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Howard Churchill Howard Park. Courtesy of Rob Orrison Rob of Courtesy Park. statue at Manassas National Battlefield Battlefield National Manassas at statue Courtesy of of Courtesy troops, in chg: Topl. Dept., A.N. Va., March 23rd 1864. (detail) Library of Congress of Library (detail) 1864. 23rd March Va., A.N. Dept., Topl. chg: in troops, General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson Jackson "Stonewall" Thomas General from early 1863 to the war's end. end. war's the to 1863 early from Copied by J. Paul Hoffman, Topl. Office, A.N. Va. Approved S. Howell Brown, 1st Lt. Engs: Engs: Lt. 1st Brown, Howell S. Approved Va. A.N. Office, Topl. Hoffman, Paul J. by Copied The Yellow Hospital in Manassas, Virginia, July 1862 (detail) 1862 July Virginia, Manassas, in Hospital Yellow The Courtesy of the Library of Congress of Library the of Courtesy Background: [Northern Virginia with adjacent parts of Maryland and West Virginia]. Virginia]. West and Maryland of parts adjacent with Virginia [Northern Background: Partisan Rangers Rangers Partisan of John Singleton Mosby's Mosby's Singleton John of raids by elements elements by raids were still subject to repeated to subject still were lines in the county county the in lines major battles, Union supply supply Union battles, major other other any see not war. While Prince William did did William Prince While war. Historic Preservation Division. Division. Preservation Historic campaign of the the of campaign Virginia's last major offensive major last Virginia's the Prince William County Department of Public Works Works Public of Department County William Prince the of Northern Northern of 1863, effectively ended the Army Army the ended effectively 1863, 1860 the Prince William County Historical Commission and and Commission Historical County William Prince the on October 19, 19, October on the associated "Buckland Races" "Buckland associated the William Cavalry, Cavalry, William County/Manassas Convention & Visitors Bureau, Bureau, Visitors & Convention County/Manassas .
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