
Know Christ. Make Christ Known.

10:00am Worship for the Week of October 18, 2020 Our Purpose: “Know Christ. Make Christ known.” Our Vision: “Making Christ-Centered, Emotionally Healthy Disciples of Jesus, One Life at a Time.” Our Mission: “Reach and serve our local community, Equip their hearts, minds and souls, and Release them into the world to share God’s love.” Welcome to Red Hill Lutheran Church! If you are worshiping with us this morning, please visit redhillchurch.org and scroll down to the “Virtual Next Steps Card”. Also, so that we may ensure you are receiving news about the life of our church, please let us know if you have moved or changed your contact information by emailing any updates to [email protected].

Weekly Worship Times: Sunday: 8:30am - Classical - The Divine Service of Holy Eucharist 10:00am - Contemporary - The Divine Service of Holy Eucharist

Church & School Staff Rev. Dr. Seth Britton, Senior Pastor Marty Schaefer, Dir. of Arts and Worship Phil Gaylor, Middle School Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Paul Marquardt, Principal Isaiah Coughran, Dir. of Contemporary Carmen Gogosha, Preschool & Nursery Coor- [email protected] Worship dinator [email protected] Lori Browne, Director of Admissions [email protected] [email protected] Annie Caamano, Preschool Director Angie Calderon, Director of Biblical Community [email protected] Cyndi Tully, Church & School [email protected] Shelli Haynes, Administrator Dir. of Youth & Family Jason Harney, Director of Music/Principal [email protected] Ministry Conductor [email protected] Donna Kunz, Executive Assistant to [email protected] Beth Stoffregen, Senior Pastor Children’s Ministry Co- Dr. Linda Brown, Organist/ [email protected] ordinator Jubilee Bells, Hand Bell Choir/ Director [email protected] [email protected]

General Information [email protected] www.redhillchurch.org


10:00AM – Season After Pentecost Rev. Dr. Seth Britton, Senior Pastor

Preparing for Worship Creation is bathed in light and darkness, subject to chaos and order. But in all things, God calls, equips, creates, and makes things well. The culmination of His divine care is Jesus—the One whose Word unleashes pure Gospel, unmasks pharisaical deception, acknowledges secular authority, and yet infuses into mankind unrelenting hope, steadfast faith, and incredible mercy. Believers cling to these God-given things in the midst of all wrath and affliction, confident in salvation through Christ alone.

Congregation responses are in BOLD print.

RECKLESS LOVE Caleb Culver | Cory Asbury | Ran Jackson CCLI Song # 7089641 © 2017 Watershed Publishing Group (Admin. by Watershed Music Group) Bethel Music Publishing | Richmond Park Publishing CCLI#2115818

Call to Worship Though there are rulers, presidents, kings, queens, God is the Lord of all life. In God we live and move and have our being.

God requires our faithfulness and our service. We reach out to others with the same kind of love with which God has touched our lives.

Come, let us worship the Lord who is always with us. Let us praise God who walks daily by our side. AMEN.

YOU MAKE ME BRAVE Amanda Cook I stand before You now The greatness of Your renown I have heard of the majesty and wonder of You King of Heaven in humility I bow

Chorus 1 As (to) Your love in wave after wave Crashes over me crashes over me For You are for us You are not against us Champion of Heaven You made a way for all to enter in (to Your love)

Verse 2 I have heard You calling my name I have heard the song of love that You sing So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore Into Your grace

2 Bridge: You make me brave, You make me brave You call me out beyond the shore into the waves You make me brave, You make me brave No fear can hinder now the Love that made a way You make me brave, You make me brave You call me out beyond the shore into the waves You make me brave, You make me brave No fear can hinder now the promises You’ve made

Chorus 2 Because of love in wave after wave Crashes over me crashes over me For You are for us You are not against us Champion of Heaven You made a way © 2013 Bethel Music Publishing | CCLI Song # 7003306

Confession and Forgiveness In the name of the Father, and of the + Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Matthew 28:19; [18:20] Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1: 8-9 Silence is kept for reflection. Most merciful God, we confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen. In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for his sake God forgives us all our sins. I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the + Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3 SONG IN MY SOUL Brad Beal | Jonathan Smith | Phil Wickham | Travis Ryan Verse 1 There’s a song in my soul, and I feel it stirring in me This I know for sure, that Your love is like a flood And Your mercy never ending, I give my song to You

