Title James Cousins and Sherard Vines at Keio University
Title James Cousins and Sherard Vines at Keio University: 1919-20; 1923-28 Part Two Sub Title 慶應義塾大学でのジェームズ・カザンズ:1919-20とシェラアド・ヴ ァインズ:1923-28 その2 Author Snell, William Publisher 慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会 Publication 2007 year Jtitle 慶應義塾大学日吉紀要. 英語英米文学 (The Hiyoshi review of English studies). No.50 (2007. 3) ,p.43- 68 Abstract Notes Genre Departmental Bulletin Paper URL https://koara.lib.keio.ac.jp/xoonips/modules/xoonips/detail.php?ko ara_id=AN10030060-20070331-0043 慶應義塾大学学術情報リポジトリ(KOARA)に掲載されているコンテンツの著作権は、それぞれの著作者、学会または 出版社/発行者に帰属し、その権利は著作権法によって保護されています。引用にあたっては、著作権法を遵守して ご利用ください。 The copyrights of content available on the KeiO Associated Repository of Academic resources (KOARA) belong to the respective authors, academic societies, or publishers/issuers, and these rights are protected by the Japanese Copyright Act. When quoting the content, please follow the Japanese copyright act. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) James Cousins and Sherard Vines at Keio University: 1919-20; 1923-28* Part Two William Snell Vines, come to my house of Life. These mats I call Faith, fi rst of all, would please you. Here is the pillar of Peace by the alcove. I believe you would like it, too. In winter you could warm your hands over the fi re of Humanity, in which I roast the chestnuts, Tears. And we, you and I, will enjoy their taste and Smile. The wind of Adoration may blow through the house when summer comes; It would be delightful, certainly, to gaze at the storm whose name is Excitement . I am sorry, Vines, that I did not tell you fi rst about the cook that I keep, Since all things in life, I know, should begin and end with a matter of diet.
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