1 Calvin and Witsius on the Mosaic Covenant
1 1 Calvin and Witsius on the Mosaic Covenant J. V. FESKO hen it comes to the Mosaic covenant, an ocean of ink has been spilled by theologians in their efforts to relate it both to WIsrael’s immediate historical context and to the church’s exis- tence in the wake of the advent of Christ. Anthony Burgess (d. 1664), one of the Westminster divines, writes: “I do not find in any point of divinity, learned men so confused and perplexed (being like Abraham’s ram, hung in a bush of briars and brambles by the head) as here.”1 Among the West- minster divines there were a number of views represented in the assembly: the Mosaic covenant was a covenant of works, a mixed covenant of works and grace, a subservient covenant to the covenant of grace, or simply the covenant of grace.2 One can find a similar range of views represented in more recent literature in our own day.3 In the limited amount of space 1. Anthony Burgess, Vindicae Legis (London, 1647), 229. 2. Samuel Bolton, The True Bounds of Christian Freedom (1645; Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2001), 92–94. 3. See, e.g., Mark W. Karlberg, “Reformed Interpretation of the Mosaic Covenant,” Westmin- ster Theological Journal 43.1 (1981): 1–57; idem, Covenant Theology in Reformed Perspective (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2000), 17–58; D. Patrick Ramsey, “In Defense of Moses: A Confes- sional Critique of Kline and Karlberg,” Westminster Theological Journal 66.2 (2004): 373–400; 25 Estelle Law Book.indd 35 12/12/08 3:36:48 PM 26 J.
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