Vol. 87 Issue 14 March 2, 2010 Show me your cure Nerdgasm: Hollywood Artist photographs breasts for book to aid cancer research. doesn’t do its homework NEWS, Page 2 OPINION, Page 4 Some Winter Olympic sports easier than others TUESDAY SPORTS, Page 6 Adderall imposes unhealthy effects on student body STUDENT BODY, Page 3 The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton High heels: The sexy killer PHOTO COURTESY ERAPHERNALIA VINtaGE BY BRENNA PHILLIPS Daily Titan Staff Writer Meg Whitman Steve Poizner Jerry Brown
[email protected] PHOTO COURTESY MCT PHOTO COURTESY GAGE SKIDMORE PHOTO COURTESY MCT Carrie Bradshaw may have the ability to effortlessly and gracefully walk the streets of New York in 5.5 inch YSL stilettos, but for the rest of the world, wearing heels can be a painful experience, accompanied by wincing and walking that looks downright ridiculous. Movies such as “Sex and the City” and “The Devil Wears Prada” encourage women Race for governor begins to toss out their flats and replace them with high heels, without realizing the damage they are doing to their body. Brown, former mayor of Oakland, from round in his arsenal, is a multimillion- carry out. “According to the study by American Podiatric Medical BY ALMA SANCHEZ serving a third term in office. aire. His company SnapTrack was one of Alday says young people don’t usually Association, 39 percent of women wear high heels every Daily Titan Staff Writer “There are some independent groups the first to develop GPS chips used in vote because there’s not a lot of pressure,
[email protected] day,” said Dr.