2 Wooster Is up 3 Mentors Wanted 5 Back on the Ballot
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1 January 2, 2021 Vol. 18 No. 47 Elizabeth Schuster Located in downtown Wooster in the old location of The Parlor Restaurant, The Leaf opened on Dec. 11 in the fully redesigned restaurant space. Ownership used all local contractors for the reboot, with each light fixture being unique, and every board in the restaurant being reclaimed from a barn in Ohio. See page 4. PERMIT NO. 4 4 NO. PERMIT WILLIAMSPORT, PA PA WILLIAMSPORT, PAID POSTAL CUSTOMER POSTAL 2 Wooster is up 3 Mentors wanted 5 Back on the ballot POSTAGE U.S. PRSRTSTD Statue of city’s namesake Ohuddle seeks volunteers Moore up for basketball *****************ECRWSS**** unveiled at library. to help guide students. Hall of Fame again. 2 2 • Wooster Weekly News January 2, 2021 General Wooster statue erected at library 7368 CR 623 • PO Box 358 By Rhonda Edgerton was involved in many aspects general in the Revolutionary Millersburg OH 44654 Although he never actu- of colonial life. He was not War. 330-674-2300 • 888-674-1010 ally stepped foot in Wayne a slave owner and actually Born in Stratford, Con- Fax 888-769-3960 County, Gen. David Wooster helped Phillis Wheatley pub- necticut, Wooster served val- OFFICE HOURS — the city’s namesake — lish her first book of poetry iantly in several campaigns Monday-Thursday 8 AM-5 PM now stands at attention in in 1773. Wheatley was an in the Revolutionary War and Friday 8 AM-Noon front of the Wayne County enslaved African who had was highly decorated. He died DISPLAY AD DEADLINE Public Library. gained her freedom in 1773 in 1767 of wounds suffered Call 330-440-2835 A 7-foot, 2,500-pound and became a famous Ameri- in battle, the highest ranking TUESDAYS AT NOON Stark • Tusc • S. Tusc bronze statue was installed can poet. soldier to die in the war. WEDNESDAYS AT 11 AM on the north front lawn of Wooster had traveled to Of his country, Wooster Wooster the library’s main branch in Great Britain, where he was had said, “My life has ever WEDNESDAYS AT NOON Wooster on Dec. 23. received by aristocrats and been devoted to her service Holmes • Wayne “It’s all come together royalty, becoming a favorite from my youth up, though CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE nicely,” said Jason Ander- of King George, who pre- never before in a cause like Call 1-800-552-7150 son, an Akron Hoban social sented the American with a this — a cause for which I TUESDAYS AT 11 AM studies teacher and Wooster Rhonda Edgerton Stark • Tusc • S. Tusc captain’s baton in the regi- would most cheerfully risk resident who managed the Jason Anderson spearheaded the campaign to erect a statue ment of Sir William Pepper- and lay down my life.’” WEDNESDAYS AT 11 AM Holmes • Wayne • Wooster project. “It’s not every day of Gen. David Wooster at the Wayne County Public Library’s ell, with half pay for life. Wayne County, named you see a statue go up.” main branch in downtown Wooster. The statue was unveiled “Through years of for famed Revolutionary War PROOF/AUCTION on Dec. 23. AD DEADLINE The statue was the culmi- research, Wooster’s story is Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, MONDAYS AT 5 PM nation of more than two years sionate about the project he had done, she said. finally pieced together, told was organized largely within Stark • Tusc • S. Tusc of work, talks, educational did it for free,” Anderson “After COVID-19, I from his letters and his cor- its present borders in 1812. TUESDAYS AT NOON presentations and fundrais- said. know Jason hopes to do a respondence saved by those The county was carved out Holmes • Wayne • Wooster ing, according to Anderson. Sue Workman does Civil more proper dedication, and with whom he corresponded,” of the huge Wayne County in NEWS/EDITORIAL DEADLINE War re-enactments and he’s asked me to read the TUESDAYS AT NOON “Fortunately, I wasn’t the Anderson said. “Over 400 the Northwest Territory, which only one who became pas- attended the ceremony in full eulogy of the general,” she letters, maps and documents originally took in parts of Ohio All deadlines subject to sionate about this project,” revolutionary garb. “With said. “I feel really honored to help to retell the story of a and several other states. change for holidays. he said. seeing so many monuments be a part.” great American hero. Each let- Wooster was established in NEWS POLICY Zanesville sculptor Alan being taken down nowadays, Anderson became ter and document researched 1808 by John Bever, William News and announcements Cottrill was commissioned to it’s nice to see one go up,” intrigued by Gen. Wooster only added to the richness of Henry and Joseph Larwill and may be submitted via mail or create the 1:15 scale statue, she said. during the city’s bicenten- this man’s American experi- named after the general. It is email to [email protected]. Publishing of news items is