CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1604 HON
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E1604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2012 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DENBIGH Family Life Center, and modern technologies. munity, and his nearly quarter century of pub- 150TH ANNIVERSARY In addition to Sunday prayers, the church of- lic service is the quintessential model of how fers Summer Bible School, The Bible Institute, constituent relations should be conducted. I HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT and GED, Homebound and Short Term Sus- am proud that he is receiving this award, pension programs. It provides over 30 min- proud of his hard work for the people of Mas- OF VIRGINIA istries and is home to several choirs. The sachusetts, and proud to call him my friend. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church leads charitable causes including the Thursday, September 20, 2012 The Hunt Food Locker, Food Mobile, Summer f Feeding Program, an Outreach Center for Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise women’s transitional housing, a Clothes Clos- RECOGNIZING DR. PAT STROH today to congratulate a legacy of faith in Vir- et, and the adoption of a low-income neighbor- ginia’s Third Congressional District. This year, hood. First Baptist Church Denbigh in Newport News Perhaps the most notable activity of the HON. GEORGE MILLER is celebrating its 150th anniversary, and I church is their African Village Adoption OF CALIFORNIA would like to take a moment to reflect on the Project, initiated in 2005. Members have se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES history of this esteemed institution and its con- lected a native from Benin, Africa for adoption. tributions to the greater Hampton Roads com- The Church as a whole has provided a water Thursday, September 20, 2012 munity. well, microbanking program, motorcycles, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. The story of First Baptist Church Denbigh books, a Christian School, and medical and Speaker, I rise with my colleagues Congress- begins in July 1862 as the Civil War raged. A worship facilities. man JOHN GARAMENDI, Congresswoman BAR- Recognizing Council was called to meet at the As First Baptist Church Denbigh gathers to BARA LEE, Congressman JERRY MCNERNEY, old Denbigh Baptist Church. They chose Rev. celebrate this historic milestone, the church and Congressman PETE STARK to recognize Peter Banks to lead the congregation. Rev. T. can truly remember its past, celebrate its Dr. Pat Stroh, the Director of the Family and G. Wright became the second pastor, serving present, and focus on its future. I would like to Children’s Services Program in Contra Costa from 1863 to 1869. During his administration, congratulate Pastor Harris and all of the 2,500 County and congratulate her on her well- the white community returned to claim their members of First Baptist Church Denbigh on earned retirement. church building. Rev. Wright and congregation the occasion of their 150th Anniversary. I wish moved to the current location, building a small them many more years of dedicated service to Dr. Stroh earned her Master’s Degree from house of worship. the community. Ball State University and her Doctorate in Education Early Childhood Focus from Walden During the tenure of Rev. T. G. Nettles f (1870–1881), a larger house was built to ac- University. Prior to coming to Contra Costa commodate increased membership and the GARTH PATTERSON—FRIEND OF County in 1998, she served as Director of church was renamed to ‘‘First Baptist Church THE FISHERMEN, FRIEND OF Head Start in Lexington, Kentucky and di- of Warwick County.’’ Other ministers were MASSACHUSETTS, AND MY rected a U.S. Army Child Development Pro- Reverends Watt Talton (1882–1883), J. B. GREAT FRIEND gram in Europe. Whiting (1883–1887), Robert H. Nazareth Over the years, Dr. Stroh’s outstanding work (1887–1912), T. C. Williams (1912–13), A. A. HON. BARNEY FRANK in public service has demonstrated her strong Hudgins (1913–26), Isaac Daniel (1926–32), J. OF MASSACHUSETTS commitment to the children and families of D. Atkins (1933–40), and Joseph H. Brown IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Contra Costa County. Under her leadership, Contra Costa’s Head Start Child Development (1941–48), all of whom added to the church in Thursday, September 20, 2012 both physical form and spiritual leadership. Program’s enrollment more than doubled and During this period, the church was renamed Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, expanded from a part-day, part-year schedule ‘‘First Baptist Church Denbigh.’’ I have never had to learn more about an issue to close to a full-day, full-year program. In ad- For the next ten years, the church received in my life than when I learned in 1992 that the dition, during very difficult economic times, Dr. sermons from Reverends B F. Burton and I. L. City of New Bedford and its fishing industry Stroh was also able to more than double the was included in the new Congressional district Buie along with other leaders. Later ministers program budget. that I have proudly represented. New Bedford were Reverends Samuel Fladger (1959–63), Dr. Stroh’s interest and influence extends is one of the most successful fishing ports in T. T. Brown (1963–67), and Albert L. Hill well beyond our county’s borders. As a mem- the county, and in fact for the 12th consecu- (1968–73), who initiated a bond sale to build ber of the Board of the National Head Start tive year New Bedford had the highest-valued a new air conditioned facility, with an indoor Association as well as the California Head catch of any port in the United States. Fishing baptismal pool, which held its first services in Start Association, she has worked diligently to is not only a vital part of the economy of the 1972. enhance and expand the collaborative efforts region, but an integral component of its culture of these organizations. Pat has also served as Rev. Herbert A. Hill, Jr. began his pastorate and social makeup. I could not represent the in 1974 and gave the church the strength to Validator and Mentor with the National Asso- needs of such a unique community without a ciation for the Education of Young Children. endure though a tragic fire in 1986 which de- talented staff, and I am honored that my long- stroyed the church edifice. For a time, serv- As a result, the United States Congress was time aide, Garth Patterson, is the recipient of quick to recognize Dr. Stroh as the 2008 Cali- ices were held in schools and other places in the 2012 Friend of the Fisherman Award rec- fornia Head Start Association Administrator of the community. In 1987, Rev. Hill’s tenure as ognizing his exemplary work. the Year for Invaluable Service to the Commu- pastor ended and associate pastors provided He received this award from the fishing nity. guidance to the flock. community of New Bedford because of the In 1987, Edward Talton, a deacon for more high quality of the work he has done to pro- Our community and Dr. Stroh’s colleagues than 40 years, was called into the ministry. vide the kind of first-rate public service and have honored her numerous times, recog- Rev. Talton preached only two sermons from advocacy that is so essential to the continued nizing her passion for children and her ability the pulpit before his death, but his life was a survival of the fishing industry. In some cases, to develop programs that improve their chance sermon in itself. In 1988, Rev. Haywood our advocacy can be uncomplicated, but there of success in the world. As we well recognize, Barnes was voted to serve as interim pastor. are also cases where mastering a very com- the success of our children bodes well for the Since 1988, Rev. Ivan T. Harris has led serv- plex body of data is essential if we are to do success of our families and our entire commu- ices, assuming the full-time pastorate in Octo- our job right. Garth provided me with an ex- nity. ber 1991. Through Pastor Harris’ efforts, the traordinary degree of technical expertise, prac- Today, we invite our colleagues to join us in church’s 25 year mortgage was burned on Oc- tical knowledge, political savvy, and an ability honoring Dr. Pat Stroh once again for her tober 9, 1994—after only 61⁄2 years. to understand all viewpoints and articulate his dedicated service to the families and children Over the years, the First Baptist community own. He has been an enormous asset not of Contra Costa County. We are pleased to has continued to flourish. Successful fund- only to me, but also to those concerned with join her family, colleagues and friends in con- raising has afforded the church handicap-ac- the survival of the fishing industry. gratulating her on a long and highly successful cessible transportation, a new Church Bell, an Mr. Speaker, I join the fishermen in thanking career and wish her a happy and healthy re- Education Center, Child Development Center, Garth. He is a tireless advocate for the com- tirement. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.099 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1605 VA MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AU- own home. This sparked his interest in self- the student body, staff, and faculty of GMC THORIZATION AND EXPIRING AU- help housing, which he would later incorporate are to have him as President. Some of his THORITIES EXTENSION ACT OF into Burbank Housing’s Homeownership Pro- most notable awards include the Distinguished 2012 gram. Service Medal, the Silver Star, the Bronze John began his career of providing afford- Star, and the Purple Heart amongst many oth- SPEECH OF able housing to Sonoma County California as ers.