Verse 2 There’s a joy in my soul and it rises like the morning This I know for sure, that Your grace is enough And Your promise never breaking, I give my song to You

All of Your goodness is like a well running over Oh my soul it sings for You For all of Your goodness I will love You forever All my songs I sing for You Yes all my songs I sing for You

Verse 3 There’s a hope in my heart, burning bright in the darkness This I know for sure that I will look upon Your face Forever dwell in Your presence and always sing to You

Bridge: Let my life be to You a symphony, singing out holy holy All my days every single breath I breathe Singing out holy (You are) holy CCLI Song # 7113941 © 2018 Integrity’s Alleluia! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C Cook)) The Worship Society (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C Cook)) Hickory Bill Doc (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Phil Wickham Music (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC]) Simply Global Songs (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC]) Sing My Songs (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC]) Remaining portion is unaffiliated CCLI License # 215818 / CCLI#215818

Prayer of the Day Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

+Word+ Reading Psalm 33.1-12, 18-22 Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. 2 Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. 4 For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.

4 5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. 6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. 7 He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! 9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. 10 The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. 11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! 18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, 19 that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. 20 Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. 22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.

READING 1 Peter 3.13-17 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.

Here ends the reading Thanks be to God.

The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, the 10th chapter. Glory to you, O Lord.

Holy Gospel Matthew 10.24-39 “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household. 26 “So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

5 34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

The Gospel of our Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.

Morning Message Pastor Seth Britton

+Sacrament+ Tithes & Offerings If you are worshipping with us online, please consider visiting redhillchurch.org/give.

Offering Meditation GOOD GRACE People come together Strange as neighbors our blood is one Children of generations Of every nation of Kingdom come

Don’t let your heart be troubled Hold your head up high don’t fear no evil Fix your eyes on this one truth God is madly in love with you Take courage hold on be strong Remember where our help comes from

Jesus our redemption Our salvation is in His blood Jesus Light of heaven Friend forever His Kingdom come

Bridge: Swing wide all you heavens Let the praise go up as the walls come down All creation everything with breath repeat the sound All His children clean hands pure hearts Good grace good God His Name is Jesus CCLI Song # 7122177 © 2018 Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI License # 215818

The Lord’s Supper is the family meal for Christians. If you are a Baptized Christian, seeking a church home, a member of a congregation that proclaims the Gospel, and a disciple of Christ who desires to be forgiven and strengthened to live more faithfully for Christ, you are welcome to commune with us (Children, ages 2nd grade and above who are Baptized and who have received First Communion Instruction, are welcome to come commune with their family).

If you are not a Christian, or if you are not prepared to share in this meal, we encourage you to come forward for a personal blessing (indicate this by crossing your arms) or you can spend this time in prayer. Our hope is that this time is helpful to you as you consider your relationship with Jesus Christ and with His people, the church.

6 The Great Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. 2 Tim. 4:22 And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. Colossians 3:1 We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Ps. 136 It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is indeed right and salutary that we should at all times and in all places offer thanks and praise to you, O Lord, holy Father, through Christ our Lord. You bid your people cleanse their hearts and prepare with joy for the paschal feast. Renew our zeal in faith and life, and bring us to the fullness of grace that belongs to the children of God. And so, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join them in saying: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of pow’r and might: Heav’n and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Words of Institution In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.

The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Forever and ever. Amen

Communion At Red Hill, we come forward to the altar (front area) to receive Communion through the practice of Intinction.* You will be given the bread and will eat it. You will then be invited to pick up a cup of wine or grape juice to drink. After you have drank the Blood of the Sacrament, please deposit your cup in the receptacle at the end of the table. * If you are unable to come forward to receive Communion, please notify an usher and the servers will come to your seat.

Prayers for Those Not Taking the Lord’s Supper If you are not able to partake in the Lord’s Supper today, please use this time to meditate on one of the following prayers.

