THE DIAPASON JANUARY 2017 First United Methodist Church Dalton, Georgia Cover feature on pages 24–25 CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN ͞ŐůŽǁŝŶŐ͕ŵŝƌĂĐƵůŽƵƐůLJůŝĨĞͲĂĸƌŵŝŶŐ performances” / 860-560-7800 Mark Swed, The Los Angeles Times THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Eighth Year: No. 1, In this issue Whole No. 1286 The Diapason begins its 108th year with Timothy Robson’s JANUARY 2017 report on the Organ Historical Society’s annual convention, Established in 1909 held in Philadelphia June 26–July 2, 2016. We also continue Joyce Robinson ISSN 0012-2378 David Herman’s series of articles on service playing. John Col- 847/391-1044;
[email protected] lins outlines the lives and works of composers of early music An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, whose anniversaries (birth or death) fall in 2017. the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music John Bishop and Larry Palmer both examine the year and editor-at-large; Stephen will now take the reins as editor of The the season. Gavin Black is on hiatus; his column will return Diapason. I will assist behind the scenes during this transition. CONTENTS next month. Our cover feature is Parkey OrganBuilders’ Opus We also say farewell to Cathy LePenske, who designed this 16 at First United Methodist Church, Dalton, Georgia. journal during the past year; she is moving on to new respon- FEATURES sibilities. We offer Cathy many thanks for her work in making Thoughts on Service Playing Part II: Transposition Transitions The Diapason a beautiful journal, and we wish her well. by David Herman 18 As we begin a new year, changes are in process for our staff OHS 2016: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at The Diapason.