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C 708 OULU 2019 C 708


TECHNICATECHNICACC Shahriar Shahabuddin Shahriar Shahabuddin University Lecturer Tuomo Glumoff MIMO DETECTION University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen AND PRECODING

Senior research fellow Jari Juuti ARCHITECTURES

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen

Planning Director Pertti Tikkanen

Professor Jari Juga

University Lecturer Anu Soikkeli





Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Doctoral Training Committee of Technology and Natural Sciences of the University of Oulu for public defence in the OP auditorium (L10), Linnanmaa, on 26 June 2019, at 12 noon

UNIVERSITY OF OULU, OULU 2019 Copyright © 2019 Acta Univ. Oul. C 708, 2019

Supervised by Professor Markku Juntti Professor Christoph Studer Professor Olli Silvén

Reviewed by Professor Gerd Ascheid Professor Guillermo Payá Vayá

Opponent Professor Jarmo Takala

ISBN 978-952-62-2282-0 (Paperback) ISBN 978-952-62-2283-7 (PDF)

ISSN 0355-3213 (Printed) ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)

Cover Design Raimo Ahonen

JUVENES PRINT TAMPERE 2019 Shahabuddin, Shahriar, MIMO Detection and Precoding Architectures. University of Oulu Graduate School; University of Oulu, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering; Centre for Wireless Communications; INFOTECH Oulu Acta Univ. Oul. C 708, 2019 University of Oulu, P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland

Abstract Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques have been adopted since the third generation (3G) wireless communication standard to increase the spectral efficiency, data rate and reliability. The blessings of MIMO technologies for the baseband transceiver comes with the price of added complexity. Therefore, research on VLSI architectures for MIMO signal processing has generated a lot of interest over the past two decades. The advent of massive MIMO as a key technology for the fifth generation (5G) era also increased the interest in VLSI architectures related to MIMO communication research. In this thesis, we explored different VLSI architectures for MIMO detection and precoding algorithms. The detection and precoding are the most complex parts of a MIMO baseband transceiver. We focused on algorithm and architecture optimization and presented several VLSI architectures for MIMO detection and precoding. The thesis proposed an application specific instruction-set processor (ASIP) for a multimode small-scale MIMO detector. In a single design the detector supports minimum mean-square error (MMSE), selective spanning with fast enumeration (SSFE) and list sphere detection (LSD). In addition, a multiprocessor architecture is proposed in this thesis for a lattice reduction (LR) algorithm. A modified Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) algorithm is proposed for LR to reduce the complexity of the original LLL algorithm. We also propose a massive MIMO detection algorithm based on alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The algorithm is referred to as ADMM based infinity norm (ADMIN) constrained equalization. The ADMIN detection algorithm is implemented as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and for field programmable gate array (FPGA). A multimode precoder ASIP is also proposed in this thesis. In a single design, the ASIP supports norm-based scheduling, QR-decomposition, MMSE precoding and dirty paper coding (DPC) based precoding.

Keywords: ASIP, MIMO, VLSI

Shahabuddin, Shahriar, MIMO-signaalien tunnistus- ja esikoodausarkkitehtuurit. Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu; Oulun yliopisto, Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta; Centre for Wireless Communications; INFOTECH Oulu Acta Univ. Oul. C 708, 2019 Oulun yliopisto, PL 8000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto

Tiivistelmä Moni-tulo moni-lähtö (MIMO) -tekniikoita on sopeutettu kolmannen sukupolven (3G) langatto- masta viestintästandardista alkaen spektritehokkuuden, tiedonsiirtonopeuden ja luotettavuuden parantamiseksi. MIMO-teknologioilla on useita hyviä puolia suhteessa peruskaistan vastaanotti- meen, mutta samalla monimutkaisuus on lisääntynyt. VLSI-arkkitehtuurien tutkimus MIMO- signaalinkäsittelyssä on sen vuoksi herättänyt paljon kiinnostusta viimeisen kahden vuosikym- menen aikana. Myös MIMO:n saavuttama asema viidennen sukupolven (5G) viestintästandar- din pääteknologiana on lisännyt kiinnostusta VLSI-arkkitehtuureihin MIMO-viestinnän tutki- muksessa. Tässä tutkielmassa on tutkittu erilaisia VLSI-arkkitehtuureja MIMO-signaalien tun- nistus- ja esikoodausalgoritmeissa. Signaalien tunnistus ja esikoodaus ovat peruskaistaa käyttä- vän MIMO-vastaanottimen monimutkaisimmat osa-alueet. Tutkielmassa on keskitytty algoritmi- en ja arkkitehtuurien optimointiin ja esitetty useita VLSI-arkkitehtuureja MIMO-signaalien tun- nistusta ja esikoodausta varten. Tutkielmassa on ehdotettu sovelluskohtaisen prosessorin (Application Specific Instruction- set Processor eli ASIP) käyttä pienen mittakaavan monimuotodetektorissa. Detektorin rakenne tukee samanaikaisesti keskineliöpoikkeaman minimointia (MMSE), SSFE (Selective Spanning with Fast Enumeration) -algoritmia ja LSD (List Sphere Detection) -algoritmia. Lisäksi tässä tut- kielmassa ehdotetaan monisuoritinarkkitehtuuria hilan redusointialgoritmille (Lattice Reduction eli LR). LR-algoritmia varten ehdotetaan muokattua Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) -algoritmia vähentämään alkuperäisen LLL-algoritmin monimutkaisuutta. Lisäksi MIMO-signaalien tunnis- tusalgoritmin perustaksi ehdotetaan vuorottelevaa kertoimien suuntaustapaa Alternating Directi- on Method of Multipliers eli ADMM). ADMM-perustaisesta taajuusvasteen rajoitetusta ääretön- normi-korjauksesta (infinity norm constrained equalization) käytetään nimitystä ADMIN-algo- ritmi. ADMIN-tunnistusalgoritmi toteutetaan sovelluskohtaisena integroituna piirinä (Applicati- on-Specific Integrated Circuit eli ASIC) ohjelmoitavaa porttimatriisia (Field Programmable Gate Array eli FPGA) varten. Lisäksi ehdotetaan ASIP-monimuotoesikooderin käyttöä. ASIP-esikoo- derin rakenne tukee normiperustaista aikataulutusta, QR-hajotelmaa, MMSE-esikoodausta ja likaisen paperin koodaukseen (Dirty Paper Coding eli DPC) perustuvaa esikoodausta.

Asiasanat: ASIP, MIMO, VLSI

Dedicated to my parents 8 Preface

The research for this thesis was conducted at the Centre for Wireless Communications - Radio Technology (CWC-RT) unit, University of Oulu, Finland. I would like to thank Professor Matti Latva-Aho, Professor Ari Pouttu, the directors of CWC during my stay and and Dr. Harri Posti for giving me the opportunity to work in a world class research environment. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my principal supervisor Professor Markku Juntti for his constant support and guidance throughout my postgraduate research. I have been working in Professor Juntti’s group since the beginning of my masters studies and his support and encouragement has a significant influence in my achievements. I would also like to thank Professor Christoph Studer from Cornell University, USA, for his patient guidance and supervision for this thesis. I am grateful to Professor Studer for providing me the opportunity to work in his group at Cornell University. I would also like to thank Professor Olli Silvén for his supervision and technical guidance throughout this long journey. I would like to thank the reviewers of this thesis, Professor Gard Ascheid from RWTH Aachen University, Germany and Professor Guillermo Payá Vayá from University of Hannovar, Germany. Their insightful comments helped me to improve this thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. Pekka Pirinen and Dr. Markus Myllylä for acting as members of my follow-up group. The work of this thesis was carried out in Baseband and System Technologies for Wireless Evolution (BaSE), Sensing, Compression, Communications and Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks (SeCoFu), 5G Communication with a Heterogeneous, Agile Mobile network in the Pyeongchang wInter Olympic competitioN (5G Champion) and Academy of Finland 6Genesis Flagship projects. The funding for the projects was provided by Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation - Tekes (currently known as Business Finland), Nokia, Renesas Mobile Europe, Broadcom, Elektrobit/Bittium and Xilinx. I was privileged to receive personal grants from Nokia Foundation, Oulu University Scholarship Foundation and Tauno Tönningin säätiö. I am also grateful to University of Oulu Graduate School (UNIOGS) for providing me a travel grant. I would like to thank the project managers Visa Tapio and Dr. Janne Janhunen. I am very grateful to my colleagues in those projects, Dr. Essi Suikkanen, Dr. Johanna

9 Ketonen, Dr. Jarkko Huusko, Dr. Ganesh Venkatraman, Dr. Fatih Bayramoglu. I am also thankful for the administrative support from Jari Sillanpää and Kirsi Outikangas. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Jani Boutellier and Ilkka Hautala for their help in this thesis. I would like to mention Dr. Zaheer Khan, Amanullah Ghazi, Dr. Ehsanul Haque Apu, Jahangir Alam, Julius Francis Gomes, Sadiqur Rahaman, Md Muksudul Alam and Muhammad Faijus Salehin, who helped me keep my sanity with their company during this journey. I would like to especially thank Dr. Ijaz Ahmad for his continued support and great company. I would also like to thank my Nokia colleagues, Juha Yrjänäinen, Manish Gupta, and Saila Tammelin who have encouraged me during the past two years to complete my thesis. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my family members. Special thanks go to my siblings, Farzana Sharmin, Farhana Naznin and Md Shahanewaz Shahabuddin, for their love and support. I dedicate this thesis to my late father Shahabuddin Ahmed and my mother Jinnat Ara Begum who always tried to fulfill my demands no matter how unreasonable it was. I would like to express my gratitude to my loving wife Dr. Farah Tazkera Rahman for tolerating me and being supportive in every aspect. I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for fulfilling my dreams.

10 List of abbreviations

(·)−1 inverse k · k 2-norm λ wave length C set of complex numbers R set of real numbers Z set of integers x˜MMSE Estimated transmitted vector after MMSE detection B basis of a lattice D diagonal matrix G Gramian matrix H MIMO channel matrix I identity matrix L lower triangular matrix m spanning vector n noise vector T unimodular matrix W precoding matrix x transmit symbol vector y Received symbol vector

CO convex polytope around O L a complex valued lattice O constellation set Ω complex QAM constellation

ΠC orthogonal projection on set C ρ signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) vector ℜ(·) real values σ 2 noise variance H MIMO augmented channel matrix

Qd Orthogonal matrix

Rd upper triangular matrix | · | absolute value

11 A area B number of BS antennas c a constant

Es symbol energy f (x) function of x

Mt Number of antennas in the transmitter

N0 noise variance

Nr Number of antennas in the receiver P total power

Pdyn dynamic power rASIP reconfigurable ASIP s scaling factor U number of users

1G first generation 2G second generation 3G third generation 3GPP third generation partnership project 3GPP2 third generation partnership project 2 4G fourth generation 5G fifth generation ACS add-compare-select unit ALU arithmetic logic unit AMPS advanced mobile phone service ASIC application-specific integrated circuit ASIP application specific instruction-set processors BP Belief propagation BS base station CD coordinate descent CDMA code division multiple access CG conjugate gradient method CISC complex instruction set computer CLLL complex LLL CMAC complex multiply-and-accumulate unit CMUL complex multiplication

12 CSI channel state information DFE decision feedback equalization DPC dirty paper coding DSP digital signal processor eMBB enhanced mobile broadband EPC evolved packet core ETSI European telecommunications standards institute E-UTRAN evolved UTRAN fcLLL fixed-complexity LLL FDD frequency-division duplex FFT fast Fourier transform FIFO first-in-first-out FIR finite impulse response FPGA field programmable gate array FSE fixed sphere encoder FSM finite state machine FU function unit GCU global control unit GMRES generalized minimal residual method GPP general purpose processor GPRS GSM packet radio systems GSM global system for mobile communication HDL hardware description language HeNB home eNodeB HLS high level synthesis HOLL hardware-optimized LLL ICI inter-channel interference ILP instruction level parallelism ISI inter-symbol interference ITU-R international telecommunications union - radio communication sector LAS likelihood ascent search LDPC low-density parity check LLL Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz algorithm LR lattice reduction LSD list sphere detection

13 LSU load-store unit LTE long term evolution LTE-A LTE advanced LUT look-up table MAP maximum a poteriori probability MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo detection MF matched filter MFU matched filter update MIC multistage interference cancellation MIMO multiple-input multiple-output MINRES minimal residual method MLLL modified LLL MMSE minimum mean-square error MTC machine type communication MTSS multi-tree selective spanning detection MUD multiuser detector MU-MIMO multi user MIMO NMT-400 Nordic Mobile Telephone NTT Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company OFDM orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing PER packet error-rate PIC parallel interference cancellation ProDe processor design tool QPP quadratic permutation polynomial RF register file RISC reduced instruction set computer RS-LLL reverse-siegel LLL RTL register transfer level RTS Reactive tabu search SC-FDMA single carrier frequency-division multiple access SDM space-division multiplexing SDR semidefinite relaxation SFU special function unit SIC successive interference cancellation SIMO single-input multiple-output

14 SINR signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio SMS short message services SOR successive over-relaxation method SSFE selective spanning with fast enumeration STBC space time block codes SU-MIMO single user MIMO TCE TTA-based codesign environment TDD time-division duplex TDMA time division multiple access TH Tomlinson-Harashima precoding TTA transport triggered architetures TU typical urban channel UMTS universal mobile telephone service URLLC ultra-reliable low latency communication V-BLAST vertical-Bell Laboratories layered space time architecture VLIW very long instruction word VLSI very large scale integration VM vector multiplication unit WCDMA wide-band CDMA ZF zero-forcing ZF-DPC zero-forcing DPC

15 16 List of original publications

This thesis is primarily based on the following original articles, which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals (I–VII):

I Shahabuddin, S., Hautala, I., Juntti, M., and Studer, C. (2018). ADMM-based Infinity Norm Detection for Massive MIMO: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture, Journal Manuscript. II Shahabuddin, S., Silvén, O., and Juntti, M. (February 2018). Programmable ASIPs for Multimode MIMO Transceiver, Journal of Signal Processing Systems. III Shahabuddin, S., Silvén, O., and Juntti, M. (June 2017). ASIP design for Multiuser MIMO Broadcast Precoding, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC). IV Shahabuddin, S., Juntti, M., and Studer, C. (May 2017). ADMM-based Infinity Norm Detection for Large-Scale MIMO: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Maryland, USA. V Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Ghazi, A., Khan, Z., and Juntti, M. (May 2015). A Customized Lattice Reduction Multiprocessor for MIMO Detection, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal. VI Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Suikkanen, E., Steendam, H., and Juntti, M. (June 2014). An Adaptive Detector Implementation for MIMO-OFDM Downlink, International Conference on Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Oulu, Finland. VII Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Juntti, M., Ghazi, A., and Silvén, O. (March 2014). Design of a transport triggered vector processor for turbo Decoding, Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing.