Prayer for Those Searching for Truth: “Jesus, you say you are the way, the truth, and the life. I ask you to give me the power to follow you as I learn more about you and your love for me. Please guide me, teach me, and open me to the reality of who you are. Give me an understanding of you that is coherent, convincing, and that leads to the life you promise. Amen.”

7 +Prayer of Belief: “Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever dared admit, but through you I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt on the cross, taking what I deserved in order to offer me complete forgiveness. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as my Savior and Lord. Amen.” +If you are saying this prayer for the first time today, please let one of the Pastors know.

GOD SO LOVED Marty Sampson | Matt Crocker Chorus: For God so loved the world That He gave His only Son That whosoever believes will not perish They shall have eternal life Verse 1 I shall hold to the cross I shall hold to God alone For His love has salvaged me For His love has set me free

Verse 2 I shall wait upon the Lord I shall wait upon His Word And by His grace I am released By His grace I am redeemed

Bridge: By His precious blood I have been set free For the glory of Jesus’ Name I surrender all now to Christ alone In Jesus I am saved CCLI Song # 7102394 © 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI License # 215818

O PRAISE THE NAME (ANÁSTASIS) Benjamin Hastings | Dean Ussher | Marty Sampson I cast my mind to Calvary Where Jesus bled and died for me I see His wounds His hands His feet My Saviour on that cursed tree

His body bound and drenched in tears They laid Him down in Joseph’s tomb The entrance sealed by heavy stone Messiah still and all alone

Chorus: O praise the Name of the Lord our God O praise His Name forevermore For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord oh Lord our God

8 Then on the third at break of dawn The Son of heaven rose again O trampled death where is your sting The angels roar for Christ the King

He shall return in robes of white The blazing sun shall pierce the night And I will rise among the saints My gaze transfixed on Jesus’ face CCLI Song # 7037787 © 2015 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com

Communion Blessing

The Invitation to Spiritual Communion A spiritual communion is a personal devotional that anyone can pray at any time to express their desire to receive Holy Communion at that moment, but in which circumstances impede them from actually receiving Holy Communion. My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I desire to offer you praise and thanksgiving as I proclaim your resurrection. I love you above all things, and long for you in my soul. Since I cannot receive you in the Sacrament of your Body and Blood, come spiritually into my heart. Cleanse and strengthen me with your grace, Lord Jesus, and let me never be separated from you. May I live in you, and you in me, in this life and in the life to come. Amen.

+Sending+ Benediction Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. In the name of the Father, the +Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dismissal Go in peace. Serve the Lord! Thanks be to God!

IN THE RIVER Chris Quilala | Joshua Silverberg | Mark Alan Schoolmeesters | Ryan Williams CCLI Song # 7054537 © 2015 Capitol CMG Amplifier (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Common Hymnal Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Red Red Pop (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI License # 215818

