ACADEMIC VITAE Guy Bailey August 8, 2008 Office of the President Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 79409-2005 (806) 742-2121
[email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE Aug. 08- President, Texas Tech University Jan. 06-08 Chancellor, University of Missouri at Kansas City 2002-05 Provost & Executive Vice President, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Peter Flawn Professor of English Language and Linguistics 1999-02 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, UTSA 1998-99 Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, UTSA 1997-98 Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President for Research, UTSA 1995-97 Dean of Liberal Arts, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1993-95 Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of Memphis 1993 Professor, Seminar on American Sociolinguistics in the 1990s, University of Regensburg (Germany) 1990-93 Professor and Head, Department of English, Oklahoma State University 1982-90 Assistant and Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University 1979-82 Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Emory University TEACHING FIELDS Linguistics (sociolinguistics, dialect geography, history and structure of English, computational linguistics) EDUCATION 1999 Governor's Executive Development Program (Texas), Class XVIII 1986-87 Postdoctoral work on computational linguistics, LSA Summer Institute, CUNY and Stanford 1978-79 Postdoctoral work on the Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States, Emory University 1977 Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute (on LSA Fellowship)