Papers I and IV are dedicated to a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection algorithm and its VLSI implementation. The algorithm and the initial implementation results are proposed in conference Paper IV. The journal manuscript I elaborates the implementation results. Paper V and part of Paper II are dedicated to a customized processor implementation for MIMO detection. Paper III and part of Paper II are dedicated to a customized processor implementation for MIMO precoding. The updated results of conference Papers III and V are jointly presented in journal Paper II in the context of a transceiver. A customized multi-processor for lattice reduction is presented in conference Paper of V. The customized processor design methodology is presented in journal Paper VII.

17 18 Contents

Abstract Tiivistelmä Preface 9 List of abbreviations 11 List of original publications 17 Contents 19 1 Introduction 21 1.1 Evolution of wireless communications ...... 21 1.2 MIMO...... 22 1.3 Implementation methodologies for MIMO baseband algorithms ...... 24 1.4 Objective of the thesis ...... 26 1.5 Contributions of the thesis ...... 27 2 Literature review 29 2.1 Small-scale MIMO detection...... 29 2.2 Massive MIMO detection ...... 32 2.2.1 Local search ...... 32 2.2.2 Belief propagation detectors ...... 33 2.2.3 Approximate inversion based linear detectors...... 33 2.3 MIMO precoding ...... 37 2.4 TTA designs...... 38 3 Summary of the original publications 43 3.1 ASIP design for small-scale adaptive MIMO detection...... 43 3.1.1 Background...... 43 3.1.2 System model ...... 43 3.1.3 Detection Schemes ...... 43 3.1.4 Error-rate performance ...... 45 3.1.5 Detector ASIP ...... 45 3.1.6 Comparison ...... 47 3.2 A multiprocessor design for lattice reduction ...... 49 3.2.1 Background...... 49 3.2.2 Lattice reduction ...... 49

19 3.2.3 Modified LLL algorithm ...... 51 3.2.4 TTA multiprocessor for MLLL ...... 53 3.2.5 Comparison...... 54 3.3 ASIC and FPGA design for massive MIMO detection ...... 56 3.3.1 Background...... 56 3.3.2 System model ...... 56 3.3.3 ADMIN: ADMM-based infinity norm detection ...... 57 3.3.4 LDL-Decomposition based Soft-output ADMIN ...... 59 3.3.5 VLSI architecture ...... 62 3.3.6 FPGA implementation ...... 64 3.3.7 ASIC implementation ...... 65 3.4 ASIP design for small-scale MIMO precoding ...... 69 3.4.1 Background...... 69 3.4.2 System Model...... 69 3.4.3 Precoding schemes ...... 70 3.4.4 Precoder ASIP ...... 72 3.4.5 Comparison...... 73 4 Conclusion and future work 75 References 79 Original publications 91

20 1 Introduction

1.1 Evolution of wireless communications

Wireless communication technology is an indispensable part of modern society. We live in a world of wireless connectivity that encompasses basic home internet services to sophisticated machine-to-machine communication used in the robotics industry. The blessing of wireless communication provides us remote internet access and enhances our mobility tremendously. We have greater access to information than ever before and it is all possible due to the advancements and inventions of wireless technologies. The first generation (1G) wireless technology was primarily developed for voice service. The world’s first commercial cellular network was implemented by Japan’s Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company (NTT) in 1979. Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT- 400) is a system developed in 1981 that supports international roaming and automatic handover [1]. The most successful 1G technology was advanced mobile phone service (AMPS) which was first implemented by AT&T and Bell Labs for commercial use in 1983. The advancement of computational platforms and microwave devices motivated the development of second generation (2G) wireless systems. Contrary to the analog schemes used in 1G, the 2G systems adopted digital communications to increase the efficiency of limited frequency bands [2, 3]. 2G made digitized services like short message services (SMS) possible. The European telecommunications standards institute (ETSI) developed a 2G technology called global system for mobile communication (GSM) that was later accepted outside Europe [1]. Time division multiple access (TDMA) is used in GSM with a capability of multiplexing eight users in a single 200 KHz channel bandwidth. GSM packet radio systems (GPRS) was introduced by ETSI during the mid-90s to provide internet services to users alongside voice and SMS services. Code division multiple access (CDMA) was the other dominant 2G technology that was first proposed by Qualcomm in 1989 [4]. Unlike GSM, multiple users could share the same frequency band and were separated by a unique orthogonal spreading code assigned to each of them. The primary goal for third generation (3G) wireless systems was to provide higher data rates compared to 2G [5]. Universal mobile telephone service (UMTS) was originally proposed by ETSI as a 3G system [6]. In 1998, third generation partnership project (3GPP) was formed as a collaboration of six regional telecommunication

21 standards bodies to continue the development of UMTS. In 1999, 3GPP published the first 3G UMTS standards, which is also known as UMTS release 99. UMTS inherited the basic network architecture of GSM. However, the air interface of UMTS, called wide-band CDMA (W-CDMA), was built on the basic features of CDMA. The 3G version of the CDMA systems was called CDMA2000. The third generation partnership project 2 (3GPP2) took responsibility of official standardization process of CDMA2000 [7]. Release 10 from 3GPP, which is commonly known as long term evolution advanced (LTE-A), fulfills the requirements of the fourth generation (4G) standard that was specified by the international telecommunications union - radio communication sector (ITU-R) [44]. LTE-A network has two major parts; evolved packet core (EPC) and evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN). The EPC is an all IP and packet switched backbone network. The LTE-A system supports non-3GPP access networks. LTE-A systems also standardized new entities and applications such as machine type communication (MTC), home eNodeB (HeNB) or femtocells and relay nodes. The standardization of fifth generation (5G) wireless communication is still at an early phase. The key enablers of the 5G wireless system are enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive MTC and ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) technologies. The 5G standard proposed high carrier frequencies (for example, 28 GHz or 39 GHz) in addition to traditional sub-6 GHz carriers. The network layer of 5G adopted novel techniques like network slicing, virtualization and edge computing. To support tens of Gigabits for the eMBB of 5G, the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies will play a crucial role.

1.2 MIMO

MIMO is a key technology to increase the capacity of wireless transmission and reception. Instead of using a single antenna for transmission or reception, several antennas are used in a MIMO transceiver to improve system capacity. Paulraj and Kailath filed a patent in 1993 that proposed a technique for increasing data rates by splitting a high-rate signal and transmitting though spatially separated transmitters and recovering using a receive antenna array based on different angles of arrival [8]. This patent is now considered as one of the earliest inventions that lead to the current MIMO technology. MIMO exploits the radio propagation phenomenon called multipath where radio signals reach the receiver antenna multiple times at different angles and

22 times. MIMO uses multiple antennas at both sides to add a spatial dimension to improve performance and range. MIMO systems increase data throughput and link range without additional bandwidth [9]. Due to the benefits, MIMO systems have been adopted in most popular wireless technologies. MIMO signaling techniques can be categorized in two main factions: space-time diversity coding and spatial multiplexing. The space-time diversity coding extracts full spatial diversity through appropriate construction of space-time code words. A simple diversity coding technique was proposed by Alamouti for two transmit antennas that can achieve full diversity [10]. A generalization of the Alamouti scheme is called space-time block codes (STBC) that provides full diversity for an arbitrary number of antennas [11]. The spatial multiplexing techniques, as opposed to the diversity techniques, aims at maximizing transmission rates. The idea is to divide the transmit data into parallel layers of data streams and transmit over different antennas to increase data rates. One example of such type of MIMO systems is the vertical-Bell Laboratories layered space time (V-BLAST) architecture [12]. In a traditional small-scale MIMO system, two to four antennas were used on both sides of the communication link. In other words, a single multi-antenna transmitter communicates with a single multi-antenna receiver, which is also called single user MIMO (SU-MIMO). The multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) is a type of MIMO where the transmitter and receiver both can contain single or multiple antennas. MU-MIMO techniques are typically employed for a base station (BS) with multiple antennas that serves several users with single or multiple antennas [13, 14]. The total number of antennas on the transmitter and receiver side are equal in a MU-MIMO system and the number is less than ten. Massive MU-MIMO is another advanced MIMO technology where the BS stations employs tens or hundreds of antennas to serve tens or hundreds of users [15, 16]. As the number of antennas grows towards infinity, random matrix theory demonstrates that the effects of uncorrelated noise and small-scale are diminished and the number of users per cell become independent on the size of the cell [17]. The massive MIMO system is mainly designed for time-division duplex (TDD) systems to exploit channel reciprocity while the small-scale MU-MIMO can exploit both TDD and frequency- division duplexing (FDD). A typical massive MIMO system is depicted in Fig. 1 where a BS with several antennas are serving several single antenna users.

23 Channel y = Hx+n

Fig. 1. Massive MIMO system: A BS transmitter with numerous antennas serving numerous users.

1.3 Implementation methodologies for MIMO baseband algorithms

Any MIMO baseband algorithm can be designed with a high level language and implemented on a general purpose processor (GPP). However, GPP is not optimal for any particular application. GPP is not suitable for high speed applications like MIMO baseband algorithms. Digital signal processors (DSP) are designed specifically to support signal processing applications [18]. DSPs consist of a lot of repeated parts and are designed to support complex arithmetic operations. However, DSPs are also not sufficient for most of the high speed baseband algorithms of recent generations of communications. The DSPs still can be used for communication systems with low data rates or older generation communications. Digital very large scale integration (VLSI) implementation provides high throughput and low power consumption. Unlike the software implementation on GPP and DSP, the digital VLSI based hardware design can be used for high data requirements [19]. There are different design methods and implementation platforms for digital VLSI. The most popular platforms to implement digital VLSI are application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) [20, 21]. ASICs are generally most power-efficient and provides the highest throughput. Therefore, complex baseband algorithms have been typically implemented as an ASIC which works in parallel with a bigger design. ASICs can be the cheapest solution if the production volume is high. The drawback of an ASIC is the complexity of the hardware design. Besides, it can be costly and not feasible for a small volume of production. The biggest drawback is

24 the complete inflexibility of ASICs. It is not possible to change an MIMO baseband ASIC for updates or bug fixes [20]. If the production volume is small, FPGA can be an alternative solution. The FPGAs can provide significantly higher throughput than DSP implementation because they map the digital VLSIs. It is also possible to reconfigure and apply bug fixes on FPGAs. However, FPGAs can also be a costly solution when the production volume required is very high. Unlike ASIC designs, FPGA implementations are also limited by FPGAs’ highest clock frequency [21]. The typical method to design a finite state machine (FSM) based register transfer level (RTL) digital VLSI is to use a handwritten hardware description language (HDL) [22]. A designer can accurately map the functionalities of an algorithm with HDLs. Therefore, the design can reach high clock frequency and throughput. However, as the baseband algorithms are getting increasingly complex, the verification process of the HDL imposes a significant challenge for the time-to-market requirement. The high level synthesis (HLS) tools where a high level programming language such as C or C++ can be directly used to generate HDLs are becoming increasingly popular [23]. The HLS tools for ASICs and FPGAs can provide approximately 80% − 90% of a HDL design in terms of clock frequency and throughput. Besides, the verification process can be simpler as the test benches are generated by the tool itself. Application specific instruction-set processors (ASIP) is another method of designing digital VLSI for baseband applications [19]. An ASIP can be viewed as a customized processor which is tailored for a particular application or algorithms. The ASIP design tools typically enables the designer to add custom instructions for different operations. The custom instructions can be used for operations such as complex arithmetic, non- standard floating point arithmetic, an adder for three numbers or other operations that can accelerate the target algorithm. Besides reducing latency with custom operations, the designer can remove unnecessary operations to increase the overall clock frequency of an ASIP. ASIPs achieve higher performance than DSPs by the use of customized function units. On the other hand, ASIPs are more flexible than the handwritten RTL designs due to the use of high level language as firmware [24]. Typically, ASIPs use very long instruction word (VLIW) and transport triggered (TTA) architectures. The conventional reduced instruction set computer (RISC) or complex instruction set computer (CISC) executes instructions sequentially and thus, they are not suitable for high speed digital signal processing [19]. VLIW and TTA are based on instruction level parallelism (ILP) property where several instructions can be executed during each clock cycle [25].

25 1.4 Objective of the thesis

The thesis mainly focuses on communication systems below 6 GHz. The radio spectrum is a limited resource on carrier frequencies below 6 GHz. MIMO techniques aim to efficiently utilize the available spectrum with the price of added complexity due to the nature of signal processing algorithms in the baseband. In other words, the efficient use of the spectrum requires sophisticated MIMO transceiver algorithms and their accurate realization. There exist several phases from the theoretical framework of the algorithms to their feasible implementations. These steps are algorithm development, floating point simulation, word length analysis, architecture exploration, RTL design and RTL verification. These steps are divided among several engineers in a typical industrial setup. However, the joint design of algorithm and architecture can result in the most efficient realizations. For example, a minor change in the algorithm can lead to a dramatic improvement in the implementation in many cases. Joint algorithm and architecture optimization for efficient implementation of MIMO baseband algorithms was the first aim of the thesis. The primary aim of the thesis was to explore different digital VLSI architectures for MIMO baseband systems. Small-scale MIMO architectures have been developed over the last two decades. Customized processors are also explored for different signal processing algorithms as an alternative to conventional VLSI. We take a different approach and design customized processors for several MIMO transceiver algorithms. The author argues that a customized processor for a single algorithm does not provide substantial benefit over the traditional VLSI design. A customized processor for several algorithms might be a better choice than designing several RTL designs. The customized processors heavily rely on special function units (SFUs) which are designed with HDL. In that respect, the design can be viewed as a VLSI architecture where a part of the data path is designed with HDL and the control path is generated with the processor design tool. We also explore multiprocessor architecture for MIMO preprocessing. The other aim of the thesis was to develop a novel detection algorithm and architecture for massive MIMO. Instead of using a customized processor, the aim was to apply traditional RTL designs with handwritten VHDL. The thesis work demonstrates the applicability of different VLSI design methods with a usage case and provides an insight on how to design a VLSI architecture.

