Timeline of Canada-China Relations
Timeline of Canada-China Relations 加中关系时间表 Dr Scott N Romaniuk1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow China institute, University of Alberta 1 I thank my colleagues at the China Institute for their useful suggestions during the preparation of this work. Preface 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and the People’s Republic of China (PRC, hereafter China). Bilateral relations between the two countries over the past five decades have presented marked cooperation and advances in areas of mutual interest yet considerable divergence and challenges. Decades before frequent high-level political visits, a significant level of interaction between people of both countries has taken place in various fields. This chronology illustrates the shifting dimensions of Canada-China relations, and the extent to which the relations have evolved over the years, bringing about both positive and negative outcomes for both countries. Canada and China have also cooperated through bilateral and multilateral channels on issues of global importance, raising awareness for some of today’s most pressing issues such as climate change and environmental degradation, and health and energy security. The historical record of Canada-China relations renders the friction associated with two disparate governance systems, and domestic and foreign policy imperatives. These include China’s assertiveness and its deep distrust of democratic systems, and Canada’s growing wariness of China’s expanding global influence. While Canada-China relations exhibit a myriad of challenges and uncertainty, the long and evolving relationship remains suffused with resilience, and some optimism for economic, social, political, and cultural engagement and furtherance. This timeline is based on a broad literature search, incorporating primary and secondary sources such as relevant print and online academic books, chapters, articles, and grey literature, including media and government reports, and archival material, primarily in English and Chinese.
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