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5041 REINHARDT DRIVE • SHAWNEE MISSION, KS 66205 • 913-262-2700 • WWW.BISHOPMIEGE.COM -MISSION STATEMENT- A Catholic community of faith, strives to develop the potential of our students through spiritual growth, academic success and stewardship. -MIEGE COMMUNITY PLEDGE- We pledge ourselves to build up the Kingdom of God. Christ, the ultimate expression of love, calls us to proclaim the Good News to all our brothers and sisters. We will use our God-given “Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders; no talents so that the light of Christ may limits. He sends us to glow individually and collectively. everyone.” -Pope Francis May our example ignite the sparks of faith in others! TABLE OF CONTENTS Miege Faculty, Staff and Administration ............. 2 Rules and Regulations ...................................... 18 Bell Schedule ...................................................... 3 Discipline System and Policies ......................... 19 Bishop Miege Facts ............................................ 4 Uniform/Dress Code Policy ............................... 26 Student Handbook .............................................. 5 Awards .............................................................. 28 Parent Organizations .......................................... 5 Tuition Payment Policies ................................... 30 School Services .................................................. 5 Organizations .................................................... 30 Academic Criteria ............................................... 8 Student Sportsmanship .................................... 31 Spiritual Development .......................................10 Alcohol/Drug Abuse Guidelines ........................ 32 Academics ........................................................ 13 Student Activity Policies ................................... 33 Guidance and Counseling Department ............. 16 Sports Schedules .............................................. 58 Bishop Miege High School Faculty and Staff ADMINISTRATION GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Dr. Joe Passantino, Ed.D. President Mr. Brady Beek, M.A., Director Mr.Randy Salisbury, M.S.E. Principal Mrs. Judy Cowin, Learning Resource Specialist, B.S. Mr. Michael Hubka, M.E. Associate Principal/Athletic Director Mr. Dan Meara, M.A. Counselor Mr. Joseph Schramp Ed.S. Assistant Principal Mrs. Elaine Schmidtberger, M.A. Counselor Mrs. Lisa Beek, Registrar COORDINATOR FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Mr. Jeff English, Administrative Assistant Ms. Sonya Salazar, B.A., Director of Campus Ministry/Christian DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Social Service Program Father Larry Bowers, M.Div. Chaplain Mrs. Susan Tremonti, Vice President of Development Mrs. Teresa Stockton, Director of Communications & Graphics ADMISSIONS Mrs. Colette Bernica, Development Associate Mrs. Patricia Morgan, Development Assistant Mrs. Patti Marnett, Director of Admissions Mrs. Merritt McShane, Development Associate BUSINESS & COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPT. SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Professional support staff Mr. Brien O’Neill, M.S.E. Mr. Alan Thomas, M.Ed. Chairperson ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Mr. Scott Anderson, M.A. ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS DEPT. Mr. Matthew Eshelbrenner, M.A. Mrs. Barbara Allen, Bookkeeper Mrs. Alison Hirons, M.S.E. Mrs. Jan Easterday, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Mary Engler, M.A., Chairperson Mrs. Angela Lueckenotto, M.N.A.S. Mrs. Mariann Jaksa, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Teela Bolzenius, M.S.E. Mrs. Amy Reed, M.A. Mrs. Chris Kirk, Controller Mrs. Diane Freeland, M.A. Sr. Martina Rockers, M.S. Mr. D.J. Gemmill, M.A. ATHLETICS Mrs. Phyllis Hartwig, Ed.S. SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Mrs. Jami Hedrick, M.A. Ed. Jon Holmes, Assistant Athletic Director Mrs. Melissa Reynolds, M.A. Mr. Joe Allen, M.A. Mr. Daniel Schaeffer, M.A. Mr. D.J. Gemmill, M.A. ATTENDANCE OFFICE Mrs. Tina Wendling, B.A. Mr. Will Gorden, M.Ed. Mr. James Wilcox, M.Ed. Mr. Jon Holmes, Administrative Assistant Mr. Rick Zych M.A. Ms. Fran Tucker, Attendance/Receptionist FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE DEPT. Ms. Sarah DiDio, M.S. THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT CAMPUS MINISTRY Mr. Bill Creach, M.L.A. Chairperson Mrs. Lynnette Koenig, Administrative Asst. FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT Mr. Steve Koesterer, Ed.S. Ms. Renee Schultz, CMT Assistant Mrs. Robin Christie, B.M.E. Mr. Charles Sailler III, M.S. Ms. Tiffany Miller, B.A. Mr. Ross Dessert, M.T.S. FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE Mrs. Nancy