26 1.5 Contributions of the thesis

The thesis is based on seven publications where the author was the main contributor. The author developed the main ideas, designs and results in them. The other authors helped the first author with their comments and guidance with the exceptions explained below. The contributions of the thesis can be summarized in the following way:

1. Design of a multimode detector ASIP (Paper II and VI). 2. Design of a multiprocessor for lattice reduction (Paper V) 3. Massive MIMO detection algorithm and VLSI architecture (Paper I and IV) 4. Multimode precoder ASIP (Paper II and III) 5. Review of the design flow of TTA ASIP (Paper VII)

Paper I and parts of paper VI presents a TTA ASIP for multimode MIMO detection. The multimode implementation supports minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection, K-best list sphere detection (LSD) and selective spanning with fast enumeration (SSFE) detection. The first author developed the architecture in the TCE environment, generated the VHDL and conducted the synthesis trials with Synopsis design compiler. The slicer function unit was developed by Dr. Janne Janhunen which is presented in his work [26]. The long term evolution (LTE) simulator used for the error-rate analysis was implemented by Dr. Nenad Veselinovic, Dr. Mikko Vehkaperä and Dr. Markus Myllylä. The typical urban channel models were developed by Dr. Esa Kunnari. Paper V presents a multiprocessor system for lattice reduction. In this work, the author presents an algorithm for lattice reduction. A hard output simulator is developed for this work which is based on Dr. Christoph Studer’s simple MIMO simulator framework. Several key ideas of the work are taken from Pirkka Silvola and Dr. Xiaoxia Lu’s work on lattice reduction. The first author developed and simulated the algorithm in the hard output simulator. The multiprocessor architecture is also developed and synthesized by the first author himself. Papers I and IV presents a massive MIMO detection algorithm. The algorithm was developed by the author during his visit to Dr. Christoph Studer’s lab in Cornell University. A novel detection method based on a popular convex optimization method for massive MIMO is presented by the author. A soft output MIMO-OFDM Matlab simulator is used for this work which was developed by Dr. Christoph Studer’s group. The RTL design was developed and verified by the author. The synthesis for 16 × 16 was carried out by the author. The placement and routing with Cadence SoC Encounter

27 was done by Ilkka Hautala. The FPGA synthesis and implementation results were carried out by the first author himself. Papers II and III present a TTA ASIP that supports two algorithms for MIMO precoding on the transmitter. The ASIP can also support norm-based scheduling and QR decomposition. The first author developed the MMSE precoder based on QR- decomposition on a augmented channel matrix and simulated in a hard output Matlab simulator. The simulator was developed by the author to compare the performance of the precoders. The performance of the schedulers are based on a simulator developed by Dr. Ganesh Venkatraman. The first author developed the TTA ASIP in the TCE environment, generated the VHDL and conducted the synthesis trials with Synopsis design compiler. The review of a TTA ASIP design flow is summarized in Paper VII. The authors show each step of a TTA processor design with the aid of the processor designer tool, hardware database and cycle accurate simulator to estimate the latency. The authors use turbo decoding as a use case to demonstrate how efficiently TCE can be used to design ASIPs for signal processing algorithms. The results related to the turbo decoder ASIP are outside the scope of this thesis.

28 2 Literature review

2.1 Small-scale MIMO detection

The origins of detection and equalization research can be traced back to 1967 [27], when Shnidman proposed a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) receiver for combating inter-symbol interference (ISI) and crosstalk in a multiple-waveform-multiplexed signal in a single channel system. Shnidman’s work was extended for multiple channel systems by Kaye and George [28]. The first optimal MIMO detector was proposed in 1976 by Van Etten [29] who derived a maximum likelihood (ML) receiver for combating ISI and inter-channel interference (ICI). During the 1980s, a common misconception prevailed that single-user matched filters (MF) based detection was optimal for multi-user systems. Verdú proved this assumption wrong and introduced the optimal multiuser detector in the context of Gaussian multiple-access channels shared by K users [30, 31]. Verdú’s work proved that a substantial performance gap exists between the optimal multiuser detector and a single user MF. Van Etten proposed a zero-forcing linear MIMO detector for combating both ISI and ICI in 1975 [32]. Lupas and Verdú studied linear decorrelating or zero-forcing multiuser detectors (MUD) extensively for CDMA systems during 1986 to 1990 [39, 40, 41, 42]. Their work demonstrated that ML and ZF based MUDs provides notably better near-far resistance compared to a single-user MF. During 1988-1991, the ZF detectors for spatial multiplexing based V-BLAST was introduced in [53, 54, 55]. As mentioned earlier, the first detector found in the literature was built on the MMSE criterion. Foschini et al. also revisited the MMSE detector for space-division multiplexing (SDM) based MIMO systems [53, 54, 55]. During 1990, Viterbi presented a successive interference cancellation (SIC) de- tector for a convolutionally coded direct-sequence CDMA system in [48]. This work demonstrates that the data rate of all users can approach the Shannon capacity of a Gaussian channel with an SIC receiver and error-free detection. Foschini et al. investigated the SIC from the multi-antenna perspective and spatially multiplexed systems [53, 54, 55]. A parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based MIMO detector is an alternative to traditional SIC where the symbol detections are done in parallel. Kohno et al. investigated PIC detection extensively during 1983-1990 [36, 37, 38]. Multistage interference cancellation (MIC) is another alternative of traditional SIC

29 Table 1. Chronology of detection techniques in small scale MIMO.

year summary of work performed reference Proposed a linear MMSE receiver for combating ISI and 1967 crosstalk in single-channel multiple-waveform-multiplexed [27] PAM systems. Extended the MMSE receiver to multiple-channel systems 1970 [28] transmitting multiplexed PAM signals. Developed linear receiver based on ZF criterion and min- imum error probability criterion for a multiple channel 1975-76 transmission system. Derived an ML sequence estima- [29, 32] tion based receiver for combating ISI and ICI in multiple channel transmission systems. 1981-85 Proposed SD algorithm. [33, 34] 1982 Proposed LLL algorithm for lattice reduction [35] 1983-86 Full derivation of ML based MUD for CDMA systems. [30, 31] [36, 37, 1983-90 Proposed a PIC based MUD for CDMA systems. 38] Investigates linear ZF-MUD of synchronous and asyn- [39, 40, 1986-90 chronous CDMA. 41, 42] Systematically characterized MIC MUDs for both asyn- [43, 44, 1988-91 chronous and synchronous CDMA systems. 45] Proposed a DFD based MUD for asynchronous DS-CDMA 1989-90 [46, 47] systems. First conceived an SIC scheme for a convolutionally coded 1990 DS-CDMA system and revealed that SIC based receivers [48] can approach Shannon capacity. 1990-93 First conceived a breadth-first K-best tree search MUD. [49, 50] 1993-99 Applied depth first SD algorithm to the ML detection [51] 1994 Proposed a more efficient variation of the SD algorithm. [52] Discussed the application of linear ZF/MMSE in multiple [53, 54, 1996-99 antenna aided MIMO systems. ZF based SIC detector for 55] multiple antenna aided SDM MIMO systems. 2001-03 SDR based MIMO. [56, 57] 2003-04 LR-aided MIMO detection. [58, 59]

30 where the initial stage consists of any linear sub-optimal detectors. The subsequent stages apply the initial stage results as inputs and employs sub-optimal detection as well. MIC detection was studied extensively by Varanasi et al. in [43, 44, 45]. Decision feedback equalization (DFE) based MUD was studied by Xie et al. which also relies on the SIC idea [46, 47]. During the last few decades, tree-search based detection has been one of the most popular methods for MIMO detection. Pohst and Fincke originally proposed the sphere decoding algorithm during 1980s [33, 34]. Schnorr and Euchner proposed an improved version of the SD algorithm in [52]. In the context of CDMA systems, the tree-search MUDs existed in the literature [49, 50, 60]. However, the tree-search gained attention from the research community after Viterbo et al. proposed the depth-first SD for Rayleigh fading environments [51]. The tree-search SD achieved the performance of ML for fading environments with less complexity. Semidefinite relaxation (SDR) has gained considerable attention during the last two decades. It attempts to approximate the optimal ML problem using a convex program. SDR detection was first proposed in [56] which works for specific constellations and can achieve near-ML performance [57]. Another important class of near-ML detectors is based on a technique called lattice reduction (LR). LR is a MIMO preprocessing technique that can be applied with linear detection to significantly improve error-rate performance. The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) algorithm, named after its inventors, is the most popular LR algorithm in the literature [35]. LR-based MIMO detection was first proposed by Wubben et al. in [58, 59]. A comprehensive review on the history of small-scale MIMO detection development can be found in [61]. A chronology of the detection algorithm development is presented in Table 1. The VLSI implementation of MIMO detection as an ASIC or on an FPGA also gained much attention in the last two decades. As MIMO detection is one of the most complex parts of the baseband receiver, the resource estimates of these publications provided valuable insights related to the algorithms usability. To our best knowledge, the earliest MIMO detector VLSI design can be found in [62]. Wong et al. presented a pipelined VLSI architecture for k-best algorithm for 4 × 4 and 16-QAM system. In [63], Garett et al. presented a parallel processing architecture for soft output ML for a 4 × 4 and QPSK system. In addition, Garett et al. proposed a depth first SD based detector for 4 × 4 and 16-QAM systems in [64]. In [65], Burg et al. proposed a VLSI architecture for MMSE for a 4 × 4 MIMO system [65]. In addition, Burg et al. proposed the first

31 Table 2. The earliest VLSI implementations for MIMO detector.

year summary of work performed references VLSI implementation of a breadth first K-best tree 2002 [62] search MIMO detector 2003 VLSI implementation of soft-output ML [63] VLSI implementation of a soft-output depth-first SD 2004 [64] based detector for 4x4 16QAM MIMO 2006 VLSI implementation of linear MMSE [65] 2007 first VLSI of the LR technique [66]

VLSI architecture that supports the lattice reduction algorithm [66]. Table 2 summarizes the earliest MIMO detection implementation efforts.

2.2 Massive MIMO detection

2.2.1 Local search

The earliest near-optimal massive MIMO detector that can be found in literature is the likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector that searches a sequence of bit vectors with monotonic likelihood ascent [67]. LAS is a version of a local search algorithms where it starts with an initial solution and keeps searching its neighborhood for a better solution. Typically, the initial solution is computed by a ZF or a MMSE detector. The search process includes several substages where each substage consists of several iterations. The iteration continues till the local optimum is reached in a substage. The next substage applies two symbol updates and the algorithm reverts back to a one symbol update stage if the likelihood increases. Similarly, the subsequent substage applies three symbol updates and so on until the neighbourhood fails to increase the likelihood. The main drawback of the conventional LAS is the very large number of receive antennas required to achieve optimal BER performance [67, 68]. The LAS detector is adopted for 16 × 16 and 32 × 32 MIMO STBC systems in [69]. Reactive tabu search (RTS) is another class of local search algorithms which apply additional escape policies to avoid early termination. RTS was originally proposed to simplify the local search based massive MIMO detection. In [70], the proposed RTS depends on running multiple tabu searches where each search starts with a random initial vector and selects the best solution

32 from the resulting solution vector. The algorithm is simulated for 16 × 16, 32 × 32 and 64 × 64 MIMO systems and achieves a near ML performance.

2.2.2 Belief propagation detectors

Belief propagation (BP) and its variants are iterative and powerful methods to solve inference problems in massive MIMO systems using graphical models such as factor graphs, Baysian belief networks and Markov random fields. The communication channel can be illustrated as a graphical model and the detection of the channel input is equivalent to performing inference in the corresponding graph [71]. The a posteriori probability of each transmitted symbol is approximated by passing messages that marginalize over other symbols in a factor graph and this process is repeated until convergence. The BP-based detectors achieves near-ML performance when the number of antennas is large and the channel correlation is low [72]. However, the convergence performance degrades when the factor graph is ill-conditioned. Several modifications have been proposed to reduce the complexity of the BP algorithm. The minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence criteria is applied to approximate the original discrete messages with continuous messages in [73]. Jeon et al. proposed an optimal detection algorithm based on approximate message passing for a massive MIMO in [74]. A modified BP based on Gaussian approximation is proposed in [75]. It reduces the complexity of the original BP significantly. In [76], a detector based on BP and message passing on Markov random field is proposed for decoding a non-orthogonal STBC system for large antenna dimensions.

2.2.3 Approximate inversion based linear detectors

The approximate inversion based linear detectors have been a popular choice for ASIC or FPGA implementations of massive MIMO detection due to their satisfactory performance for certain massive MIMO configurations. In this subsection, we take a look at few of the approximate inversion based massive MIMO detectors.

Neumann series approximation

The Neumann series approximation (NSA) is one of the most popular choices for approximate inversion based MIMO detection. The Gram matrix (G) can be decomposed

33 into a diagonal matrix (X) and off-diagonal matrix E as

G = X + E. (1)

The Neuman series expansion [77] of such a system can be expressed as

∞ n G−1 = ∑ −X−1E X−1. (2) n=0

A satisfactory degree of precision can be achieved with a relatively low number of terms of summation for a massive MIMO system. In [78], a high throughput ASIC that supports Neumann-series based detection is proposed. The ASIC achieves 3.8 Gbps for 128 × 8 for a single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) massive MIMO system. A FPGA based implementation of the Neumann-series detector is proposed in [77]. The FPGA design achieves 600 Mbps for a 128 × 8 MIMO system.