which was installed at the Wayne County commis- nial and focused his second ence. Gen. Wooster was a true the only municipality known subject to space availability. library site by Bogner Con- sioner Becky Foster, whose master’s degree in American patriot and felt it was his duty to be named after Wooster, The Bargain Hunter reserves struction. maiden name is Wooster, was history and government from to continue fighting for lib- although numerous streets, the right to edit, condense, “Usually, it would have found to be a direct descen- Ashland University on the refuse or cancel any item. erty and equality, even at the schools and other public plac- cost $15,000 more for that dent of Gen. Wooster through subject. advanced age of 65.” es in his native Connecticut ELECTRONIC FILE extra foot, but he was so pas- lineage research Anderson Anderson found Wooster Wooster was the oldest bear his name. SUBMISSION All photos should be submitted as TIFF or JPEG file formats only and must Registration process for first phase of vaccination be 200 dpi resolution or higher. Ad files submitted The Wayne County Health —Residents and staff of cine and general medicine as PDF files are preferred. Vector files saved as EPS, Department has created a reg- nursing homes and assisted- providers. created in Adobe Illustrator, istration process for facilities living facilities not enrolled in —Freestanding EDs, Macromedia Freehand or or groups in the department’s the federal pharmacy program. urgent care, pharmacies Corel Draw are acceptable. health jurisdiction that wish to —People with develop- Please convert all text to and dialysis centers not curves/outlines to avoid receive the COVID-19 vac- mental disabilities and those vaccinated by hospitals or font issues. All files must cine. Those facilities or groups with mental-health disorders healthcare systems. be created in CMYK color named in phase 1A by the including substance-use disor- space to exact size at 200 —OB-GYN practitio- dpi resolution or higher. Ohio Department of Health ders who live in group homes, ners not vaccinated by hos- are asked to follow the process File residential facilities or centers pitals or healthcare sys- MICHAEL MAST explained in this release. The The Wayne County Health Department has created a registra- and staff at those locations not tems. President Wayne County Health Depart- tion process for facilities or groups in the department’s health enrolled in the federal phar- [email protected] —Federally Qualified ment will contact the facil- jurisdiction that wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. macy program. Health Center providers. RICK FESTI ity or group to schedule the Healthcare providers prior- Circulation Manager enter information on those who Health Department. “When —Dental providers. appointment times for the staff, itized for vaccination in phase [email protected] want to be vaccinated. The fin- the time comes, we are hop- —Surgeons not vac- 330-674-2200 patients, residents and such 1A should be those with the MIKE PLANT when the time comes. ished spreadsheet should then ing to vaccinate everyone in greatest occupational risk for cinated by hospitals or Editor be emailed to the department at Wayne County who wants healthcare systems. [email protected] “We are receiving many exposure to and/or transmis- 330-231-8427 calls from individuals and facil- covidvaccine@wayne-health. the vaccine. A limited sup- sion of SARS-CoV-2. Exam- —Mobile unit practi- DAVE MAST ities requesting the COVID-19 org. This will help the nurs- ply of vaccine is available as ples of prioritized high-risk tioners. Sports Editor ing services department keep production continues. We are —Healthcare provid- [email protected] (vaccine),” said Susan Varnes, healthcare workers include (in RN, director of patient care record of those needing the dedicated to distributing the no specific priority order): ers including public health services at the Wayne County vaccine. vaccine equitably and safely as —Home health/hospice employees at risk for expo- Health Department. There is no guarantee at supply increases,” Varnes said. workers not vaccinated by hos- sure to and/or transmission this time when every group Those in phase 1A of the Follow us on The Wayne County Health pitals or healthcare systems. of SARS-CoV-2, such as Facebook Department is advising those listed in phase 1A of the Ohio Ohio Vaccination Program —Emergency medical ser- vaccinators. The Bargain Hunter is groups named in phase 1A to Vaccination Program will be People to be vaccinated in vices responders. —Transport and janito- published by AloNovus Corp. visit www.wayne-health.org able to receive the vaccine congregate care facilities dur- —Primary-care practitio- rial support staff of health- © Copyright 2021 BF-00500863 to download a spreadsheet to from the Wayne County ing phase 1A include: ners including family medi- care facilities.