4.3 Medical Care Health Care (NCCHC), and Shall Maintain I
with the National Commission on Correctional 4.3 Medical Care Health Care (NCCHC), and shall maintain compliance with those standards. I. Purpose and Scope 2. The facility shall have a mental health staffing This detention standard ensures that detainees have component on call to respond to the needs of the access to appropriate and necessary medical, dental detainee population 24 hours a day, seven days a and mental health care, including emergency week. services. 3. The facility shall provide communication This detention standard applies to the following assistance to detainees with disabilities and types of facilities housing ICE/ERO detainees: detainees who are limited in their English • Service Processing Centers (SPCs); proficiency (LEP). The facility will provide detainees with disabilities with effective • Contract Detention Facilities (CDFs); and communication, which may include the • State or local government facilities used by provision of auxiliary aids, such as readers, ERO through Intergovernmental Service materials in Braille, audio recordings, telephone Agreements (IGSAs) to hold detainees for more handset amplifiers, telephones compatible with than 72 hours. hearing aids, telecommunications devices for deaf persons (TTYs), interpreters, and note-takers, as Procedures in italics are specifically required for needed. The facility will also provide detainees SPCs, CDFs, and Dedicated IGSA facilities. Non- who are LEP with language assistance, including dedicated IGSA facilities must conform to these bilingual staff or professional interpretation and procedures or adopt, adapt or establish alternatives, translation services, to provide them with provided they meet or exceed the intent represented meaningful access to its programs and activities. by these procedures. All written materials provided to detainees shall For all types of facilities, procedures that appear in generally be translated into Spanish.
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