9 RED HILL QUILTERS ANNUAL QUILT SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS Date: TODAY on the church patio Wednesday Morning Bible Study Time: 8:00 - 11:45am The Book of 1 Peter Prices: Baby Quilts: $25.00 Wednesdays 7:00a.m. to 7:45a.m. (Livestreamed and Re- Unbound Quilts: $50.00 | Bound Quilts: $65.00 corded) in the Sanctuary Due to covid-19, we are also offering quilts for sale online. Teacher: Pastor Seth Visit www.redhillchurch.org/serve/quilters. Quilts are num- Living the Christian life in this world is never easy. While bered 1-95. To reserve a quilt, state quilt number and email some periods in Christian history were more volatile than Carol Hill at [email protected]. We will reserve the others, the truth is that Biblical, Christian faith, as well as the selected quilt for payment and pick up today (cash or check personal and social values that result from the Christian faith, only). will conflict with the dominant, cultural values of the current We have sewn over 350 quilts despite covid this year.The bulk age. The Apostle Peter himself experienced the tensions, of quilts will be sent to Lutheran World Relief on Oct 20th, conflicts, and sufferings that came because of his relationship 2020. Your purchase helps us purchase all supplies needed with Jesus Christ. Consequently, Peter writes to some churches during the year. Our amazing team sincerely thanks you for in the provinces of Roman Asia Minor, encouraging them to your support. hold on and stand strong! As one commentator notes: The readers of the Apostle Peter’s letter were confused and K.I.D.S. Ministry is an environment that allows kids to discouraged by the persecution they were encountering come together to Know Jesus, Impact the world around because of their faith. Peter exhorted them to stand strong, them, become Disciples of Jesus and Serve Others - repeatedly reminding them of Christ’s example, the riches of K.I.D.S.! their inheritance in him, and the hope of his returning again K.I.D.S. Ministry meets in the KIDS Zone and virtually on to take them to heaven. Sundays at 9:30am and Thursday afternoons at 4pm. Paradoxically, what Peter discovered personally, and then For more information contact Nursery & Preschool Coor- encouraged his community to discover as well, is that our dinator, Carmen Gogosha [email protected] or hope and power to live as Jesus’ disciples are found in the Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Beth Stoffregen beths@ sufferings, and ultimate resurrection victory, of Jesus Christ. redhillchurch.org. The Christ who suffered is also the Christ who is now exalted Preschool meets hybrid on Zoom on Tuesdays at 4:00pm. (1 Peter 3:19–22). Meeting ID is 999 394 0511. Password is “Orange” Join us, as we seek to gain a deeper understanding the context, K.I.D.S. Ministry Meetings are now online and in person! content, and message of 1 Peter, as well as the challenges Kinder-5th Grade: Thursdays at 4pm and threats the church faces in every age. And, through this understanding, to encourage and equip disciples of Jesus to Preschool - 5th Grade: Sundays at 9:30am persevere through the changes and challenges of this world, ZOOM MEETING INFO FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE: by living godly lives, being good citizens in the community, Meeting ID: 407 842 955 and being a faithful worker, spouse, and friend. Password: K.I.D.S. This study is livestreamed beginning at 7:20, as well as re- Red Hill’s Student Ministry intentionally joins middle corded and posted on our website so that you can participate school students, high school students, and college aged at any time! Hope to have you with us! folks in their faith journeys through small group growth and “Drive Through” Holy Communion relationships, as well as helping in our community, sharing We will hold Drive-through communion today from 11:10a.m. Jesus with friends, and learning more about God and His to 11:45a.m. plan for us. For information on our groups, contact Middle School Coordinator Phil Gaylor pgaylor@redhillchurch. Red Hill Women’s Book Club org or High School Coordinator Shelli Haynes shaynes@ The RHL Women’s Book Club will be meeting this Tuesday, redhillchurch.org. October 20th at 12:45 p.m. in Peter’s Parish. Our book choice This week: for the month is “The Masterpiece” by Francine Rivers. It’s amazing how the author intertwines her characters and reveals Middle School meets weekly on Wednesday 5:30pm - how God sees each of us as His masterpiece. No matter what 7:00pm (in person and online) at Peter’s Parish and we have done in the past God is still there waiting to hold us online. and love us. All women are welcome. Questions: contact Meeting id 161 782 574 Marlene Thorson, 714/352-5896 or [email protected]. MSMRocks Please contact Phil Gaylor for middle school youth informa- tion. If you are interested in joining Confirmation, please contact Shelli Haynes 10 High School meets in small groups: 9th-12th Guys meet Wednesdays 7pm (in person and online) at Peter’s Parish. PRAYER & CARE Healing, Recovery and Strength, Cancer: Tamara Lippert, Denise 9th/10th grade Girls meet in person and online at the Pace; Pat Niese, lymphoma; Drew Lippert, prostate cancer; Leo and Hickey’s Thursdays at 7:00pm Virginia; Kevin Walker, cancer of pancreas and liver; Sheila D., 11th/12th grade Girls meet in person and online at Peter’s ovarian cancer, complete healing; Barbara Miller; Linda Rebik, lung Parish Thursdays at 4:00pm cancer; Linda Tepe; Anameka Rogers, Joanne Skidmore, breast can- Meeting ID is 454 085 0475. The meeting password is cer; Lori Unis, ovarian and endometrial cancer; Janine, healing from “Confirmed.” ovarian cancer; Jane Thorson W., multiple myeloma; Christine Diane Holst, breast cancer; Jennifer Jacques, brain cancer; Kelly Vizolay, College Area Bible Study meets monthly Wednesday breast cancer; Gene, prostate cancer; Stevie Saunders; Gretchen Nights at 7:30 in person at Light of Christ Lutheran Groff Mitchell, breast cancer; Tim, healing from melanoma; Roy, Church. prostate cancer; Ginger, breast cancer; Sue Batarse; Gary Albright, healing from leukemia; Robert S., throat cancer; Chris, breast can- Please contact Shelli Haynes for information about High cer; Pam Hodge, breast cancer; John; Stacie Stone; Sarah Taylor, School and College ministries, [email protected] recovery after surgery of brain tumor; Edna Cole; Sharon Fisher. Other Physical Illnesses: Jeff Cadwell, MS; Edna Hohener; Carl ALTAR FLOWERS Newe; Eileen Hamilton; Ryan Maher, seizures; Sharon Walters, •In memory of Leo & Easther Kulcinski - Phyllis, Tino Philips; Maritza Bocks, brain tumor; Ron, dialysis; The Kulcinski children, David, Diann, Donna, Maren Doris Granell, Alzheimer’s; Diana Godinez’s dad, Alzheimer’s; Tin Ngo; Peter D., to be seizure free; Kristy Omohundro, healing; •In honor of John & Lynda Bjoin’s anniversary Diana C., multiple sclerosis; Chris Daly, liver transplant; Jim Wise, stroke and back surgery; Jodee, terminal illness; Harriett Anderson; Amber Benson, continued healing; Brennan, needs kidney; Steve, ANNIVERSARIES Parkinson’s disease; Tony’s mom, health and safety during dialysis October 20 Marshall & Danalyn Belgen sessions; Bill Calderon, continued healing; Chris Bannister; Priscilla October 23 John & Lynda Bjoin, Jeff & Jodi Sprosty Yale, sciatica. US Military Service: Air Force: Adam Curiel, Jr., Frankie Schaefer, Brandon Perry, Captain Brianna Robinette, Gilio Hennigan, Gavin THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS Crawford; Army: Cameron Calderon, Calvin Tyler Crawford, Army October 18 Conrad Hohener, Jr. National Guard: Anya Rigoni, Army Ranger: Kevin Brown, Navy: October 20 Matt Smith, Brooke Rigoni, Jack Woodman Matt Browne, Matthew Curiel, John Farrinacci; Marine Corps: October 21 Cynthia Conrad Taylor Spinoglio, Giacomo Hennigan. October 22 Scarlett Oard Peace, Comfort: Pat Clarke, on the loss of her daughter. The Ho- October 23 Haniel B. Robert hener family. October 24 Emma Enssle, Ken Hays, Bettie Ore, Kelsey Waldron