Gauss-Seidel method

Gauss-Seidel is another popular iterative method to approximate the inversion [79]. The GS method is also known as the Liebmann method or the method of successive displacement. The Gramian matrix can be decomposed as

A = D + L + U, (3) where D, L and U are the diagonal component, the strictly lower triangular component, and strictly upper triangular component, respectively. The GS can be used to estimate the transmitted signal vector xˆ as

(n) −1  (n−1) xˆ = (D + L) xˆMF − Uxˆ , n = 1,2,···, (4) where n is the number of iterations and xˆMF is the output of matched filter [80]. If there is no a priori information about the initial solution xˆ(0), it is considered as zero [81]. According to [79], the GS method provides satisfactory performance with fewer iterations compared to the Neumann series approximation. An FPGA implementation of the GS detector is proposed in [80]. The initial solution of the detector is based on a Neumann series expansion with two terms. The detector assumes a 128 × 8 MIMO system. A parallel version of GS is proposed in [81] and a corresponding VLSI architecture is proposed for a 128 × 8 system.

34 Successive over-relaxation method

The successive over-relaxation method (SOR) is a special case of the GS method [82]. The transmitted signal can be estimated using SOR as

 −1      (n) 1 1 (n−1) xˆ = D + L xˆMF + − 1 D − U xˆ , (5) ω ω n = 1,2,···, where D, L, U and ω are the diagonal component, the strictly lower triangular component, the strictly upper triangular component, and relaxation parameter respectively. A suitable value of the relaxation parameter is required for convergence. In the case of ω = 1, the SOR method is equivalent to the GS method. In [83], a value of 0 < ω < 2 is chosen for the relaxation parameter for the SOR method which outperforms the Neumann approximation method in terms of complexity. A FPGA implementation of the SOR detector is proposed in [84]. The proposed detector provides satisfactory performance when the ratio between the numbers of BS antennas and users is small. The Marchenko- Pastur law is used to find the relaxation parameter value for a certain ratio [85]. The SOR-based detector is implemented on Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA for a 128 × 8 system.

Richardson’s method

Richardson’s method utilizes the residual vector y − Hx where H, y and x are channel matrix, received vector and transmitted vector respectively. The Richardson method can be expressed as

  x(n+1) = x(n) + ω y − Hx(n) n = 0, 1,2, ···, (6) where n presents the number of iterations. The initial solution x(0) can be set as a zero vector [86]. Similar to the SOR algorithm, a relaxation parameter ω is introduced to achieve faster convergence. In [86], the value of the relaxation parameter is selected in 2 such a way that it satisfies 0 < ω < λ where λ is the largest eigenvalue of symmetric positive definite matrix H. A VLSI architecture is proposed for a Richardson method based detector for 128 × 8 MIMO system in [87]. A modified Richardson method is proposed in [88]. It proposes an optimal scalability condition which provides satisfactory performance for a low number of iterations.

35 Conjugate gradient

Conjugate gradient (CG) is another approximate inversion method used for massive MIMO detection. The transmitted vector can be calculated using CG method as

xˆ(n+1) = xˆ(n) + α(n)p(n), (7) where p(n) is the conjugate direction with respect to the Gramian matrix and α(n) is a scalar parameter which is commonly known as the step size. In [89], a detector and precoder based on CG method have been proposed. The CG detector is simulated for 128 × 8 and outperforms Neumann series detector in terms of complexity. The CG-based detector is implemented in Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA for a 128 × 8 in [90]. in [91], a CG detector is implemented in a GPU for a 128 × 8 MIMO system.

Lanczos method

The Lanczos method is a Krylov subspace method which is used to solve large sparse linear equations. The method generates an orthogonal basis of the co-efficient matrix and finds a solution whose residual is orthogonal to the Krylov subspace. This method was initially proposed to solve eigenvalues of the large, sparse and real symmetric matrix. A low complexity MIMO detection based on the Lanczos method is proposed in [92]. The proposed detection method outperforms the Neumann series approximation for the same SNR. Another Lanczos method based soft-output detection is proposed in [93]. The Kaniel-Paige-Saad theory is applied for convergence analysis in this work [94]. In [95], the Laczos method is modified in such a way that the storage requirement is reduced.

Residual methods

Residual methods are another class of approximate matrix inversion method which are used for massive MIMO detection. This iterative method focus on minimizing the residual norm rather than approximating the exact solution, which is also commonly known as the minimal residual method (MINRES). The generalized minimal residual (GMRES) is a generalized version of MINRES method. The GMRES method is used for massive MIMO detection to compute the MMSE equalizer without matrix inversion in [96].

36 2.3 MIMO precoding

We focus on small-scale fully digital MIMO precoding in this section. The fully analog or hybrid precoding is outside the scope of this thesis. The earliest research related to present MIMO precoding can be traced back to the early research related to the joint optimization of transmitter and receiver [97]. A seminal work on the joint optimization of transmitted signal and the receiving filter dates back to 1965 when Smith noticed that some freedom exists in assigning phases to transmitter and receiver [98]. The wave of research dedicated to optimizing only the transmitter to aid receiver processing was done in the next decade. For example, a new transmission technique for ISI channels was proposed in [99, 100]. However, the idea of using transmit filtering on a MIMO channel was not introduced until 1981 when Henry et al. proposed the use of transmit filtering on the downlink in [101]. Another contemporary work presented in [102] studied an optimum signal combining technique that combats Rayleigh fading of the desired signal and reduces the power of the interfering signal at the receiver. The early research related to MIMO precoding was the application of a transmit matched filter. This led to placing part of the matched filter of the rake receiver on the transmitter, which is called pre-rake. The pre-rake was proposed in [103] and extensively studied in [104, 105]. The application of the ZF filter on the transmitter side is one of the most popular precoding techniques which removes all interference at the receivers. Tang et al. proposed a scheme called for pre-decorrelation for a single user detection in the forward direction of centralized DS-CDMA systems in [106]. In [107], the authors proposed a spatial channel pre-equalization scheme that simultaneously eliminates ISI and CCI. A spatial equalization technique called channel inversion technique at the transmitter side is similar to the ZF precoding. The performance of a MIMO system with channel inversion was presented in [108]. In [109], the relation between the ZF precoding and generalized inverses has been studied extensively. To mitigate the noise enhancements of the channel inversion method, a block diagonalization method, where only the interference of the other users are cancelled in the process of precoding was introduced [13]. The noise enhancement can also be reduced by using the MMSE filtering on the transmitter side which is called MMSE pre-equalizer in some literature [110]. It is also shown in [110] that the MMSE pre-equalizer is a suboptimal trasmit Wiener filter designed for a fixed SNR. The transmit WF was first presented in [111] and the necessary optimization was presented in [110].

37 Table 3. Chronology of precoding techniques for small scale MIMO.

year summary of work performed reference Tomlinson and Harashima independently proposed a [112, 99, 1967-71 precoding method for combating ISI. 100] 1981-85 Proposed vector perturbation precoder. [33, 34] 1982 Early ideas related to ZF and DPC [35] 1983 Invented DPC. [113] 1983-86 Early ideas related to ZF precoder. [30, 31] 1993 Introduced Pre-Rake [103]

The earliest non-linear precoder that can be found in the literature was invented independently by Tomlinson [112] and Harashima [99, 100]. This precoding method is now known as Tomlinson-Harashima precoding which was originally invented for reducing the peak or average power in the DFE, which suffers from error-propagation. Another non-linear precoding method was proposed by Costa in [113]. Costa coined the term dirty paper coding (DPC) technique for his precoding method and it is well known that DPC achieves the capacity region for the multiuser broadcast channel. A suboptimal method combining ZF-precoding and DPC was proposed for single antenna in [114] and multi-antenna in [115]. Another popular non-linear technique called vector-perturbation was proposed in [14]. A chronology of the precoding algorithm development is presented in Table 3.

2.4 TTA designs

TTA is a processor design philosophy where the program directly controls the internal data transport between different function units (FU) of a processor [116]. A TTA processor can be viewed as exposed datapath VLIW that provides visibility of the interconnection network of TTA. In addition, a TTA processor utilizes the concept of software bypassing, where operands can bypass the register files and move directly to the destination FUs and thus, reduce the pressure on registers [25]. A simple TTA processor is shown in Fig. 2. The processor includes three buses that are represented by three black horizontal lines. The vertical rectangular blocks going through the buses represent the sockets. The arrow above the socket shows whether a socket is an input or output. The processor of Fig. 2 consists of several FUs such as load-store unit (LSU), an adder, a multiplier and a register file (RF).


Instruction 1 fetch & 2 decode 3

Fig. 2. Part of a TTA processor, c 2014 Springer VII.

The smaller square with the cross inside the FUs indicates the triggering port. The connections between the FUs and the buses are illustrated by black dots in the sockets. If all the buses and FUs are connected, then the compiler has the complete freedom in optimizing the data moves. However, a fully connected processor may lead to high fan-out and low maximum clock frequency in synthesis [117]. The first toolset to design a TTA ASIP was called MOVE which brought the TTA designs into reality [118]. A TTA-based codesign environment (TCE) was inspired by the MOVE toolset. TCE is an open source toolset to design, implement and simulate a TTA processor [119]. A graphical processor design tool (ProDe) with an extensive library of FUs is included in the toolset. The TCE tool uses a retargetable compiler called tcecc which compiles high level language to low level TTA machine code for a specific TTA architecture. To analyze the program execution, a graphical and command line simulator is provided with TCE which provides the utilization reports and detailed cycle counts. The designer can improve the performance by changing the source code or the processor architecture. The codesign methodology using both software and hardware provides more options to improve performance. The processor generator (ProGe) of TCE can be used to generate VHDL codes for the entire processor which can be synthesized with third party tools. However, the designer has to write the VHDL code in case of a special function unit (SFU) that is not provided with the hardware database of TCE. The SFUs can be used to reduce the latency of program execution. The TTA processor design methodology is given in Fig. 3. The TTA processor design methodology is summarized from our Paper VII. The efficiency of TTA for signal processing applications is discussed in [120]. The authors compared the performance of VLIW and TTA processors for fast Fourier

39 High Level Language

Custome TCE tool Processor Design Tool Operation chain (Prode) Set Editor (OSED)

Retargetable Compiler

Processor Simulator with GUI

Hardware Processor Generator Database (ProGe)

3rd party Simulation and Synthesis tool Tool

Fig. 3. TTA processor design methodology, c 2014 Springer VII. transform (FFT). A general purpose code, which was not optimized for any particular platform, took two times higher clock cycles for VLIW compared to TTA. Therefore, Heikkinen et al. showed that the TTA application can be a good candidate for DSP applications. Salmela et al. proposed TTA ASIPs for finite impulse response (FIR) filtering and Viterbi decoding in [121] and [122] respectively. FIR TTA consisted of a variable number of complex multiply-and-accumulate (CMAC) units. The scalability of the CMACs were supported by the memory access scheme. FIR ASIP could be viewed as an economical solution for the FIR filtering [121]. A 256-state, rate 1/2 Viterbi decoder ASIP was implemented in [122]. The TTA ASIP achieved high utilization of the SFUs and computed add-compare-select (ACS) operation continuously without any wait cycle. The flexible TTA ASIP design achieved a high decoding speed. Ghazi et al. proposed TTA designs for a zero-crossing demodulation and adaptive digital pre-distortion in [123] and [124] respectively.

40 The earliest TTA ASIP for MIMO detection can be found in [125]. The ASIP supported K-best LSD for 2 × 2 MIMO systems with 64-QAM modulation scheme. The ASIP has a significant amount of general purpose properties and can work efficiently for detection. The detection rate was increased by software-pipelined heap insertion and conditional jump out of insertion routine. The ASIP could not compete with RTL designs in terms of throughput, but the flexibility of the design provided interesting results. Janhunen et al. compared fixed and floating point ASIPs for MIMO detection in [26]. The authors implemented SSFE soft-output detection 32- and 12-bit floating-point and 16-bit fixed-point arithmetics. The silicon area of 12-bit floating point was a bit smaller than 16-bit fixed point unit. However, the fixed-point processor could achieve upto 277 MHz while the floating point processor can achieve 217 MHz. The authors concluded that the narrative of fixed-point implementation being better suited better for DSP applications should not be taken for granted. Shahabuddin et al. presented a TTA ASIP for turbo decoding in [126]. The TTA ASIP supports several sub-optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithms for soft- output decoding. A quadratic permutation polynomial (QPP) interleaver is used for contention free memory access. The design showed the promise of supporting several decoding algorithms in a single ASIP. A unified turbo and low-density parity check (LDPC) decoder was presented in [127]. The standard trellis based MAP algorithm is used for the turbo decoding program. For LDPC decoding, a supercode based sum-product algorithm is used. The algorithms were chosen for highest hardware utilization. A vector TTA processor for turbo decoding is presented in Paper VII. The essential parts of the ASIP are designed with vector FUs. The LLR values were represented with 8-bit values and several of the LLRs are packed into 32-bit values as inputs of the vector FUs. Several of the turbo decoder ASIPs can be used in parallel to achieve a high data rate. In a nutshell, the TTA ASIPs have been be used for DSP application efficiently for over a decade now. They can be a viable alternative of the traditional VLSI designs when flexibility is a key requirement.

41 42 3 Summary of the original publications

3.1 ASIP design for small-scale adaptive MIMO detection

3.1.1 Background

A unified architecture which supports several detection algorithms is required for platform vendors. Besides, a multimode detector can change the detection algorithms based on channel conditions and improve the overall throughput. We propose a multimode detector that supports MMSE, K-best LSD and SSFE algorithms. A TTA ASIP is designed to support the detector algorithms. This work is based on Papers II and VI.

