October/November/ December 2012 The and Barbuda High Commission Official Newsletter

A newsletter produced by the High Commission for nationals and friends of Antigua and Barbuda Issue 151

Prime Minister Spencer New Year Message 2013 "Realizing Hope - Committed to the Task" “Each Endeavour- you shared, will give you the past year. Particularly, comfort. our overseas Permanent ing all Representatives and non- I wish to also offer my best resident Ambassadors are to Achieving” wishes and prayers and that be highly applauded for their of the government, for a dedication. speedy return to good health, to all those who are Expressions of gratitude are warded in hospitals or at also extended to my Cabinet home including the Hon. Colleagues and other mem- Minister of Education Dr bers of parliament, senators Inside This Jacqui Quinn-Leandro. and parliamentary secretar- Issue Honourable Dr Baldwin W ies for their support Spencer, Prime Minister of An- To those who care for our throughout 2012 and for Prime Minister re- tigua and Barbuda ceives „UN Vision- loved ones in hospitals and remaining committed and ary Leadership 4 nursing homes, the govern- staying the course in advanc- Award‟ My Fellow Antiguans and ment expresses its gratitude ing the government‟s People Barbudans; Residents for your service. Your un- First agenda. Citizenship for In- 5 vestment (CIP) Law and Friends of Antigua selfish dedication to giving and Barbuda: back to the nation of Antigua Throughout this New Year, Clarence House 6 and Barbuda deserves all of it is my hope that we will all restoration project As we stand at the portal of our commendation. recommit to redoubling our Barbuda MP made 7 a New Year, we are remind- efforts to continue to serve „Acting Prime Minis- ed that it signals a new start Words of gratitude are also the people. ter‟ and new hope for a better expressed to the men and Antigua and Barbuda. As a women of our security forc- His Excellency the 7 High Commissioner nation, we are thankful to es, public servants, members attends Independ- Almighty God for his bless- of non-governmental organi- Full message can be read ence celebrations ings throughout 2012 and for zations, service clubs and the on giving us the opportunity to church for your national ef- www.antiguabarbuda.gov.ag Curliss Bart passes 11 usher in a New Year. fort in doing good for Anti- Antigua and Barbu- 13 gua and Barbuda. da participates in Unfortunately, there are 31st December 2012 Commonwealth Fair some members of our Anti- I wish to also commend * * * * * * * * CCTV project for 17 gua and Barbuda family, who those ambassadors who have Antigua are no longer with us this worked tirelessly to deliver Major Tourism 20 year. To their families, it is for Antigua and Barbuda in Development Pro- my hope that the memories significant ways throughout jects in 2013

Antigua and Barbuda High Commission, 2nd Floor, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP Telephone:020 7258 0070 Facsimile:020 7258 7486 Email: [email protected] 2

High Commissioner’s Christmas Message December 2012

Every year at this time as I sit down to write a fitting message for the Newsletter, my thoughts reflect back over the many days gone by to recall happenings of significance in my life and the lives of those around me. This year is indeed of much significance for it carried many memorable mo- ments of joy and yet some of sadness. There was much joy associated with the celebrations of the Queen‟s Diamond Jubilee, the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. These were juxtaposed with the many natural disasters and man-made incidents of sadness.

The presence of the cold winds of winter re- minds us also of the period of Advent; that spe- cial time leading up to Christmas when we recall and celebrate the coming of the Messiah – Jesus Christ into this world. It is also a time when faith is tested severely, and human kindness is in much short supply. Where is the love that our Lord His Excellency Dr Carl B W Roberts, CMG spoke of and St. Paul wrote about when he stat- High Commissioner to the Court of St James’s ed that “love suffers long and is kind”.

In my Christmas message for the December 2008 Newsletter (Issue #130), I pointed out the many behavioural traits and “accomplishments” which characterise societies of today. I ask myself then, if our Lord Jesus were to visit this world today, would he not chide us as he did the Sadducees and Phar- isees of his time. It is therefore truly a time to re-adjust --- to bring things back in line with the life style which our Saviour demands of us all.

We have seen an increase in fighting, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes and many other forms of activities which bring devastation on mankind. The effects of the recent financial crises are still with us even today. The level of uncertainty is still forcing many governments, companies and families to cut spending in an effort to mitigate further deterioration in the quality of living and distress. The green shoots which were seen during 2012, have either died or are struggling to grow.

We boast of tremendous achievements and yet there are still too many persons living below the pov- erty line. New strains of illness challenge the authorities on a regular basis. The wealth of the world is being enjoyed by the “few” at the expense of the “many”. We are finding it difficult to re-adjust our lifestyles to spread the benefits of the resources of the world and the technological advances we have achieved. We talk of pledges and not of commitment. The Bible speaks of service with words (our lips) and not with action (our hearts). We struggle with a commitment to do what is right; willing only to do and justify action for what is expedient.

The final effect and consequences of many world events are still too early to determine. The uprisings in the Middle East, the change of Leadership in France and the success of President B Obama in the recent USA elections are just a few of these. We hope much good will come out of all of these in 2013 and beyond.

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I was delighted to read of efforts in the UK in the area of green energy generation with the world‟s first 1 Gigawatt offshore wind farm project that will supply power to some 750,000 homes – a quar- ter of those in London. The project, known as the London Array, uses some 341 wind turbines and will reduce the carbon emission by nearly 2 million tonnes per year.

For those of us who follow , there was a certain feeling of joy at the news of the West Indies Cricket team‟s recent success. Was it the beginning of good things to come, a green shoot of success which we hope will thrive and flourish? We certainly wish the team and particularly the , con- tinued success.

Let us therefore as stated in the Daily Watchwords of the Moravian Church ask our Lord to “bring sanity, justice and peace to [our] wayward world”. Let us ask to be taught to reverence the earth and to care for other people; not to harm anything that [God] has made, either by neglect, deliberate fault or thoughtless greed.

Finally, I take this opportunity on behalf of my family, the staff of the High Commission, the Govern- ment of Antigua and Barbuda and of my own behalf, to wish all the readers of this publication Seasons Greetings. May the Season of Christmas and the expectations of the New Year bring an upliftment of our spirits. May the God, we serve, bless and protect each and everyone of us now and throughout the New Year (2013).

