium; Danner Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim; Corning Museum of Glass, Corning Prize, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich; 'Silbertiennale', Hanau. NY; Die Neue Sammlung, München; Museum Fine Arts, Boston; 2010 20 years Gallery Slavik, Vienna; Sonderschau Schmuck The Daphne Farago collection contem. jewelry; Artothek der 2010 Munich; 2009 Itami international craft exhibition, Museum Landeshauptstadt München; Museum Ceského Ráje, Turnov, Arts Crafts Itami, Japan; Intimacy, New Traditional Jewellery, Tschechische Republik; Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau; CODA Museum, Apeldoorn; 2008 'Transformation', Gallery Museum Biedermann, Donaueschingen. Funaki, Melbourne. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website: Website: 66 Pag. 52. FARRAH AL-DUJAILI. Education: 2009/10 MA Pag. 54. YONG JOO KIM 1982. Education: 2009 MFA Jewellery, Silversmithing, Birmingham University; 2014 From Jewelry&Metalsmithing, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Chaos to Comprehension, ATTA Gallery, Bangkok; Schmuck14, USA; 2003 BFA Arts&Crafts, Sook Myung Women’s University, Munich; Parallax Art Fair, New York; 2013 Imprint Craft Central, Korea; Lectures: 2013 SNAG Emerging Artists Lecture SOFA London; Cominelli Foundation; Benchmark'Craft Central London; Chicago Invited by the Society of North American Goldsmiths, Magic City Velvet Da Vinci USA; More than Gold'Studio Huddle USA Critic, RISD, Introduction to Jewelry; 2011 Visiting Artist SNAG Toronto; Schmuck 2013; Goldbergstudios Munich; Lectures and Critiques, Rhode Island College, USA; Awards: Suspended in Pink; 2012 Train of thoughts/Tankerekker 2014 SAC Artist Awards Winner, Society of Arts&Crafts, Telemark kunstnersenter Norway; Sieraad Art Fair, Cominelli USA; 2013 Talente, Germany; 2012 NICHE Award Winner in Foundation; Transplantation 2; MA Collective’ Bilston Craft Jewelry: Sculpture to Wear USA; 2011 Adrianna Farrelli Prize Gallery, UK; The Body Adorned’SNAG European Prize Applied for Excellence in Fiber Art, Philadelphia Museum Art Craft Show; Arts, Belgium; Donning Oxford, O3 Gallery Oxford; Blooming Exhibition: 2014 Remarkable Contemporary Jewelry, Montreal Art Sterling Gallery Hungary; Ornamentum Gallery, SOFA NY; Museum Fine Arts, Canada; 2013 SpotLight: Yong Joo Kim, Life’s a Bench’ Schmuck; Suspended’ Schmuck Gabi Green Mobilia Gallery USA, Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial, Gallery; Transformation 8: Contemporary Work in Small Metals China; SOFA Chicago, Pallate Gallery USA; Seams|Seems, Moda The Elizabeth R. Raphael Founder’s Prize Pittsburgh USA; 2011 Gallery Australia; 2012 SOFA New York Ornamentum Gallery; Emerging Artist Award Art Jewelry Forum; Preziosa Young; Inter.Jewelry Based on Readymades, Telemark Kunstnersentre, 25 years Galerie Louise Smit Amsterdam; Mediterranean Norway. Contemporary Jewelry, Italy. Collections: Permanent Collection Contact: [email protected] Cominelli Foundation. Website: Contact: [email protected] Website: Pag. 55. FLORA VAGI 1978. Education: 2008 MA GSM&J Royal College of Art, London; UK-2006 Alchimia School, Pag. 53. GABI VEIT 1968 Bozen, Italy. Studies graphic design Florence, I; 2000 Polytechnics of Crafts Budapest, HU; Work Innsbruck and Venice; 1994 present: owner of the graphic experience: 2011 Quaternitas tutor, Alchimia CJS, I; 2009/10 studio socom & Pierre, Bozen; 1996/08: founder and director Assistant of Prof. M. Vilhena, Salzburg Summer Academy, of the theatre Carambolage, Bozen; 2008/11: Alchimia, school Austria; Awards: 2012 WCC European Prize for Applied Arts; contem. jewellery, Firenze, with Peter Bauhuis and Ruudt Peters; 2008 Bakri Yehia Memorial Award, RCA, London; 2004 Talente 2011 present: own workshop in Bozen-Workshops with G. Prize, IHM DE; Marzee Graduation Prize, NL. Exhibitons: 2014 Corvaja, C. Zellweger, E. Doerenkamp, M. Vilhena, Dorothee Tales from the North, The Scottish Gallery, UK; COLLECT von Windheim, Tone Fink, Ava Gerber USA; Exhibitions: Sarah Myerschough Gallery London; Paper Art CODA Museum, 2014 SCHMUCK, IHM München D, arbeitsraum suedtirol, Appeldoond; 2013 Schmuck YOU! Galerie Biro Junior, Munich; Galerie für Angewandte Kunst, München Frühsommersalon, News from the Permian-Museum of Natural History, Chemitz DE; Hamburg; 2013 Deadly Sins and Spoons, Galleria Antonella 2012 Out on a Limb-Racine Art Museum, USA; WOOD Velvet Cattani, Bozen; I Blickfang, Wien-Fallmamal, München; 2012 Da Vinci Gallery, USA; Jewellery Unleashed Museum Bellerive, Grassimesse, Leipzig-Hohlkörper, Brixen; Premio Cominelli, Switzerland; 2011 Galerie Louise Smit 25, NL; Utramarine Tallin Cisano S. Felice/ Benaco; 2011 Contemporary jewellery, Galleria Estonia; On Repeat, Flow Gallery London; Lectures: Sperk Antonella Cattani, Bozen; Grassimesse, Leipzig; 2010 Premio Stret Symposium, Bratislava, SL; Hot Week, Oslo Academy of Cominelli, Cisano S, Felice/Benaco. Applied Arts, Norway. Contact: gv@gabiveit Contact: [email protected] Website: Website:

