Menu / Disc Creation DVD Studio Pro

Please note that all versions of DVD Studio Pro are slightly different. As a result, there may be some slight differences between this guide and your version, but most aspects of this recital authoring process will remain the same.


Within the template files, copy the MENU folder from the template location to the location you’re editing from. This folder contains all of the files you’ll need. For multiple disc sets, copy the folder multiple times and rename each folder accordingly (Disc 1 , Disc 2 , etc.)

Open the menu folder, then double-click on the MENU project file to open DVD Studio Pro .


The first time you create a menu, you’ll need to import a template file – this is for the SELECT A DANCE page, and will allow you to automatically create chapter indexes.

To do this, open the Palette window, and click on the Templates tab. Click on CUSTOM . Right click anywhere in this window and IMPORT . Browse to the Template folder, and import the SELECT A DANCE.dsptemplate file.

Press F3 to change your view to ADVANCED . This is the best view to use when working with this template.


DVD first play is set to a DRC intro video – this is already set up for you. All user operations are prohibited during this intro, so the viewer can’t fast forward or skip over it. It then jumps to the Main Menu, which will display information about the recital, a program scan and studio logo. There are three buttons on this page.

PLAY ALL – plays the entire TIMELINE track. SELECT A DANCE – links to SELECT A DANCE menu(s), which will display all of the chapters in the timeline. PLAY MONTAGE – plays the MONTAGE timeline.

All video tracks in the DVD are set to return to the last menu. For the TIMELINE track, the last menu could be either the MAIN page, or the SELECT A DANCE page. Because of this, there is a simple script in the menu, and you’ll need to modify it once you add the SELECT A DANCE page – instructions are included in this manual.

This template uses the following files included in the DVD Studio Pro Content Collection:

DropZone.tiff Square Window.psd Rect 24x3p White.psd

When installing , if you chose not to install these files, they will show up as missing when you first open the template file. These files have been included in the ‘Assets’ folder in the template folder. If this is the case, you will need to re-link these files.


In the assets tab, Import the Studio Logo and Program Scan from the external hard drive. Click on the logo drop-zone in the top-right of the MAIN page. In the Inspector , change the ASSET to the studio logo.

Click on the larger drop-zone where the program scan will be displayed. In the Inspector , change the ASSET to the program scan.

Double-click on EVENT NAME to change it to the title of the recital – which will be on the front of the program.

Double-click on the VENUE NAME to change this and the rest of the information listed here. This information will be listed on or inside the program, or on a separate page that we will include.

Disc # of # will be Disc 1 of 1, Disc 1 of 2, etc.

If you need to adjust font sizes, press Apple + T to open the SHOW FONTS window, and adjust as needed.


If the studio has requested that a montage be included, a completed copy will be included on the external drive. Import the audio and video files for it, and drag them to the MONTAGE track. This track has already been linked to the PLAY MONTAGE button and is set to return to the MAIN page when it’s finished playing.

If there is no montage included, click once on the PLAY MONTAGE button, and press DELETE on the keyboard. Delete the MONTAGE track by clicking on it in the OUTLINE tab, then pressing DELETE .

For a multiple disc set, the montage only goes on Disc 1 - never on Disc 2 or 3.


Next, import the audio and video files that you just exported from Final Cut. Once they’re imported, highlight them both and drag them into the TIMELINE track.

Next, make sure the MAIN menu is open and visible on the screen. Click on the OUTLINE tab in DVD Studio Pro. Drag the TIMELINE track to the SELECT A DANCE button on the MAIN page. Hover over the button for a second, and a menu will appear. On this menu, select SET ASSET AND CREATE CHAPTER INDEX . The TEMPLATE window will pop up. Click on CUSTOM , then select the SELECT A DANCE template that you imported earlier.

This will create the necessary number of Select a Dance menus ( Menu 1 , Menu 2 , etc.) that have all of the chapters linked and chapter information added. They link to each other through the NEXT and BACK buttons, and back to the MAIN page via the MAIN button.

Open each new menu that you just created ( Menu 1 , Menu 2 , etc.)

Click on the drop-zone in the top-right of the MAIN page. In the Inspector, change the ASSET to the studio logo.

Double-click on EVENT NAME to change it to the title of the recital.

