[.] DOCKING. 266 [POST OFPIC~ parishioners. There are also two other wells in the parish SuMMERFIELD (anciently Southmere), is a parish, a mile about the same depth, one of which was sunk in 1851, · and a half north-\\'est from Docking, with which pari~h it is when two men lost their lives by the earth falling upon connected for all pour-law purposes only, containing only them; the three wells now amply supply the inhabitants six dwellings, though upwards of 1,200 acres of land, which with excellent water of icy coldness. The church of St. belong to Major Humphrey John Hare, J.l'. The founda­ Mary is a Gothic building of stone and flint, and is in good tions of the church can still be traced. The living is a repair: it l~onsists of nave, chancel and porch, and has a sinecure rectory. in the gilt of Eton Colleg-e, and held by the handsome tower at the wrstern end containing 1 bell; the Rev. H. Battiscombe, 1\I.A., of Merton College, Oxford. The interior is very neat, having several monuments to the Hare tithes are commuted at £320 yearly. family : the chancel window is of five lights, and is filled with stained glass: the font is large, with many carved figures much mutilated : an organ was erected in 1856, -- at a cost of £157 10s., raised by subscription, and has PosT & MoNEY ORDER OFFICE & Post Office Savings since been enlarged; there are 700 sittings. The register Eank.-Miss Mary Ann Lee, sub-postmistress. Letters dates from the year 1558. The living is a discharged are received through Lynn, & arrive at 7.30 a.m. & are vicarage, yearly value £570, with .re~;idence and about dispatched at 5.5 p.m. on week days. Money orders are 40 acres of glebe !and, to which Eton College presents, granted & paid from 9 a.m. till6 p.m. daily, except sun­ on the nomination of the Bishop of , and held by days. The office is opened on sunduy from 8 till 9 ll..m., the Rev. Horatio Bolton, M.A., of Caius College, Cam­ when it is closed for the remainder of the day, but the hl'idge, and wl1o resides at Norwich. The great tithes are letters are dispatched at 2.50 p.m commuted at £1,ll4-. A National school was erected in the MAGISTRATES, attending Docking & alter­ year 1860 for boys and girls: a Sunday school is held in the nately, & for the hundred :-Capt. John Davy, R.N.; above school-room. The Wesleyans and Primitive Metho­ Charles Fawcett N eville Rulfe, esg. ; John Calthrop, dist~ have each a cummudiou~ chapeL A Working Men's egq.; .Major Humphrcy John Hare; Jamcs Hollway, Institute was established in 1868, which is supplied with esq. ; Ham on S. Le Strange, esq.; Rear-Admiral Sey­ daily and weekly papers and periodicals: an attempt is mour, M.P. & Capt. William Campbell being made to raise funds to ereet a permanent building. A INSURANCE AGENTS:- market is held on Saturday fur the sale of swine and Life Association of Scotland, William Crookham other stock. A Police Station was erected lwre in 1854, London Assurance Fire~ Life, William Burcham at a cost of £1,200: it is a neat building of white brick, and contains residence for superintendent and two well PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTs:- ventilated cells. The Union Workhouse was erected in Union Workhouse, Rev. Hugh Jamcs Hare, M.A. chap­ 1836, at a cost of about £9,000: it is an extensive brick lain; 'V alter Chinery, master; Mrs. Eleanor l\[ ary Chir1ery, building-, situated about a mile wt>st from the church. matron; George Parry, surgeon; Miss Susanna J arvis, The union comprises the following thirty-seven parishes, school m is tress embracing an area of 128 square miles, ~nd in 1861 had a Police Station, William Rose, euperintendent population of 17,596:- (Eastern Division)- Bagthorpe, PUBLIC OFFICERS:- Barrner, Barwick, , Burnham Westgate, Burn­ Chairman to the Board of Guardians, Major Humphrey ham Decpdale, .Burnham Norton, Burnham Sutton and .John Hare, J.P Ulph, Burn ham Overy, , Broomsthorpe, Superintendent Regutmr, Alfred Spanton, esq. Hun- , South Crcake, Houg·hton, , 8tanton . , and Waterden. (Western Division) RPgistrar of Births ~Deaths for Docking District ~ -An mer, Newton, Birch am Tofts, Eire.