Special Feature Maynooth GAA
Special Feature Maynooth GAA r'c~p LED? ~'-",-, ) about where to get I your ~ PRINTING REQUIREMENTS ~ then look no further Contact THE CARDINAL PRESS (IRL) LIMITED Dunboyne Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Telephone: 01 - 628 6695 III Fax: 01 - 628 6440 Grounds Development Committee 1960-66 Back: T. Flood, F. Leavy, J. Murphy, P. Delaney, T. Twomey, R. Farrelly, S. Nolan, D. Breen, P. Mowan. Front: J. McTernan, H. Richardson, O.Byrne, T. Richardson, F. Burke, T. Gurey, B. Durcan, J. Nevin, J. Timmons, J. Curran Contents IL JrJTI) 0 EDITORIAL MA YNOOTH NEWSLETTER Maynooth Festival PUBLISHED BY In a summer that has so far broken all records for rain, we Dowdstown, Maynooth, CO. Kildare MA YNOOTH COMMUNITY have to hope that the weather improves in time for the Maynooth Festival this month. Details of the range of events COUNCIL and activities are listed elsewhere in this issue and Editorial Board congratulations to the Festival Committee for putting the Ph: 6285391 & 6286371 Fax: (01) 6286509 Peter Connell whole thing together. Of course the success of the Festival Maeve Moloney depends on the participation of the local community. Events Anne Birchall where only a handful of people who turn up is very Sr. Christina Merriman dispiriting for all concerned. With new residents coming to Staff Members live in Maynooth in increasing numbers - many of us don't OrlaMurphy even know where some of the new estates are located - it is Karen Cullen important that the town's sense of community is 1\[OW .9Lo/.9LfL.91.'BLt£ strengthened by the success of events such as the Festival.
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