The Scottish Melodist, Containing Choice Songs, from Burns, Ramsay
{ ,®^-s. #<*<*©«**< )-*.* I® <%<* <©«*"* (ft}**, l^«*«* @ "^O THE () 0® 82 Scottish Melodist; o@ COXTAINIIWJ o©01 .CHOICE SONGS. |0* Of J - & ') 01 ) BURftS, RAMSAY, MACJfElL, GALL, £ i. Of" ') QJ «' «** "? Of 6? o® of EDINBURGH: ,<® PUBLISHED BY OLIVER & B6YD, rETHEHBOW. 0> TYiv 0::r [billing.- (ff DOOOOCCOCOCOOOOOCO-Of m %l. THE GLEN COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH MUSIC Presented by Lady Dorothea Ruggles- Brise to the National Library of Scotland, in memory of her brother, Major Lord George Stewart Murray, Black Watch, killed in action in France in 1914. 28 th January 1927. **.«.»*%%/*.%»*.«.»»»/»%*.%.• Now fiddler lad, play up the spring ; The country fashion is the thing, To prie their mou's e'er we begin To dance the Reel o' Boggie. *. *ft $£*'£ \^%r^mm^m^^ Lflt^x i THE CONTAINING CHOICE SONGS, FROM BURNS, RAMSAY, MACNEIL, GALL, &c. EDINBURGH : "•<?>Us5ied by Oliver & Boyd. Netherbow, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland : SCOTTISH SONGS, Tullochgorurri. Come gie's a sang the Lady cried, all And lay your disputes aside ; What nonsense is't for folks to chide, For what's been done before then** Let Whig and Torry all agree, Whig and Torry, Whig and Torry, Whig and Torry all agree To drop their whigmegmoruni. Let Whig and Torry all agree To spend the night wi' mirth and glee, And cheerfu' sing atang wi* me The Reel of Tullochgorum. Tullochgorun/s my delight, It gars us a' in ane unite, And ony sumph that keeps Up spite^ In conscience I abhor him Blithe and merry we's be a', Blithe and merry, Blithe an4 merry, Blithe and merry we's be a* To make a cheerfu' quorum i A ; Blithe and merry We's be a' As lang as we hae breath to draw, And dance, till Ave be like to fa'.
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