Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-03-15
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Play.aeview- Th. Weat"., ,...., deuIIr, ____ alii In .... ....... I~ Henry IV ........ H" .....y In .... 2h. Further ... 1iUe. leek: P.rtty cIeu4y... ....., w_ FriMy. diat oi owon lite Given Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of IOtDtJ City exl&. IIU 1 I Ceota per eop,. Thursday, March 15, 1962. Iowa City, la. lid Hardy IGo that 1 lot By BRYAN REDDICK !ilia Written for The D.lly 1_.... ~ !lin Throughout this year the quality of plays around the campus has dIiaJ been getting consistently better. IlIr. The Studio Theatre production of Pirandello's " Henry IV" which Appeals for Arms Race End liter U.S.' . opened Wednesday night begins no . ~ iIII· counter trend. nln I have long thought that the best review anyone could write would I consist of one word , "Go." That is Red; Cancei , B~rlin Ai; c*orridor* H* * * * t Must Maintain Nuclear Might' the word for this shoW. • • • PIRANDELLO IS. of course, one ~~~~~~~_a_r_a_s~s_~~e_n_ lnA~H~AU~~~KM~ ' of ilie more interesting of contem· porary dramatists (not American, CE lEV (AP) - The United States mad its opening lied again!. In "Henry IV" he plays Defiance by Kennedy Raps impact on the disarmament conference Wednesday with a U, with a great many seeming para· doxes of the world. There is the no· Whitl'! HOllse appeal for are end to the nuclear anns race ~ew and a warning that in the cold war 1111 tion of appearance versus reality, Amerira must maintain nuclear I, in resolved with the idea that ap· West Forces Soviet Action might In the Atlantic Alliance. I/tt, pearance i. reality. "Here we are, together." Senate OKs The appeal from PresiMnt Ken· las The title characLer shows the Postponement In Air Lanes nedy was addreased to Secretary mi· temptation to run lrom the " world of State Dean Rusk and was made of life," as he calls it. To cl'eale Drink Change the public here and in Washington at N~. a pleasant fantasy free from the New Russian Plan Says Interference By NORM ROLLINS anxieties of the apparently Inde· lbe KeMedy new. conference. l~ . Was Considered Causes Hazard to re- terminable (but determined) fu· As the 17-naUon confen!DCfl cot laid ture, by retreating into the known Dangerous Threat Accord on Berlin SUI's Student Senate voted un· under way In an atrnospbel'tl of history. This, however, turns out laS· BERLIN <UPIJ - In the face of WASHINGTON IA'I - President animously Wednesday night to rec· hope that the Ipread of nuclear est, to be little comfort. omm nd to the Committee on Stu· weapons might be hJllted, the Pre· The important thing is to realize American and British defiance, Kennedy said Wednesday that the lee· R' d d Il d Soviet Unio n was laking "a par· dent LiCe to approve the po ses· sident railed oa negotlatora to lit. that one is playing a role, to play USSla We nes ay night cance e tlcularly dangerous kind of action" ion or consumption or alcoholIc work to reverie the course oC hll· leo- it consciously. The individual must plan Cor dangerous night flights in lacing the air lane to Berlin beverages in off·campus houslJJi. tory and achieve a complete end resign himself to the things that mi· by Soviet milita(y planes in the with metallic chaff. The resolution, presented by Jim to lhe nuclear weapona race with 811. are not governed by his will. adequate treaty ..feguardl . Berlin air corridors. Especially while the Geneva dis· Rogers, A3, Urbana, Ill., called IIIId • • • Cor a change in wording In the IT IS the modern world, the hu· Planning to harass Allied air armament conference is under The w.m.... w •• In ....... IIGr I Cod oC Stud nt Life. The new ment of U.S. nuele.,. pelley tent man beings devoid of human ieel· travel, the Rus ians scheduled four way, Kennedy told a news conrer· Personality Profile wording would be "The po se slon in a letter "- RUM .. r/· Jngs, which the king rejects. He is military nights in the Berlin.Ham. ence. it wo\lld seem tbat both sides ______--I_i..... ______ _ U.,.. disgtlsted by the sheep, who curio should lend every effort "to a void of con umption of beer, wIne. or 5ocrof ..y-General U ThMt. 'Uo, other intoxicating beverage by ously resemble men, who do not burg air corridor at Ihe same time incidents that are Jlable to lead Replying to a U.N. questionnaire. lex· F L d F h any student on the campus or with· :01, understand. But he cannot do any· and altitude as scheduled Amerl· to aelions and counteractions which Rusk declared that the United ane.