• ham MaE!na, ]}farriages for the Whole Union, John Isaac Livock Cbosely, Der~ingham, Docking, Fring, Heacl1am, Holme­ Deputy Registrar of Births§; Death.~, Charles Goodwin next-the-Sea, , , Oreat Ring­ A udito1', W. C. Hotson, e:lq stead, Sed<5eford, Shernhourne, Snettisham and Syderstone, Rel-ieving Officers, Richard Wright (Western divisibn), & Thornham, and . Petty sessions arc held at the William Smith (Eastern division) Hare inn on the last Monday in each month. The Common Inspectors of Nuisances, John Isaac Livock,John William has been enclosed, four acres being· reserved for recreation. Beeton, Georg-e , & James C. Goshawk The lord of the Jnanor is Sir W. H. Folkes, Bart., and he National School (boys & girls), William Crookham, and Major Humphrey John Hare, J. P., who resides at the master; Miss Elizabeth Akhurst, mistress Hall, an Elizabethan building, Rear-Admiral Seymour, 1\!.r., and John Calthrop, E-q., are the principal land­ Railway Station, vVilliam Mann Simmons, station master owners. Tl·e soil is of a light sandy nature; subsoil is CARRIERS TO:- principally gravel or flint. The crops are wheat, barley, FAKENIIAM-Joseph Godfrey, thursday & saturday turnips, mangold-wurtzel and seeds. The population of LYNN-Henry Howard, from , passes the parish in 1861 was 1,626, and the area is 5,113 acres. through monday & thursday, returning tuesday & friday; Parish Clerk, Charles Goodwin. J oseph Godfrey, tuesday PRIVATE RESIDENT8. Burton Abel, carter Howard Thomas, bricklayer llur~ris Mr. Edward Chambers William, 1\I.R.c.v.s. veteri­ Howell Thomas, boot maker Burgis Mr. Robert nary surgeon J arvis Thomas, shopkeeper Curl Mr. Jacob, Manor house Claxton Charles, 'l'he Bell J ennin gs Samuel, pork butcher Curl Mr. John Caller Richard, coal merchant, Station, Johnson Charles, plumber, glazier & Freeman John, esq. Summerfie Id & at Norwich house decorator Grimes 1\Ir. William Cook George, blacksmith & beer retailer Johnson James, plumber & glazier Hare Rev. Hugh James, M.A. [curate Coombe Mary (Mrs.), milliner & straw J ohnsonJ oshua,saddler& harness maker in charge], Vicarage · bonnet maker Lack James, farmer, baker & miller Hare Major Ilumphrey John, J'.I'. Cri~p Edward, blacksmith Lee Anna (Miss), stationer &c Docking- ball Crisp William, carpenter Lee George, tailor Marsters Mr. Thomas, Lugden hill Crookham William, schoolmaster, & Leggett Edward, carpenter Oliver Mr. Robcrt John organist of parish church Livock John lsaacs, tea dealer, regis­ Parry George, esq Curl Jacob, farmer, Manor house trar of births, deaths & marriaies Pickrell Mr. Thomas Curson & Lawson, grocers, drapers & for the union of Docking- district Preston Mr. Thomas Goodall wine merchants Marsters Thomas, farmer, Lugden Hill Sadgrove Rev. Frederick Edmund Curtis Charlotte (~lrs-), pork butcher farm [assistant curate] Curtis Richnrd,carpenter& wheelwright Mason William, beer retailer Sharpe Samuel, esq. Sunderland house Curtis William, jun. beer retailer Miller Robert Davey, Hare ~ com­ COMMERCIAL. Curtis William, sen. bricklayer mercial inn Anderson James, boot & shoe dealer Dearns Philip, tinman & brazier Mitchell John, carpenter, wheelwright Bennett Georg-c, grocer & draper Edwards Sirnmons John, painter &c & blacksmith Bennett Robert, blacksmith El dredge John, beer retailer Mitchell William, Plough hotel §; Bennett Thomas, baker Freeman John, farmer, ~ummerfield commercial inn - Berry John, land agent to Major Godfrey Joseph, carriPr N eale Robert, baker & earthenware dlr Humphrey John Hare, .T.P Goodwin Charles, carpenter, & parish OliverEdward, corn, coal & cake mercht Burcham William, grocer, draper & clerk & deputy registrar of births & Olh·er Rohert John, farmer farmer, & agent to tl1e London deaths Oliver William, farmer, High house Assurance Fire & Life Office Goodwin Geo. shoe maker & shopkeeper Parry Georg-e, surgeon Burgis Edward, farmer Hacon Sarah (Miss), day school Phillippo James, watch maker Burgis Robcrt, butcher & farmer High James, KingWilliam the Fourth Pickrell Geo.family&dispensing chemist