1 F ebruary 2019 Via Em ail:
[email protected] Dr. Shane Worner International Organization of Securities Commissions Calle O quen do 12 28006 M adrid Sp ai n Re: Comm ents on IOSCO Report: Leverage D ear Si r , AQR Capital M anagement, LLC (“AQR”) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the International Organization of Securities Commissions’ (“IOSCO”) consultation report on assessi n g th e use of leverage by in vestm en t fu n ds (th e “ Report”). W e are very grat efu l to h ave had the opportunity to contribute to IOSCO’s work on this im portant topic over the past 15 months, speci fically i n bei n g able to at ten d I OSCO m eet in gs an d m eet I OSCO coun try represen t atives. T h is en gagem en t has given us an appreciation for the im port an t ch allen ges presen t ed to I OSCO and its constituent national regulators in im plem enting the Financial Stability Board’s (“FSB”) Recom m en dation s an d w e com m en d I O SCO for i ts th ough t ful an alysi s i n th e Report addr essi n g Recom m en dat i on 10, t h e iden ti fication an d developm en t of con si sten t m easures of leverage for fin an cial st abili ty purposes (th e “R ecom m en dation ”).