You’ll need to do this for each new menu page that was created.

Check the spelling of all titles. If anything needs to be changed, click once on the title, wait a second, and then click again – this will allow you to edit the text.

Double-click on a button to jump to the timeline to check the chapter’s link. You can use this method to see if each button links to the correct chapter.

You may need to abbreviate the text for some longer chapter names so that the text doesn’t go outside of the title safe area.

Titles are always capitalized.

Subtitles will need to be added for every button that’s created. Double-click on each subtitle to highlight it and change its text.

If the performance is a solo, duet, or trio with the dancer’s names listed in the program, add their names here.

If the performance has four or more dancers, the subtitle will be the category from the program – ACRO , HIP HOP 1 , etc.

If the dance is a solo, duet or trio and does not include dancer names in the program, then you will substitute the category information.

If neither category information or dancer names are listed in the program, then the subtitle will be blank.

There may be extra unused subtitles on the final SELECT A DANCE page. Delete any extra subtitles if necessary.

Please triple-check your spelling as any mistakes found in the proofing stage will need to be corrected. Also make sure that each button links with the correct chapter. If you’ve mixed up the chapter naming in Premiere, it can be fixed in Encore by changing the titles for each button.

Ensure that all text and graphics are inside the title safe area.


The TIMELINE track has a simple script that tells it which menu to jump back to. Because you’ve just added some new menus, you’ll need to link the scripts to the first SELECT A DANCE page.

First, we’ll change the SELECT A DANCE button link on the MAIN page. It won’t link directly to the Menu 1 page, but to a script that will set a value, and then jump to the Menu 1 page itself.

This value will tell the TIMELINE track which menu it needs to return to when it’s finished playing, or when the MENU button is pressed on the remote.

Click on the SELECT A DANCE button on the MAIN page. In the Inspector , change its target to SCRIPTS > SELECT_A_DANCE_SET .

In the OUTLINE tab, Double-click on the SELECT_A_DANCE_SCRIPT and it will open in the SCRIPT tab. You will see two commands listed:

1. mov GPRM 0, 2 2. Jump not set

You need to set the Jump . Click once on it, and in the Inspector you will see Jump To: - click on not set and change it to Menu 1 > [Menu]

The second command will now read: Jump Menu 1 .

Now, we need to add the new Menu 1 page to a script that tells the TIMELINE track which specific menu to jump to.

Double-click on the END_JUMP script, and will open in the SCRIPT tab.

Again, you will see two commands listed:

1. Jump MAIN if (GPRM 0 = 1) 2. Jump not set if (GPRM 0 = 2)

You need to set the second Jump . Click once on it, and in the Inspector you will see Jump To: Click on not set and change it to Menu 1 > [Menu]

Although it may seem complicated, this is actually a very simple script.

Follow these directions closely and simulate the menu when you’re done.

If you click on PLAY ALL , the TIMELINE will begin to play. If you press the MENU button in the Simulator , it will return to the MAIN page. If you click on SELECT A DANCE , and then pick any performance from that menu, the timeline will begin to play. When you press MENU , the TIMELINE will jump back to the SELECT A DANCE menu.

If you don’t follow these instructions, the timeline will either jump to the wrong menu, or not work at all.


When you're finished creating the menu, use the Simulator to test everything to make sure it works properly. Again, check all spelling and make sure all chapters link properly.

If there are no problems, insert a blank DVD in the computer. Ensure that it has no scratches, fingerprints or smudges before burning.

We’ve had a number of DVDs returned because they couldn’t be copied. For this reason, we require two copies of each disc.

Click on BURN to burn the disc.

Label the disc surface using the Studio Code, Recital Code and Disc Number . For example: S039-R131 – Disc 1 of 1

Check your disc(s) in a DVD player to ensure that everything works properly.

When everything is complete, return the finished discs, program and any other elements to DRC, and the discs will be proofed. If there are any changes required, you will be notified. Once the proofing stage is complete, you’ll return the hard drive, along with copies of your Final Cut project file (and an exported XML file) and the DVD Studio Pro project files in case any future edits are required.

Contact Billy Dennis at DRC Video Productions if you have any questions or comments.

1-877-669-0663 / 416-410-1175 - Extension 232 [email protected]