His Excellency Dr Carl B W Roberts, CMG High Commissioner to the Court of James’s

“May God Bless and Protect us now and throughout the New Year”


Prime Minister Spencer Prime Minister which stated: year‟s expo, a UN-sponsored forum receives UN Visionary “I am pleased and honoured to be and the fifth one of its kind, has Leadership Award given this prestigious award, whose over 30 organizations, agencies and significance is seen in the goals de- institutional partners, and will high- veloping countries have strived to light the dual themes of sustainable achieve through the multitude of energy and climate change and South-South alliances that have showcase more than thirty practical, been formed over the years. I successful interventions in the field would like to thank the United Na- that have raised living standards and tions Office for South-South Coop- promoted sustainable growth and eration for this singular honour, prosperity in developing countries. which recognizes leaders who have used South-South cooperation as a These Southern-grown develop- uniting framework to foster eco- ment solutions range from renewa- nomic integration, the formation of ble energy to energy-efficient tech- negotiating blocs during multilateral nologies; green economy pathways; negotiations, political alliances, shar- energy access and climate change; Prime Minister the Honourable Dr. social protection, job security and W. Baldwin Spencer received the economic empowerment in energy South-South and Triangular Vision- sectors; restoring and rehabilitating ary Leadership Award in a ceremo- degraded habitats and ecosystems ny held at the headquarters of the services; food security, agricultural United Nations Industrial Develop- productivity and the conservation of ment Organisation (UNIDO), on agriculture; protection of health, the first day of the 5th Annual well-being and livelihoods of venera- Global South-South Development ble populations and many others. (GSSD) Expo 2012.

Ambassador Ashe, who opened the The Visionary Award is given annu- Expo in his capacity as President of ally to leaders from countries and the UN High-level Committee on institutions that focus primarily on South-South Cooperation, opined the development of the global South that he hoped that the Expo will who, through their actions, have spur greater innovation, greater placed the cooperative spirit centre partnership, greater energy and in- stage in international efforts to im- terest in tackling the common chal- prove the human condition. ing of knowledge, experience and lenges to development in a coher-

technology, cross-sectoral collabo- ent and collective manner so as to In accepting the award on behalf of ration and in advancing cultural ex- ensure that the development gains the Prime Minister, who could not changes.” are equitably shared by all countries attend the ceremony, Antigua and of the developing world. Barbuda‟s Ambassador to the Unit- The award ceremony is part of the ed Nations H.E. Dr. John W. Ashe five-day GSSD Expo 2012, which 20th December 2012 read out a statement from the runs from November 19-23. This * * * * * * *

Useful Telephone Numbers in Antigua and Barbuda

Registrar of Births, Marriages, Deaths—001 268 462 3725 Land Registry—001 268 462 3745 0r 562 3943 or 562 3894


CIP to become law by the House in the early hours of No- create ongoing and sustained tax first quarter of 2013 vember 17, but changes made dur- revenues and other forms of in- ing the Committee Stage have ne- come; cessitated other changes, Attorney General Justin Simon explained.  Ensure social development in areas of health care, education, While delivering the 2013 throne sports, youth development, cul- speech Governor General Dame ture, environment management Louise Lake-Tack said it is with the and care for senior citizens; vision for mobilizing international capital while leveraging the coun-  Generate significant capital try‟s competitive advantage that injection annually into the national

government has designed the Citi- economy; The Citizenship by Investment zenship by Investment Programme. Programme will become law by the  Support the development of first quarter of 2013. The Bill will Dame Louise said Government‟s infrastructure, and return to the Order Paper for the adoption of a Citizenship by Invest-

Lower House in the New Year, ment Programme is based on con-  Ensure that nationals continue owing to technical drafting issues fidence that it will: to have access to affordable lands. that were caused by changes made to some sections of the proposed  Promote economic growth, 12th December 2012 legislation. bolster job creation and fuel entre- * * * * * * preneurship; The Bill passed in the Lower  Attract developments which

Commercial develop- weighed our original estimates as to jump-start activity in the con- ment to get boost we expect the total value of pro- struction sector and this has in through Construct Anti- jects to exceed $100 million by the turn benefitted wholesale and retail time the CABI is set to conclude at trade, increased employment, and gua Barbuda Initiative the end of February 2013.” Minis- improved the demand for private sector credit” The Finance Minister said.

“Undoubtedly, the CABI has con- tributed to the expansion in eco- nomic activity in 2012.” he added.

The Finance Minister anticipates that as all the projects are imple- mented over the coming months, this programme will help to secure further growth in the economy.

CABI was launched in July 2011 by the Government of Antigua and Government will expand the Con- ter Lovell said. Barbuda. The purpose of the initia- struct Antigua Barbuda Initiative tive is to stimulate the construction (CABI) to now include commercial Once the CABI concludes in Feb- sector of the economy by reducing development. Minister of Finance ruary 2013, there will be an assess- the cost of home ownership Hon. Harold Lovell said the recom- ment of its operations and full im- through government incentives and mendation is a proposal from the pact on the economy. Minister private sector participation Employers‟ Federation. Lovell said the initiative demon- strates the great outcomes that can 21st December 2012 “Government is very pleased with * * * * * * be achieved when Government and the results of the Construct Anti- the private sector work together gua and Barbuda Initiative. The im- to boost economic activity. pact of the programme has far out- “Through the CABI, we managed

6 Clarence House restora- ward Islands, as well as a honey- Featured speaker Minister of Finance tion project launched moon spot for royalty, will bring Harold Lovell, meanwhile, noted the economic and historic importance of the project.

He, too, expressed heartfelt grati- tude to Harrison, saying "for him to have donated three million US, I wonder if we can really understand the magnitude of his generosity and the significance of the gift."

"We are looking at another serious step and milestone as Antigua and Barbuda takes another step towards World Heritage status for Nelson's Dockyard," the minister said.

A timeline of 12 months was given great benefits to residents and visi- There was levity in the air and it for the project, which will be man- tors alike. combined with pride, purpose and a aged by the National Parks Authori- sense of accomplishment to create a ty. MP for the area, Eleston Adams, A jovial Harrison, whose 115-foot feel good moment as the Clarence who was also fulsome in praise for yacht, Sojana, was the overall Anti- House Restoration Project was the donation and the work by the gua Sailing Week winner this year, launched at the site. National Parks Authority, issued a joked that National Parks Commis- plea for residents of St. Paul to be sioner Anne-Marie Martin pitched considered for jobs. the Clarence House project at the The project, which will restore the right psychological moment. state house and the gardens to its Andrew Goodenough has replaced onetime majesty, is being funded by an ailing Junie Davis as the engineer, To be clear, Harrison said he was a US $3 million grant from Peter Dr. Murphy noted. He also said the initially hesitant, informing Martin Harrison and the Harrison Founda- labour force would come primarily that his UK-based charity has a focus tion. from the team responsible for the on supporting sporting activities and upkeep of the dockyard. projects that provide opportunities

for disabled and other disadvantaged Harrison, a sailor who has visited Praising their artisanship and lament- individuals. the country annually since his maid- ing its scarcity, the archaeologist en outing in Antigua Sailing Week announced that the Clarence House He quickly added, "Obviously, I must in1995, has also committed to a US project would have an apprentice- have been so mighty pleased having $1.5 million loan to construct a new ship programme, in concert with the won the Lord Nelson Trophy." Of harbour that will accommodate up Ministry of Education. his expectation for the end product, to 10 super yachts at any given time. Harrison said he is expecting the "Everyone who works with the pro- "wow factor." ject will be certified by the Ministry

