A Forgotten Patriot Doctor: Charles Lucas 1713-1771
A Forgotten Patriot Doctor: Charles Lucas 1713-1771 By Sean J Murphy Third Edition Centre for Irish Genealogical and Historical Studies A Forgotten Patriot Doctor: Charles Lucas 1713-1771 By Sean J Murphy Centre for Irish Genealogical and Historical Studies, Windgates, Bray, County Wicklow Third Edition 2015 Dedicated to my late mother Eileen Murphy, née Keating (1918-2009) Published online at http://homepage.eircom.net/~seanjmurphy/epubs/lucaspatriot.pdf, first edition 2009, second edition 2013, third edition 2015. Copyright © 2009-15 Sean J Murphy Centre for Irish Genealogical and Historical Studies Carraig, Cliff Road, Windgates, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland This work may be freely stored on library systems for reader use and reproduced offline for fair personal and educational use, with proper acknowledgement. Charles Lucas MD, print by James McArdell from a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds circa 1756 (courtesy of Teylers Museum) Contents Foreword 5 1 Early Life 8 2 Corporation Politician 18 3 The Dublin Election I 26 4 The Dublin Election II 34 5 Exile and Medical Career 50 6 Parliamentarian 64 7 The Octennial Act 74 8 Final Years 81 Appendix 1: Pedigree of Lucas 92 Appendix 2: Lucas on Religious Differences 93 Bibliography: Select Publications of Charles Lucas 96 Illustrations 3, 46-9 Foreword The present online biography of Charles Lucas is the third edition of a work first published in 2009, and develops a second edition produced in 2013 to mark the tercentenary of the birth of a not very well remembered figure. Lucas’s was indeed a busy life, as the present study should show, for he could count among his public achievements the roles of apothecary, author, municipal reformer, radical patriot, medical doctor and parliamentarian.
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