Weber, M.S. Mr. Evan Maslak, B.A. Mrs. Tina Wendling, B.A. Mr. Frank Harkins, Facilities Manager Mr. Dennis Mueller, B.A. Mr. Charmus Bell, Custodian Mrs. Melissa Reynolds, M.A. WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Ms. Brenda Jones, Custodian Ms. Elizabeth Nelson, B.A. Mr. Jeff Jones, Custodian Mr. Matt Emory, M.Ed. Mr. Rodney Jones, Custodian Miss Laura Eshelman, M.A.T. MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Mr. Charles McCord, Custodian Mrs. Diane Freeland, M.A. Mrs. Clara George, M.S.E. Chairperson Mrs. Clara George, M.S.E. Mr. Calvin Ross, Custodian Mr. Hank Brown, B.S.E. Mrs. Vanessa Wiegman, M.A. Mr. Ryan Wrigley, Maintenance Mrs. Amy Carman, M.S. Mrs. Joan Gladbach, M.S. LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER IT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Andrew Groene, M.S. Mrs. Judi Wollenziehn, Ed.S, Librarian Kincaid IT Ms. Cheryl Lacer, M.S. Mr. Dave Mitchell, M.A. SCHOOL NURSE SECURITY OFFICE Mrs. Maura Peterson, R.N. PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH DEPT. Mr. Kenneth Carpenter Mr. David Eller, B.S., Chairperson Mr. Terry English, B.S. Ms. Linda Ernst, M.S. 2 2014-2015 • BISHOP MIEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 Bell Schedules SCHEDULE I REGULAR SCHEDULE IV HOMEROOM/ACTIVITY SCHEDULE VII STAG/ACTIVITY Hour 1 7:50-8:42 Hour 1 7:50-8:35 Hour 1 7:50-8:30 Hour 2 8:47-9:38 Hour 2 8:40-9:25 Hour 2 8:35-9:15 Homeroom 9:43-9:48 Homeroom 9:30-9:35 STAG 9:20-9:54 Hour 3 9:53-10:44 Activity 9:40-10:13 Activity 9:59-10:33 Hour 4 10:49-12:05 Hour 3 10:18-11:03 Hour 3 10:38-11:18 4A Lunch 10:49-11:11 Hour 4 11:08-12:24 Hour 4 11:23-12:39 Class 11:16-12:05 4A Lunch 11:08-11:30 4A Lunch 11:23-11:45 4B Lunch 11:16-11:38 Class 11:35-12:24 Class 11:50-12:39 Class 10:49-11:11 4B Lunch 11:35-11:57 4B Lunch 11:50-12:12 Class 11:43-12:05 Class 11:08-11:30 Class 11:23-11:45 4C Lunch 11:43-12:05 Class 12:02-12:24 Class 12:17-12:39 Class 10:49-11:38 4C Lunch 12:02-12:24 4C Lunch 12:17-12:39 Hour 5 12:10-1:01 Class 11:08-11:57 Class 11:23-12:12 Hour 6 1:06-1:57 Hour 5 12:29-1:14 Hour 5 12:44-1:24 Hour 7 2:02-2:55 Hour 6 1:19-2:04 Hour 6 1:29-2:09 Hour 7 2:09-2:55 Hour 7 2:14-2:55 SCHEDULE II MASS SCHEDULE V LATE START Hour 1 7:50-8:28 Hour 2 8:33-9:11 Hour 1 8:15-9:03 Homeroom 9:16-9:21 Hour 2 9:08-9:55 Mass 9:26-10:41 Homeroom 10:00-10:05 Hour 3 10:46-11:24 Hour 3 10:10-10:57 Hour 4 11:29-12:45 Hour 4 11:02-12:18 4A Lunch 11:29-11:51 4A Lunch 11:02-11:24 Class 11:56-12:45 Class 11:29-12:18 4B Lunch 11:56-12:18 4B Lunch 11:29-11:51 Class 11:29-11:51 Class 11:02-11:24 Class 12:23-12:45 Class 11:56-12:18 4C Lunch 12:23-12:45 4C Lunch 11:56-12:18 Class 11:29-12:18 Class 11:02-11:51 Hour 5 12:50-1:28 Hour 5 12:23-1:11 Hour 6 1:33-2:11 Hour 6 1:16-2:03 Hour 7 2:16-2:55 Hour 7 2:08-2:55 SCHEDULE III SCHEDULE VI PEP ASSEMBLY Hour 1 7:50-8:39 Hour 1 7:50-8:36 Hour 2 8:44-9:32 Hour 2 8:41-9:27 HR/Activity 9:37-10:01 Homeroom 9:32-9:37 Hour 3 10:06-10:54 Hour 3 9:42-10:28 Hour 4 10:59-12:15 Hour 4 10:33-11:49 4A Lunch 10:59-11:21 4A Lunch 10:33-10:55 Class 11:26-12:15 Class 11:00-11:49 4B Lunch 11:26-11:48 4B Lunch 11:00-11:22 Class 10:59-11:21 Class 10:33-10:55 Class 11:53-12:15 Class 11:27-11:49 4C Lunch 11:53-12:15 4C Lunch 11:27-11:49 Class 10:59-11:48 Class 10:33-11:22 Hour 5 12:20-1:08 Hour 5 11:54-12:40 Hour 6 1:13-2:01 Hour 6 12:45-1:31 Hour 7 2:06-2:55 Hour 7 1:36-2:22 Pep Assembly 2:27-2:55 2014-2015 • BISHOP MIEGE HIGH SCHOOL 3 Bishop Miege High School OUR HISTORY The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas established Bishop Miege High School in 1958. Miege was named in memory of Bishop John Baptiste Miege, the first bishop of the territory of Kansas. Bishop Miege was instituted as a co-educational archdiocese school to serve Northeastern Johnson County. Today, the school’s geographical boundaries have expanded, and the school enrolls young men and women from throughout the Johnson County region, as well as students from Missouri. OUR PHILOSOPHY We believe the responsibility of a Catholic school community in a democratic society is to provide as many varied opportunities for accomplishment and development as the individual student’s aptitude, skills and potential will allow. We further believe that each student comes to us as a member of another community-the family-and within that community resides the student’s primary educators: his/her parents. We, therefore, include in our educational process the parents, as well as all others who contribute to the total education of the student. OUR EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Our goal is to serve unmarried students who seek admission, to identify their needs and to provide a variety of programs to serve those needs and interests, thus providing for a comprehensive educational process which fosters the development of the student as a whole person.