The British benefactor, it was also of Education in historical site resto- Trustee of the Clarence House revealed, has funded the expansion ration and, as such, care considera- Trust Dr. Reginald Murphy ex- of the National Sailing Academy at tion will be placed in the recruit- pressed confidence that the finished satellite locations at Jolly Harbour ment process," Dr. Murphy said. product would rival any heritage site and Parham. The programme's roots in the world. In painting a picture of are in English Harbour. Clarence House was built in 1804- what will be -- stately inside, botani- 1806 for the Duke of Clarence, the cal splendor outside -- he referenced future King William IV, who served Jamaica's famed historical landmark Chairman of the National Parks Au- under Horatio Nelson as a captain. Devon House and said Clarence thority Claude Anthony, who ex- Hurricanes in 1998 dismantled the House would be better. pressed gratitude to Harrison, called verandas off two sides of the house, the moment "joyous. causing damaged to the stone walls "We have a project here that we can and roof. Termites also wreaked surpass every island in the Caribbean havoc with the wooden aspects of He said a restored Clarence House, if we can get it right," Dr. Murphy the structure. once home to naval dockyard com- added. 14th December 2012 missioners, governors of the Lee- * * * * * * 7

Barbuda MP made — Minister of Public Works and bly; the first Barbudan to hold a post ’Acting’ PM in November Transport Trevor Walker is viewing as a substantive minister of govern- as historic his appointment to act as ment; the first Barbudan to be a prime minister in the absence of the member of the Cabinet of Antigua chief servant and his deputy from the and Barbuda; and the first Barbudan country. to act as prime minister," Walker said. The Member of Parliament for Bar- buda assumed the reins from 22nd The Minister of Public Works said November 2012 and sat at the helm he sees the confidence reposed in until 1st December 2012. Prime Min- him as an inspiration for all Barbu- ister Baldwin Spencer was attending dans. a conference in Dubai, and Minister of Finance, the Economy and Public "It proves that we can be equals in Administration Harold Lovell was in this state of Antigua and Barbuda , attending a meeting of the and that Barbudans can and must aim OECS Authority. high," Minister Walker said.

Honourable Trevor M Walker, Minister of "I am the first Barbudan to address 23rd November 2012 Works and Transport the United Nations General Assem- * * * * * *

Celebrations in the UK


31st Anniversary of Antigua and Barbuda’s Independence

The 31st Anniversary of Independence was celebrated in the UK by the Antigua and Barbuda Association London Thanksgiving Service at St Matthias Church on Sunday 28th October 2012. The address was given by His Excellency Dr Carl B W Roberts, CMG, High Commissioner under the Theme, “ Antigua and Barbuda—One Family: Uniting for a Cleaner, Greener and More Pro- ductive Nation”. Many nationals and friends attended. Some Renditions included Antigua and Barbuda National Association Choir, Harry Hughes steelband.

On Tuesday 30th October 2012 Evensong at Westminster Abbey was dedicated to Antigua and Barbuda’s Independence and was attended by nationals and friends of Antigua and Barbuda. The Second Lesson was read by His Excellency Dr Carl B W Roberts, CMG, High Commissioner.

The grand finale was a dinner dance held on Saturday 10th November 2012 at the well-known Holiday Inn Russell Square organized by the Antigua and Barbuda National Association. His Ex- cellency Dr Carl Roberts and Mrs Pauline Roberts, spouse of His Excellency, Nationals from all around the UK including Leicester attended in numbers to join in the celebrations.


Construction ahead of ing the facility, with 30 percent of the Featuring extensive retail space with schedule for New Airport overall investment funneled into the a food court and modern comforts local economy through the employ- such as Wi-Fi Internet Access, and Terminal ment of local contractors and other two VIP lounges. The 165,814 square

services. foot terminal will have 26 check-in

counters, and 20 immigration desks. Five months after work began on the The Chinese are responsible for the construction of a new terminal at the design and construction of the pro- Minister Maginley said Government V C Bird International Airport, Gov- ject, providing the necessary con- is committed to enhancing the over- ernment officials toured the facility struction machinery, equipment and all visitor arrival and departure expe- and were able to see first-hand the materials, and dispatching the requi- rience and is therefore extremely progress at the construction site.

Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Baldwin Spencer, Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation Hon. John Maginley, Non-Resident Ambassador to the People‟s Republic of China; David Shoul, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China; H.E Ambassador Liu Hanming and Senator Joanne Massiah were among the officials that toured the facility.

According to Consultant Engineer for the Airport Authority, Mr B.T Lewis, the contractors are ahead of schedule on the project and they are now entering level one of the facility.

However officials are currently nego- tiating an expansion to the facility site number of Chinese technicians pleased to be making a move to a which will include car parks. and workers to Antigua and Barbuda more equipped terminal.

to organise the construction. Ambassador Shoul said the negotia- “We have to keep pace with other tions are in progress, “…but in a “It is a good cooperation project for Caribbean islands and this new air- short while everything will be put to Antigua and Barbuda and after the port will significantly enhance our rest.” terminal is completed it will be a tourism market. Airports are the

good push for the tourism industry.” first and last impression you have of Prime Minister Spencer said he is, H.E Ambassador Liu Hanming said. an island and we want to make sure “overly impressed I think they have that we have a wonderful facility to done an excellent job so far.” The People‟s Republic of China has join with our warm and friendly peo-

granted a $300 million RMB Grant/ ple.” Maginley said. The country‟s leader noted the new Concessional Loan to the govern- facility will open economic doors and ment to construct the terminal. The new airport terminal is expected assist with the development of a to be completed in December 2013. strategic plan for the country. The new facility will be fully air con-

ditioned with modern structures 6th September 2012 The China Civil Engineering Con- such as elevators, escalators and * * * * * * struction Corporation is construct- three jet bridges.


Prison Farm officially but he foresees that surpluses could Project Coordinator John McKinnon launched be sent to the Central Marketing within the Ministry of National Secu- Corporation (CMC) and even ex- rity shared with those gathered some ported. The funds generated could of the business oriented plans being initiated as a part of the project. He made reference to the Contract Farmer Programme which will see inmates trained in the practices, eco- nomics and technology of modern farming being available provide days labour on local farms for a fee. He also noted that the farm has a small scale livestock production used pri- marily for the needs of the prison.