67 Pag. 56. BABETTE VON DOHNANYI 1966, living & working in Florence/Hamburg. Studies: 1998 Diploma goldsmithing- Bino Bini, casting stones Florence; 1990/93 Final degree Gesellenbrief Silversmith Neugablonz De. Seminar: 1995 Kirchner; 1995 Nagai; 1998 Babetto; 2002 Seidenath. Selected exhibitions: 2001/02/04 Alternatives Rome; 2007/08/13 Inspirations Denovo Gallery California; 2008 Gallery Bagnai Outsider Florence; 2011 Tosco/Veneto Casa Camilla, I; 2012 B.Berndt Dohnanyi, Rochel, Veers, Wharton EsherickMuseum USA; 2013 Suspended-ed in pink Birmingham, Munich, USA; 2014 Earrings Show Guyomarch, Velvet da Vinci. Solo Exhibition: For Schmuck Munich; 2012 Messure&numbers schlegelschmuck; 2013 Geometria Volatile Saffeels; 2014 Synthesis SaffeelsAward. Exhibitions: 2011/12/14 Gallery Legnica Sexy, RituaL, Classic; 2013 Fondazione Cominelli; 2014 Between the Layers Mineralart Idar Oberstein; 2014 Gioielli in Fermento; Schmuck Fairs, Inhorgenta, Sierraad, Grassi, MK&G Hamburg. Awards: 1997 Fair Florence 1Price; 2012/13 Modern JewelleryCollection Art Aurea DE. Bibliography: GZ, Larkbooks, Amarillo, Thames&Hudson, DarlingPublication, Daab, Laurence King Publishing LTD, Privat Collections. Contact: [email protected]

