Occam's Razor Volume 8 (2018) Article 2 2018 Against the Psychoanalytic Unconscious: Deleuze, Guattari, and Desire as a Heuristic for Self- Regulating Biopolitics Chris Coles Western Washington University,
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[email protected]. “ ''‘1 ' * * *'■ *.^ ^ ‘ >> ‘^> j . j. 4 Coles: Against the Psychoanalytic Unconscious: Deleuze, Guattari, and De •-*.' r* I ' • ’-, ”'': - •-.;■' ■'' •“,'' ’**.A-» -•'‘ .> ‘ i- ‘ • '.' ■**.''.v ■ -: f-.'i'-,''Vfjc -J' ., •.•-■'„*•,A--4 ,-*• ■ .,a&-isrf*s5f ii m ■>’■ ■■"--*-I n’■*'' ‘ '•'''•* ’''''" * '-4 *■'•': r r>}^x. /" % , •7''',' V^' ; ^ *, ■''*, . f - I,4 “• “"^'V.' : /--.-----: ■-. ■ - ■ . w*' ‘ Z.' ■/. ■ V >1 i - . ' ,v'•--■ ■- .•■ i-. DELEUZE, CUATTARI, AND DESIRE AS A HEURISTIC FOR SELF-REGULATING BIOPOLITICS By Chris Coles 975 marked the release of Michel Foucault’s of the sovereign’s subjects^’^. Thus, biopolitics 1 ^''Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison^' provides the regulatory framework for which the which his preceding lectures would later term 'bio- execution of power (that Foucault describes in politics\ Both "Discipline and Punish” and "The Birth "Discipline and Punish”) not only arises, but also of Biopolitics” represent some of the most important, the reason for which it exists in the first place.