Mr. McKinnon joined the Minister of National Security and the Minister of Agriculture in thanking all of the per- sons and businesses that contributed to the ongoing success of the pro- ject. Special mention was made of the heavy duty operators that initially cleared the land, as well as Diamonds Estate, APUA, ABDF, Transport Board, the Permanent Secretary and staff of the Ministry of national Secu- rity, members and departments of then be used to create other pro- A critical aspect of the rehabilitation the Ministry of Agriculture and the grams that would benefit inmates. He programme within Her Majesty‟s hardworking inmates and prison of- added that the project was made Prison was officially launched on ficers. possible in no small part by the Gov- Wednesday. The trust to re-establish ernment of the and the prison farm at Duers‟ Estate was Governor General Dame Louise the British High Commission. unveiled to the public in a short on Lake-Tack in her remarks wished the site ceremony. “gentlemen farmers” the best, and Minister Cort said the primary pur- encouraged them to engage in self pose of the prison farm is rehabilita- The prison farm, located on 12 acres employment on release as they now tion as inmates learn techniques of of land has already started to yield have a valuable skill that will enable farming and will not only be equipped produce such as carrots, okra, sweet them to do so. to provide food for themselves on potatoes, peppers and corn. Inmates their release, but also engage in gain- work daily on the farm which is ex- Persons wishing to support the pris- ful employment. pected to provide produce not only on farm project are asked to contact for the prison, but whose surplus is the Ministry of National Security at Minister of Agriculture Hon. Hilson expected to serve other entities such 562-5416 or 562-6471. Such help is Baptiste said the farm could ease the as the Fiennes Institute. always appreciated. government‟s and CMC‟s bill by pro-

ducing the foods needed to feed all

institutionalized persons. He congrat- Minister of National Security and 9th December 2012 Labour, Sen. the Hon. Dr. L. Errol ulated the inmates and the project * * * * * * Cort said not only will the “bountiful team and pledged the continued sup- crops” be used to feed the inmates, port of the Agricultural Ministry.

To Our Readers

We apologise for the lateness of the receipt of the newsletter

10 Honouring our National One sure thing can be said of VC that Antiguans and Barbudans had to Heroes Bird, he loved Antigua and its peo- be self-reliant and chart the course ple. This love drove him to enter of independence from the colonial the field of politics so that he could powers in order to achieve eco- lobby for the people against the co- nomic prosperity. Furthermore, his lonial landowners. His drive, convic- foresight enabled Antigua and Bar- tion and passion for Antigua pro- buda to expand its productive base pelled VC Bird to assist in the inde- beyond the sugar industry and to pendence process for Antigua in diversify its economy, thereby laying 1981. the groundwork for the increased economic growth and development Dame Georgiana (Nellie) Rob- that the country has experienced. On Sunday 9th December, 2012, inson, Antigua‟s lone female hero- Antiguans and Barbudans celebrated ine. King Court Tackey (Prince „Heroes' Day‟, which is the day set Klaas) aside to honour the lives of Anti- At the mere age of 18, Nellie Robin- guans and Barbudans, whose contri- son started her own school the In 1736 Klaas and three other slaves butions to the country have changed T.O.R Memorial School. Nellie af- who were fed up of their deplorable the history of Antigua and Barbuda forded local disadvantaged children conditions decided to plan an elabo- for the better. a chance at secondary education, rate revolt against the slave owners. which was not available to them at Unfortunately their plot was discov- These individuals include: First the time. With a strong hand and ered and they were executed. In Prime Minister of Antigua and Bar- firm conviction Miss Robinson was those days to even think of trying to buda -- The Hon. Dr. Sir Vere the headmistress of the still existing take your fortune into your own Cornwall Bird Senior, Second Prem- school from 1898 to 1950. hands was more than courageous. ier of Antigua and Barbuda -- Sir George H. Walter, Cricket Legend - Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Rich- - Sir Vivian Richards, educator and ards is by far Antigua‟s most famous The National Heroes‟ Day is an op- leader in education -- Dame Geor- sports personality. portunity to discover the lives of giana Nellie Robinson, and the lead- these heroes of Antigua and Barbu- er of the slavery revolt that freed Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards, da and see the possibilities of the the country from slavery regulations known as the “Master Blaster,” was Antiguan and Barbudan identity. -- King "Prince Klass" Court. a champion cricketer for Antigua and Barbuda. Known for his forceful The National Heroes Day Commit- While Heroes Day is a means of batting skills, he is arguably the tee organised the following activities remembering the part these great greatest batsman of his generation. for National Heroes Day. persons played in nation building, Richards received an honorary recognizing their contributions on knighthood for his services to crick- Sunday 9th December 2012: an annual basis will also serve to et, and was named in Wisden 2000 10:00 a.m.-Service of Recognition at inspire new generations of citizens as one of the Five Cricketers of the the Salvation Army Citadel – Long to do the same. Century. Street followed by wreath laying at the St. John‟s Public Cemetery, King The Right Honorable Doctor In his career he played 121 test Court (Prince Klaas Monument) Vere Cornwall Bird Sr, Antigua‟s matches and scored 8450 runs col- Independence Drive and Heroes first Prime Minister. lectively. Cricket lovers all around Park – Tomlinsons. the world hold Sir Viv in high re- Sir Vere Cornwall Bird was the first gard; hence he was voted one of the Monday 10th December, 2012: Prime Minister of Antigua and Bar- top five cricketers of the century. 10:00 a.m. -Official Opening Cere- buda from 1981-1994. Although he mony Precision Centre followed by lacked any formal education aside Sir George Herbert Walter was an exhibition. from primary school, his work expe- the second premier of Antigua and rience in both the Salvation Army Barbuda. Monday 10th December 2012: and the Antigua Trades and Labour 5:00 p.m. - Portrayal of National Union sparked his interests in un- In his short tenure from 1972-1976 Heroes ionism and politics. He was elected Sir George managed to pass the So- to the colonial legislature in 1945, cial Security and Labour Acts, which 7th December 2012 and became the founding member of were adopted, by many Caribbean * * * * * * the Antigua Labour Party. In 1994 islands. As a leader, Sir George had he was declared a national hero. a vision for his country. He believed

11 Farewell Curliss God Speed

Curliss Adorothy Elise Bart, Counsellor Antigua and Barbuda High Commission London

“We’ve known lots of pleasure, at times endured pain. We’ve lived in the sunshine and walked in the rain. But now we’re separated and for a time apart, but I am not alone—You’re forever in my heart. Death always seems so sudden, and it is always sure, but what is oft’ forgot- ten—it is not without a cure. I’m walking now with someone, and I know He’ll always stay, I know He’s walking with you too, Giving comfort everyday. There may be times you miss me, I sort of hope you do, but smile when you think of me, for I’ll be waiting for you. Now there’s many things for you to do, and lots of ways to grow, so get busy, be happy, and live your life, miss me, but let me go”. (Excerpted from the Bookmark printed in memory of Curliss)

A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Curliss Adorothy Elise Bart was held on Friday 21st December 2012 at The Good Shepherd Anglican Church, St Johnston’s Village, Antigua

His Excellency Dr Carl Roberts, CMG, High Commissioner, Mrs Pauline Roberts, spouse of His Excellency and staff at the Antigua and Barbuda High Commission and the Antigua and Barbu- da Tourism Authority London wish Curliss God Speed and God’s Blessings as she undertakes the next journey in her life. May her family and friends find comfort in the knowledge that she is at peace— no more pain.

