Chapter 5 Hippocampal Sequences and the Cognitive Map Andrew M. Wikenheiser and A. David Redish Abstract Ensemble activity in the hippocampus is often arranged in temporal sequences of spiking. Early theoretical and experimental work strongly suggested that hippocampal sequences functioned as a neural mechanism for memory consoli- dation, and recent experiments suggest a causal link between sequences during sleep and mnemonic processing. However, in addition to sleep, the hippocampus expresses sequences during active behavior and moments of waking rest; recent data suggest that sequences outside of sleep might fulfi ll functions other than mem- ory consolidation. These fi ndings suggest a model in which sequence function var- ies depending on the neurophysiological and behavioral context in which they occur. In this chapter, we argue that hippocampal sequences are well suited to play roles in the formation, augmentation, and maintenance of a cognitive map. Specifi cally, we consider three postulated cognitive map functions (memory, con- struction of representations, and planning) and review data implicating hippocam- pal sequences in these processes. We conclude with a discussion of unanswered questions related to sequences and cognitive map function and highlight directions for future research. Keywords Sequence • Cognitive map • Replay • Theta • Hippocampus A. M. Wikenheiser Graduate Program in Neuroscience , University of Minnesota , 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE , Minneapolis , MN 55455 , USA e-mail:
[email protected] A. D. Redish , Ph.D. (*) Department of Neuroscience , University of Minnesota , 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE , Minneapolis , MN 55455 , USA e-mail:
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