3.1.2 System model

Our small-scale MIMO system employs orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing

(OFDM) where a transmitter with Mt = 4 antennas sends data over the channel to a receiver with Nr = 4 antennas under the assumption of Nr ≥ Mt . We follow the 3GPP LTE standard [128] for our system model where two streams of data bits are encoded horizontally with a layered space-time architecture at the transmitter. These two streams are interleaved, mapped to the constellation points and multiplexed onto four different layers to be transmitted with Mt = 4 antennas. We assume perfect channel state information (CSI) and synchronization, as well as a sufficiently long cyclic prefix that can eliminate the inter-symbol interference. The standard input-output relation per subcarrier can be written in the real domain as

y = Hx + n, (8)

N M where y ∈ R2 r is the received signal vector, x ∈ R2 t is the transmit symbol vector, N × M N H ∈ R2 r 2 t is the channel matrix, and n ∈ R2 r is the circularly symmetric complex 2 white Gaussian noise vector with zero mean and σd variance.

3.1.3 Detection Schemes

We consider three detection schemes in this work. The detection schemes work under the assumption that a QR decomposition based pre-processing is used before the detection

43 block. The QR decomposition on the augmented channel matrix H can be expressed as " # " # H QadRd H = = QdRd = , (9) σdI2Mt QbdRd

T T T where Qd = [Qad Qbd] is an orthogonal matrix and Rd denotes an upper triangular matrix. The dimensions of matrices Qad, Qbd and Rd are 2Nr × 2Mt , 2Mt × 2Mt and

2Mt × 2Mt respectively. Equation (8) can be transformed into y˜ = Rdx + n˜ where T T y˜ = Qady and n˜ contains noise Qadn and additional self-interference. Our first detection algorithm is based on an MMSE equalizer. MMSE detection is typically expressed as

H 2 −1 H x˜MMSE = (H H + σd I2Nd ) H y, (10)

where I2Nd is the 2Nd × 2Nd identity matrix. A modified MMSE is proposed in [129] and [130] where the QR decomposition is used on augmented channel matrix for MMSE detection which can be expressed as

−1 H x˜MMSE = Rd Qd y. (11)

−1 The symbol detection can be further simplified using Rd = (1/σd)Qbd as

T x˜MMSE = (1/σ)QbdQady = (1/σd)Qbdy˜. (12)

The signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) vector ρ can be computed as ρi = T 1/(qiqi ) − 1 where qi is the i-th column of Qbd. The max-log approximated LLR can be computed from the SINR and xˆ following [131]. The optimal ML can be rewritten after QR decomposition as

2 2 ky − Hxk2 = c + ky˜ − Rxk2, (13) where c is a constant. Equation (13) can be viewed as a spanning tree that has 2Mt + 1 levels [132]. At each level, a node is expanded to C child nodes where C is the constellation size. We consider two suboptimal tree search detectors in this work. The first tree-search detector is called the K-best LSD which is a suboptimal breadth-first tree-search algorithm. Instead of keeping all the nodes, the K-best keeps a total K nodes with the smallest accumulated Euclidean distances at each level. When going from i + 1 to i, the K nodes at level i + 1 expands to a total KC child nodes at level i. The child nodes are sorted according to their accumulated Euclidean distance and again K child

44 nodes are kept at level i and the rest of the nodes are deleted before spanning for the next level. The other tree-search algorithm considered in this work is SSFE. SSFE can be characterized with a spanning vector m = [m1,m2,....,m2Nd ] [133]. This spanning vector indicates the number of child nodes that span from the parent node in each level. SSFE has a regular and deterministic dataflow and it does not use the sorting and deletion process of K-best.

3.1.4 Error-rate performance

We compare the performance of MMSE, 8-best and 16-best LSD and three variants of SSFE namely [11111111], [11111222] and [111112223] in a 3G LTE based MIMO- OFDM Matlab simulator. We assume 4 × 4 MIMO systems where 16-QAM and 64-QAM are applied. A 5 MHz bandwidth corresponding to 512 OFDM subcarriers is considered. One frame is equal to one OFDM symbol in the simulator. Thus, one frame consists of 512 subcarriers where 300 subcarriers are loaded with data and the rest are used as a guard interval. In the simulation, the mobile velocity is set at 3 kmph and the turbo decoder performs 6 iterations. A 6-tap typical urban (TU) Vehicular A channel is assumed. The channel with BS azimuth spread of 5◦ is considered as a moderately correlated channel, and with 2◦ as a highly correlated channel. In Fig. 4, the detectors are simulated for a moderately correlated channel for 16-QAM and 64-QAM. For 64-QAM, LMMSE and SSFE with [11111111] requires very high SNR and thus is not suitable for this scenario. An SSFE with [11111222] provides a noticeable performance gain over MMSE. We invite interested readers to go through Papers II and VI where more simulation results are presented for different channel conditions.

3.1.5 Detector ASIP

We design a 16-bit fixed point TTA ASIP that supports the MMSE, 8-best LSD, SSFE with spanning vectors [11111111] and [11111222] for 4 × 4 MIMO systems. The 16-bit word length with 5-bit integer and 10-bit fraction is typically used for the small-scale detection work. We invite interested readers to go through [26] and [134] where the word length studies for these algorithms have been done. The detector ASIP includes LSU, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), global control unit (GCU) and RFs. The multimode detector takes Rd, y˜ and Qbd as inputs. Several LSU units are used to support memory

45 100


10-1 16-QAM BER

MMSE 10-2 8-best LSD 16-best LSD SSFE [11111111] SSFE [11111222] SSFE [11112223]

10-3 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 SNR [dB]

Fig. 4. Error-rate performance of the detectors in a moderately correlated channel, c 2018 Springer II.

accesses. The LSU can be read the memory in three clock cycles and write in a single cycle. The ALU unit is used to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction etc. Operations like shifting right or left are also included in the ALU. We also added several other arithmetic units to utilize the ILP supported by a TTA processor. The GCU is used to support jump and branching. Twenty eight buses are used in the design. Several RFs are used to save the intermediate results. A single Boolean register file is included in the processor design. MMSE detection only needs conventional arithmetic units. Thus, we do not include any SFU to accelerate the MMSE. We use a SFU called slicer to accelerate the program execution of SSFE detection. The slicer unit selects a set of closest constellation points such that the partial Euclidean distance increment is minimized at each level. The first input of the slicer defines the number of symbol candidates as outputs and the second input defines the value needed to be sliced. The slicer has three outputs that can deliver a maximum of three best symbol candidates. In the real valued signal model, 16-QAM and 64-QAM have four and eight symbol candidates respectively. However, due to the structure of the level

46 Input > Control




Fig. 5. Insertion sorter (ISORT) SFU, c 2018 Springer II. update vector used in this work, three output are sufficient for the slicer. The rest of the SSFE calculation is calculated with the general FUs of the ASIP. A hardware sorter is designed for the 8-best LSD algorithm. An insertion sorter is used that keeps the list in order all the time. A new value is compared to all the elements in parallel and the comparisons indicate where the new value should be stored or discarded. An example structure of a 4-value sorter is presented in Fig. 5. The earlier values are stored in a register array such that the input and output of consecutive registers are connected. A simple combinatorial logic controls the multiplexers that selects the new inputs to be stored in the registers.

3.1.6 Comparison

The ASIPs are synthesized using a UMC 90-nm low-leakage standard cell library. A Synopsys Design Compiler is used to estimate gate count and maximum achievable clock

47 frequency. The operating conditions (temperature, operating voltage, manufacturing process quality) for synthesis are set to default values. The 16-bit detection ASIP takes an area of .293 mm2 that is equivalent to 73 212 two-input drive-strength-one NAND gate equivalents. The maximum achievable clock frequency is 200 MHz when the critical path of the ASIP is located in the ISORT unit. The latency and throughput of the different detection algorithms for 64-QAM is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Latency and throughput of different detection algorithms for 64-QAM.

algorithm clock cycle throughput SSFE [11111111] 72 66.66 Mbps MMSE 112 42.85 Mbps SSFE [11111222] 408 11.76 Mbps 8-best LSD 778 6.16 Mbps

A comparison with other implementations is presented in Table 5. Our focus was to achieve satisfactory area efficiency (throughput/area) because several of the designed ASIPs can be used in parallel for different OFDM tones to achieve high throughput. Chen et al. proposed a reconfigurable ASIP (rASIP) for multimode detection that supports MMSE, MMSE SIC and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) detection [135]. The rASIP is constructed with a reconfigurable architecture coupled with a processor designed by the LISA toolset [136]. The ASIP provides superior hardware efficiency than our design in case of MMSE detection. However, the reconfigurable part of the rASIP consumes the majority of the logic gates. Therefore, our design provides more flexibility with comparable performance. Yan et al presented a dual-mode architecture that supports MMSE and K-best LSD in [137]. The architecture is non-programmable and takes a large area. Our design provides a better compromise between flexibility and hardware efficiency. It should be noted that [135] and [137] also includes the preprocessing circuitry, so the comparison in Table 5 is not entirely fair. Ahmed et al presented an ASIP to support multi-tree selective spanning (MTSS) detection for different level update vectors [138]. Sheikh et al presented an architecture to support different configurations of K-best LSD [139]. Even though the algorithms can be tuned to provide different performance, the implementations rely only on a single algorithm. We argue that such designs are best suited for an ASIC. The architectures that support several algorithms ([135], [137] and proposed) achieves lower scaled throughput because the whole design cannot be optimized for a single algorithm.

48 We acknowledge that it is unfair to compare the post-layout implementation results against the synthesis results presented here. The large number of buses may affect the post-layout performance. On the other hand, to utilize the parallelism of a TTA architecture, a large number of buses is required. The FUs require sufficient buses to work concurrently. The post-layout routing becomes challenging for a large number of interconnections. However, the width of the buses should also be taken into account. In this work, the width of a single bus is 16-bits, i.e. the number of buses in this work is equivalent to 14 buses with 32-bit width. It is possible to create vector FUs that works on 32-bits and reduce the multiplexer logic which will be taken into account in future work.

3.2 A multiprocessor design for lattice reduction

3.2.1 Background

LR is a preprocessing technique to significantly improve the error-rate performance of MIMO linear detection. LR transforms the MIMO channel matrix to a near orthogonal matrix. The most popular LR algorithm is known as the LLL algorithm according to the name of the inventors [35]. The conventional LLL algorithm implementation is challenging due to its undeterministic execution time and higher computational complexity. We propose a modified LLL (MLLL) algorithm to reduce the complexity of the original LLL algorithm on complex domain. We propose a multiprocessor architecture to support the MLLL algorithm in this work. The LR multiprocessor is based on Paper V.

3.2.2 Lattice reduction

A lattice can be defined as a periodic arrangement of discrete points. It can be characterized as a set of basis vectors, where any points of the lattice can be represented by a superposition of integer multiples of the basis vectors. A complex valued lattice in n the n-dimensional complex space C can be defined as L = {υ|υ = Bω}, (14) where B is the basis of the lattice and ω = [ω1,ω2,....,ωn]. The υ, ω and matrix B can be replaced with y, x and H respectively in (8) to obtain L = {y|y = Hx}. Therefore, the vector space L can be viewed as a set of all possible undisturbed received signal points. The aim of LR is to find the set of least correlated base with shortest basis

49 Table 5. Comparison of Mutimode Detectors.

options [135] [135] [135] [137] [137] Technology 65 65 65 65 65 [nm] Clock freq. 400 400 400 550 550 [MHz] Core areaa 1.1 1.1 1.1 6.45 6.45 [mm2] Cell areaa 525 525 525 3132.5 3132.5 [kGE] Preprocessing Included Included Included Included Included Algorithm MMSE SIC MCMC MMSE K-best Throughputa 600 124.67 18.75 3300 2640 [Mb/s] Scaled 433.33 90.03 13.54 2383 1920 throughputa [Mb/s] Scaled throughput 0.8248 0.1714 0.0258 0.7609 0.6130 /areaa[Mb/(s×kGE)]

options proposed proposed proposed proposed Technology [nm] 90 90 90 90 Clock freq. [MHz] 200 200 200 200 Core areaa [mm2] 0.293 0.293 0.293 0.293 Cell areaa [kGE] 73 73 73 73 Preprocessing Not Included Not Included Not Included Not Included Throughputa 66.66 42.85 11.76 6.16 [Mb/s] Scaled ---- throughputa [Mb/s] Scaled throughput 0.9132 0.5870 0.1611 0.0844 /areaa[Mb/(s×kGE)]

50 vectors [140]. In the context of MIMO detection, LR tries to find an improved basis of the lattice of MIMO channel. The original basis and the improved basis, which is also called the reduced basis, are related by a unimodular matrix, T. The LR aided detection finds the received symbol in the new improved basis and transform the signal in the original lattice. The new channel matrix and the transmitted signal can be expressed as H˜ = HT and z = T−1x respectively for the reduced basis. The expression of (8) can be reformulated as y = HTT−1x + n = Hz˜ + n. (15)

The LR aided ZF detector can be expressed as

x˜ = (H˜ HH˜ )-1Hz˜ = H˜ †z. (16)

The LR algorithm is applied on the QR decomposed H to obtain the modified Q˜ and R˜ . Afterwards, the lattice reduced channel matrix can be obtained as H˜ = Q˜ R˜ .

3.2.3 Modified LLL algorithm

The LLL algorithm is typically used to compute an appropriate unimodular matrix T for an improved basis. The original inventors proposed the LLL for LR on real domain [35]. However, the MIMO channel matrix is complex valued and a complex version of LLL (CLLL) is used to reduce the complexity. The inherent dataflow of the original LLL algorithms is irregular which leads to higher complexity and latency. In [141], the authors proposed a fixed-complexity LLL (fcLLL) algorithm which has a fixed and deterministic dataflow. The proposed MLLL algorithm also follows this fixed structure which is inspired by fcLLL. Instead of using the Lovász condition, we use a less complex Siegel condition[142]. The MLLL also uses an early termination mechanism that is proposed by [143]. The proposed MLLL applies all these modifications and summarized Algorithm 1. We compare the error-rate performance of our MLLL algorithm with the conventional ZF detection, original CLLL aided ZF detection and the optimal ML detection. The algorithms are simulated in Matlab environment for various signal-to-noise (SNR). A Rayleigh fading channel is used with 16-QAM modulation scheme and the error-rate is averaged over 10 000 Monte-Carlo trials. We can see from Fig. 6 that MLLL provides significant gain compared to ZF and the performance loss compared to the CLLL is negligible after five iterations.