"What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?" (Psalm 8:4).

12 Ms Chalene Roberts is now After successfully completing a three a qualified CONGRATULATIONS year training contract within the As- Chartered Accountant. set Management department at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the Re- public of Ireland, Chalene Roberts, daughter of the High Commissioner, Dr Carl B Roberts and Mrs. Pauline Roberts, is now a qualified Char- tered Accountant. Chalene is quoted as saying “the road to this destina- tion has been long, but with God‟s help and with much time and effort invested, this qualification has been achieved. My success in becoming a chartered accountant is down not only to my own efforts, but also to the love and support I have received from my parents, brothers, and the entire family circle. I must say a hearty thank you to my family and to everyone who has prayed for my success over the years”. 12th December 2012 * * * * * *

Government to simplify will see the Lands Division establish- Meanwhile throughout 2013, Gov- land ownership procedure ing and implementing a fully function- ernment will continue its effort to increase the production of cotton al Management Information System. for the Japanese market. Further The process whereby Antiguans and expansion will also be made to the Barbudans will be able to own a This will assist the division in attain- production of pineapple at Cades piece of the rock will be simplified by ing a 25% increase in land develop- Bay Pineapple Station and efforts will the United Progressive Party admin- ment for both residential and com- be made to supply planting material istration in 2013. mercial purposes by the end of 2013. to farmers in order to increase the production of the Antigua Black

Pineapples. Governor General Dame Louise In 2013 Government intends to: Lake-Tack made the announcement during the 2013 Throne Speech. Ac- Focus will also be on promoting the cording to Her Excellency during this 1. Establish five subdivisions for sustainable development and respon- Parliamentary Year, Government development: Piccadilly, sible management of fisheries and intends to simplify the process by Weir‟s Estate, Bendals, All aquaculture activities in Antigua and which Antiguans and Barbudans can Saints‟, and Powell‟s; and Barbuda‟s waters. attain land ownership. 2. Develop a subdivision for commercial use within the first 14th December 2012 This process, a part of the Public six months of 2013 in * * * * * * Paynter‟s, Belmont and Old Sector Transformation Programme, Parham Road.

Antigua and Barbuda Pensioners’ Social Security Life Certificates

Kindly note that Pensioners‟ Life Certificates can be witnessed and signed at the

Antigua and Barbuda High Commission, 2nd Floor, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP

For more information or to make an appointment please Telephone 020 7258 0070 13 National Workshop on The Presenters hailed from the One participant echoed the senti- Customs and Immigration French Coast Guard, The Royal Ca- ments, “that she found the workshop Controls Improves Border nadian Mounted Police, and The OAS quite useful and is assured that her Anti- Trafficking Unit. Also making new knowledge and skills will assist Security presentations at the workshop was her to be more effective in her du- an Expert in Crime Investigation Pro- ties.” Through an initiative of the Organiza- cess on Human Trafficking, and CEO tion of American States (OAS) in col- of the Florida Coalition Against Hu- The Director of the ONDCP laboration with the Office of National man Trafficking (FCAHT) – USA. thanked the three branches of the Drug and Money Laundering Control OAS Secretariat for Multidimensional Policy (ONDCP), a Workshop on The main objective of the workshop Security, namely the Secretariat of Immigration and Customs Controls was to deliver technical training to the Inter-American Committee was held at the Jolly Beach Hotel personnel who carry out immigra- against Terrorism (CICTE), the Exec- from the 12th to 16th November tion, customs and border controls/ utive Secretariat of the Inter- 2012. Participants were drawn from security functions responsible for American Drug Abuse Control Com- the ONDCP, Antigua and Barbuda detecting, preventing, and combating mission (CICAD) and the Depart- Airport Authority (ABBAA), Royal criminal activity at all points of entry ment of Public Security (DPS) for Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda, into Antigua and Barbuda (airport and their support and assistance in Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force/ seaport). The Course modules in- providing capacity building training for Coast Guard, Antigua and Barbuda cluded passenger physical and behav- law enforcement in order to better Port Authority, Customs and Excise ioural screening; baggage and cargo protect the borders of Antigua and Division and Immigration Depart- screening; trafficking in persons; and Barbuda. ment. inspection of travel, identity and oth- 5th December 2012 er documents. * * * * * *

Antigua and Barbuda at On sale were handicrafts made For those who donated and as- The Commonwealth Fair in Antigua and Barbuda and sisted we wish to extend a big some made by Geraldine Philip, thank you for your efforts in making the day successful.

We wish to convey our appre- ciation and gratitude especially to Ms Geraldine Philip, Ms Sharon Edwards, nationals of Antigua and Barbuda and Miss Maria Blackman, Marketing and Communications Executive Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority London for so will- ingly giving of their time.

Seen above: left to right: Ms Geraldine Philip, Ms Sharon Edwards, H E Dr Carl B W Roberts, CMG, High Commissioner and Mrs Pauline Roberts, spouse of His Excellency

Antigua and Barbuda yet again Susie’s Hotsauce, our aged old this year participated in the English Harbour rum, fruit Commonwealth Fair on Satur- punch, delicacies such as sugar Seen above: left to right: Ms Geraldine Philip, day 3rd November 2012 at cake, fudge, guava jelly. Ms Sharon Edwards, Mrs Pauline Roberts, and Kensington Town Hall, London. Miss Maria Blackman General tourism information

leaflets were also available.


Antigua Barbuda Sales of goods sold in Antigua and Barbu- community, particularly for the da during the period, from 12:01 Christmas season, Minister of Fi- Tax Relief am on December, 15, 2012 to mid- nance Harold Lovell said.

“In an effort to provide a stimulus to the local business community, while at the same time expressing a heartfelt thank you to the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda for their support and patience, the Govern- ment of Antigua and Barbuda has agreed to this initiative,” Minister Lovell said.