11 Sunday October 18th, 2020 Sermon Series: “Living in the Two Kingdoms” Sermon Title: “Because Jesus Lives—We Live for Jesus!” Matthew 10.24-39. This Week’s Mark(s) of Discipleship: Faithfulness (I trust in God’s faithfulness, seeking to honor God in words and deeds, particularly through establishing relationships where I can be relied upon). ______

Engaging Our Culture. Why It Matters What We Believe:

Our lives will be ______by what we believe.

Matthew 10.26-31“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

We’ll either listen to the WORLD or the WORD!

Our lives will be ______by what we believe.

Matthew 10.38-39 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and who- ever loses his life for my sake will find it.

εὑρίσκω (heurisco) = ”To find” “Win” “Preserve”

Proverbs 29:18 “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed.” (The Message)

Our lives will bear ______by what we believe.

1 Peter 3.15-17 …BUT IN YOUR HEARTS HONOR CHRIST THE LORD AS HOLY, ALWAYS BEING PREPARED TO MAKE A DEFENSE TO ANYONE WHO ASKS YOU FOR A REASON FOR THE HOPE THAT IS IN YOU; YET DO IT WITH GENTLE- NESS AND RESPECT, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.


□ Memorize Proverbs 4.23.

□ I commit to listening more to the Word than the world.

□ I will surrender to Jesus as Lord and Savior in my life and be baptized.

(Answers: Shaped. Blessed. Witness.)