BRAM TEAM Review of 2019 – 2020 BRAM Team Report for Bath Group AGM – November 2020

BRAM Team installed 11 gates in the first 5 months of this reporting period, as well as 7 waymark posts, 6 bridge boards, 35 steps and some other sundry tasks. Oh! And we cleared about 900 metres of path. And then came “lockdown” … … So, we washed our hands, figured out how to do our shopping and went on our “daily exercise walks”. Meanwhile BRAM Shears & Secateurs Team members were allowed to continue monitoring and clearing of vegetation on their Promoted Routes provided it was within their daily walk from home. And then Ramblers’ Central Office withdrew insurance for that as well. … … Gradually the Shears & Secateurs Team were “allowed” to restart when they felt it was appropriate (some did, some didn’t) and I submitted a rather patchy “annual report” to BathNES Local Authority. In August we were “allowed” to re-start BRAM Team activities and we had to figure out how to work in a “Covid secure” way. This involves keeping a greater distance between team members than normal. So we have been doing LOTS more clearance (about 2300 metres in 3 months) and we have figured out a method of installing sign posts (9), steps (16), bridge boards (6), and stoned 5 metres of path whilst staying “distanced” from each other. We have not re-started gate installation again yet as that may involve working closer together (plus BathNES have run out of stock of gates). Our “annual get-together”, usually in October was cancelled and so the highlight of our year has been our Civic Reception at the Mayor’s Parlour in Bath in January. This was an interesting opportunity to learn more about the history of the City Charter and it was a demonstration of thanks to our Volunteers from the Mayor and the BathNES Councillor. The occasion resulted in our photograph and write-up in the Bath Chronicle, which in turn led to one new member joining our team having seen the publicity. We always appreciate thanks and recognition of our work and this also came recently with a photograph and brief article of thanks in Voice regarding some steps that we installed. You may find that the latest edition of Walk Magazine gives us a mention as well. I remain grateful to all the Team members who continue to turn out week after week (when permitted). A video recorded by Malcolm shows Team Members working in sleet and thick mud to install a gate last November – which sums up the dedication admirably. in Sleet – Nov 2019 This slide sums up the dedication of the Team installing a gate in sleet and mud – “Before” and “After” photos , plus a video. (Double-click video to start) We have installed a lot of steps this year

Including these at Tunley And these at Clutton Oh! And these at Burledge

Among others In some places it has been hard to stand while installing steps – such as here off Warminster Road A path crossing Keynsahm Bypass

Was open to the road. We installed a staggered barrier We have continued to repair bridges Here at Byemills… At Temple Cloud the Team were ready for clearance work We were joined by Elise from Central Office for clearance work here A highlight of our year was our Civic Reception in the Mayor’s Parlour in Bath

Always nice to be appreciated for our work! We continued to install gates in lieu of stiles – including here at And then came lockdown – so we washed our hands… Since lockdown we have continued with LOTS of clearance … including at … And World’s End, Saltford And We have learnt to install flagsigns by staying “socially distanced” Clutton Shoscombe And waymark posts … Here at Carlingcott And we have improved a ditch crossing at Shoscombe And restarted installing steps, including here at Keynsham Also at Keynsham we replaced bridge boards And repaired a gate frame. And added some stone to a muddy path BRAM Shears and Secateurs The Shears and Secateurs Team have continued to monitor and clear minor vegetation on the 75 miles of Promoted Routes, reporting more onerous work. Their Annual Report was a little patchy this year due to restrictions. BRAM Team were called in to install a wooden gate in lieu of stile at Dunkerton on the (Feb - BL) We were able to review some sites – such as here at

…. where we proposed a solution for future implementation. Due to the change in collection method of photos I apologise to any Volunteer whose ”favorite project” may not be included in this review. Here are a few more random photos of our work. Sometimes, it is good to be home after a work party.

That is what I call “Volunteer Support”!! The BRAM Team - a part of Avon Ramblers Volunteers

Working to assist Bath & North East Council