All citizens and residents were en- couraged to avail of this opportuni- ty to shop locally for all their holi- The Government of Antigua and night on December 16, 2012. day supplies and gifts, and to save Barbuda reduced the Antigua and while they shop. Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST) rate The decision followed consultations from 15% to 5%, on Saturday, De- with the business community and 11th December 2012 * * * * * * cember 15 and on Sunday, Decem- technicians in the Ministry of Fi- ber 16. nance, the Economy, and Public Administration. The aim is to pro- The reduction applied to all types vide a boost to the local business

New debit card for Peo- computer and other technical chal- the Multipurpose Centre at Perry ple's Benefit Programme lenges associated with the debit Bay on January 2, 3 or 4, 2013 be- cards used to facilitate purchasing tween the hours of 9am and 4pm transactions caused significant in- to receive their new cards. convenience to both our benefi- ciaries and vendors. The government remains commit- ted to ensuring that the benefits of Given the United Progressive Party the PBP reach the target group of Government‟s People First Agenda persons within our community and its commitment to effectively who require assistance most. meet the needs of the most vulner- able in the society, certain changes have been initiated which are ex- Beneficiaries of the People‟s Bene- pected to enhance the shopping fit Programme (PBP) will receive experience of our stakeholders. new and improved debit cards in 2013. In 2009 the Government of Consequently, effective January 2, Antigua and Barbuda launched the 2013 a new and improved debit PBP – a social driven initiative card will be introduced to all exist- which provides qualified beneficiar- ing beneficiaries. As a result, cur- ies with a monthly subsidy valued rent cards will expire on Decem- at $215 used towards the purchase ber 31, 2012 and cannot be used of groceries and selected personal for purchases after this date. items at approved vendor outlets across our twin island State. To accommodate the efficient and

seamless exchange of cards, ALL 14th December 2012 Currently there are approximately beneficiaries and/or their author- 1,800 persons who are benefitting ized payees are requested to take * * * * * * from this programme. Throughout their current PBP debit cards along the latter half of 2012, repeated with valid photo identification to

Excerpted from www.antiguabarbuda.com; caribbeannesnow, caribbean360news 15 New police station opens in that other police stations across the those men and women who would Carlisle country were in similar states as that have moved into the new quarters in of the Coolidge. Carlisle to go door to door and in- troduce and integrate themselves A new police station, located in Car- Station and Minister of National Se- into their new community. This, he lisle, was recently opened during a curity Dr Errol Cort, in his remarks, said, was a critical component of the brief ceremony attended by Minister called on Commissioner of Police Community Policing Initiative. of National Security Dr Errol Cort, Vere Browne to ensure that similar Commissioner of Police Vere spaces as the one in Carlisle, were The blessing of the new quarters was Browne and other officers. sought for the stations on the south- conducted by Deacon George Rich-

ern side of the island, such as the ards of the Anglican Church, a for- Officers expressed their appreciation Nelson‟s Dock Yard. mer police officer himself. for the new quarters, as the Public

Works Department has condemned Commissioner of Police called on 11th December 2012 their previous location. It was noted * * * * * *

Christmas Barrel initiative January 2013. The Initiative is de- toiletries will attract the normal du- began 1st December 2012 signed to benefit families who require ties and taxes. A maximum of two the assistance of relatives and friends individuals will be allowed to examine overseas with foodstuff, clothes and any barrel, and at no time would toiletries. more than 100 people be allowed at the port in general, as part of new Barrels will be free of import duty Port Authority security measures. and will not attract the Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST). However In order for consumers to qualify they will be subject to the 10 per under the initiative, imported barrels cent Revenue Recovery Charge on must reach the island within the time the value of the contents, and an ad- period outlined. The Christmas Barrel Initiative for ministrative charge of EC$10. www.antiguabarbuda.gov.ag - the 2012 Yuletide season began on 30th November 2012 st th 1 December 2012 and ran until 7 Items other than food, clothing and * * * * * * *

Urgent call for machine the documents, which are virtually body has set a fast-approaching dead- readable passports obsolete. line for passports to either be an e- passport or a machine readable pass- Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda who Passengers are inconvenienced, port. have not yet obtained machine reada- Greene explained, by having to wait ble passports are being urged to do for long periods until their docu- Machine readable passports were so, with haste, in their own self- ments are verified. She added that introduced in Antigua and Barbuda in interest and also as a matter of na- some countries simply do not accept 2006. The new document is navy blue tional interest. For several years now, people travelling on non-machine instead of black and bears the Carib- Minister of National Security and La- readable passports. Greene said a bean Community (CARICOM) logo. bour Sen. the Hon. Dr. L. Errol Cort potential negative implication of indi- The new and improved version of the and the Citizenship and Passport Di- viduals not upgrading their passports passport has updated safety features vision have advised people to obtain is concern by larger territories, like that make it difficult for fraudsters to machine readable passports. the European Union, about the integ- tamper with the document and to rity of the non-machine readable reproduce it. These security features These calls have, however, gone un- passports. are also able to be read by machine. heeded in some quarters. Some peo- This reduces time spent at immigra- ple who have dragged their feet on She said these countries may impose tion counters and help to reduce the the process frequently ask, “Why do visa restrictions on countries whose occurrence of human error in pro- I have to go through the expense to citizens continue to travel on non- cessing travellers. change my passport before it ex- machine readable passports. The con- pires?” Permanent Secretary within cern is that these documents can eas- Officials in the Ministry of National the Citizen and Passport Division ily be tampered with and may pose a Security continue to encourage peo- Jocelyn Greene said individuals still threat to border security. Greene ple with non-machine readable pass- using non-machine readable passports added that machine readable and e- ports to upgrade the document de- often face border control officers passports have become the norm, spite the expiry date. 19th November 2012 who are not equipped to deal with and the International Civil Aviation

Excerpted from www.antiguabarbuda.com; caribbeannesnow, caribbean360news

16 Work on Long Bay Public The proposals include the erection ject will also enhance the brand im- Park project continues of 10 vendors‟ kiosks, two water age of the area and serve as a model sports booths, two restaurants, a for the future enhancement of

bar, children‟s park, bathroom facili- beaches around the island, tourism Officials in the Ministry of Tourism ties and parking areas. The entire officials said. are continuing meetings with stake- project can be seen on the Govern- holders, with a view to arriving at ment of Antigua and Barbuda web- The location is adjacent to the site consensus to proceed with the Long site, antiguabarbuda.gov.ag. for the proposed construction of a Bay Public Park. 400-room, world-class Beaches Re- Director of Tourism Policy and sort hotel to be financed by Gordon Concerns from some quarters are Planning Antigua and Barbuda De- “Butch” Stewart, the founder of that the public will be denied access partment of Tourism Cortwright Sandals Resort. to the beach and the vendors, who Marshall said since the ministry‟s last now depend primarily on guests at discussion with stakeholders, includ- That project will generate approxi- Allegro Resort Pineapple Beach, will ing the vendors, the plans have been mately 400 construction sector jobs be dislocated. modified to take into account their and 1,000 jobs upon completion. input and concerns. Stakeholder consultations are ex- But Minister of Finance, the Econo- pected to continue for the rest of my and Public Administration Har- The Ministry of Tourism is hopeful the year. old Lovell has noted that the gov- that a resolution will be arrived at ernment would, in fact, create a soon, since the project will help to 3rd December 2012 beach park that would redound to provide a better vending environ- * * * * * * the benefit of the vendors and ment and a more beach friendly at- beachgoers. mosphere for the public. The pro-

