Ciência Téc. Vitiv. 27 (2) 115-122. 2012 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON SOIL WATER DEPLETION, VEGETATIVE GRO- WTH, YIELD AND BERRY COMPOSITION OF THE GRAPEVINE VARIETY TOU- RIGA NACIONAL EFEITO DA REGA NA DEPLEÇÃO DA ÁGUA NO SOLO, CRESCIMENTO VEGETATIVO, RENDI- MENTO E COMPOSIÇÃO DA UVA DA CASTA TOURIGA NACIONAL João Gouveia1*; Carlos M. Lopes2; Vanda Pedroso3; Sérgio Martins3; Pedro Rodrigues1;Isabel Alves2 1Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Quinta da Alagoa, Ranhados, 3500-606 VISEU, Portugal. 2CBAA, Instituto Superior de Agronomia/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 LISBOA, Portugal. 3DRAPC/ Centro de Estudos Vitivinícolas do Dão, Quinta da Cale, 3520-090 NELAS, Portugal. *Corresponding author: João Paulo Gouveia, phone +351232480600, e-mail:
[email protected] (Manuscrito recebido em 07.12.2012. Aceite para publicação em 05.02.2013) SUMMARY Aiming to assess the effects of irrigation amount on vegetative growth, yield and berry composition of the red variety Touriga Nacional (Vitis vinifera L.) a fi eld trial was installed at the “Centro de Estudos Vitivinícolas do Dão”, Nelas, Portugal. The effects of three irrigation treatments (DI30 - 30% of ETc; DI50 - 50% ETc and FI - 100% ETc) were compared to a control non-irrigated (NI) during three growing seasons (2006- 2008). Irrigation affected signifi cantly the fraction of available soil water and the pattern of soil water extraction by the roots either in the row and interrow. Predawn leaf water potential was also infl uenced by irrigation amount being the main differences observed between FI (highest values) and NI (lowest values). Compared to NI, the full irrigation treatment (FI) induced a signifi cantly higher vigour while the defi cit irrigation treatments (DI30 & DI50) returned intermediate values.