Pag. 57. FUMIKI TAGUCHI 1977 Ibaraki-ken, Japan. 2002/09 Hiramatsu Design laboratory; 2003 B.F.A. Metal Carving, Depart. Crafts, Tokyo Univ.Arts/Music; 2005 M.F.A. Metal Carving, Tokyo Univ. Arts/Music; 2005 Assistant, National Univ. Fine Arts/Music; 2009 Lecturer Tokyo Univ. Arts/Music. Since 2010 Assistant, Kobe Design Univ. Solo Exhibition: 2008 Jewelry Garden Art Gallery, Tokyo; 2009 Sara Gallery Aichi; 2010 Jewelry-Jewelry Works Gallery Tokyo; 2010 Nobana Art work Ginza Gallery Tokyo; 2010 F.E.I Gallery Tokyo; 2011 Wabori C.A.J Gallery Kyoto; 2013 In Dialogue with the Baroque. Group exhibition: 2014Neues Schloß Schleißheim; Mass 2014 Micheko Galerie Munich; since 2013 many group exhibitions; 2014 Art Fair Sienna Patti Gallery NY; Awards: Schmuck2013 Herbert Hofmann Prize; 2002 Ataka Tokyo National Univ. Fine Arts& Music; 2006 The 24th Japanese jewelry art exhibition, Excellent prize. Selected: 2003 The 7th Japan gold/silver creation-The 45th Japanese craft exhibition; 2008/10, Japanese jewelry art exhibition; 2010 Sake cup and bottle sakesakazukidai; Schmuck2014; 25th/28th Japanese jewelry art . Contact: taguchi-f@kobe - Website: 68 Per il secondo anno consecutivo, la Fondazione Cominelli ha selezionato uno degli artisti partecipanti a JOYA per entrare a far parte della collezione permanente della Fondazione. Quest'anno, la curatrice Rita Marcangelo ha scelto un'opera di Jessica Turrell, che farà parte di questa prestigiosa collezione. Collaboriamo insieme su un progetto comune in quanto il gioiello d'arte è la nostra passione.

For the second consecutive year, the Fondazione Cominelli chooses one individual artist of JOYA to make him or her part of the permanent collection of the Fondazione. This year, Rita Marcangelo has chosen Jessica Turrell to be part of this prestigious collection. We all collaborate together as art jewellery is our passion and we believe in it.

69 AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo

agc favorisce e appoggia tutte le iniziative volte allo scambio di informazioni, alla sperimentazione, alla formazione, alla costruzione di relazioni tra i soci, virtualmente attraverso la community e fisicamente attraverso la libera aggregazione di gruppi di lavoro che hanno lo scopo di realizzare progetti, produrre documenti e sviluppare aree specifiche. AGC opera secondo un’etica rispettosa della persona e dell’ambiente, e secondo una metodologia progettuale volta a favorire il miglioramento della qualità attraverso il confronto e la verifica dei risultati. Una selezione tra i progetti realizzati dall’Associazione: 4 Punti di Contatto Roma-Lisbona, nel 2006 una collaborazione con PIN Associazione Portoghese, per eventi culturali, dibattiti, workshop realizzati nelle due città, sviluppo e confronto del gioiello contemporaneo in Italia e Portogallo. Patrocini dell’Ambasciata del Portogallo in Italia e Fundação Calouste Gubelkian. Conferenza “Il linguaggio del Gioiello” presso il Museo d’Arte Orientale di Roma. Nel 2007 in collaborazione con il Comune di Padova, la tavola rotonda sul tema Gioiello Contemporaneo: Qualità, Attori, Tendenze. Dal 2007 al 2008 una mostra itinerante che è stata presentata alla galleria Flow di Londra, galleria Bielak di Cracovia, galleria Hipotesi di Barcellona, galleria Velvet da Vinci di San Francisco ed alla Galleria Alternatives di Roma. L’evento Spazio Aperto OnOff dal 2008 al 2013 ha unito in questi incontri i dialoghi nelle diverse tendenze ed espressività orafe dei soci AGC. Nel 2009 una serie di workshop di tecniche con maestri orafi nello storico laboratorio del Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore. Evento per tutti i soci AGC: Ring Party con l’esposizione alla Rotonda a Mare e Palazzetto Baviera a Senigallia e nel 2013 nella sede di Ca’ de Ricchi a Treviso. Progetto Premio Internazionale del Gioiello Contemporaneo in collaborazione con la Fondazione Cominelli giunto nel 2014 alla quinta edizione. Nel 2013 e 2014 la partecipazione a JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair con una selezione di opere dei soci. Nel 2012, 2013 e 2014 Gioielli in Fermento: concorso internazionale sul tema del vino, Torre Fornello. Il Premio Città Impresa 2012 è stato assegnato nella sede della Fiera di Vicenza ad AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo per il contributo portato, attraverso la sua attività creativa, allo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale del nostro territorio e dell’intero Paese.