Antigua and Barbuda As a part of the familiarization trip Minister of Tourism the Hon. John hosts TravelMole TravelMole (which is the biggest Maginley hosted the group on Tues- “Legends of Cricket" online resource for the travel indus- day October 23rd to cocktails and try publishing daily alerts to all inter- entertainment at Bubba‟s Restaurant match ested in world-widetravel), targeted situated in Buckley‟s Village. the niche area of sports tourism to sensitize the participants of the rich According to Minister Maginley, history in cricket that has become “Antigua and Barbuda as a Caribbe- synonymous with the tourism prod- an tourist destination with its sport- uct in Antigua and Barbuda. ing history rich in cricket will only stand to benefit from such a part- The legends cricket match took nership with TravelMole.” He con- place on October 22nd at 5:30 pm tinued, “ we can never pay in dollar at the Rising Sun Cricket Grounds value for the kind of exposure that and featured legends of Antiguan the twin-island destination will re- Cricket such as Ridley Jacobs, Per- ceive via such an online marketing Cricket enthusiasts in Antigua and nel Roxy Joseph, Carl Roberts, company that publishes 15 eNews- Barbuda had a unique opportunity Wildin Cornwall and Frankie Fran- letters and broadcasts hundreds of to see the results of a collaborative cis. The Antigua team to be cap- videos to its over 450,000 travel and Sports Tourism venture undertaken tained by Winston Benjamin also tourism industry professional regis- by TravelMole UK, The Antigua and saw Elroy Francis, Sherman James, tered members, as well as its 30 Barbuda Tourism Authority and the Cortwright Pigott, Goldin Prince, million consumers in 132 countries.” Ministry of Tourism Antigua and Vince Smith and Stanford James go- Barbuda. ing up against the TravelMole Leg- Antiguans and Barbudans, cricket ends team captained by Chris Schof- fans and clubs alike witnessed the The venture dubbed “The Legends field. cricket match which was free of of Cricket/ Antigua vs. The UK” saw cost to rally around the Antiguan approximately 15 tour operators While in Antigua, the TravelMole and Barbudan Legends of Cricket. and journalists inclusive of former Team which was hosted at the Ve- professional English player Chris randah Resort, visited the Devil‟s 17th October 2012 Schoffield, visited Antigua and Bar- Bridge, the Historic Nelson‟s Dock- * * * * * * buda from October 20th-24th. yard, The Shirley Heights Lookout and Stingray City.

To Our Readers We apologise for the lateness of the receipt of the newsletter 17 CCTV Project High On Se- “I believe if we are able to do that in use in the anti-trafficking and anti- curity Ministry's Agenda the Ministry of National Security we smuggling fight. would have gone a long way in terms of improving our approach to crime The Immigration Department too has and the technology that we use to its role to play in Border Security, detect crime.” Dr Cort said. and in 2012 the Department acquired several pieces of equipment that have Meanwhile throughout the new Par- been used in the effort to secure the liamentary Year, work will continue nation‟s borders. The Department is assiduously to improve the overall now in possession of a foster and security of the twin island state of freeman eye DC1, a compact porta- Antigua and Barbuda. As such several ble device for checking security and Departments within the Ministry travel documents at the border. have acquired new equipment and skills towards that endeavour. A new finger-printing machine within the Immigration Department is In 2012 the Antigua and Barbuda De- poised to link persons within the fence Force successfully recruited OECS. The technology also enables Minister of National Security Dr. and trained 24 new soldiers. The An- persons on the sister isle of Barbuda Hon. Errol Cort said going into 2013 tigua and Barbuda Defence Force to obtain police records in Barbuda. implementing a Closed Circuit Tele- Coast Guard recently received two vision (CCTV) project for Antigua Secure Seas Interceptors or Go-Fast Also in 2013 the Police Force will and Barbuda would be high on the Vessels that will directly impact the continue to upgrade the police sta- Ministry‟s agenda. Government in- number of patrols carried out by the tions that have been identified as tends to embark on a phased project Coast Guard. needing extensive repairs. The Ken- to place CCTV cameras at strategic nel for the K9 Unit will also be com- locations across the state. These vessels, donated by the United pleted in 2013.

States through the Caribbean Securi- This will assist in the law enforce- ty Basin Initiative, will enhance the 13th December 2012 ment functions of the police and aid search and rescue operations of the * * * * * * in the security of the nation. Coast Guard as well as their primary

Internship Programme at Antigua and Barbuda High Commission London The High Commission for Antigua London will be covered by the High and Barbuda is offering two intern- Commission. Should you wish to ship positions for students of Anti- apply please send a covering letter gua and Barbuda origin who wish to with a CV to His Excellency The achieve an understanding of the High Commissioner expressing your functions and role of the High Com- interest and your area of study and mission in the UK and to develop provide an idea of what you wish to their own knowledge and skills in achieve during your term as an in- the processes specific to the High tern at the High Commission. Commission (that is passport, visa, administrative). The address where to write: sion, research articles for the news- The programme is suitable to a stu- letter for items that may be of inter- Antigua and Barbuda High dent currently enrolled in a first de- est to our nationals in the UK, han- Commission 2nd Floor 45 gree programme or equivalent and is dle general enquiries about Antigua Crawford Place London W1H available initially for a three-month and Barbuda and assist in building a 4LP OR Email: enquir- period (during term time) and in- database of nationals in the UK . [email protected] volves some research on issues af- fecting Antigua and Barbuda, any Internship programmes are not paid news items that may be of relevance positions. Assistance with the cost * * * * * * to the work of the High Commis- of travel for those interns based in