51 Algorithm 1 Modified CLLL Algorithm (MLLL) N ×N N ×N INPUT: Q ∈ C R R , R ∈ C R R , δ ˜ ˜ 1: Initialization Q := Q , R := R , T := IMT 2: k := 2 3: while k ≤ iterations 4: for l = k − 1 to 1 step −1 5: µ = R˜ (l,k)/R˜ (l,l) 6: if µ 6= 0 7: R˜ (1 : l,k) := R˜ (1 : l,k) − µR˜ (1 : l,l) 8: T(:,k) := T(:,k) − µT(:,l) 9: end 10: end 11: if δR˜ (k − 1,k − 1)2 > R˜ (k,k)2 12: Swap columns k − 1 and k in R˜ and T " # α β R˜ (k−1,k−1) R˜ (k,k−1) 13: Θ = with α = ˜ and β = ˜ −β α kR(k−1:k,k−1)k kR(k−1:k,k−1)k 14: R˜ (k − 1 : k,k − 1 : k) := ΘR˜ (k − 1 : k,k − 1 : k) 15: Q˜ (:,k − 1 : k) := Q˜ (:,k − 1 : k)ΘT 16: k := max{k − 1,2} 17: else 18: k := k + 1 19: end 20: end

52 0 10 ZF CLLL MLLL (5 iterations) ML −1 10

−2 10 bit error rate (BER)

−3 10

−4 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 average SNR per receive antenna [dB]

Fig. 6. BER peformance of MLLL algorithm, c 2015 IEEE V.

3.2.4 TTA multiprocessor for MLLL

We design a 5-core multiprocessor system to support MLLL where each core is designated for a single iteration of the MLLL. The 32-bit processor cores are based on TTA architecture. The multiprocessor system is illustrated in Fig. 7 where the micro-architecture of a single core is shown in the dotted section. Each TTA core includes the basic LSU, ALU, GCU, register files, and SFUs to accelerate the MLLL iterations. The Q, R and T matrix are read from three separate first-in-first-out (FIFO) memory buffer by using the function units called STREAM. Ten register files and a single Boolean register file is included in the processor design. Each core contains eight buses. We use complex multiplication (CMUL) units where the inputs packed the 16-bit real part and 16-bit complex part into a 32-bit complex variable. Therefore, CMUL includes four 16-bit multipliers, a 16-bit adder and a 16-bit subtractor. We design two single-cycle and multiplier-less SFUs for µ calculation and size reduction respectively[144]. In order to support the SIEGEL criterion, we designed another simple SFU with a combination of shifters and an adder. An ARRANGE SFU is designed to rearrange the 32-bit variables.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TTA core for TTA core for TTA core for TTA core for TTA core for Itearation 1 Itearation 2 Itearation 3 Itearation 4 Itearation 5

Fig. 7. The multiprocessor architecture for MLLL, c 2015 Springer V.

We design a master-slave CORDIC to be considered in this work [143]. A master- slave CORDIC combines two CORDIC blocks which operate in vectoring mode and rotation mode respectively. It is possible to calculate the cosine and sine values directly by setting the input as 1 and 0 of the CORDIC with rotation mode. Therefore, the conventional angle calculation in a CORDIC block is not required. The 16-bit CORDIC could be designed in two possible ways. An iterative CORDIC which would iterate 16 times over a single-stage datapath. However, it takes 16-cycles and as a result, we will have 15 NOP operations in the assembly code. On the other hand, it is possible to use a fully unrolled CORDIC, which could potentially lead to a lower achievable clock frequency. We find a compromise between these two approaches and design a 4-stage CORDIC datapath to create a 4-cycle master-slave CORDIC.

3.2.5 Comparison

The multiprocessor is synthesized using UMC 90 nm standard cell library and a Synopsys Design Compiler is used to estimate gate count and maximum achievable clock frequency. The operating conditions for synthesis are set to default values. The maximum clock frequency achieved during the synthesis for the multiprocessor is 210 MHz. The total gate count of the multiprocessor at 210 MHz is around 405 kgates. The multiprocessor takes a total 187 cycles to reduce a single matrix for LR. A comparison of different LR implementations is presented in Table 6. Two low latency VLSI architectures for LR can be found in [143] and [145] where reverse-siegel LLL (RS-LLL) and hardware-optimized LLL (HOLL) were implemented respectively. A VLSI architecture for the Clarkson’s algorithm is provided in [146] which provides

54 less throughput than our implementation even with a pure hardware implementation. A low latency VLSI architecture was presented in [147], but the maximum clock

Table 6. Implementation comparison for LLL implementations.

reference architecture/tech. area max-freq. cycles [143] .13 µm 107 kGE 333 MHz 14 [146] Virtex-II Pro N/A 100 MHz 420 [145] .13 µm 125 kGE 352 MHz 40 [147] 90 nm 200 kGE 37 MHz 5 [144] VLIW (40 nm) 6364 kGE 700 MHz 21 Proposed TTA (90 nm) 405 kGE 210 MHz 187 frequency of the implementation is very low at 37 MHz. Though most of the VLSI implementations take fewer cycles and area, the architectures suffer from inflexibility, and as a consequence later field updates are not possible. A programmable VLIW core is presented in [144] which consisted not only LR, but also QR decomposition and detection. Therefore, the total area is significantly higher compared to other implementations. To support different variants of the LLL algorithms, a flexible implementation is necessary. Our architecture is an example of such a flexible implementation with a moderate cost and latency. We present the area efficiency results in Table 7. The throughput result is presented for a 4 × 4 system and 64-QAM modulation scheme. It can be seen from the results that the implementations presented in [143], [145] and [147] achieves significantly higher throughput per area. Our implementation provides better area efficiency compared to [144]. The extra circuitry for programmability is the reason for the lower area efficiency of the VLIW and TTA processors.

Table 7. Area efficiency comparison.

reference architecture/tech. norm. area throughput area eff. [143] 0.13 µm 51 kGE 570 Mbps 11 Mbps [146] Virtex-II Pro N/A 6 Mbps N/A [145] 0.13 µm 60 kGE 211 Mbps 4 Mbps [147] 90 nm 200 kGE 177 Mbps 0.88 Mbps [144] VLIW (40 nm) 32218 kGE 800 Mbps 0.02 Mbps Proposed TTA (90 nm) 405 kGE 27 Mbps 0.06 Mbps

55 3.3 ASIC and FPGA design for massive MIMO detection

3.3.1 Background

This section is based on our Papers I and IV. We propose a novel massive MIMO data detection algorithm and the corresponding VLSI implementation on ASIC and FPGA. The algorithm is referred to as ADMIN which performs alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) based infinity norm constrained equalization. We develop two time-shared and iterative VLSI architectures for 16 user and 32 user ADMIN respectively.

3.3.2 System model

We consider a MU-MIMO-OFDM wireless uplink system that employs U single- antenna user equipment transmitting simultaneously over the channel to a BS with B ≥ U antennas over W subcarriers. The users encode their data with a channel encoder and map the coded stream to constellation points in the finite alphabet set O with an average transmit power Es per symbol. By omitting the subcarrier index, we can B×U use the same standard input-output relationship of (8), y = Hx + n. Here, H ∈ C B U is the channel matrix, y ∈ C is the received signal vector, x ∈ C is the transmit B symbol vector, and n ∈ C is the circularly symmetric complex white Gaussian noise vector with zero mean and variance N0 per complex entry. Similar to the small-scale MIMO detection problem, a perfect CSI and synchronization at the receiver is assumed. Besides, a sufficiently long cyclic prefix is considered such that the channel is frequency non-selective. The optimal ML detection tries to find points that minimize the Euclidean distance. The problem can be expressed as

2 xˆML = arg min ky − Hxk2. (17) x∈OU This problem is combinatorial in nature and demonstrates prohibitive complexity for higher MIMO dimensions [148]. The sub-optimal detectors solve the ML problem by relaxing the discrete set. In case of ZF detector, the discrete set D of the ML problem is relaxed to a convex set CU [56]. The ZF detection problem can be expressed as

2 xˆZF = arg min ky − Hxk2. (18) x∈CU

56 U In case of MMSE detection, the set D is relaxed to C with an additional regularization term. The MMSE problem can be viewed as a relaxed ML with a penalty as

2 −1 2 xˆMMSE = arg min ky − Hxk2 + N0Es kxk2. (19) x∈CU

The solution xˆMMSE is prevented from growing too large by the regularization term −1 2 N0Es kxk2. As mentioned earlier, the ZF and MMSE are linear detection methods that can be solved with less complexity.

3.3.3 ADMIN: ADMM-based infinity norm detection

ADMM is a method to solve convex constrained optimization problems [149]. The ADMM method solves the convex problem by splitting the original problem into smaller sub-problems. A general convex constrained optimization problem with a variable x ∈ Rn can be expressed as

minimize f (x) subject to x ∈ C .

This problem can be re-written in the ADMM form as

minimize f (x) + g(x) subject to x = z. where g is an indicator function of C . The scaled ADMM form for this problem is

k+1  k k 2 x := arg min f (x) + (ρ/2)kx − z + u k2 , x

k+1 k+1 k z := ΠC (x + u ), xk+1 := uk + xk+1 − zk+1, where u is the scaled dual variable [149]. Here, the x-update involves minimizing f and a convex quadratic function and the z-update is Euclidean projection onto C . In this work, we relax the ML problem to an infinity norm or box-constrained problem [150, 151] and solve it with the ADMM method. The infinity-norm of a complex vector can be typically expressed as

kxk∞˜ = max{ℜ(xi)}, (21) i which can be essentially depicted as a box. The infinity norm or box-constrained U equalization relaxes the finite-alphabet constraint x ∈ O to the convex polytope CO

57 around the constellation set O and solves the following convex optimization problem:

2 xˆBOX = arg min ky − Hxk2. (22) x∈ U CO The convex polytope for QPSK and higher order QAM alphabets can be expressed as

CO = {xR + jxI : xR,xI ∈ [−α,+α]} where α = maxu∈O ℜ{u} is the tightest radius of the box around the square constellation. We rewrite (22) as

2 minimize (1/2)ky − Hxk2 + g(z), subject to z = x, (23) x,z∈CU where g(z) is the indicator function on the convex set CO such that  0, if z ∈ C U g(z) = O ∞, otherwise.

The augmented Lagrangian for the problem in (23) is

2 2 Lβ (x,z,λ ) = (1/2)ky − Hxk2 + g(z) + (β/2)kz − x −λ k2, (24) where λ is the scaled dual variable associated with the constraint z = x and β > 0 is a suitably chosen regularization parameter. Initially, we fix z and solve problem (24) which yields

HH (y − Hx) − β(z − x −λ ) = 0 ⇒xˆ = (HH H + βI)−1(HH y + β(z −λ )). (25)

The first step essentially solves a regularized least-squares problem. Thus, ADMIN can be alternatively viewed as an iterative method that carries out regularized least-square during each iteration. The second step can be expressed as

2 zˆ = arg min (β/2)kz − (xˆ +λ )k2. (26) z∈ U CO

The second step is equivalent to an orthogonal projection of xˆ +λ onto the convex U polytype CO . This projection is given by  w, if w ∈ CO projC (w) = O |w − q|, . argminq∈CO otherwise

58 In words, if w is outside the set CO , the projection outputs the value closest to w within the set CO in terms of the Euclidean distance. For example, if w is outside of box α = 1 that encloses the square constellation of QPSK, the projection outputs a value q that is closest to w within the box. The dual variable update step can be expressed as

λ ← λ − γ(zˆ − xˆ), (27) where 0 < γ is a suitably chosen algorithm parameter. Note that 0 < γ < 1 ensures the convergence of the ADMM, but larger choices may lead to improved results for a very small number of iterations.

Algorithm 2 ADMIN

inputs: y, H, N0 and Es 1: preprocessing −1 2: β = N0Es ε H 3: G = H H + βIU 4: G = LDLH 5: L˜ = L−1, D˜ = D−1 6: initialization 7: z = 0 8: λ = 0 9: detection H 10: yMF = H y 11: for i = 1 : K H 12: xˆ ← L˜ D˜ L˜ (yMF + β(z −λ )) 13: zˆ ← proj (xˆ +λ ,α) CO 14: λ ← λ − γ(zˆ − xˆ) 15: z ← zˆ 16: end 17: output: xˆ

3.3.4 LDL-Decomposition based Soft-output ADMIN

The x-update step of the ADMIN algorithm requires the computation of an inverse H of the regularized Gramian matrix, G = H H + βIU . The G matrix is Hermitian

59 positive-definite in the massive MIMO context [79]. Thus, LDL-decomposition can be used to compute the inverse of the regularized Gramian. The G, LDL-decomposition, L−1 and D−1 can be done during pre-processing and thus, the detection mechanism can be simplified. In the beginning of the detection, ADMIN computes the matched filter. Afterwards, the xˆ, zˆ, and λ updates are computed iteratively. The ADMIN process is presented in Algorithm 1. The post-equalization SINR vector ρ, which is required to compute the LLR values, can be computed as

−1 ρi = 1/N0Es gi, (28)

−1 where gi is the i-th entry of the main diagonal of G . The SINR can be calculated efficiently as H ρi = (˜li) diag(D˜ )(˜li), (29)

−1 −1 where D˜ = D and ˜li is the i-th column of L˜ = L . The pre-processing can be simplified when the ratio between the numbers of BS antennas and users is large. The calculation of gi can be expressed as  1/Gii, if B > U gi = −1 (diag(G ))i otherwise.

