Activity Report 2008-2009 Bd. du Pont d’Arve 40 1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland T +41 22 379 84 71 F +41 22 379 82 77
[email protected] Impressum The Swiss Finance Institute Activity Report is published once a year. A publication of the Swiss Finance Institute. Editor: Jean-Pierre Danthine. Contributors to this issue: Anita Belitz-Krasniqi, Theresia Büsser Stalder, Rebecca Frank. The Activity Report can be obtained free of charge from: Swiss Finance Institute Bd. du Pont d‘Arve 40 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland Tel +41(0)22 379 84 71 - Fax +41(0)22 379 82 77 -
[email protected] Activity Report 2008-2009 s a world-leading financial center building on a rich history, Switzerland’s financial sector has A the natural ambition of housing a world-leading research and training center in banking and finance. The Swiss Finance Institute is the product of this ambition. Established at the initiative of the Swiss Bankers Association, it is a private foundation created in January 2006 with the support of the Swiss banking and finance community and SWX together with the Swiss Confederation, the Swiss National Science Foundation and several Swiss universities with the aim of advancing research activities in finance and executive education in the banking and finance sector. The Swiss Finance Institute encompasses three pre-existing foundations: the International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering (FAME), the Swiss Banking School and the Stiftung Banking and Finance an der Universität Zürich. This merger has led to the creation of one of the major European providers of research, doctoral training and advanced executive education in banking and finance.