· ea ers, res men ill a dormitory, chapter hou e, or States is opposed to the spread oC thing about it, after all. He must can and British passenger planes. can only intensify the danger." in approved orr·campus housing Is nuclear weapons power beyoad the play his role. But the first Allied airliner, a The Pr•• ldent didn't .nlw.r Perhaps I should note that by the cause for dismissal for the UnI· four nations that hav~ It JlqW, versity. " end of the first act, peace lies in British European Airways turbo· directlyUnited St.t"• question contemplat whether••• theny N d d SUI G0 These nallons are the United ee e ,·n vernmenf The Code of Student Life now Stales, Britain, Russia and France. the hands of the Pope, forgiveness prop carrying 42 passengers, leCt counterm•• sur.. to dl.cour.ge !Si. (or the klng's sins, salvation. But Berlin lor Hamburg at 7:35 p.m. the Runl.nl. But h•• ald the r('ads: "The possession or consump But Rusk stressed that America ess t~is is all part of the role; by the 1 :35 p.m., five minutes ahead of h.rassment POSH .ddltional ha~· tion of beer. wine, or other Intoxl· wlll keep up tbe nuclear atriklng end o( act two we find that the ards to .n .ccord on B.rlln. (IOITOR'S NOT.: This I, thl ,eC. be dispenscd with." know aU the inroads and subv r· cating beverages by any tudent force of the West W1tU elfecUve lor· schedule. Its flight plan called for ond In • "rlls of porson.llty pro· lid. Pope's peace helps some but hurlS filii on thl thrll unlllChlliS fo, "I want to see student govern· sive methods to accompli. h my on the campus or within n dorml· international agreements on dis· it to be in the corridor when tbe The Ru sians not only have been ,'udlnt body prl.,dent. ,., proflll ment become likc those at Michi· own personal goals, but rather tory , chapter house, or in ocr· the others. dropping tinfoil fragments thal in· on thl thlrll c.nllld.t., Quentin armament and peace are achieved. ich "Woe to anyone who does not Russian harassment was to begin. lerfere to some extent with the ef. Miller, will fOllow lomorrow.) gan or Wisconsin. At thes schools, that (I sen,itivity and an aware· campus housing is cause for dis· The Rusk .nd Kennady Iof· uld know to wear his mask." The Russians then called of[ their lectiveness oC radar but they also By NORM ROLLINS student government plays an ac· nes to the opinion , id (I , and in· mis al from the University." m.de public ." the tive role in Unil'er ity actions. We t.,. w.... • • • flights, a few minutes after the have been scheduling flights in the Staff Wrlt.r ter st oC the Senat and the camp· The resolution I. subloct to ap· U.S. d...... ien a. the conference ADJECTIVES oC praise, as any· are curtailed in power and funds, us aL large." era British plane took off and shortly Berlin aerial routes at the time of An improved freshman orienta· prov.1 of the Commltt•• on Stu form.lly betan It. we"'. ght one who reads these columns regu· and as a result, we can't give at· Fane. a member of Lamda hi dent Lit.. before the American plane, a Pan. Allied flights. tion program and bringing "hid· t ntion to issues (hat are import· In his letter, the President pre· larly will affirm, are not my forte, Alpha social rraternity, said, "the After extensive discussion of the but I must overcome my natural American De6, was to leave Ham· Two hours beCore Kennedy was den" campus leaders into student an!." campus has been too split up in lhe dlcted the disarmament tast would burg Cor Berlin, speaking here of the hazards of role of the University Administra· be long and he warned against Inclination. The produelion was affairs is lhe formu la for effective past into the well·known divi sions The new Russian plan was con. harassment, there was a sudden, Serving as chairman of the proj· t(on and the Senate - whether th y pessimism, fine. Despite a very slow begin· student government, Larry Fane, ect AlD variely show, as IFC's or Greek \'ersus Independent. U's nre administrative bodies or par· ning and some blocking which ap sidered the most dangerous threat unexplained cancellation of the always been my opinion that too "We must pledge ourselves at to Allied air travel since the start Cirst flights the Soviet Union had candidate lor student body presi· representative to the Senate, and enLal guardians - a resolution rec· peared very awkward and arbi· in other student government ad· many people degrade the others, the outset to an unceasing effort trary (perhaps somewhat defens· of the Soviet campaign to restrict scheduled in the corridors at night.