The max-log approximated LLR can be computed from the SINR and xˆ following [131]. A MU-MIMO OFDM uplink with a rate-3/4 convolutional code is simulated with a Matlab simulator. The channel matrices are generated using WINNER-phase-2 model and the max-log BCJR algorithm is used for soft-input soft-output channel decoding. We simulate ADMIN, linear MMSE, single-input multiple-output (SIMO) lower bound, TASER and box-constrained coordinate descent (CD) detector [152] and compare the (coded) packet error-rate (PER). In Fig. 8, the PER performance of the detectors are simulated for a 32 users and 32 BS antennas system with QPSK modulation scheme. It can be seen that ADMIN with (K = 5) iterations significantly outperforms TASER with high number of iterations. CD with ten (K = 10) iterations performs close to the ADMIN with only (K = 5) iterations. ADMIN provides approximately 5 dB gain over traditional MMSE algorithm. In a nutshell, for QPSK modulation, the proposed algorithm outperforms other state-of-the art detectors using a significantly smaller number of iterations. In Fig. 9, the detectors are simulated for 32 users and 32 BS antennas system with 64-QAM modulation scheme. CD method is unable to correct the errors in this scenario even with (K = 15)

60 100 MMSE TASER, K=10 TASER, K=20 CD, K=5 CD, K=15 ADMIN, K=5 SIMO

10-1 PER

10-2 0 5 10 15 20 25 SNR [dB]

Fig. 8. Error-rate performance of massive MIMO detectors for a 32 × 32 system with QPSK.


10-1 PER

10-2 15 20 25 30 35 40 SNR [dB]

Fig. 9. Error-rate performance of massive MIMO detectors for a 32 × 32 system with 64-QAM.

61 ∗ Hi,j

L˜i,j ˜ di ˜∗ Lj,i 1

yi 2 xˆ Adder i u yi Tree MF yi

ti M t


Fig. 10. VM unit: Computes vector-vector multiplication. It has i = 1,2,...,M multiplier units in parallel. The adder tree sum the output of the multipliers, c 2017 IEEE IV. iterations. TASER only functions for low order modulations, i.e. BPSK and QPSK. ADMIN with (K = 5) provides approximately 12-13 dB gain over conventional MMSE. CD outperforms low-complexity massive MIMO detection schemes like Neumann series [78] or the conjugate gradient (CG) [153] based detectors.

3.3.5 VLSI architecture

The proposed VLSI architecture for ADMIN takes H, y, L˜ , d˜ = diag(D˜ ) as inputs. The fixed-point arithmetic is used for the ADMIN architecture and the performance of is shown in Fig. 9 as ADMIN, FP. The quantization is used in such a way that the complex multipliers and adder tree can be reused. The complex multiplier consists of 18-bits for real and imaginary parts in this design. The output of the adder tree is quantized to 18-bits which is fed back to the input of the complex multiplier. Therefore, all the inputs of ADMIN are quantized to 18-bits. Note that, due to the iterative nature of ADMIN, the inputs are not quantized to smaller values which are very common for systolic array architectures. The architectures support ADMIN detection (lines 6 − 16) of Algorithm 1. The architecture is mainly divided in two parts. The first part, referred as the vector multiplication unit (VM) unit, computes the x minimization step of ADMIN (line 12) of Algorithm 1. The VM unit consists of time-shared processing elements that are used to compute vector-vector multiplication. A block diagram of the VM unit is shown in

62 zˆ λi Proj xˆi



u β yi MF yi

Fig. 11. MFU unit: Computes z minimization and λ -update in pipelined fashion, c 2017 IEEE IV.

Fig. 10. An array of complex multipliers followed by an adder tree is used for VM. The number of complex multipliers are 16 and 32 for the 16 users and 32 users ADMIN respectively. Pipeline registers are added between the complex multiplier and adder tree to reduce the critical path. After multiplication of 16 or 32 values with the complex multiplier, the adder tree can sum them up and essentially provides a vector-vector multiplication result. The matrix H is stored in a flip-flop based memory in such a way that each address can read a column of H in a single cycle. At first, the VM unit computes the matched filter yMF = HH y. The results yMF are stored in a separate memory as they are required for all five ADMIN iterations. The lower triangular matrix L˜ is also stored in another flip-flop based memory. We design the triangular memory is designed in such a way that it is possible to read an entire column or row of L˜ in a single cycle. To compute the Ly˜ MF , the L˜ is read row by row. The result is stored in a temporary register array, t. Afterwards, element wise multiplication between d˜ and t is performed. Unlike previous computations, the multiplier array output is written back to t. In the next cycles, the triangular memory is read column-wise to compute L˜ H t that subsequently results in xˆ, i.e. the output of VM. The second part of the ADMIN architecture is referred to as matched filter update (MFU) unit that computes the z minimization and λ -update steps. The outputs of the

VM unit, xˆi, where i = 1,2,...,M, are generated sequentially. A pipelined architecture is chosen for MFU which is depicted in Fig. 11.

63 A register array is used to store λ which are initialized as zeros. The projection unit consists of comparators that outputs zˆ. The scaling parameter is multiplied by the output of the subtraction unit. We use a shimming register after xˆi to synchronize with zˆ.

Another shimming register is added to γ(xˆi − zˆ) to synchronize with λi. We store the updated λi+1 in the same register array designated for λi. The penalty parameter β is multiplied by the subtraction of zˆ and λi+1. The matched filter values are updated to yu and stored in the designated register array which are sent back to the VM unit to compute the next iteration.

3.3.6 FPGA implementation

The ADMIN functionality is implemented and optimized with VHDL on RTL level. We use synchronous resets and active high signals throughout the design which is a rule of thumb for Xilinx FPGAs. Two separate implementations are proposed for 16 and 32 user ADMINs. The post place-and-route implementation results on a Xilinx Virtex-7 XC7VX690T FPGA is presented in this section. We use Vivado default settings as synthesis and implementation strategy. To keep the same hierarchy after synthesis, we select − f latten_hierarchy option in the Vivado design tool. The maximum frequency of 16-user and 32-user FPGA designs can reach 263.16 and 232.55 MHz respectively. The 16-user ADMIN architecture provides the MMSE estimates in the first 70 cycles. The first 16 cycles are used for storing the inputs to H and L˜ memory. A total of 226 cycles are required to compute K = 5 ADMIN iterations that results in a throughput of 111.71 Mbps. For 32-user ADMIN, a total of 134 cycles are used to compute the MMSE estimates. The first 32 cycles are used for storing the H and L˜ . The 32 user ADMIN can provide a throughput of 106.56 Mbps. The resource utilization of the Virtex-7 FPGA for 16 user and 32 user ADMIN are presented in Table 8. A high number of LUT slices are used for the L memory due to the logic used to access the flip-flop arrays row and column-wise. The 64 DSP elements are used in the VM unit due to the multiplier array. There are 16 complex multipliers in the 16 user ADMIN, which constitutes the 64 real multipliers. Similarly, a total of 128 DSP units are used for the 32 users configuration. The Others section includes counters, FSMs etc. The FPGA implementation results are compared with the TASER implementation in Table 9. For a detailed comparison, we invite interested readers to go through Paper I. It can be seen from Table 9 that the BPSK TASER [154] provides higher scaled throughput

64 Table 8. Component wise breakdown of ADMIN in FPGA.

components LUT slices FF slices DSP

16 × 16

H memory 2321 9300 0

L memory 8929 4320 0

VM unit 2977 3168 64

MFU unit 326 1152 0

Others 309 11 0

Total 14862 17951 64

32 × 32

H memory 5185 18536 0

L memory 14974 17856 0

VM unit 3602 5760 128

MFU unit 394 2304 0

Others 1095 28 0

Total 25250 44484 128 than our design. However, the throughput result presented for TASER use only K = 3 iterations, while our results are for K = 5 iterations. It is evident from Figs. 8 and 9 that ADMIN provides better performance than TASER with a significantly smaller number of iterations. In Paper I, we compare the ADMIN FPGA results with other massive MIMO implementations of [152, 77, 80, 155]. Note that, most of the popular FPGA massive MIMO detectors use 128 × 8 configuration. In that respect, our designs are not really comparable. Nevertheless, the comparison results provides an insight about how state-of-the-art MIMO detector FPGAs perform against our ADMIN design.

3.3.7 ASIC implementation

We develop and optimize the ADMIN architecture with VHDL on RTL level for two separate ASICs for 16 user and 32 user respectively. A synopsys design compiler with a 28 nm CMOS standard cell library is used to compile the architectures. Afterwards, the place and routing is conducted with Cadence Encounter. The 16 user ADMIN achieves a maximum clock frequency of 714 MHz and takes an area of 0.225 mm2 which equals

65 Table 9. Comparison of FPGA Implementations.

options proposed proposed [154] [154]

MIMO system 16 × 16 32 × 32 128 × 8 128 × 8


Iteration 5 5 3 3

Modulation 64-QAM 64-QAM BPSK QPSK Scheme

Preprocessing No No No No Included

Clock freq. [MHz] 263 232 232 225

LUT slices 14862 25250 4790 13779

FF slices 17951 44484 2108 6857

DSP 64 128 52 168

Throughput 111.71 106.56 38 50 [Mbps] Throughput/slicesa 3.4 1.5 5.5 2.42 Mbps/K slices aSummation of LUT and FF slices.

to 460.6 k NAND gate equivalents. In case of 32 user ADMIN, the ASIC achieves a maximum clock frequency of 625 MHz and takes an area of 0.702 mm2 which equals to 1434,98 k NAND gate equivalents. The critical path goes through the multiplier array to the temporary register, t for both architectures. The throughput of 16 user and 32 user ADMIN achieve 303 and 287 Mbps for K = 5 iterations respectively. The layout diagrams of the ASICs are given in Fig. 12. The 16 user ADMIN ASIC of Fig. 12a shows the standard cell placements centered around the VM unit and it communicates with H memory, L memory and MFU unit. The standard cells related to the H memory and L memory are not communicating between themselves. The major parts of the ASIC are all communicating with the I/O ring as they have connections to the top level inputs or outputs. The 32 user ASIC of Fig. 12b shows that the VM is centrally located and communicating with the other units and the I/O ring. The resource consumption for different components of the ASICs are shown in Table 10. The flip-flop based H and L memory consumes a significant portion of the

66 Table 10. Component wise breakdown of ASICs.

components 16 × 16 32 × 32 H memory 153.389 701.149 L memory 88.792 366.331 VM unit: multiplier array 128.724 196.77 VM unit: adder tree 2.741 5.614 VM unit: others 59.405 117.782 MFU unit 22.618 44.58 Total 460.599 1434.98

ASICs. The majority of the VM unit is consumed by the multiplier array. The others section of the VM unit consists of several intermediate register banks. The throughput and area of Table 10 is normalized for 28 nm with the standard methods as

2 0 2 t ∼ 1/s, A =∼ 1/s , Pdyn ∼ (1/s)(Vdd/Vdd) ,

where s, t, A and Pdyn are scaling factor, throughput, area and power respectively. This is a fairly standard practice to calculate the area and power efficiency [156]. The 16 users architecture provides an area efficiency of 1.39 Mbps per kGE and energy efficiency of 3.56 Gbps per W. The 32 users architecture provides an area efficiency of 0.78 Mbps per kGE and energy efficiency of 2.37 Gbps per W. In Table 11, our ADMIN ASICs are compared to the TASER ASICs. For a detail comparison, we invite interested readers to go through Paper I. Two TASER ASICs were presented in [154]. The TASER ASICs support massive MIMO systems for lower order modulations. TASER provides satisfactory performance when the ratio of numbers between BS antenna or users is small. It can be seen from Table 11 that ADMIN provides higher scaled throughput compared to TASER. ADMIN supports higher order modulation unlike TASER architectures. In addition, the area efficiency of ADMIN is also higher than TASER. The energy efficiency of our architectures are lower than the BPSK TASER, but higher than the QPSK TASER. In Paper I, we compare the ADMIN FPGA results with other massive MIMO implementations of [155, 157, 158, 159].

67 Table 11. Comparison of Detectors.

options proposed proposed [154] [154] Technology [nm] 28 28 40 40 MIMO system 16 × 16 32 × 32 128 × 8 128 × 8 Modulation 64-QAM 64-QAM BPSK QPSK Scheme Supply Voltage [V] 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 Clock freq. [MHz] 714 625 598 560 Core areaa [mm2] 0.225 0.702 .073a 0.236a Cell areab [kGE] 218.41 367.5 147.06 482.03 Preprocessing No No No No Results Post-layout Post-layout Post-layout Post-layout Algorithm ADMIN ADMIN TASER TASER Iteration 5 5 3 3 Throughput [Mb/s] 303 287 74.8 72.6 Power [W] 0.085 0.121 0.041 0.087 Scaled - - 105.36 103.09 throughputa [Mb/s] Normalized area 1.39 0.7810 0.7164 0.2139 efficiencya[Mb/(s×kGE)] Normalized energy 3.56 2.37 4.5 2.06 efficiencya[Gb/(s×W)] a 2 0 2 Scaling to 28 nm assuming A ∼ 1/s , t ∼ 1/s and Pdyn ∼ (1/s)(Vdd/Vdd) . bExcluding the gate count of memories.

68 (a) 16 × 16 (b) 32 × 32

Fig. 12. Layout Diagram of the ASICs. The blue, violet, yellow and green palettes represent the VM unit, H memory, L memory and the MFU units respectively.

3.4 ASIP design for small-scale MIMO precoding

3.4.1 Background

A unified architecture which supports two precoding algorithms, user scheduling and matrix decomposition is presented in this section. The precoder architecture supports MMSE and zero-forcing DPC (ZF-DPC). We propose a norm-based user scheduler which selects 4 active users from a set of total users. The architecture also supports QR which is necessary for the precoding methods. A TTA ASIP is designed to support the precoder algorithms. This work is based on Papers II and III.

3.4.2 System Model

We assume a BS with Mp antennas serving a total Np single antenna users in a single cell where t U is a set consisting of integer indices corresponding to the users. The BS transmits data for a subset A ⊂ U in any time instance where |A | = Mp. A is the set of active users. The active set is selected by a norm-based or greedy scheduler which selects Mp user indices with the highest norms[160]. The received signal for user k can be expressed as H H yk = hk dk + ∑ hk x j + zk, (30) j6=k

69 Mp×1 Mp×1 where hk ∈ C is the channel vector between the BS and user k, xk ∈ C is the transmitted signal for user k and zk is zero mean Gaussian noise. The transmit signal for user k is obtained by multiplying the precoding vector wk and symbol uk as

xk = wkuk. (31)

The purpose of using the precoding vector wk is to avoid interference from other transmitted signals. The channel vectors and the vectors can be stacked to M ×M M ×M form a channel matrix H ∈ C p p and a precoding matrix W ∈ C p p respectively. The received signal can be written using the channel and precoding matrices as

y = HWu + n, (32) where u is a vector of the original symbols , n is the noise vector and y is the received signal vector. The total power constraint of the precoders can be written as

Ekdk2 = Tr{WWH } ≤ P, (33) where total power, P > 0.