18 New Global Presence for digital arena”. The website will re- “We just concluded arrangements Antigua and Barbuda for place all pre-existing destination with British Airways and Virgin Holi- 2013 says Minister of sites, and will be available in eight days, towards co-op marketing for languages, catering to Antigua and the winter booking period running Tourism Barbuda‟s traditional markets as well from end of 2012 into early 2013” as new and emerging markets. The said James. “This will allow us to in- site will feature both IPhone and crease our presence in the UK mar- IPAD apps, and will allow visitors ket, and stimulate bookings during planning holidays to Antigua, to ac- the prime booking period”. cess and book at their fingertips flights, accommodation, excursions The Minister of Tourism and his del- and restaurants. egation have had numerous meetings over the last two days, and the tour- Antigua and Barbuda's digital pres- ism team will continue meetings at ence also featured at WTM's Travel World Travel Market until Thursday and Technology presentations as a before attending European meetings global leader for web and technolo- later in the week in France and Italy. gy. The Antigua and Barbuda World “Ensuring that holiday-makers are In keeping with his vision, to refresh Travel Market delegation, led by the able to access Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda‟s image, and Minister of Tourism includes Chair- with just one click from any location, position the country as an aspiration- man of the Antigua and Barbuda at any time”, said Minister of Tour- al holiday locale, the Minister of Tourism Authority, Ted Isaac, CEO ism the Honourable John Maginley, is Tourism, also released a new high of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism just one of the driving factors behind Authority Colin James, Director of the creation of Antigua and Barbu- Tourism for the United Kingdom da‟s new integrated online and mo- and Europe, P. Hilary Modeste, bile strategy. Chairperson for Tourism with the Barbuda Tourism Council Dorcas The Tourism Minister made the re- Beazer-Williams and Online Market- marks to a large audience of trade ing Strategy Project Coordinator and media partners at World Travel Abena Merchant. Sir Vivian Richards, Market, one of the leading trade fairs also joins the delegation, as Antigua in the global tourism industry being and Barbuda‟s Tourism Ambassador, held in London, , from 5th to Seen Above left to right Sir Vivian Richards, and a recognized cricketing legend 8th November 2012. Honourable John Maginley, Oliver Turnbull, within the UK. Mr Colin James, CEO ABTA Maginley was commenting specifically Among the exhibiting partners at on Antigua and Barbuda‟s new global definition destination commercial. WTM are, The Barbuda Council, tourism website, during the web- Blue Waters Hotel, Carlisle Bay, site‟s soft launch at the Antigua and The locally produced commercial Grand Royal Antiguan, Hermitage Barbuda pavilion on day two of showcases the beaches, friendly peo- Bay, Jolly Beach Resort & Spa, San- World Travel Market. ple, activities and rich culture of An- dals Grande Antigua, Sugar Ridge, tigua and Barbuda to include, Anti- The Unique Properties, Oceanic gua‟s Carnival and Barbuda‟s Frigate Cottages, Antigua Rainforest Canopy Bird Sanctuary. Sir Vivian Richards, Tours, National Tours & Services, Antigua and Barbuda‟s Cricketing and St James Travel and Tours Anti- hero, also makes a cameo appear- gua Ltd. ance in the video. Antigua and Barbuda tourist guide Commenting on day one of World publications that launched their 2013 Travel Market, CEO of the Antigua editions at WTM were: The Anti- and Barbuda Tourism Authority, in- guan, Beautiful Barbuda, and the dicated that meetings were positive, Treasure Island. Darkwood Beach Antigua with a number of tour operators reporting an increase in business to 7th November 2012 * * * * * * “The user-friendly site which goes Antigua for the close of 2012, and live in early 2013”, said Maginley, optimistic forecasts for 2013. “will allow Antigua and Barbuda to become a world-class player in the 19

Notices and Announcements

New Airport Terminal (due for completion December 2013)

Departure Tax Abolished New Airport Authority Administration Charge (AAC) Introduced

The new Airport Authority Administration Charge came into effect 1st November 2012. A charge of US$37.50 will be collected on all tickets for each passenger arriv- ing and departing Antigua and Barbuda. The charge is collected at the time of sale.

The Departure Tax Desk at VC Bird International Airport no longer exists.

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority has relocated to the Antigua and Barbuda High Commission 2nd Floor, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (effective 26th November 2012)

20 projected at $47.4 million over a 10 Major Tourism Development Projects in 2013 -year period.

Total construction costs to include infrastructure, hotel and condomini- um, and villa construction are pro- jected at US$253 million.

Honeymoon Beach Project

Scheduled for the first half of 2013 is a world class wellness resort to be completed on land acquired at Honeymoon Beach for that purpose by Developer Rob Barrett. This fa- cility will consist of 70 suites at a projected cost of US$25 million. It will employ 150 permanent and temporary workers and will be con- structed over a period of 18 months.

Admiral’s Inn

Government will begin several ma- Phases two and three include the This project is being undertaken by jor tourism projects in 2013. These hotel development, apartments, vil- Engineer House Ltd., and the opera- include the Orange Antigua Limited las, and spa construction, and are tors of Admiral‟s Inn, located in Eng- project, Honeymoon Beach Project, scheduled to start in January 2013 lish Harbour. Engineer House Ltd. and Admiral‟s Inn project. and last 18 months. The total esti- will construct 20 new hotel rooms, mated cost of the project is US$253 a wellness centre inclusive of a spa, Orange Antigua Limited million. a fitness centre, restaurant, and as- sociated businesses, at an approxi- The ABIA and the cabinet of Anti- Two hundred and fifty one units will mate cost of $6.8 million. gua and Barbuda have approved a be built and all residences should be development at Pearns Point includ- erected within eight years. Five hun- This project will increase room ca- ing a 5-star boutique hotel, freehold dred construction jobs will be gen- pacity at the Admiral‟s Inn and cre- -managed condominiums, residential erated by this project over a 5-year ate 21 construction jobs. The in- lots, a spa and health club, and a period and total employment once vestment will help to diversify the casino. the property is fully operational will tourism product with the inclusion amount to 439. of a wellness centre and spa. This The developers will open the Pearns feature is in concert with current Point Residences in three phases of The project is expected to yield market trends for amenities that approximately 21, 22, and 18 lots US$90.8 million in ABST revenue promote wellness and improve the respectively. Construction on the over a 20-year period. Total annual visitor experience. first phase of the project is sched- contributions to Government for uled to begin during the first quarter social security, medical benefits, ed- 18th December 2012 of 2013 and will be undertaken over ucation levy and personal income * * * * * * a 24-month period. This phase will tax for permanent and temporary cost US$17 million and is expected employees, administration and oper- to employ 40 persons. ations staff and management are

Antigua Sailing Week 2013 Saturday 27th April 2013 to Friday 3rd May 2013

Antigua and Barbuda High Commission, 2nd Floor 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP,Tel: 020 72580070,Fax: 020 72587486, [email protected]