AGC è stata fondata nel giugno 2004 a Trieste. L'attività, i progetti e i servizi di AGC sono visibili sul sito dell'associazione

70 AGC association contemporary jewellery

agc favours and supports all the initiatives aimed at sharing and exchanging information, experimentation, training and building up relationships between members, virtually through the community and physically by means of the free aggregation of work-groups, having the scope of realising projects, producing documents and developing specific theme areas. AGC operates according to ethics which respect not only people but also the environment, and in conformity with a methodology of project aimed at favouring the improvement of the quality by comparing and verifying the results. Here are but a few of the numerous projects realised by the Association: 4 points of contact Rome- Lisbon, in 2006 collaboration with PIN a Portuguese Association, for cultural events, debates, workshops realised i the two cities, development and comparison of contemporary jewellery in Italy and Portugal. Under the patronage of the Portuguese Embassy in Italy and Fundação Calouste Gubelkian. Conference “The Language of Jewellery” at the Museum of Oriental Art of Rome. In 2007 in collaboration with the Town Council of Padua, the round table debate on Contemporary Jewellery: Quality, Actors, Tendencies. From 2007 to 2008 a travelling exhibition that was presented at the Flow Gallery of London, Bielak gallery of Cracow, Hipotesi gallery of Barcelona, Velvet da Vinci gallery of San Francisco and the Galleria Alternatives of Rome. The event Spazio Aperto OnOff from 2008 to 2013 in these encounters put together the dialogues in the different goldsmith tendencies and expressiveness of the AGC members. In 2009 a series of workshops on techniques with master goldsmiths in the historical shop of the Museo del Bijou of Casalmaggiore. The event for all members AGC: Ring Party was presented at La Rotonda a Mare and Palazzetto Baviera of Senigallia and in 2013 in Ca’ de Ricchi in Treviso. The International Contemporary Jewellery Award project in collaboration with the Fondazione Cominelli, in its fifth edition in 2014. In 2013 and 2014 the participation to JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair with the works of members selected. In 2012, 2013 and 2014 Gioielli in Fermento: international competition on the theme of wine, Torre Fornello. The Premio Città Impresa 2012 was awarded in the trade Fair of Vicenza to AGC the Italian Contemporary Jewellery Association for having contributed, with its creative activity, to the economic, social and cultural development of our territory and the entire Country.

AGC was founded in Trieste in June 2004 AGC’s activities, projects and services can be viewed on the association’s web site

71 Enti promotori Con il patrocinio

Comune di Salò

Comune di Gardone Riviera

Comune di San Felice del Benaco

ProLoco di Salò

Consorzio Alberghi Riviera del Garda Gardone e Salò

LABA Libera Accademia di Belle Arti – Brescia

72 Con la collaborazione

Travel Charme

Fondazione della Comunità Bresciana ONLUS

Fondazione ASM – Gruppo a2a

Tappeti d'Oriente

VILLA ARCADIO: – [email protected]

HOTEL SAVOY PALACE (Gardone Riviera) – [email protected]

HOTEL GARDEN ZORZI (S. Felice del Benaco) – [email protected]

HOTEL EDEN: – [email protected]

HOTEL BENACO: – [email protected]

HOTEL CONCA D’ORO: – [email protected]

HOTEL COMMERCIO: – [email protected]

HOTEL LEPANTO: – [email protected]

HOTEL SALO’ DU PARC: – [email protected]


Curatore/Coordination Rosanna Padrini Dolcini Maria Rosa Franzin Rossella Tornquist

Testi/Text Michele Cassarino Paolo Rosa Ramon Puig Cuyàs Fausto Maria Franchi Maria Rosa Franzin Rita Marcangelo

Traduzioni/Translation Rita Marcangelo Nichka Marobin

Grafica/Graphic Design YoRi | Design & Make Stampa/Print Tipografia Sartore Fontaniva, Padova Italia

Comunicazione e ufficio stampa/Press

Si ringrazia il consiglio d’Amministrazione della Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli: Michele Cassarino, Tiziano Torresani, Nicoletta Dusi, Carlo Castellini, Paola Ada Casnigo.

74 Edizioni Fondazione Cominelli – agc Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo 2014

75 76