3.4.3 Precoding schemes

Zero forcing (ZF) is one of the simplest and most popular precoding method where the multiuser channel is decoupled to multiple independent sub-channels. The ZF precoding is essentially a channel inversion problem. In [109], Wiesel et al. have shown that pseudo-inverse based precoder is optimal to maximize the conventional performance metric under total transmit power constraint. The ZF precoding matrix can be expressed as H H −1 WZ = H (HH ) . (34)

ZF precoders do not provide linear capacity growth in the multi user channel and thus, MMSE precoding is considered in the literature where regularization of the pseudo-inverse is applied to compute the precoding matrix as

H H 2 −1 WM = H (HH + α I) . (35) where α2 is the regularization factor.

70 In order to apply QR-decomposition [161] for the MMSE precoding we use an augmented channel matrix that can be formed as

" H # h i H H H = H αIN ⇔ H = . (36) αIN

The QR decomposition can be applied as H as " # " # HH Q R HH = = QR == 1 . (37) αIN Q2R

After applying Algebraic manipulation, we get

1 H WM = Q Q . (38) α 1 2 We invite interested readers to go through our publication for the detail derivation. A similar approach can be found in [162] where QR is applied on extended channel matrix. The regularization factor can be calculated as

Mσ 2 α2 = , (39) P where σ 2 is the noise variance and P is the power constraint. The other precoding scheme considered in this work is known as ZF-DPC. DPC is highly non-linear precoding algorithm with high complexity [115]. ZF-DPC is a reduced complexity suboptimal DPC algorithm that was first proposed in [114]. In the M×M ZF-DPC scheme, the channel matrix is decomposed to a unitary matrix Q ∈ C and M×M a lower triangular matrix L ∈ C . The symbol vector is converted in such a way that multiplying the multiplication of L and symbol vector generates a diagonal matrix [163]. A new symbol vector u˜ in the ZF-DPC can be calculated as

j=i−1 l ji u˜i = ui − ∑ u j, (40) j=1 lii where u is the original symbol vector. We compare the error-rates of ZF, MMSE and ZF-DPC precoders in Fig. 13. A Rayleigh fading channel and QAM modulation scheme is used. The error-rates are averaged over 100 000 Monte-Carlo trials. We apply the norm-based scheduler that selects four users out of a total of 20 users. ZF-DPC provides a gain of around 3 dB over MMSE for 64-QAM in the high SNR region.

71 100


16-QAM 10-1 BER ZF MMSE DPC 10-2

10-3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SNR [dB]

Fig. 13. Error-rate performance of different precoding schemes, c 2017 IEEE III.

3.4.4 Precoder ASIP

The proposed ASIP supports a norm-based scheduler, QR decomposition, MMSE and ZF-DPC precoding for a BS with Md = 4 antennas that serves M active users out of a total N = 20 users. The 32-bit ASIP is based on the TTA template. The TTA processor includes conventional function units such as LSU, ALU, GCU, RFs and complex arithmetic units. We design two SFUs to accelerate norm-based scheduling. The MGN SFU computes the absolute value of a complex number. An insertion sorter SFU is used which has a very similar structure of Fig. A look-up table (LUT) based three cycle inverse square root unit is designed for this work which is called ISQRT. The architecture of the ISQRT unit is shown in Fig. 14. The LUT holds the precomputed inverse square root values of all possible integers of the fixed point input. The output of the LUT x0 is used as an initial guess and a single iteration of Newton-Rhapson is used to find the square root of any input a as

2 x1 = x0(1.5 − .5 ∗ a ∗ (x0) ). (41)

72 a x0

LUT x1 - 1.5

Fig. 14. Inverse square root (ISQRT) SFU, c 2017 IEEE III. division circuit that is needed for ZF-DPC precoding. We use four complex-multipliers that are included in the ASIP. Sixteen buses and fifteen RFs are used in this work.

3.4.5 Comparison

The precoder ASIP takes an area of 0.44 mm2 that is equivalent to 110 031 2-input NAND gates. The maximum achievable clock frequency is 210 MHz. The critical path of the ASIP is located in the complex multiplier. We compare the performance of

Table 12. Performance of small scale precoders.

reference architecture MIMO algorithm throughput Proposed TTA ASIP 4 × 4 MMSE 52.17 Mbps Proposed TTA ASIP 4 × 4 ZF-DPC 51.95 Mbps [164] ASIP & VLSI 4 × 2 TH N/A [165] FPGA - DPC 51 Mbps [166] FPGA 6 × 6 FSE 559 Mbps [157] ASIC 128 × 8 MMSE 300 Mbps the proposed precoders in Table 12. A FPGA implementation of the DPC precoder based on a nested trellis can be found in [165]. A Tomlinson-Harashima (TH) precoder implementation can be found in [164] where the LQ decomposition is implemented in ASIP and the rest is implemented as monolithic hardware. In [166], a fixed sphere encoder (FSE) based precoder implementation is proposed. Our ASIP provides higher throughput than the precoder implementation of [164]. The precoder design of [166] provides significantly higher throughput than our design. However, the design is optimized for 6 × 6 MIMO configuration. In addition, our precoder ASIP supports

73 scheduling unlike the rest of the implementations. In addition, the programmability of the ASIP provides the flexibility for later field updates.

74 4 Conclusion and future work

The aim of the thesis was to explore different design methodologies and implementation platforms for MIMO baseband signal processing. The focus of the thesis was commu- nication systems below 6 GHz. The systems below 6 GHz must utilize the available spectrum as much as possible and complex baseband algorithms are required to achieve this goal. As the data rate, latency and power requirements of the next generation communication systems are becoming more stringent, different design methodologies and platforms need to be explored. In this thesis, we focused on applications related to MIMO detection and precoding. MIMO detection and precoding are the most complex applications for baseband receivers. The complexity of the detection and precoding algorithm increases exponentially as the number of antennas increase on the transmitter and receiver sides. Therefore, research on VLSI design for MIMO detection and precoding is absolutely necessary. We explored an ASIP that can support several small-scale MIMO detection algo- rithms in Papers I and VI. As the target was to support several algorithms, we chose an ASIP rather than traditional RTL design. The ASIP supported k-best, SSFE and MMSE detector in a single design. We compared the area efficiency, i.e. throughput per logic gates of our design to RTL based designs. The results showed that the area efficiency of our ASIP design is comparable to the multimode designs based on RTL. The RTL designs for several applications require careful design considerations and higher time-to-market. Our multimode ASIP could be re-configured quickly with the help of high level software. Thus, it is easier to modify the functionality of the proposed design in the future. This work has shown that the ASIP based designs can be viable alternatives for multimode operations or when a single design needs to support several algorithms. The strongest aspect of this work is a single programmable architecture that supports different detectors with a very different datapaths. The weakest part of this work is the lack of post-layout results. We proposed a modified LLL algorithm in V and explored a multiprocessor architecture to support the algorithm. The MLLL algorithm is less complex than the original LLL algorithm but provides similar performance. A hard output Matlab simulator was used to show the error-rate performance of MLLL in comparison to the LLL algorithms. The MLLL typically uses five iterations and thus a homogeneous

75 multiprocessor system with five ASIPs were designed to support each iteration. Each ASIP had their own instruction set stored in separate memories. Due to the multiprocessor setup, it is difficult to change instructions of the individual ASIPs to support a completely new application. However, it is possible to update and change of the MLLL program itself for later updates or bug fixes. The strongest part of this work is the proposed algorithm that subsequently simplifies the implementation. The algorithm is only simulated for a hard output environment which is also the weakest part of the work. We proposed a massive MIMO detection algorithm and corresponding FPGA and ASIC implementation in Papers I and IV. The iterative algorithm was based on the popular convex optimization method ADMM. The algorithm computes the MMSE equalizer in the first iteration. The algorithm outperforms the MMSE by a large margin after five iterations when the ratio of the number of BS antennas and users is small. We proposed a traditional handwritten RTL design which was implemented as ASIC. We proposed two ASIC designs: (1) for 16 BS antennas and 16 users, and (2) for 32 BS antennas and 32 users. The designs are also implemented in FPGA for the sake of comparison with the state-of-the-art massive MIMO detectors. The Matlab simulation results show that the detector outperforms other detectors when the ratio between the number of BS antennas and users is small. However, the benefits start to diminish when the ratio is large and in such a scenario, the first iteration to calculate the MMSE detection is sufficient. The ADMIN detector is practical in the sense that it can utilize the number of the RF chains available in a BS to support a wide range of users. On the other hand, ADMIN is based on the exact inversion of Gramian matrix which becomes infeasible for a very high number of spatially multiplexed BS antennas. There is a lack of implementations for a straightforward square massive MIMO configuration. However, the designs are comparable in terms of the number of supported users even though the number of antennas is different. The strongest part of the work is the novelty of the proposed algorithm. The weakest part of the work is the lack of a pre-processing circuitry, i.e. matrix multiplication and LDL decomposition. We proposed an ASIP for small-scale multiuser MIMO precoding in Papers II and III. An augmented QR-decomposition based MIMO precoder was designed. In addition, a QR-decomposition based DPC was implemented. We also considered a norm-based scheduler that selects four users out of a pool of twenty users waiting to transmit their data. The scheduler and precoder were simulated in a hard output Matlab simulator. We designed a common ASIP architecture that supports norm-based scheduler, QR-decomposition, MMSE and DPC precoders. An ASIP design can cost

76 less in terms of area and power than several RTL designs dedicated for each application. However, the throughput of the RTL designs could be higher. The strongest part of this work is taking the user scheduling into account in addition to the precoding schemes. The weakest part of the work is the lack of novelty of the precoding schemes. The topics for further study could be related to ASIP designs for massive MIMO detectors. The ASIP design for a small-scale MIMO is already in a mature state. A heterogeneous multiprocessor system with several ASIPs supporting different parts of a massive MIMO detector could be a feasible solution for such a large system. The research presented in this thesis will guide towards the goal of designing large heterogeneous customized multiprocessor systems for massive MIMO. On the other hand, the ADMIN detector could be further explored for approximate LDL or Cholesky based inversions. A common detection strategy to support different ratios of number of BS antennas and users need to be investigated. The massive MIMO precoder could be further explored for low resolution DACs. An ASIP design could be useful to support different word lengths which is usually difficult with RTL based designs.

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89 90 Original publications

I Shahabuddin, S., Hautala, I., Juntti, M., and Studer, C. (2018). ADMM-based Infinity Norm Detection for Massive MIMO: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture, Journal Manuscript. II Shahabuddin, S., Silvén, O., and Juntti, M. (February 2018). Programmable ASIPs for Multimode MIMO Transceiver, Journal of Signal Processing Systems. III Shahabuddin, S., Silvén, O., and Juntti, M. (June 2017). ASIP design for Multiuser MIMO Broadcast Precoding, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC). IV Shahabuddin, S., Juntti, M., and Studer, C. (May 2017). ADMM-based Infinity Norm Detection for Large-Scale MIMO: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Maryland, USA. V Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Ghazi, A., Khan, Z., and Juntti, M. (May 2015). A Customized Lattice Reduction Multiprocessor for MIMO Detection, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal. VI Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Suikkanen, E., Steendam, H., and Juntti, M. (June 2014). An Adaptive Detector Implementation for MIMO-OFDM Downlink, International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Oulu, Finland. VII Shahabuddin, S., Janhunen, J., Juntti, M., Ghazi, A., and Silvén, O. (March 2014). Design of a transport triggered vector processor for turbo Decoding, Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing.

Reprinted with permission from Springer (II and VII) and IEEE (III, IV, V and VI). Original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation.


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692. Sethi, Jatin (2018) Cellulose nanopapers with improved preparation time, mechanical properties, and water resistance 693. Sanguanpuak, Tachporn (2019) Radio resource sharing with edge caching for multi-operator in large cellular networks 694. Hintikka, Mikko (2019) Integrated CMOS receiver techniques for sub-ns based pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinding 695. Järvenpää, Antti (2019) Microstructures, mechanical stability and strength of low- temperature reversion-treated AISI 301LN stainless steel under monotonic and dynamic loading 696. Klakegg, Simon (2019) Enabling awareness in nursing homes with mobile health technologies 697. Goldmann Valdés, Werner Marcelo (2019) Valorization of pine kraft lignin by fractionation and partial depolymerization 698. Mekonnen, Tenager (2019) Efficient resource management in Multimedia Internet of Things 699. Liu, Xin (2019) Human motion detection and gesture recognition using computer vision methods

700. Varghese, Jobin (2019) MoO3, PZ29 and TiO2 based ultra-low fabrication temperature glass-ceramics for future microelectronic devices 701. Koivupalo, Maarit (2019) Health and safety management in a global steel company and in shared workplaces : case description and development needs 702. Ojala, Jonna (2019) Functionalized cellulose nanoparticles in the stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions : bio-based approach to chemical oil spill response 703. Vu, Kien (2019) Integrated access-backhaul for 5G wireless networks 704. Miettinen, Jyrki & Visuri, Ville-Valtteri & Fabritius, Timo (2019) Thermodynamic description of the Fe–Al–Mn–Si–C system for modelling solidification of steels 705. Karvinen, Tuulikki (2019) Ultra high consistency forming 706. Nguyen, Kien-Giang (2019) Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategies for Multiantenna Systems 707. Visuri, Aku (2019) Wear-IT: Implications of Mobile & Wearable Technologies to Human Attention and Interruptibility

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TECHNICATECHNICACC Shahriar Shahabuddin Shahriar Shahabuddin University Lecturer Tuomo Glumoff MIMO DETECTION University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen AND PRECODING

Senior research fellow Jari Juuti ARCHITECTURES

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen

Planning Director Pertti Tikkanen

Professor Jari Juga

University Lecturer Anu Soikkeli