

VOL. 1. NO.7 Big Rapids, !.Iichigan July 23, 1951

. BUlmmG ffiOOR,i1SS. Mon~ Progress Meeting was held the site at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jul¥ lB. Those present were: For the Institution" . President Brophy, It'. Pattullo" and Mr. DeMOSS; for the Building " Mr. . ~-'angema.n, and 11:. Arthur Decker, the project Superintendent; for the IJuskegon Construction Company, Mr. Smith and Mr. Mastenbrook; fC1!.' ...~ Distel Heating Company, ur. Holgate; and for the Construction t.; Machiner"J COmpany, ur. Brabon and Mr. Knight,; and for the , l!r'. Roger Allen.

Mr. Allen reported that the color scheme for all rooms in the East Wing has been determined. Mr. lD:rnest King, from the architect1s office, conferred With l!r. pattullo Friday to discuss the preparation of similar color schemes for the Vlest Wing.

Work on General C~struction is proceeding and all mechanical contractors are keeping up with the construction. All structural steel roof framing for the one-story sections will be in place by the middle of this 'week and will be ready to receiVe steel roof deck. ];!t'. Smith hB.f3 received word from the Detroit Steel Products Company (sub­ contractors for the steel deck) that this material Will be Shipped some­ time bet\"loon July 30th and August loth.

The fin!ll poUring of cement sla.bin the classroom building was completed last l'leck. The stone Window Sills have been received and installation has started. The alllnlinum vlindow frames Bl'e now being in­ stalled and arc ready for the laying of the glass blockS. Several of the room walls 'have beon started by tho masons. All lower stairways have been bricked in.

_ VJSrroRS. Campus visitors last vreek, in to those listed above, included tho follmving: ltr'. and Mrs. Al Cluts of the Statets Salary Payroll Division; ltr. Ell'rood Brake, Superintendent of Schools of Ionia County; Dr. Louis Smnson (.. Comnerce 1947) teacher-training director, Chattanooga, Te:Qllessee, first Ferris degree graduate to earn a doctorts degree (University of Temessee); Mr. Archie Cameron (B;S. C01llIIErce 1941), Comptroller, Vlashington, ,C. area of Greyhound Bus Lines.