Website: Telephone No: 28276685, 28272676, Email:
[email protected] 28276652 Fax : 28280436 -Ncr)N GOVERNMENT OF INDIA cokLilc wrzi 4-1-AlcdeT MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS .wIccrt 11,11zict) ct I comidq, caqi -111, 31 1=1101. & Rct?)E1N ItE1V, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES, TAMILNADU, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, 26, 6151 fl — 600 006. "SHASTRI BHAVAN", II FLOOR, 26, HADDOWS ROAD, CHENNAI - 600 006. ROC/CHN/STK - 7/1/2017 Dated 05.07.2017 Form No. STK - 7 NOTICE OF STRIKING OFF AND DISSOLUTION [Pursuant to sub-section (5) of section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 9 of the Companies (Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies) Rules, 2016] Reference: In the matter of Companies Act, 2013 and of M/s (As per the list of 12134 companies enclosed with CIN) This is with respect to this office notices in the form STK-1 issued on various dates and notice in form STK-5 issued on 05.05.2017 and published in Official Gazette on 20.05.2017. Notice is hereby published that pursuant to sub-section (5) of section 248 of Companies Act, 2013, the names of M/s (As per the list of 12134 companies enclosed with CIN) have this day of 29TH June 2017 been struck off from the Register of companies and the said companies are dissolved. (SRIDIHCATE ARTHI) Registrar of Companies Tamil Nadu, Chennai Encl: List of 12134 companies S.NO CIN COMPANY NAME 1 U02001AN1987PTC000023 ANDAMAN WOOD PRODUCES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED 2 U41000AN2005PTC000076 ANDAMAN WATERS PRIVATE LIMITED 3 U63040AN2006PTC000077 ANDAMAN EXPLORERS